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Big turnout this afternoon for Alexander football fundraiser in honor of Brian West Jr.

By Billie Owens

(Photos and information provided by Alecia Kaus of Video News Service.)

Dozens and dozens of people gathered at Alexander High School's football field today to unite in their sorrow and yet have "nice, clean fun" with a couple of pickup football games in honor of Brian D. West Jr., who died earlier this month in an accident.

The East Bethany resident was 17, a proud Trojan (#54) who loved playing football for Alexander HS.

His big sister, Miranda, said the outpouring of community support for her little brother has been amazing. On this bright, hot Sunday afternoon cars were still piling in at 2:30 for the event, from Alexander, Bethany, East Bethany, Attica, Batavia, Medina and other locales.

"This is for people who might have trouble going to the services or calling hours," Miranda said, adding that it was also a fundraiser, with all donations going to establish a scholarship with the Alexander football club.

A deserving student will get a scholarship at the end of the 2017-18 academic year, and hopefully there will be enough funds to  provide a scholarship annually over a 10-year period and perhaps beyond, Miranda said.

"We really just don't want him forgotten," Miranda said.

Brian died at 5:20  a.m. July 10 as a result of injuries in a rollover accident reported at 10:39 p.m. near his home. He lost control of the Chevy Avalanche he was driving and crashed on West Bethany Road. He was airlifted to Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester.

Of course, the sudden tragedy hit the family and those who knew him hard.

They expressed their grief with phone calls, text messages, T-shirts, bumper sticks, social media messages, a sky lantern ceremony, donations, and words of encouragement.

"It's never going to be easy, but this is something that's going to make it easier for us," Miranda said of all the support.

The entire West family is grateful for it.

"We really, really, really, want to say 'thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts,' " Miranda said.


Miranda West




Teens learned about Environmental Science at Career Exploration Camp at Genesee County Park & Forest

By Billie Owens

Submitted photos and press release:

Environmental Science Career Exploration Camp provided adventure and learning July 10th – 14th at Genesee County Park & Forest.

Eighth- through 11th-graders from six different local schools formed a class of elite Environmental Science trainees. Each day consisted of time in the forest and wetlands with hiking, identifying invasive insects, taking tree measurements, navigating, stream sampling, performing bird surveys and more.

Camp instruction was sponsored by Genesee County Parks, Recreation & Forestry, Genesee County Youth Bureau, NYSDEC, USDA APHIS, Genesee County Soil & Water Conservation District, Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, NYSDEC ECO, Genesee ARC Trash & Recycling facility, GLOW Region Solid Waste, and CC Environment & Planning.

Presentations and hands-on activities were led by professionals in 10 different fields including Forestry, Conservation Law Enforcement, Wildlife Management, and Environmental Planning.

Campers learned a ton while enjoying lunch and snacks each day from camp sponsors: Alex’s Place, Subway, Mark’s Pizzeria, Batavia’s Original, D&R Depot, and Tops Friendly Markets of Le Roy.

Special thanks to all of the volunteers and sponsors for making this excellent experience possible for the next generation of conservation professionals! 

'Torrential rains' expected in Southern Genesee County within the hour

By Billie Owens

A Special Weather Statement was issued a few minutes ago by the National Weather Service stating: "An area of strong thunderstorms will bring torrential rains to Northern Wyoming and Southern Genesee counties. 

"Strong thunderstorms were clustered near Attica, or eight miles south of Batavia, moving east at 15 mph.

"These storms will bring very heavy rainfall to Attica and nearby locations with more than an inch of rain possible in an hour or less. Locations impacted include... Darien Lakes State Park, Le Roy, Bennington, Attica, Pavilion, Stafford, Covington, Alexander, Wyoming and East Bethany. This includes Interstate 90 near exit 47. Torrential rainfall is also occurring with this storm, and may cause localized flooding. Do not drive your vehicle through flooded roadways."

These conditions are expected until 2 p.m.

Two summer camps offered at GC Park & Forest: Environmental Science Career Exploration, and one to learn building trades

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Park & Forest Interpretive Nature Center is pleased to announce two summer camps for area youth in 2017: Environmental Science Career Exploration Camp and Camp Hard Hat.

Environmental Science Career Exploration Camp

Interested in a career in Environmental Science, but not sure which one? We have the summer camp for you!

Join us for Environmental Science Career Exploration Camp at Genesee County Park & Forest in East Bethany. Campers will meet from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Monday through Friday, July 10-14, at the Interpretive Nature Center.

Students entering eighth through 11th grades will view presentations and do hands-on activities led by professionals in 10 different fields of Environmental Science during this weeklong experience. Careers include Forestry, Animal and Plant Regulation, Soil and Water Conservation, Environmental Planning, Wildlife Management, Environmental Education, and more.

Campers will explore two different careers each day, including the education, skills and training requirements for each job. Campers will then head outside to try their hand at “work” projects guided by professionals. Camp is $95/camper and includes a camp T-shirt, lunch, snacks and supplies. 

Explore the world of environmental conservation at New York State’s First County Forest! Registration ends Tuesday, June 27.

To register, download the registration form by clicking here.

Return completed forms with payment to:

Genesee County Parks, Recreation & Forestry

Attn: Paul Osborn
153 Cedar St.
Batavia, NY 14020

Camp Hard Hat

Students entering eighth, ninth and 10th grade will have the opportunity to build a wooden trail walkway and a bridge at Genesee County Park & Forest in East Bethany this summer!

The program is presented in partnership with the Business Education Alliance of Genesee County, the Business Education Alliance of Livingston County, the Business Education Council of Wyoming County, and GVEP Building Trades.

Camp Hard Hat will be live and in action from 9 a.m. to  4 p.m. Monday through Friday, July 31 to Aug. 4, at the Interpretive Nature Center.

Instructors Rich Monroe and Jared Radesi will teach campers the principles of design and construction, project safety, and the power of teamwork. Campers will use math, process-thinking skills, battery-powered tools (including cutting tools) to complete a walkway and a bridge in Genesee County Park & Forest.

For the Camp Hard Hat registration form, click here. (Scroll down until you see Camp Hard Hat.)

For more information contact Shannon Morley at or phone (585) 344-1122.

East Bethany Presbyterian Church celebrates 200th year with weekend celebrations

By Maria Pericozzi

The East Bethany Presbyterian Church celebrated its 200th anniversary this weekend with a service of celebration at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, a catered dinner and memory hour.

On Sunday, past and present pastors led a 200th anniversary workshop service at 10:30 a.m. with a lunch and social hour. 

Two centuries of history was displayed on tables and wall, showing news articles about the church, records of members and multiple pictures. 

Norma Bower, a 75-year-member of the church, cut the cake for the 200th anniversary. 

Rev. Bob Kaiser, the interm pastor from 2008 until 2009, visited to join the weekend festivities. 

Members enjoyed a catered dinner after the Service of Celebration. 

Members of the church spoke of the wonderful memories they had at Sunday School, church events and various services. 

A video was put together filled with pictures of the church and its members, reflecting on how the church has changed. 

Bower shares her memories of the church over the last 75 years. 

Sponsored Post: Kirkin of the Tartans & Chicken BBQ is Sunday May 7th

By Lisa Ace

KIRKIN OF THE TARTANS & CHICKEN BBQ is Sunday May 7th at 10:30 a.m., East Bethany Presbyterian Church, 5735 Ellicott Street Road, in their 200th Anniversary Year (1817-2017). For tickets please call  356-4906.

You are invited to participate in this special worship service commemorating the Scottish heritage of the Presbyterian Church and the Scots and Scot-Irish who settled in Western New York. The worship is for Scots and non-Scots. Then join us for the chicken BBQ following.

The Presbyterian Church of Scotland, The Kirk, which was founded by John Knox in 1560, honors its Celtic spiritual heritage bright to this country by the Rev. Francis McKemie, a Scots-Irish immigrant in 1683, he was educated in Glasgow University and a member of the presbytery of Laggan, West Ulster, Northern Ireland. He established his first church in Maryland and Presbyterianism quickly spread throughout the colonies by missionaries.

In the 20th century a Scottish pastor, who became a U.S. citizen, Rev. Peter Marshall, introduced the "Kirkin" of the Tartans to this country in 1941 with a sermon. He served as a pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C., and as Chaplain to the U.S. Senate. Kirkin of the Tartans translated from Gaelic means, blessing of the tartans and blessing of the families. Clans are identified by their tartan plaid wool fabrics, symbols of love and togetherness. The tartans help us remember our anicient heritage, past and present kith and kin, and asking God to help us and bless our future.

If you have a favorite plaid, please wear it. For more information, visit online by clicking here

Behold the trout lily! Hike with naturalist Saturday at GC Park & Forest's Wildflower Walk, must preregister

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

Cutleaf toothwort, trout lily, mayapple...Hike with a naturalist guide on our Wildflower Walk May 6th and learn the names, growing habits, and adaptations of the forest’s first flowers.

Seize the day and enjoy the magic of spring while it lasts! Cameras are recommended!

Wildflower Walk takes place on Saturday, May 6th from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at Genesee County Park & Forest. The walk begins at the Interpretive Nature Center, located at 11095 Bethany Center Road, East Bethany.

Cost is $5/person, $10/family. Preregistration is required. Call 585-344-1122 to reserve your spot.

For more information visit our website at, or contact Shannon Morley at or (585) 344-1122.

House fire reported on East Road, Batavia

By Billie Owens

A fully involved house fire is reported in the Town of Batavia at 4719 East Road. Firefighters from the city and Town of Batavia are responding.

UPDATE 9:54 p.m.: No one was home when the fire broke out. It's unknown at this time whether any pets were inside the residence. The structure is fully ablaze.

UPDATE 10:36 p.m.: When the first firefighters arrived on scene there were flames out of the front left side of the structure from the second story, according to Town of Batavia Fire Department Deputy Chief Chad Higgins. They scaled a ladder and knocked them down before deploying hand lines. "Heavy wind conditions helped fuel the fire," Higgins said. "...Definately it's a battle. It's never easy with these winds." Yet they were able to contain the blaze to the front portion of the structure. Higgins said bystanders told firefighters they had contacted the homeowner, who was not there. No pets were on the premises. It's possible that an unattended wood stove caused the fire, but the incident is under investigation. Le Roy and Alexander fire crews also were on scene and Oakfield and Stafford crews stood by in quarters.

Law and Order: Le Roy police arrest arrest mom for allegedly throwing claw hammer, injuring tot

By Billie Owens

Press release from the Le Roy Police Department:

On Dec. 7th, Village of Le Roy Police arrested 31-year-old Danielle L. Barager, of 9 Summit St., Le Roy, and charged her with endangering the welfare of a child. The arrest stems from an investigation by Village Police into an incident that occurred in the Village of Le Roy on Dec. 4. It is alleged that during an argument Barager threw a claw hammer which ricocheted off the floor and struck a 3-year-old child in the shoulder causing injury. Barager was issued an appearance ticket and is scheduled to appear in the Town of Le Roy Court at a later date.


On Dec. 24, at about 6:30 p.m., officers of the Village of Le Roy Police Department arrested Matthew McCracken, 33, of 10 Clay St., upper apt., Le Roy, for attempted criminal mischief, 4th degree, and harassment, 2nd degree. This arrest occurred after Le Roy Police Officer’s responded to a report of a male threatening to kill the neighboring residents of an upper apartment on Clay Street in the Village of Le Roy. The investigation alleged that during a dispute, McCracken had threatened to kill and injure his neighbor and burned the door and door frame of his neighbor’s apartment with a blow torch. At the time, McCracken was refusing to answer both his phone and the door to his apartment to communicate with officers and McCracken was believed to be in his apartment with a blow torch and a 2-year-old child. Out of concern for the child, Officer’s forced entry into the apartment and McCracken was taken into custody without incident. The child was found unharmed and was turned over to the mother. McCracken was arraigned in the Town of Le Roy Court and was put in Genesee County jail in lieu of $500 cash bail. Further investigation is pending. Le Roy Police were assisted at the scene by members of the New York State Police.


On Dec. 27th, officers of the Village of Le Roy Police Department arrested Gregory P.  Bernard, 22, of East Bethany, for aggravated DWI, DWI and moving from lane unsafely. His arrest was the result of an auto accident in which it is alleged that Bernard, while on West Main Street in Le Roy left his lane unsafely, jumped a curb and struck a sign and tree causing damage. Bernard was processed and issued appearance tickets returnable to the Town of Le Roy Court on Jan.  23. The aggravated DWI charge stems from an allegation that Bernard had a BAC at or above 0.18 percent.


On Dec. 28th, Village of Le Roy Police stopped a vehicle on State Route 19 in the Village of Le Roy alleging an inadequate exhaust. The operator, Michael A. Ellis, 27, of Batavia, was allegedly found to have a suspended New York State driver’s license. The vehicle was turned over to a relative at the scene. Ellis was issued uniform traffic tickets for aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd degree, uninspected motor vehicle, and inadequate exhaust returnable to the Town of Le Roy Court on a later date.

Arts & Crafts Sale by local artists this weekend in East Bethany

By Billie Owens

Several local artisans have gotten together to sell their homemade items from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 15-16.

The location is 5444 Ellicott Street Road (Route 63), East Bethany.

Some items include home decor, fall decor, fine art done on reclaimed wood, refinished/painted furniture, repurposed items, jewelry, and flavored popcorn.

Discover all-handcrafted rustic and primitive decor, and pottery, too.

Presentation on GC's new, official disaster preparedness app is Oct. 29 at Park & Forest center

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Please join us for a Ready Genesee presentation at the Genesee County Park & Forest Interpretive Nature Center from 1 to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 29th, as the Genesee County Office of Emergency Management and the Genesee County Health Department review the use of the official Ready Genesee mobile application.

The app was specifically designed to encourage the citizens of Genesee County to be prepared and protect themselves and their loved ones in the case of a disaster. This presentation is free and open to the public. Registration is required in accordance with presentation seating capacity. Register today and save your spot by calling 585-344-0078!

“The app offers all of the necessary tools and information that, we hope, will encourage our citizens to become more proactive about emergency preparedness,” said Tim Yaeger, Genesee County coordinator of Emergency Services.

“Citizens today rely more and more on their smartphones to access information, so we strongly believe that this new initiative will help us keep more people safe, should an emergency situation arise."

The app includes a module that will help community members create and share personalized family emergency plans, and identify and gather the necessary supplies. Citizens will be able to receive instant notifications, should an emergency strike. In addition to benefiting from the app’s many interactive features, app users will have access to a wealth of emergency preparedness information and resources, including up-to-date details on emergency shelters and evacuation routes.

The Genesee County Park & Forest Interpretive Nature Center is located at 11095 Bethany Center Road in East Bethany. For directions to the center visit us at

For more information and to register for the program, contact the Office of Emergency Management Services at 585-344-0078. Visit the website at

Landmark Society announces winners of annual Preservation Awards

By Billie Owens

The Landmark Society of Genesee County has announced the honorees for this year's annual Preservation Awards.

They will be feted at a dinner and awards ceremony starting a 6 p.m. on Oct. 15 at the First Presbyterian Church of Le Roy, located at the corner of routes 5 and 19.

The honorees are:

  • The First Presbyterian Church of Le Roy -- 7 Clay St., Le Roy
  • Gregg and Debbie McAllister -- 21 Ross St., Batavia
  • David and Robyn Tufts -- 438 E. Main St., Batavia
  • Garth and Amy Swanson -- 6209 Main Road, Stafford
  • Chris and Michelle Krtanik -- 4835 Linden Road, East Bethany
  • Indian Falls Log Cabin Restaurant -- 1227 Gilmore Road, Corfu

Cost for the dinner is $18 per person. Please RSVP by Oct. 7 to: or by phoning 585-757-2455.

Sound of explosion reported in East Bethany

By Howard B. Owens

A caller reports an explosion with smoke now visible in the area of Route 63 and East Bethany Le Roy Road, East Bethany.

Bethany fire and one engine from Stafford requested to the scene.

Law enforcement also in route.

UPDATE 3:46 a.m.: Law enforcement in the area reports "fire can disregard."

Nazareth College announces students on dean's list for Spring 2016

By Billie Owens

ROCHESTER, NY (05/26/2016)-- Nazareth College announces its Dean's List for the Spring of 2016 semester.

Kelsey Hill, of Batavia, is majoring in Health Sciences.

Lauryn Krebs, of Corfu, is majoring in International Studies.

Jessica Meyers, of East Bethany, is majoring in Occupational Science.

Kelsey Milligan, of Pavilion, is majoring in Health Sciences.

Kathleen O'Donnell, of Batavia, is majoring in Biology.

Andrea Raphael, of Batavia, is majoring in Occupational Science.

Courtney Taylor, of Bergen, is majoring in Biology.

Alexandra Walker, of Byron, is majoring in Communication Science & Disorders.

New Village Post Office now open in Bethany Town Hall

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Postal Service welcomes its newest Village Post Office (VPO) to the Bethany community. Through the Postal Service’s VPO partnership with the Bethany municipality, local residents and businesses now can enjoy access to some postal products and services at Bethany Town Hall, 10510 Bethany Center Road, East Bethany.

“When the East Bethany Post Office suspended operations in September, we decided we could offer basic postal services as a convenience to our residents through the VPO option,” said Bethany Town Clerk Debbie Douglas.

“Customers with more complex postal needs will have to drive to one of the nearby Post Offices, but if someone needs stamps or wants to drop off mail, we can help with that.”

The Bethany VPO provides a specific range of services that include the sale of First-Class postage booklets and rolls, Priority Mail Flat-Rate postage and acceptance of mail. It operates in conjunction with normal business hours:

                        9 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday

                        10 a.m. to 5 p.m. – Wednesday

VPOs are designed for non-Postal Service establishments, such as an existing community business, town hall, library or government center. Business establishments interested in applying for a contract with the Postal Service to start a Village Post Office in their local community should contact:

The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

100th Anniversary of GC Park & Forest -- 'ForestFest' is Aug. 29th

By Billie Owens

What do live birds of prey, lumberjack sports, and cake have in common? They are all part of the celebration as Genesee County Forest turns 100 years old!

Join us on Saturday, Aug. 29th, as we mark the 100th anniversary of New York State’s Oldest County Forest with guided hikes, games, crafts, special guests, Timbersports demonstrations, a live raptor presentation by Wild Wings, and a very special dedication and commemorative tree planting by Parks Supervisor Paul Osborn.

Event Date and Time

Law and Order: Darien man allegedly steals almost $18,000 from his mother

By Traci Turner

Robert B. Hansen III, 52, of Colby Road, Darien, is charged with grand larceny, 3rd. Hansen is accused of making debit card purchases and cash withdrawals totaling $17,753 drawn on his mother's checking account.The purchases and cash withdrawals were made in 2013 between February and November. The alleged purchases were not made for the benefit of his mother who is living in a Medina nursing home.

Matthew M. Maniace, 32, of Fargo Road, East Bethany, is charged with: aggravated DWI with a child in the vehicle; DWAI drugs; criminal contempt, 1st; criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th; harassment, 2nd; endangering the welfare of a child; and unlawful imprisonment. The charges result from an investigation into an alleged domestic incident by Batavia Police. Maniace is accused of driving a motor vehicle in the City of Batavia while under the influence of drugs with a 5-year-old child in the vehicle. He was put in Genesee County Jail on $20,000 bail.

Richard G. Hafford, 37, of Maple Street, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd, following a reported physical altercation that happened on Maple Street. Hafford was put in Genesee County Jail on $1,000 bail.

Bobby L. Mobley, 30, of Hutchins Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, 3rd, and menacing, 2nd, following an alleged disturbance that occurred on Hutchins Street on July 10. 

Kristine M. Smart, 39, of Dellinger Avenue, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Smart allegedly stole $135 worth of merchandise from Kohl's Department Store in Batavia.

Three local student named to Spring semester dean's list at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

By Billie Owens

Approximately 2,700 students at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute were named to the dean's list for the Spring 2015 semester. The dean's list recognizes full-time students who maintain grade-point averages of a minimum of 3.0 out of a possible 4.0 and have no grades below "C."

Austin Kubiniec, of Batavia, studies Aeronautical Engineering.

Tyler Murtha, of East Bethany, studies Computer & Systems Engineering.

Lauren Pencille, of Le Roy, studies Chemical Engineering.

Founded in 1824, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is America's oldest technological research university. For nearly two centuries, the Institute has been a driving force behind breakthroughs in engineering and science in virtually every arena--from transportation and infrastructure to business, medicine, outer space, and cyberspace.

As it approaches its bicentennial anniversary, the Institute continues to define The New Polytechnic, a new paradigm for teaching, learning, and research that uses advanced technologies to enable fresh collaborations across disciplines, sectors, and regions, in order to answer the global challenges of our day.

Four people promoted in NY Army National Guard

By Billie Owens

Major General Patrick A. Murphy, The Adjutant General for the State of New York, announces the promotion of members of the New York Army National Guard in recognition of their capability for additional responsibility and leadership.

Devonte Rolle, from Batavia, and serving with the 152nd Engineer Support Company is promoted to the rank of Sergeant.

John Capellini, from Batavia, and serving with the Company A, 2-108th Infantry is promoted to the rank of Sergeant First Class.

Kevin Czachorowski, from Byron, and serving with the Company B, 642nd Support Battalion is promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant.

Beth Britton, from East Bethany, and serving with the Company F, 1-169th General Support Aviation Battalion is promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant.

Army National Guard promotions are based on overall performance, attitude, leadership ability, and development potential.

These promotions additionally recognize the best qualified Soldiers and attract and retain the highest caliber Citizen Soldiers for a career in the New York Army National Guard.

For more information about the New York Army National Guard, visit or

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