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Early Access Pass

The Batavian bringing you more news faster than any other local news source

By Howard B. Owens

When it comes to getting news out first, The Batavian doesn't always beat the competition, but we beat them more often than they beat us.

We work hard to bring you the news of our community quickly, thoroughly and accurately.  

We do a lot of original reporting and break a lot of important stories, but our format also allows us to publish all of the press releases we receive, which helps us lead all other news sources in bringing you the most local news.

This is why you should sign up for Early Access Pass.  We bring you more news faster, and as a member of Early Access Pass, you get access first.

Here is a list of stories published over the past seven days, excluding press releases and scanner reports (just original reporting) where we beat the competition.  These are also stories in the vast majority of cases, the competition hasn't even covered yet. 

And speaking of exclusive coverage of important community news, The Batavian broke the story earlier this year of the change in maximum income requirement for the apartments at Ellicott Station (perhaps one of the most important stories of the year) and the competition has barely covered anything about the issue.  

And as for the biggest story of the past week, the changes at Batavia Downs, The Batavian not only broke the story locally but provided the most thorough and in-depth coverage.

When you support The Batavian, this is the kind of dedication to covering the community you are supporting.

A reminder on how Early Access Pass works: When we do original reporting, meaning something, we go out and gather information to report, and write a story that has a byline on it, for the first four hours after publication, that story will be exclusively available to people who have joined Early Access Pass. However, posts that are press releases or scanner reports, and some other occasional items, will be available immediately upon publication.  In one way or another, everything we publish remains free for those who either don't want to sign up for Early Access Pass or who can't afford to sign up.  We appreciate the support of everybody who signs up, but joining is completely optional. 

To sign up for Early Access Pass, click here.

The reviews are in: Readers love The Batavian and Early Access Pass

By Howard B. Owens

We've been receiving praise on multiple fronts for the introduction of Early Access Pass, our new program that gives readers the ability to support our local journalism in exchange for early access to original, bylined news stories.

Here's what readers have been telling us:

"My husband and I believe that you, Howard, and The Batavian staff does excellent work, and we appreciate your efforts." -- Kay Lennon

"We had been thinking about direct support of your site for some time. Even more so lately, seeing the new names and announcements of hires.

With yesterday's announcement of the 15th Anniversary (Congratulations, btw....) and unveiling a creative yet gentle way to entice people to subscribe, it made sense to do our part. We've always appreciated the site not forcing subscriptions like most other outlets do, because:

We believe that being connected to local news is important for a healthy community. Knowing what's happening in our own backyards helps raise awareness of events that we can have an effect on. We appreciate having an unbiased news source, and that is still free for our neighbors who may frequently face difficult financial choices.

Thank you for the excellent work, congratulations on the milestone and in being able to bring new workers into the business." -- Dan & Sue Jag


"I have been reading The Batavian on a daily basis since its inception. The Batavian consistently offers well-rounded, unbiased reporting on a variety of topics in the region.  One of the greatest features is the speed of the news to the readers. For me, it’s made traditional newspapers obsolete."  -- Mike Davis

"We're very impressed with what you are doing. The Batavian puts the print papers to shame!  Keep up the great work!!" -- Jerry and Carol Foster

"I read the Batavian because it makes it easy to keep up with local news and events.  You can access it at any time, on your computer or phone.  It is so easy.  Let's not forget the Deal of the Day.  Love the bargains."  -- Tabatha Torcello

"The Batavian keeps me informed about Batavia. We are “Snowbirds,” so keeping in touch is important to us. Thank you." -- Bill Lawrence

"You do great work.  Our community is fortunate to have you (Howard Owens and Joanne Beck) as journalists who capture news stories that touch people’s hearts." -- Robyn Brookhart

Sign up now for Early Access Pass. Don't be the last to know.

Authentically Local