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Department of Public Works

Low water levels, thick ice create environment for less oxygen, Hens says

By Joanne Beck


Dead fish at DeWitt Pond
Dead fish at DeWitt Pond in Batavia.
Photo submitted by Jennifer Marie Reed

Observant visitors of DeWitt Recreation Area and the adjacent pond have noticed an unusually large number of fish this year; however, instead of swimming around, they were dead.

One person, who labeled herself “a concerned citizen,” said that while walking around the trail, “I saw a massive amount of dead fish, more than I have ever seen in the spring (well over 60),” she said. “And the DEC was there testing. I am worried something is wrong with the water. I know it’s a run-off for quite a bit, and people eat the fish.”

Another reader of The Batavian submitted photos of the finned creatures that were spotted floating on top of the edge of DeWitt Pond on Cedar Street in Batavia.

The Batavian reached out to Department of Public Works Commissioner Tim Hens for answers as to why fish are dying and the possible connection to the water quality and the state Department of Environmental Conservation’s recent visit.

“Genesee County Parks Staff is aware of the dead fish at DeWitt Pond. Most appear to be carp. This appears to be a normal winter die-off. The low lake levels and extreme ice thickness likely contributed to the higher seasonal die-off from low oxygen levels in the water,” Hens said. “The DEC is currently getting ready to stock the pond with Brown Trout on April 1. In an abundance of caution, we have reached out to them regarding the fish die-off. We have not heard back from them yet.”

An article on "Winterkill in Ponds" at Penn State University's Extension website, explains it this way:

Winterkill refers to the loss of fish in winter because oxygen is lacking in the pond. Submerged vegetation and algae create oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. During the winter, oxygen production is often reduced because ice and snow on the lake limit sunlight reaching vegetation. In small, shallow lakes, the available oxygen can quickly be used up by live plants and fish that consume oxygen in the evening, and by bacteria that feed on dead and decaying vegetation. When the oxygen level declines, less tolerant fish species (such as carp) and fish in poor condition overall can begin to suffocate.

Oxygen enters ponds by moving from the air into the water aided by the wind, or from photosynthesis by the plants in the pond. Ice cover blocks oxygen movement from the air into the water, and oxygen produced by algae and plants become the only source. Thin, clear ice allows oxygen production by plants and algae since enough sunlight can filter through the ice to allow photosynthesis. If the ice remains into mid-winter or thickens slightly, oxygen levels will begin to decrease because each day, pond plants and animals use oxygen, even in winter, as the animals breathe and dead plant material decays.

Conversely, the more water volume there is in a pond, the less likely the pond will experience winterkill.

Updates from the DEC will be reported by The Batavian about any water or other issues related to the dying fish other than what Hens suspects is the reason.

More dead fish at DeWitt
Photo submitted by Jennifer Marie Reed

Hens to retire after 27 years in public works, legislators give nod to assistant engineer

By Joanne Beck
Tim Hens

After 27 years with Genesee County — for most of those years as highway superintendent — first managing the roads, bridges, and fleet, and later adding on water, parks, airport, environmental health review and facilities duties, Tim Hens will be retiring later this year with the more all-encompassing title of Public Works commissioner and a need for a change of venue, he says.

As Hens is confident about who he leaves behind — county legislators have appointed his assistant engineer to fill the role — he also looks forward to being able to step away from challenging and stressful projects. He plans to retire May 30.

“It's weird to walk away after so many years. I have always been a big believer in being where your feet are, doing your best to leave the community in a better place, and handing things off to someone else when you know it's the time. Well, it's time,” he said to The Batavian Wednesday. “I have put an amazing DPW staff together that does so many good things, and we have such good relationships with all of the town highway superintendents, but the job is stressful, and you're always in the public eye. The regulatory environment, especially within New York State, isn't getting any easier--this is certainly one of my biggest reasons to leave.

“I’m in a good place with my decision. A change in scenery/perspective will be good for me, and new leadership will be great for the County. In terms of champion projects, it’s a duel between the rebuild/success of the County Airport versus Countywide Water, but I think Countywide Water will have a longer/more significant impact on our community than any other project the County has ever accomplished,” he said. “It certainly hasn’t been the easiest or smoothest process (nor is it done yet), but getting reliable, safe drinking water for Genesee County makes a difference to the economy but, more importantly, for people's health and well-being.”

Laura Wadhams at meeting
2024 File Photo of Laura Wadhams, assistant engineer for Genesee County's Public Works Department, showing progress at the new county jail during a county meeting.
Photo by Joanne Beck

He has recommended the department’s assistant engineer, Laura Wadhams, who has become an increasingly visible staff member for major projects, such as the $70 million county jail that opened in late 2024. 

“Laura is being considered by the Legislature as my replacement. I hired Laura in 2018 and knew right away that she was a perfect candidate to replace me in the future,” Hens said. “She has done an amazing job in so many different areas, from award-winning bridge projects to airport work, facilities projects and managing the construction of the new county jail. She is an excellent communicator and has the demeanor to work with all different types of agencies, contractors, community leaders, and people.”

Wadhams has worked as a civil, staff, and transportation engineer and transportation construction inspector for the New York State Department of Transportation. The new county jail was her largest county project since being hired as assistant engineer in September 2018, she said during a March 2024 meeting about the jail’s near completion. 

The commissioner’s role oversees seven divisions, 57 full-time and 11 seasonal or part-time employees within the department, including highways and bridges; fleet management; engineering; facility management; parks and forestry; Genesee County Airport; countywide water; and environmental health, which means engineering reviews for water, septic, campgrounds and pools.

The Genesee County Legislature has interviewed and selected a candidate to fill this future vacancy, and based upon qualifications and the recommendation of County Manager Matt Landers, the Ways and Means Committee recommended Wadhams for the position during its meeting Wednesday.

Wadhams has shadowed the Commissioner of Public Works and has demonstrated commitment to safe, reliable, professional and cost-effective planning and maintenance of county resources, facilities and infrastructure,” a related county resolution states. The group appointed Wadhams as commissioner of Public Works at a Grade of 124, Step 15 on the Management Salary Schedule, for a four-year term, effective June 1, 2025, through May 31, 2029. The full Legislature is expected to vote on the resolution during a future meeting.

Genesee County DPW has been awarded a full work zone package from NYS

By Press Release
Submitted photo.

Press Release:

The NYS LTAP Center - Cornell Local Roads Program (NYSLTAP-CLRP) congratulates the Genesee County Department of Public Works as one of the winners in the 2024-25 Work Zone Equipment Package Grant - funded by a grant from the New York State Governor's Traffic Safety Committee. We know that many agencies with small budgets have difficulty getting new work zone
equipment, especially when it’s stolen or damaged due to circumstances beyond their control. 

The equipment includes cones, safety vests, work zone signs, and stop-slow paddles for setting up a proper work zone. These materials help keep our highway and DPW crews safe when working out on the road. 

“We know that many agencies have difficulty getting work zone equipment, especially when it’s stolen or damaged due to circumstances beyond their control. Good work zone signs protect the workers, improve communication with the public, and make the work more efficient by allowing it to be done faster.” said NYS LTAP Center - Cornell Local Roads Program Director, David Orr, PE.

The NYSLTAP-CLRP Work Zone Equipment Package Grant is for NYS highway and public works departments that have lost, damaged, or are in need of work zone equipment. This year’s grant, from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, allows the NYSLTAP–CLRP to purchase 30 work zone packages, each work zone package comes to just over $1,900.

The NYS LTAP Center - Cornell Local Roads Program provides technical assistance and training to highway and public works departments across New York State. Additional information can be found by contacting NYSLTAP-CLRP at 607-255-8033 or 

City of Batavia names new Public Works director

By Press Release

Press Release:

Tom Phelps
Submitted Photo

City of Batavia Manager Rachael Tabelski announces the appointment of Tom Phelps, to the position of Director of Public Works for the City of Batavia.  Phelps was selected following an extensive search for candidates.

Phelps has served the City of Batavia since 2019 in the roles of Building Maintenance, and Superintendent of Water and Wastewater.   Previously he was the General Manager of the Palm Island Indoor Water Park and a special events and entertainment entrepreneur and business owner.

Phelps has a wide background in budgeting, government purchasing, maintenance, building construction, ordinance and employee management.    

“I am delighted that Tom will take over the Department of Public Works (DPW) and continue the tradition of operational excellence.  He has been a steady and dedicated leader in the City these last four years.  His strengths include finding cost saving measures, prioritizing preventative maintenance and overseeing improvement projects at the Water and Sewer Plants,” said Tabelski. 

As Director of Public Works, Phelps will jump into many ongoing and new projects in the City including the Police Facility construction, City Centre entrance project, water plant improvement project, wastewater treatment plant (sludge removal, bypass system repair, aeration, etc.) capital improvements, Cohocton/Walnut water line replacement, Pearl Street water line replacement, GIS projects, lead line identification and replacement, ice rink chiller replacement, and HVAC and roof repair projects across City facilities.

In addition, Phelps will oversee the Bureau of Water and Wastewater, the Bureau of Maintenance, the Inspection Bureau, and Engineering Bureau of the City. 

The Mission of the Public Works Department is to:

1. Provide adequate, safe and environmentally sound water supply, water distribution, wastewater collection and wastewater treatment processes.

2. Provide safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian transportation of streets and sidewalks.

3. Provide sufficient, safe parks and facilities for all citizens and visitors to the community.

4. Provide basic building maintenance services to all City owned facilities.

5. Provide for the administration of the New York State Building Code, Zoning Laws, Building Permits, Planning, Zoning, Historic Preservation and Property Maintenance Ordinances.                       

“I look forward to leading the DPW for the City of Batavia to continue to serve citizens and visitors of the City. This department has many talented and dedicated employees who I am proud to work with.  The breadth and depth of the work done by the DPW is sizable from providing clean drinkable water, and eliminating solid waste, to mowing, tree trimming, facility maintenance, and snow removal. The Department is always active,” said Tom Phelps, Director of DPW.

Phelps currently lives in Pavilion with his wife and daughter, as well as having two adult children that are outside the home.  In his free time he enjoys camping with family and friends on the family property in Allegany County. Phelps volunteers his services at the Genesee Valley Rotary Camp, Batavia Police Night Out, WoofStock, and Chamber of Commerce Annual Award Ceremony.

Wings Over Batavia attendance jumped by 2K more in 2024

By Joanne Beck
Crowd at wings over batavia
Wings Over Batavia 2024
Photo by Jim Burns

This year’s second annual Wings Over Batavia has already shown a promising sign of the air show's ongoing popularity: an uptick in attendance.

The 2024 event brought in some 2,000 additional people to Genesee County Airport, according to Tim Hens’ annual public works report.

There were approximately 11,000 attendees and volunteers on the premises this year, said Hens, the county’s public works commissioner.

Other figures that strayed from year one of the event were the 2,750 gallons of aviation fuel the county sold to the air show, resulting in $16,500 in revenue for the airport, he said. 

Fuel sales spiked at the end of 2023, one of the first real increases since the pandemic, Hens said. The return of the Mercy Flight helicopter helped Jet-A sales. This higher level of usage has continued this year, especially as fuel prices have come down a little, he said.

Overtime costs for public works employees at the air show were identical to those cited in 2023: $6,308. There were no traffic, safety or security issues and only two minor injuries, he said — a volunteer lacerated a finger and a patron suffered dehydration — that required medical attention.

For a second year in a row, Hens noted the quiet (outside of the Labor Day festivities) due to the lack of construction but promised that it is coming.

A future project for 2025 will include the replacement of many incandescent runway and taxiway lights with LED versions. “This should generate future savings on electrical usage,” he said.

An equipment storage building is being designed for construction in 2025, to be mostly paid for with a state AIR-99 grant. 

The county is working with OnCore Aviation, a start-up flight school at the airport, which has “great plans for the airport and the local aviation community,” Hens said. He believes “a successful flight school is essential at the airport.”

Perhaps unsurprisingly, a senior engineering technician position paying $7 less per hour than the going market rate has remained vacant since May 2023, “with very few interested in the position,” he said. 

“We also continue to have high turnover in positions,” Hens said. “We recently lost another very experienced heavy equipment operator who left for the town of Pembroke, which pays significantly more than the county.”

Work goes on, though, with the Fargo Road Bridge in Bethany under construction and scheduled for completion this fall and the Attica Road Bridge replacement design nearing completion and to go out for bid in 2025.

The county has eight federal aid or bridge or culvert projects programmed over the next three years, he said.

Other projects in progress, whether in the design or construction phase, include renovations at the Engine House on West Main Street to add an elevator and make the second floor more accessible; the Animal Shelter, mandated under state policy to be upgraded no later than Dec. 31, 2025, with the biggest change to be air-conditioned kennels; and Holland Land Office Museum’s several life-safety upgrades and Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations, also slated for 2025.

Under the county water category, “there’s always a lot going on with water,” Hens said.

Improvements continue at the city water treatment plant. The filter media was completely replaced, the new lime slaker and boiler were installed, the roof over the pipe gallery was repaired, some electrical and pump upgrades were made, and more is scheduled for the off-peak season. Hens believes there’s more reliability at the water plant, and it’s made a difference.

“We were able to make it through the summer without any type of water restriction,” he said.

Counter to that, there has been slow progress with Phase 2 of the county’s three-phase water project, he said. Investigation is being done about corroded materials at the Mumford and Churchville Pump Stations, and corrosion and its cause are delaying the completion of four remaining pump stations under construction. 

Progress has been made on the Morgan Road Pump Station, but due to the related corrosion problems at other stations, the pump selection and ordering must be completed before the improvements and extra water needed can be brought online, he said.

”Without a resolution within the next several weeks, the Phase 2 pump stations might not be brought online until 2026,” he said.

The Phase 3 basis of design, a significant project requiring the entire county to be reevaluated from a hydraulic and water quality standpoint, is nearing completion. 

Funding is also a major issue for the project's $150 million third phase.

“We continue to seek funds from anyone and everyone,” he said. 

The county recently applied for and received a $30 million Water Infrastructure Improvement grant, and “we have whispers that we might be successful on the first $10 million from the environmental program funds set aside within the Water Resources Development Act.”

Oakfield seeking input about drinking water service lines

By Press Release

Press Release:

Village of Oakfield Department of Public Works is asking residents of both the Village and Town of Oakfield to provide information on their drinking water service lines. If you have already responded to this survey, please disregard this notice. 

As part of the new regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lead and copper rule revision, the Village of Oakfield DPW is required to collect an inventory from their water customers with details on the material that their water service lines are made of. 

This is where members of the public can support this important public health work by responding promptly to our survey. 

The DPW has provided information on how their residents can do a “Scratch Test” on their service line to determine the material. 

How to Determine Service Line Material: 

All you need is a screwdriver and a magnet.

Conducting a SCRATCH TEST

  1. Find the water service line in your home, this will be a pipe entering your home and attached before the water meter.
  2. Use the flat side of a screwdriver to scratch the surface of the service line.

4 Type of Materials

  • COPPER- if surface area is shiny or copper color (like a penny). Magnet will NOT stick.
  • GALVANIZED STEEL - if scratched, area remains a dull gray (very hard and not easily scratched). Magnet WILL stick.
  • PLASTIC- typically black or blue, the scratched surface remains the same color as the pipe itself. Magnet will NOT stick.
  • LEAD - if the scratched area is shiny and silver. Lead pipes are softer and easier to scratch than Copper or Galvanized Steel. Magnet will NOT stick. 

Residents of the Village and Town of Oakfield can respond with their results in multiple ways: 

  • Go to the Village’s website and complete the online survey under WATER LINE SURVEY 
  • Complete the Survey form found in your July newsletters, and return to the Village Office, 37 Main St., Oakfield.
  • Call the Village office, (585) 948-5862 with the information or to set up an appointment for our DPW to come to your home and check the line for you. 

It’s that easy.

The EPA is requiring responses in October. The Village DPW is hopeful that our residents can respond timely, and we can wrap this up by September.

The DPW may leave a reminder card with those residents that do not respond by July. 

Inspections by the DPW can also be scheduled.

“This is a requirement under the EPA, we are only asking for water service line information. This is the line that runs from the main water line in the street to your home. We really want to make this as simple as possible for our residents to respond. We are here to help.” DPW Supervisor Mikolajczyk said.

“We really thank the residents for responding quickly and helping with this momentous task. We have been monitoring and attending several informational meetings on what actions will be taken pending the results of this inventory survey.”

City of Batavia pursues funds for 3 separate projects addressing water and lead line replacement

By Press Release

Press Release:

The City of Batavia continues to seek funding to address aging water infrastructure and lead service lines across the City.

Currently the City has applied for three separate different water related grants including:

  1. A Water Infrastructure Improvement Act grant for a $4.17 M project to replace two aging water lines including the Cohocton and Walnut.
  2. A Congressional Direct Funding request submitted to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senator Gillibrand, and Congresswoman Tenney for a $3.4 M project to replace aging water lines on Pearl Street.
  3. Filed an Intended Use Plan (IUP) Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) funding request through Federal BIL Funding for the replacement of 900 lead service lines across the City of Batavia.

“The City is dedicated to improving our water system and making necessary repairs on infrastructure to reduce the amount of annual loss of water in the system and remove lead lines from the City. We have had discussions with County, State, and Federal representatives regarding the importance of these projects and look forward to a positive result related to our grant applications,” said Rachael Tabelski, City of Batavia City Manager.

The City of Batavia tracks lost water within our water system and currently in 2023 we lost approximately 23% of water produced at the Batavia Water Plant. This is defined as leakage. Leakage is water lost during transmission between the Batavia Water Plant and the individual meters at customer locations.

“The City conducts leak reports periodically to identify issues with City water transmission lines as a proactive measure to maintaining our water system. The leak report, along with Water Department field work, help the City identify water lines that need repair and replacement,” said Brett Frank, Director of Public Works.

As the City identifies aging and problematic water lines, they are placed into the City’s strategic capital plan and the cost to replace and repair is identified. The City then works to budget for the replacement of water lines through capital reserves and pursues grant funding for these projects.

In the past two years, the City has replaced water lines on Bank St. and Jackson St. which were identified as problematic based on leaks and breaks. Other water line improvements since 2017 include Harvester Ave., Richmond Ave., Union St., South Main St., Brooklyn Ave., and Summit St.

“Batavia is like many industrial North Eastern City’s with aging infrastructure and water loss attributed to aging infrastructure.  We continue to plan for, and execute on projects that will improve the system and reduce the lost water.  We are encouraged from the support we are receiving on grants for these projects to lower the burden on City residents,” said Tabelski.

According to the EPA, National studies indicate that, on average, 14 percent of water treated by water systems is lost to leaks. Some water systems have reported water losses exceeding 60 percent. Accounting for water and minimizing water loss are critical functions for any water utility that wants to be sustainable.

Major snowstorms create situations that call for common sense, cooperation, responsible action

By Mike Pettinella

With a couple of 50-plus degree, rainy days forecasted for Wednesday and Thursday, most of the snow that has accumulated as a result of a couple of nasty winter storms earlier this month likely will be washed away.

While it may serve as a welcome break from plowing and shoveling, there’s bound to be more snowfall (and the dilemma it creates) in the coming weeks.

Coming into last night’s City Council meeting, Council member Robert Bialkowski said he had received complaints about piles of snow and ice on city streets and he requested that “snow removal and sidewalk plowing” be put on the agenda.

Bialkowski’s key points -- no plowing of snow onto the street or sidewalks and no parking of cars on sidewalks – triggered a 20-minute discussion that focused upon the responsibilities of residents, independent plowing services and business owners to clear snow in a legal and proper manner.

Armed with a few photographs of problem areas, Bialkowski said he wasn’t blaming city workers for not doing their jobs, but mentioned that it was time “to re-educate some people in the community (as) they don’t seem to get it.”


He said the pictures showed snow from a driveway on Union Street plowed about seven feet into the street and about four feet high, causing motorists to have to swerve to avoid hitting it.

Another photo showed snow from a West Main Street business plowed onto the sidewalk “and now that’s a big block of ice about six foot high,” Bialkowski said, adding that this and similar situations led to complaints from mail carriers.

Bialkowski also mentioned buildup of ice on sidewalks, some of it resulting from city sidewalk plows.

Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. asked Maintenance Supervisor Ray Tourt about the condition of the sidewalk plows, with Tourt responding that they are 19, 39 and 43 years old and are susceptible to breaking down.

When Bialkowski suggested forming a citizen committee to look at the issue, Jankowski quickly said, “I was following you until you said committee and then I was, like, do we really need to make it that complicated?”

Then Bialkowski mentioned distributing a pre-printed handout for residents, informing them of their responsibilities when it comes to snow removal.


City Manager Rachael Tabelski said a police officer sent to the scene where the snow was piled in the road determined that it wasn’t a hazard … “so I have to go with their judgment that it was not a hazard.”

“I think there’s a lot of snow this year compared to the last few years, and there’s a lot of clearing of sidewalks and roads and driveways that needs to be done,” she said. “And a lot of times neighbors have figured out where they’re going to place their snow and other times, people just move in and don’t really know where to place the snow and how to do it.”

She then thanked the Department of Works crew “for the tremendous job they’ve done,” adding that they haven’t stopped working since the beginning of January when “all of this snow came down.”

DPW workers are continuing the snow removal process this week, concentrating on some of the narrower streets, Tourt said.

Tabelski said residents are responsible for clearing in front of their house and, in many cases, the sidewalk plow operator will come through afterwards, leaving tracks from the machine in the snow.

“We do have an ordinance and we do ask residents to take care of their snow removal,” she said. “I know some residents can’t get to it – they may be elderly or disabled – but you plan for it, just like you plan your garbage service or your cable. You plan to get Johnny down the street to come for 20 dollars when it snows over a few inches, and do that for you.”


Jankowski said it is up to independent and commercial plow services to make sure the snow is moved so that it doesn’t cause further problems.

“We shouldn’t have to be in the awkward position of having to chase them down and make them come back and move it,” he said.

Bialkowski said he thinks many people “just expect the city to do everything and they don’t even shovel a path to their house for the mailman.”

“They have to get away from the computer for a while, go outside and get some fresh air.”

Council member Patti Pacino asked if residents could be informed of what snow services the city provides.

Tourt said the priority route is the main arterials – Main and Oak Streets – and priority school (walking) routes, which have been designated by the school district.

“We hit those first,” he said. “If we still need to go ahead and do sidewalks, we have two distinct routes – one for the northside and one for the southside. And we start working our way through the city.”

Photo: City of Batavia worker plowing the sidewalk along East Main Street. Photo by Howard Owens.

Ray Tourt, with 22 years of service to the city, appointed Director of Public Works

By Press Release

Press release:

Interim City Manager Rachael Tabelski announced today the appointment of Raymond Tourt as the Director of the Department of Public Works.  

Tourt has served the City for 22 years in various capacities including Assistant City Engineer and currently as the Superintendent of Maintenance.

During his tenure, he has successfully completed multiple infrastructure projects to include over 10 federal aid projects, other responsibilities have been streets, sewers, parks, snow and fleet operations. He currently oversees 23 employees in the Bureau of Maintenance.  

As the Director of the City of Batavia Public Works, Tourt will oversee the Bureau of Water, Wastewater, Bureau of Maintenance, Bureau of Inspection and Bureau of Engineering.  

“I am excited to continue to work with Ray in his new role as the Director of Public Works," Tabelski said. "The City is undertaking numerous capital projects and his knowledge and leadership will ensure that these projects move forward to successful completion. He is a dedicated and knowledgeable member of the City staff and I know he will be well received in his new role."

Tourt will serve as Acting Director of Public Works for the next four weeks until the retirement of the current Director, Matt Worth, at which time he will be appointed provisionally. 

The City of Batavia encourages all citizens to welcome Tourt in the position of the Director of Public Works. Tourt lives in the Town of Batavia with his family.

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