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Law and Order: Batavia man charged with grand larceny for alleged thefts from Walmart

By Howard B. Owens

Jason Daniel Lang, 29, of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with grand larceny, 4th. Lang is accused of stealing merchandise from Walmart during two separate visits. Lang was jailed on $2,500 bail. (For previous coverage of Jason Lang, click here).

Donald William Schulz, 34, of Garden Springs Drive, Mount Sterling, Ky., was arrested on a bench warrant for alleged failure to pay fine. Schulz is accused of failing to pay a fine or restitution on a manslaughter charge. Schulz was extradited and returned to Genesee County and is being held in Genesee County Jail pending arraignment in County Court.

Daniel Johnston Duryea, 32, of Grant Avenue, Humbolt, Neb., is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .08 or higher, moving from lane unsafely, failure to keep right and driving left of pavement markings in no passing zone. Duryea was stopped at 12:33 a.m., Sunday, on Route 238 in Alexander by Deputy Jason Saile.

Marc Harry Rice, 35, of Judith Drive, Cheektowaga, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or higher and failure to keep right. Rice was stopped at 8:13 p.m. Saturday on South Alleghany Road, Corfu, by Deputy Patrick Reeves.

MacKenzie Douglas Barrett, 17, of Eagle St., Medina, is charged with grand larceny, 4th. Barrett is accused of stealing about $2,000 in cash since June while employed at Darien Lake Theme Park.

Wesley C. Burgess, 29, of Jefferson Street, Attica, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Burgess allegedly possessed a bag of marijuana and a pipe with marijuana residue while passing through a checkpoint at 12:08 a.m. Saturday on West Main Street Road, Batavia.

Thefts of four wheelers reported in western part of Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Investigators are looking for leads on who may behind a series of ATV thefts in the western part of Genesee County, said Chief Deputy Jerome Brewster.

Only two stolen four wheelers have been recovered from what Brewster called "a rash" of thefts in the Pembroke, Corfu and Indian Falls areas.

There have been no arrests and Brewster said it's likely the same individuals are responsible for all the thefts and that they are probably from outside the county.

"As always, owners should keep their property locked up when not in use and neighbors should report suspicious activity immediately," Brewster said.

For tips and information, the Sheriff's Office can be contacted at (585) 343-5000.

How Niki and Jen got Jen's iPhone back after it was stolen

By Howard B. Owens

They're not exactly Starsky and Hutch, but they are quite a duo. Crime fighters, even.

Nicole Johnson and Jennifer Hodgins work the breakfast shift at the Pok-A-Dot most mornings. They pretty much know all the customers and the customers know them. A morning at the Dot when both are working is, well, entertaining.

That's one reason Jen was more than a little perturbed when a customer -- not a regular, but not a first-timer either -- stole Jen's iPhone.

The phone cost Jen $700 cold hard cash because she's not on a contract.

"My boyfriend, John, was using the phone and he set it down," Jen said. "I went to the bathroom and came back five minutes later. The phone was gone."

Jen tried calling the phone and found it was turned off.

"Our customers like to play pranks on us all the time, so at first we were thinking that was what was going on," Johnson said.

Niki and Jen have their phones set up so each can use the iPhone app "Find My Phone" to find each other's phones.

When Niki arrived at work, Niki used "Find My Phone" to lock Jen's phone and alert her if it was turned back on.

They also filed a police report.

About an hour later, the phone came on. It was on North Spruce Street.

Jen and a customer headed over to North Spruce and found the car they believed had been driven by the customer who stole it. They followed the car, but the driver sped away.

The information was given to police and an officer warned Jen about trying to chase down criminals. He also said the police would follow up.

"The phone was locked up and he couldn't do anything with it," Johnson said. "All this kid could do was turn off and on."

By the next evening, no word from the police and with the phone off, Niki couldn't track it.

Then it popped back on.

The phone was moving down Route 33 and Jen and Niki feared it was headed toward Rochester never to be seen again.

John hopped in his car and started down Route 33.

Niki started pinging the phone -- making it sound a tone repeatedly -- and sending it messages.

"We kept saying, 'we want the phone back no questions asked. Just leave the phone some place where we can find it. We won't pursue you. We just want the phone back."

About five minutes later, the phone stopped moving. The person who had it ditched it by the side of the road and John found it.

The women were elated.

"We were literally two 30-year-old women who kind of went back to our 14-year-old selves," Johnson said. "We had a major happy dance. It went on for about five minutes."

Johnson said they were so excited because, "I don't know one person who's had a phone stolen, literally, actually stolen, and gotten their phone back."

Interestingly, the feature Johnson and Hodgins used to get the phone back is under attack.

Apple is being sued by a group of lawyers who claim their client owns the patent for the feature that allows a computer to track a phone.

The patent was filed in 1995.

According to the Gigaom article, there are people known as patent trolls who buy patents that never made it from the drawing board to an actual product and then look for products that appear to infringe on the patent. Then, they sue. That appears to be the case with the "Find My Phone" lawsuit, but if the suit prevails it could spell the end for a very useful feature for recovering lost or stolen phones.

There are an estimated 1.8 million smartphones stolen every year. Thieves can use the phones for identity theft or sell the phones overseas for good money.

Other smartphone makers are looking into creating "kill switches" similar to what Apple provides its customers with iPhones.

Here's an article on how to use "Find My Phone." If you have a Droid, there are apps available to help protect your device against theft.

Law and Order: Tennesee couple allegedly caught in the woods off Park Road making meth

By Howard B. Owens
Ricky A. Leach Jr. Jessica M. Ring

Ricky A. Leach Jr., 33, and Jessica M. Ring, 28, both of 1605 Green Circle, Goodletsville, Tenn., are charged with criminal possession of the precursors for methamphetamine and making methamphetamine. State Police responded to the wooded area near Target after receiving a report of suspicious activity. Leach and Ring were allegedly caught in the act of making meth. Both were jailed on $10,000 bail each.

Kiernan William Kinney, 24, of Woodstock Gardens, Batavia, is charged with sexual abuse, 1st. Kinney is accused of subjecting a 21-year-old woman to forced sexual contact.

Juan A. Roman, 36, of 17 Elm St., Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd, and unlawful possession of marijuana. Roman is accused of head butting another person during an alleged incident at 2 p.m. Wednesday on Walnut Street, Batavia.

Michael D. Snyder, 41, of 13 1/2 Union St., Le Roy, is charged with petit larceny. Also charged, Edward T. Lette Jr., 43, of 3827 W. Main St., Batavia. Snyder and Lette are accused of stealing two 30-packs of beer from Tops. The suspects reportedly fled the store on bicycles and were apprehended minutes later by state troopers and Batavia PD officers.

Rachell Onie Soggs, 25, of West Main Road, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Soggs is accused of stealing $28.74 in merchandise from Walmart on Aug. 17. Soggs reportedly left the store before she could be located by authorities. Soggs was also arrested on charges of falsifying business records and criminal possession of stolen property. Soggs allegedly tried to sell stolen property at a local business.

Harold Laverne Howard, 41, of Alleghany Road, Basom, is charged with DWI, refusal to take breath test, speeding (73 mph in a 45 mph zone), failure to stop for stop sign and no plate lamp. Howard was stopped at 2:37 a.m. on Route 77, Basom, by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Latoya D. Jackson, 27, of 209 Liberty St., Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon with intent to use a weapon and harassment, 2nd. These are additional charges stemming from an alleged incident Aug. 19 in which Jackson allegedly cut two people with a knife.

Driver allegedly involved in multiple accidents facing at least one DWI charge

By Howard B. Owens
Kevin E. Conners

He was allegedly drunk, in a big truck and packing a hand gun.

Now he's in trouble with the law.

Police arrested 49-year-old Kevin E. Conners, of 206 Richmond Ave., Batavia, after initially receiving a report of an erratic driver in the city at 11:30 p.m., Tuesday.

A witness told police they saw a black Chevrolet Silverado heading north on Oak Street and then turn east onto Richmond Avenue.

The truck proceeded east driving over the grass parkway on the south side of Richmond and just as it tried to pull back into the roadway, it struck a parked car.

The truck then headed down Richmond at a high rate of speed, according to the witness statement, the truck blew through stop signs on North Street at Bank and at Summit. It turned right onto Ross and allegedly failed to stop at a stop sign at Ellsworth.

When the truck reached Washington, it turned right and proceeded west before the driver reportedly tried to pull into a driveway. It over shot the driveway so the driver reportedly backed up and tried again. It missed again.

The witness statement indicates the driver gunned it, jumped the curb and ran into the porch of a house at 303 Washington Ave. The truck's tires spun on the pavement and the truck ran further up the porch.

When Officer Arick Perkins arrived on scene, he approached the driver's side of the truck and said he saw the driver removing a gun from his waist area. More officers arrived on scene and Conners was ordered from the truck.

He was taken into custody without incident.

A gun was recovered from under the driver's seat. It was registered and legal, according to Officer Eric Hill.

Conners was transported to Batavia PD headquarters where he allegedly failed a field sobriety test and registered a .13 BAC on a breath test.

He was issued citations for DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or higher, reckless driving, moving from the lane unsafely (three citations), failure to keep right, passed on right and following too closely. He was arraigned in City Court and remanded to jail.

Conners' vehicle was towed from the scene.

But the story doesn't end there.

At around noon, Wednesday, Conners was released from jail under supervision of Genesee Justice. He retrieved his truck from impound.

At 12:11 p.m., police received a report of a truck striking a telephone poll near 204 W. Main St.

Conners was reportedly the driver. He was injured and transported to UMMC.

No charges have been filed related to the second accident, but the investigation is continuing.

Balbick upholds felony assault charge in Harvester Avenue case

By Howard B. Owens
Shane M. Bell

Perhaps it was self-defense. That's the argument William Tedford tried to make in a felony hearing in City Court this morning on behalf of his client, Shane M. Bell.

Bell is accused of punching 52-year-old Scott Baker on Sunday night shortly after the two men left a party at The Harvester on Harvester Avenue.

The purpose of a felony hearing is to determine if there's enough evidence to sustain the key elements of the crime as charged.

Tedford tried hard to expand the scope of the hearing to draw out more possible facts of the case, but Judge Robert Balbick sustained each of District Attorney Lawrence Friedman's objections as Tedford asked questions about Baker's prior criminal history, who other witnesses may be and whether his client was properly given his Miranda warnings.

All of those issues are interesting, Balbick said, but not relevant to a felony hearing. The defense will have every opportunity to raise those and other issues as the case moves forward.

The only two issues before the court were whether Bell hit Baker -- and Tedford acknowleged there was contact -- and whether Bell intended to cause serious physical injury when he allegedly swung his fist at Baker's head.

Tedford aimed to base a self-defense claim on testimony by Det. Pat Corona that Bell said Baker followed Bell out of the bar and across the street, that on the way, Baker chest bumped Bell at least once and possibly twice, and then Baker tapped Bell on the neck just before the punch was thrown.

"I submit your honor that there is sufficient information before the court today that while certainly my client had alleged involvement, the individual Scott Baker also has a role in this matter and the court should revisit that issue," Tedford said. "With assault in the second degree it's necessary to prove intentional injury and in this case the intent element is not so clear."

Friedman quickly rose from his chair when it was his turn to refute Tedford's argument.

"Mr. Tedford is right that his client was involved," Friedman said. "He's the one responsible for the serious physical injuries to Scott Baker. He's right that Scott Baker had a role. His role is that of the victim of this assault ...

"He said he was chest bumped before he punched him and he was touched on the back of the neck," Friedman added. "Your honor, this would not be a reasonable response even if you believe that is what happened. It does not in any way justify what happened to Scott Baker. (Bell is) not claiming his life was threatened or that he feared serious physical injury or even injury. He was bumped by Scott Baker and he turned and punched him."

Balbick upheld the felony charge of assault in the second degree and ordered Hill's no-bail status be continued.

During the hearing, Tedford asked whether Corona knew that The Harvester had been serving free beer from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Corona did not.

Corona said that Bell told him Baker and Hill had been in the bar hours prior to the incident and that they had exchanged a number of "drunken hugs."

In the courtroom during the hearing were the families for both Baker and Bell.

Baker remains in the trauma unit at ECMC unconscious with a serious head injury. One reason Bell is held without bail is that there's concern Baker will not survive, in which case Bell will be facing upgraded charges. Bell also has a prior felony conviction and 18 prior arrests, according to Balbick.

Suspected flirt charged with drunken driving

By Howard B. Owens

Robert Hinett apparently picked the wrong time and the wrong place for some flirting Friday night in Le Roy.

A passing police officer reports that at 11:30 p.m. he observed Hinett inside a convenience store on Lake Street staggering around and then go behind the counter toward the female clerk.

The officer entered the store and the clerk informed him that the man in the store seemed to be intoxicated and had tried to kiss her even as she tried to thwart his advances.

Upon further investigation, the officer determined that that 25-year-old resident of Montclair Avenue, Batavia, allegedly drove to Le Roy intoxicated.

Hinett was charged with one count of felony drunken driving and refusal to take a breath test. He was arraigned and released under supervision of Genesee Justice.

Sunday night fight on Harvester Avenue left local man critically injured

By Howard B. Owens

A 52-year-old man is fighting for his life after being punched in the head Sunday night during an apparent fight outside The Harvester, a bar on Harvester Avenue.

Scott Baker suffered a fractured skull from a single punch, according to a police report filed at City Court.

He's listed in critical condition at Erie County Medical Center.

Taken into custody and held without bail on a second-degree assault charge is 47-year-old Shane M. Bell (in photo), of 161 Jackson St., Batavia.

Police were called to the scene at 8:50 p.m. 

The Harvester was hosting its annual pig roast.

Bell made a sworn statement to police saying, "Scott followed me out to the car. Scott came up to me and chest bumped me. Scott grabbed my shoulder and I turned and punched him in the head."

Police officers also reported hearing Bell make several statements about hitting Baker, such as:

  • "I bitch slapped him."
  • "I hit him so f--- softly it's not even funny."
  • "He went down quickly."
  • "I hit him half medium."
  • "I'm registered, man. I kick boxed for like seven years."
  • "I hit him right in the f--- eye."
  • "I used to f-- people up."
  • "He was with me for more than three hours."
  • "I dragged him from the curb to the grass."

A witness said she heard Bell say, "He pulled my hair so I punched him."

The same witness tried to give aide to Baker until EMTs arrived and told police there was a lot of blood.

Mercy medics told police on scene that Baker was seriously injured and Det. Pat Corona was called to the scene.

"We were told right away it was very serious," Corona said. "We proceeded (with the investigation at the scene) as if it was as serious as it could be, as if it were a homicide."

Corona said investigators are interested in talking with additional witnesses. He's asking that people with any information to call Batavia PD at (585) 345-6350.

Law and Order: More arrest reports from the weekend

By Howard B. Owens

Tina M. Martin, 33, of 96 Carlyle Ave., Buffalo, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and speeding. Martin was stopped at 11:47 p.m. Saturday on Pearl Street in Batavia by Officer Arick Perkins.

Eric L. Barnes, 22, of Valiant Drive, Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, aggravated unlicensed operation, operating on suspended registration and unlicensed operator. Barnes was stopped for an alleged suspended registration at 4:57 p.m. Friday on Route 77, Pembroke, by Deputy Kevin McCarthy.

William John Dale, 40, of Lattice Bridge Road, Fillmore, is charged with petit larceny. Dale is accused of shoplifting at Kmart.

Law and Order: Le Roy man accused of burglarizing Mill Street business

By Howard B. Owens

Bishop E. Williams, 20, of 106 Lake St. Le Roy, is charged with three counts of burglary, 3rd, petit larceny and criminal mischief, 4th. Williams is accused of an early morning forced entry burglary of a business on Mill Street, Le Roy, and stealing several items from the business. Williams, and possibly a conspirator, allegedly used a rock to break the window of the building and that Williams allegedly entered the building three separate times. Police report locating Williams on Lake Street. Assisting were the Sheriff's Office and the Livingston County K-9 unit.

Amir D. Gifford, 17, 139 Bank St., Batavia, is charged with assault, 3rd. Gifford was alleged involved in a fight with an acquaintance at 4:43 p.m., Tuesday, at a business on West Main Street, Batavia. He is accused of trying to injure the other person.

Michael C. Kraatz, 34, of 66 Tracy Ave., Batavia, is charged with trespass and harassment, 2nd. Following an alleged domestic incident, Kraatz allegedly returned to a residence he had been advised by police not to reenter. As Kraatz was being removed from a police vehicle following his arrest, he allegedly kicked the door of the car causing it to strike an officer, which led to the harassment charge.

Daniel M. Hacker, 27, of 248 North Meadowbrook Parkway, Cheektowaga, is charged with driving a motor vehicle with registration suspended. Hacker was arrested on a warrant out of Batavia City Court.

Ronda L. Reisman, 41, of 105 State St., Batavia, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Reisman was arrested following an investigation into an alleged incident at 10:22 p.m., Thursday. No further details released.

Mark E. Flaming, 23, of 21 Wood St., Batavia, is charged with menacing, 2nd, criminal possession of a weapon with intent to use and reckless endangerment, 1st. Flaming was arrested following an alleged domestic incident at 10:32 p.m., Wednesday. No further details released.

Michael P. Ashley, 51, of 9455 Clipnock Road, Stafford, is charged with felony DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or higher, running a red light and aggravated unlicensed operation. Ashley was stopped at 12:54 p.m., Sunday, on East Main Street, Batavia, by Officer Arick Perkins.

Stephen Joseph Holdaway, 61, Pearl St., Batavia, is charged with felony DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, speeding and failure to yield to emergency vehicle. Holdaway was arrested following a traffic stop at 5:09 p.m. Wednesday on Pearl Street Road, Batavia, by Deputy Patrick Reeves.

Kevin A. Roberts, 22, of Perry Road, North Java, is charged criminal mishief, 3rd, petit larceny, unlawful possession of marijuana, aggravated unlicensed operation, bald tire and throwing refuse on highway. Roberts is accused of cutting a locked cage inside Walmart in order to gain entry and damaging the case in the process. He is accused of stealing clothing from Walmart and possessing marijuana. He allegedly drove to the store on a suspended license. Roberts was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Rachel Elizabeth Hyatt, 17, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with stalking, 4th. Hyatt allegedly initiated contact with a person she had been previously warned not to contact. An order of protection was issued.

Stephanie Marie Gilfus, 27, of Genesee Street, Auburn, is charged with petit larceny. Gilfus is accused of stealing an iPod Touch from an employee of Darien Lake Theme Park.

Justin Ryan Smith, 31, of North Pearl Street, Oakfield, is charged felony DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater and leaving the scene of a property damage accident. Smith was allegedly involved in an accident on North Pearl Steet, Oakfield, at 5:55 a.m. Sunday. The accident was investigated by Deputy Matt Fleming.

(name redacted, charges dismissed), 47, of Rochelle Drive, Churchville, is charged with coercion, 1st, criminal mischief, 4th, and menacing, 2nd. REDACTED allegedly coerced a woman while at her residence.

Four arrests at Goo Goo Dolls concert at Darien Lake

By Howard B. Owens

The following people were arrested by the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office during the Goo Goo Dolls Concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center on Saturday.

Matthew S. Conover, 28, Green Forrest Court, East Amherst, is charged with DWI, aggravated DWI and aggravated unlicensed operation, 3rd, after allegedly operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and with a blood alcohol level of .18% or higher. Conover allegedly drove into a ditch inside the concert venue parking lot. Conover’s license to operate a motor vehicle was also suspended. Conover was jailed on $500 bail.

Antho G. Serrano Jr., 19, Dodge Road, Getzville, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Riley T. Munger, 19, Greiner Hall, Buffalo, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Ty T. Buczkowski, 20, Wellington Road, Cheektowaga, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

The following people were cited for alleged possession or consumption of alcohol under age 21.

Benjamion P. Madafferi, 19, Amy Lane, Brockport
Brian M. Grablec, 20, Chapel Avenue, Cheektowaga
Samantha R. Christ, 19, Cottonwood Drive, Williamsville
Zachary T. Williams, 20, Fontaine Drive, Cheektowaga
Nicholas J. Perna, 19, Rosewood Drive, Williamsville
Kayla A. Palmeri, 18, Goodrich Road, Clarence Center
Thomas A. Amabile, 18, Elmhurst Street, Lakeview
Kevin L. Scherer, 19, North End Avenue, Kenmore
Taylor K. Eleming, 19, 62nd Street, Niagara Falls
Michael A. Corbeil Labarbara, 18, Sheffield Avenue, Buffalo
Robert E. Robinson, 17, Columbia Parkway, West Seneca
Patrick D. Oleary Jr., 18, Doncaster Road, Kenmore
(name redacted upon request), 17, Shenandoah Road, Buffalo
Faith R. Caldero, 16, Tuscarora Road, Buffalo
Mary C. Walsh, 19, Eden Street, Buffalo
David J. Miller, 19, Pomander Square, East Aurora

Two people arrested after overnight stabbing in Le Roy

By Billie Owens

Press release from Le Roy PD:

A stabbing in the Village of Le Roy today has led to the arrest of two persons by the Le Roy Police Department.

The incident started about 2 a.m. when 27-year-old Nicole M. DellaPenna and her relative 24-year-old Edward D. McDonald, both of 9 South St. in Le Roy, got into a verbal altercation with multiple others in the area.

During the course of the incident, McDonald allegedly struck the window of one person's vehicle breaking same. DellaPenna then allegedly pulled out a knife out and was threatening others. The incident continued and DellaPenna allegedly advanced towards one person and stabbed the victim in the back near the shoulder blade.

The victim of the stabbing was transported to the hospital for a potentially serious but not life-threatening stab wound.

McDonald was charged with one count of misdemeanor criminal mischief in the fourth degree and issued an appearance ticket to answer the charge at a later date. DellaPenna was charged with one count each of felony assault in the second degree and misdemeanor criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree. DellaPenna was arraigned and committed to the Genesee County Jail in lieu of $15,000 bail.

The Le Roy Police Department was assisted by the Genesee County Sheriff’s and the NYS Police.

Robert Alexander suspended as justice in the Town of Pembroke

By Howard B. Owens

Robert E. Alexander has been suspended with pay effective Thursday as justice in the Town of Pembroke in an order signed by NYS Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman.

Alexander is under indictment on charges of coercion and official misconduct. He's also been accused -- but not charged with any crime -- of threatening a Town of Pembroke board member.

A former Village of Corfu justice, Alexander's troubles started June 2012 when a NYS Comptroller's Office audit allegedly uncovered at least $10,000 in missing court funds.

In June, Alexander's daughter, Brandi Watts, who was the Village of Corfu court clerk during the period of time covered by the audit, was indicted on 61 counts, including felony counts of grand larceny.

In July, Lippman ordered Alexander removed from all pending court cases in Pembroke and barred him from hearing any future cases pending the outcome of the criminal case against him.

The charges against Alexander stem from a compliant lodged by the current court clerk, Pam Yasses, that Alexander harassed her after initially directing her to conduct an audit of the court records and then reportedly being unhappy with the results when Yasses said she confirmed at least $10,000 in missing funds.

Alexander has denied any wrongdoing.

Further Reading: This morning we found this undated story about Alexander on the 700 Club Web site.

One arrest reported at Allman Brothers concert at Darien Lake

By Howard B. Owens

The following person was arrested Friday at the Allman Brothers concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center.

Joseph M. Trippi, 18, of Meigs Street, Rochester, is charged with criminal trespass after allegedly jumping a fence to reenter the concert venue after being ejected and told not to return. Trippi was jailed on $250 bail.

Law and Order: Woman accused of using knife to attack and injure people

By Howard B. Owens

Latoya D. Jackson, 27, of 112 State St., Batavia, is charged with acting in a manner injurious to a child less than 17, assault 2nd, and assault 2nd (recklessly causing serious injury with a weapon). Jackson was allegedly involved in a fight at 121 Liberty St., Batavia, in which she injured two people with a knife at 8:39 p.m., Monday.

Dustin W. Bogue, 31, of 109 Oak St., Batavia, is charged with criminal trespass, 2nd, criminal contempt, 1st, harassment, 2nd. Bogue is accused of violating a no-offensive-conduct order of protect.

Michael S. Lytle, 24, of 11 Wood St., Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd, for allegedly violating an order of protection.

Raymond Paul Meshlovitz, 34, of Main Road, Corfu, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, 4th, and unlawful possession of a prescription form. During a search of his residence by probation, Meshlovitz was allegedly found in possession of brass knuckles, a switchblade knife and prescription forms.

Jacob Duane Defisher, 17, of Roanoke Road, Pavilion, is charged with petit larceny. Defisher is accused of stealing money from Darien Lake while employed there.

Amanda Marie Bowles, 28, of Williams Street Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Bowles is accused of shoplifting from Walmart.

Tammy L. Draper, 46, of 22 Porter Ave., Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct. Draper is accused of making obscene gestures and yelling obscenities while on State Street at 3:39 p.m., Saturday.

Landrea D. Wroten, 41, of 5 Dellinger Ave., Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Wroten is accused of stealing a friend's purse.

Cody D. Cutitta, 26, of 5 Fairmont Ave., Batavia, is charged with aggravated harassment and disorderly conduct. Cutitta is accused of standing in the middle of Fairmont Avenue and swearing at 2:15 a.m. He's also accused of making threats by phone.

Nicola Marchesoni, 53, of Hamilton Street, Albion, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs, unlawful possession of marijuana, failure ot keep right and moving from lane unsafely. Marchesoni was stopped at 9:20 p.m. Tuesday on Quaker Hill Road, Elba, by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Grand Jury Report: Alleged assailant at Kid Rock concert now charged with felony

By Howard B. Owens

Craig M. Lawson is indicted on one count of assault in the second degree, a Class D felony. The indictment accuses Lawson of hitting another person with intent to cause serious physical injury. Lawson allegedly hit Jason McNeil following the Kid Rock concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center on July 5. McNeil suffered a serious head injury when he fell to the ground and remains hospitalized at ECMC. Lawson, a Canadian who was originally arrested on a misdemeanor charge, is out of jail on $1,000 bail. He is scheduled to be arraigned on the felony charge Sept. 3.

Felipe R. Fernandez is indicted on a count of aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree.  Fernandez is accused of driving a motor vehicle on May 8 in the Town of Batavia while knowing that his license to operate a motor vehicle was revoked with 10 or more suspensions.

Hector A. Leon-Figueroa is indicted on a count of criminal possession of marijuana in the third degree, a Class E felony. Leon-Figueroa is accused of possessing more than eight ounces of marijauna March 10 on the Thruway in the Town of Bergen.

Jimmy T. Garcia Jr., is indicted on a count of grand larceny in the fourth degree. Garcia is accused of of stealing $3,010 sometime between Aug. 24 and Aug. 29 in the Town of Batavia.

Batavia man accused of dealing heroin following traffic stop

By Howard B. Owens

A traffic stop initiated by members of the Local Drug Enforcement Task Force has led to the arrest of a suspected drug dealer who was allegedly found in possession of 55 individual packets of heroin.

Jarett J. Locicero, 23, of West Main Street, Batavia, was also allegedly found in possession of marijuana and $1,085 in cash.

Locicero, who was driving a 2002 Mitsubishi, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd, a Class B felony, criminally using drug paraphernalia, 2nd, and unlawful possession of marijuana.

Following arraignment in City Court, Locicero was jailed without bail.

Assisting with the arrest were uniformed deputies and state troopers.

Law and Order: Trio from Rochester arrested following reported fight on Swan Street, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Patrick D. Powell, 27, of 98 Barton St., Rochester, is charged with resisting arrest. Powell is accused of physically interfering with the arrest of Richard Johnson at 9:43 p.m., Saturday, at 45 Swan St., Batavia.

Richard E. Johnson, 53, of 159 Millbank St., Rochester, is charged with disorderly conduct. Johnson allegedly used obscene language and gestures on a crowded public street after being warned by police to cease such conduct.

Jovon C. Johnson, 24, of 960 Gleason Circle, East Rochester, is charged with resisting arrest. Johnson allegedly interfered with a police officer's attempt to arrest another person during following a reported fight involving several people on Swan Street at 9:43 p.m., Saturday.

Willie A. Toney, 26, of Finch Street, Rochester, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, 4th, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, criminal use of drug paraphernalia, 2nd. Toney was stopped at 3:03 p.m., Saturday, on Route 77, Village of Corfu, by Corfu Police Officer Michael Petritz for allegedly driving 48 in a 35 mph zone. Upon further investigation, it was determined Toney's license was allegedly suspended 21 times. A search of his vehicle allegedly turned up a .38 caliber pistol and a crack pipe containing crack cocaine residue.

Jennifer L. Spraugue, 30, of Pringle Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear on a falsely reporting an incident case. Spraugue is being held on an unrelated charge. She was arrested for allegedly failing to appear in Bergen Town Court on a third-degree charge of falsely reporting an incident to law enforcement. Spraugue entered a guilty plea and was sentenced to time served. She was returned to the jail on the unrelated matter.

Stoan Richard Dietzman, 18, of Dartwood Avenue, Cheektowaga, was arrested on warrants related endangering the welfare of a child and strangulation, 2nd, charges. Dietzman was a passenger in a vehicle stopped in the City of Buffalo and after a records check was arrested on the warrants. After being turned over to the Sheriff's Office, Dietzman was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Barbara Ann Kosciolek, 67, of Osterhout Avenue, Batavia, is charged with DWI, aggravated DWI, failure to keep right and moving form lane unsafely. Kosciolek was stopped at 11:11 p.m. Saturday on Route 5 in Stafford by Deputy Matthew Butler.

John Edward Ryman, 32, of Macedone Center Road, Palmyra, is charged with possession of untaxed cigarettes. Ryman was allegedly found in possession of 35 cartons of untaxed cigarettes during a traffic stop on Route 5 in Le Roy by Deputy Matthew Butler.

Jeanine Danielle Fuller, 26, of Holland Avenue, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Fuller is accused of shoplifting $33.78 in merchandise from Walmart.

Robert Gordan Woodhouse, 54, of Creek Road, Batavia, is charged with felony DWAI-Drugs and moving from lane unsafely. Woodhouse was stopped following a report at 4 p.m. Friday of a black H3 Hummer operating erratically on West Main Street Road in the Town of Batavia. The Hummer allegedly crossed the center line and nearly struck an oncoming vehicle. The Hummer was stopped by Deputy Chad Minuto and upon investigation Woodhouse was accused of driving while under the influence of drugs.

Robert Walter Plantiko, 38, of West Main Street Road, Batavia, is charged with burglary, 2nd. Plantiko allegedly entered a motel room and stole property. Plantiko was jailed on $10,000 bail or $20,000 bond.

Mark Robert Willard, 39, of Tinkham Road, Darien, is accused of violating probation. Willard was arrested and held without bail.

Iesha Marie Vetter, 20, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny and criminal mischief. Vetter is accused of removing products from packaging as part of an effort to steal items from Target.

Winston A. Lockhart, 18, of 3 Lewis Place, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Lockhart allegedly hit a woman at 119 State St., Batavia, during an incident reported at 3:22 p.m. Saturday.

Ashlea M. Harmon, 22, of 665 Ellicott St., Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Harmon was found in possession of an allegedly stolen bicycle that she admitted to stealing.

Michael S. Lytle, 24, of 11 Wood St., Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd, and criminal mischief. Lytle was arrested following a reported domestic incident on Wood Street at 11:40 p.m. Friday. Lytle was jailed on $250 bail.

County star Jason Aldean at Darien Lake means, of course, lots of arrests

By Howard B. Owens

The following people were arrested or issued citations by the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office and NYS DMV Investigators during the Jason Aldean Concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center on Aug. 17:

Jaime Barzey, 30, of Carroll Place, Bronx, is charged with criminal trespass, 3rd, after allegedly being found on Darien Lake property after being ejected several times on previous dates and told not to return. Barzey was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Ryan C. Jenks, 24, of Upper Alley Road, Holley, is charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly fighting in the concert parking lot. Jenks was jailed on $250 bail.

Shawn R. Schottmiller, 21, of Vandervoort Street, North Tonawanda, is charged with two counts of harassment, 2nd, after allegedly hitting two Darien Lake security guards. Schottmiller was jailed on $500 bail.

Craig D. Gingerich, 22, of Fish Hill Road, South Wales, is charged with attempted petit larceny, resisting arrest and harassment, 2nd, after allegedly attempting to take money from a food stand cash drawer and then while being placed under arrest, Gingerich allegedly bit a Genesee County Sheriff’s deputy in the hand. Gingerich was jailed on $750 bail.

Adam M. Logue, 23, of Jackson Road, Webster, is charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly fighting in the concert venue entrance. Logue was jailed on $250 bail.

Brandon M. Hallock, 23, of Happy Hollow Road, Olean, is charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly engaging in a fight in the concert parking lot. Hallock was jailed on $250 bail.

(name redacted), 20, of Port Dover, Ontario, Canada, was arrested for trespass after allegedly attempting to reenter the concert venue after being ejected and told not to return. xxx was jailed on $250 bail.

Sidney E. Cammilleri, 23, of Sias Lane, Spencerport, is charged with trespass after allegedly attempting to reenter the concert venue after being ejected and told not to return.

Amanda C. Cammilleri, 26, of Fisher Road, Rochester, is charged with trespass after allegedly attempting to reenter the concert venue after being ejected and told not to return.

Pennilyn M. Baker, 19, of Savona-Campbell Road, Savona, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Calvin L. Felker, 17, of Gannett Road, Lyons, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Lindsay M. Atkins, 26, of Babbette Drive, Depew, is charged with criminal trespass, 3rd, after allegedly entering the concert venue after being ejected and told not to return.

Michael D. Utz, 21, of Raleigh Road, Rochester, is charged with criminal trespass, 3rd, after allegedly climbing the fence into the backstage area.

Rodney C. Fuller, 24, of Silk Road, Fulton, is charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly spitting on Darien Lake medical personnel.

Robert J. Lawless, 26, of Brandywine Lane, North Fairport, is charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly having a concert security guard in a headlock while the security guard was trying to break up a fight.

Katherine G. Santamaria, 23, of Willowbrook, West Clarence, is charged with criminal trespass, 3rd, after allegedly crawling under a fence to enter the concert venue.

Joseph E. Flanagan, 21, of Upper Holley Road, Holley, is charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly engaging in a fight in the concert parking lot.

Bret M. Dieteri, 23, of Glidden Road, Holley, is charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly physically grabbing another patron.

Cassandra D. Agnello, 17, of Jackman Lane, North Elma, is charged with criminal trespass, 3rd, after allegedly entering the concert venue after being ejected and told not to return.

Kyle S. Zawacki, 26, of Westwood Road, Alden, is charged with trespass after allegedly attempting to reenter the concert venue after being ejected and told not to return.

The following people were issued citations for the listed alleged offenses:

Michael A. Trauax, 19, of Couth Street, Liecester, for possession of a fraudulent NY license.
Emily I. Wells, 19, of Chenango Street, Binghamton, for possession of a fraudulent PA license.
Brandon R. Moore, 20, of Lakeshore Road, Kendall, for possession of another’s license.
Anthony M. Prentiss, 18, of Frontenac Avenue, Buffalo, for possession of another’s license.
Joseph O. Pinter, 19, of Roat Drive, Angola, for possession of fraudulent NJ license.
Sarah M. Bidwell, 19, of Delaware Road, Buffalo, for possession of another’s license.
Matthew D. Weinholtz, 19, of Marigold Drive, Wheatfield, for possession of a fraudulent license and possession of another’s license.
Kaitlin S. Brown, 17, of Brown Drive, Street, Catherines, Ontario, Canada, for possession of another’s license.
Zachary C. White, 20, of Palmer Road, Taberg, for possession of another’s license.
Cody J. Oas, 18, of Michigan Street, Perkingville, for possession of a fraudulent license.
Ashley R. Brick, 19, of East Avenue, Newfane, for possession of another’s license.
Malachy M. Coyne, 19, of Littleville Road, Avon, for possession of a fraudulent license.

The following people were issued citations for alleged possession/consumption of alcohol under age 21:

Brian M. Wolf, 18, of East Avenue, Hornell
Cassandra M. Wolfanger, 18, of Dangelo Parkway, Avon
Jennifer B. Kwoka, 19, of Rogers Avenue, Lockport
Samantha J. Shaw, 18, of Beattie Avenue, Lockport
Kaitlyn M. Thurston, 19, of Horner Road, Angelica
Rachel A. Murray, 20, of Abbott Road, Cuba
Brooke E. Bainbridge, 19, of County Road 2A, Almond
Melissa A. Chiles, 20, of Middaugh Hill, Scio
Chelsea R. Masich, 17, of Highland Avenue, Tonawanda
Miranda North Rusin, 16, of Bannard Avenue, Tonawanda
Zachary C. White, 20, of Palmer Road, Taberg
Justin T. Mckee, 19, of 71st Street, Niagara Falls
Jonathan W. Weronski, 17, of Pratham Road, East Concord
Joshua T. Mcpherson, 17, of Louth Street, Street, Catherines, Ontario, Canada
Taylor D. Webb, 18, of Damson Street, Street, Catherines, Ontario, Canada
Kaitlin S. Brown, 17, of Brown Drive, Street, Catherines, Ontario, Canada
Nicholas M. Dovidio, 16, of Manitou Road, Spencerport
Anna K. Dubinsky, 17, of South Street, East Aurora
Karla E. Aravjo, 19, of South Alder Avenue, Sterling, Va.
Emily J. Tierney, 17, of Quaker Road, East Aurora
Anthony M. Prentiss Jr., 18, of Frontenac Avenue, Buffalo
Kelly S. McLaen, 17, of Oakridge Drive, Rochester
Alicia M. Kessler, 18, of Pinecrest Drive, Rochester
Brandon R. Moore, 20, of Lakeshore Road, Kendall
Lucas F. Renedetto, 18, of East Avenue, Sinclairville
Emily I. Wells, 19, of Chenango Street, Binghamton
Gordon J. Austin, 19, of Sharr Avenue, Elmira
Michelle E. Talarczyk, 18, of Sunningdale Rise, Webster
Meagan E. Sivilotti, 20, of Grand View Road, Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
Jonathan L. Bedford, 18, of Dale Road, Gasport
Gordon D. Lyons, 19, of Mt. Vernon Road, Amherst
Kaleigh E. Cicero, 18, of Gardeau Street, Perry
Kevin M. Beyea Jr., 18, of West Grenadier Road, Scottsville

Fight by the Porta Potties at Darien Lake

By Billie Owens

There was a fight reported at the Porta Potties, section P1, of the parking lot at Darien Lake. Where again? asks an officer. "P1 by the potties."

Alas, a subsequent search of the area found no problems, the alleged participants had gone upon arrival.

The performing arts center is hosting a concert tonight featuring Jason Aldean, Jake Owen, and Thomas Rhett.

UPDATE 11:10 p.m.: Here's the latest breaking news out of parking area P1: Somebody has put a couch on top of the roof of an RV.

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