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Child gives explicit testimony in sex abuse trial of Sean Vickers

By Julia Ferrini

The first witness this morning in the sexual abuse trial of Sean Vickers, a former Batavia resident, offered testimony that was jarring and explicit.

The child testified that Vickers forced him to perform oral and anal sexual acts.

District Attorney Lawrence Friedman asked a series of questions about the acts, which the child answered in simple, direct language.

Friedman: "What did that feel like?"

The witness: "It didn't feel good. I cried."

That witness and a second child testified to alleged abuse in early Autumn, 2012.

Defense attorney Jerry Ader asked the first witness about family outings with Vickers.

"You had said that Sean (Vickers) bought things for you. Were these purchases just for you?"


"So when you went out with Sean, he paid for those outings?"

"He paid for outings, but I'm really not sure."

Next, Ader switched gears. Reminding the first witness that he had been asked these questions before, right here in Batavia, where the witness had responded that nothing ever happened; also asking the witness if he had said anything to anyone about Vickers, to which the witness responded, no.

"I said nothing happened because I was scared."

After Ader's questions to the witnesses, the DA asked if Vickers had said anything to them. "Do you like it?" "You can't tell anyone" and "You have to promise not to tell anyone" were the responses.

The third witness's memory was a bit shaky at times and Ader masterfully cast doubt as to the credibility of said witness.

"When you were here before in front of the Grand Jury you had said that Vickers told you not to say anything to anyone, yet today you are saying that he said nothing?"


"So, which one is the truth?"

"He didn't say anything."

Friedman countered Ader, asking the witness to think back at the time in 2012 and asked the witness again if Vickers said anything to him and again, the witness again said he (Vickers) did not say anything to him.

However, Friedman also asked the witness if he had said anything to anyone about what Vickers did to him.

"Yes. My Uncle and Dad."

"You didn't tell your Mom?"


The morning's final witness testified that Vickers had spent several weekends in their home as well as a relative's home where the boys had often gone to throughout the Summer, occasionally spending weekends there. The witness also verified that Vickers purchased items for the family, as well as, treated them to outings such as skiing, camping, the zoo, and the movies.

"Whatever the boys wanted, they got."

Friedman asked the witness if Vickers had ever took videos of the boys, whereas the witness affirmed. However, Ader countered that objections to the videos being taken were never voiced, to which the witness concurred. Ader also pointed out that the witness could not definitively say that Vickers was at the residence where the boys spent an occasional weekend, as the witness was not the only person who had dropped them off.

Before the jury entered the courtoom for the morning testimony, Ader objected to the use of two prosecution witnesses. The jury is already aware of the effects of child abuse, Ader argued. Friedman said the expert testimony is necessary for the jury to have a complete understanding of the effects of child abuse. Judge Robert C. Noonan overruled the objection.

The trial resumes at 2 p.m.

Law and Order: Alleged parole absconder accused of giving false name to police

By Howard B. Owens

Benito A. Gay, 26, of Bank Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal impersonation, 2nd. Gay is accused of giving a false name to police in an attempt to hide his identity as an alleged parole absconder. Gay was jailed on a NYS Parole retainer.

Mckayla J. Kosiorek, 19, of Jackson Street, Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Kosiorek allegedly possessed marijuana paraphernalia containing marijuana residue.

Alex Scott Dumbleton, 21, of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with two counts of criminal contempt, 1st. The day after being served an order of protection barring contact with two people, Dumbleton allegedly went to the residence of the protected parties.

Brian Eric Daggar, 28, Woodmill Drive, Holley, is charged with petit larceny. Dagger was arrested on a Town of Batavia warrant by the Monroe County Sheriff's Office during an investigation into an incident at the Walmart in Brockport.

Amanda Marie Webb, 25, of Colby Road, Darien, is charged with petit larceny and criminal possession of a forged instrument, 3rd. Webb was stopped for an alleged traffic infraction on Colby Road, Darien, and was found to have a warrant out of City Court for an alleged crime reported March 31 at 10 at Jefferson Square, Batavia.

Nine arrests announced following Rockstar Energy Mayhem concert at Darien Lake

By Howard B. Owens

The following people were arrested by the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office during the Rockstar Energy Mayhem concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center on Tuesday.

Logan J. Lukowski, 18, of Buffalo Road, Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

(name redacted), 18, of Southland Drive, Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

A 17-year-old resident ,of Lexington Green, West Seneca, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

Kyle J. Ramen, 19, of Kirkwood Drive, West Seneca, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

A 17-year-old resident of Bridlewood Drive, East Amherst, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana.

MatthewJ Suszka, 20, of Capital Heights, Holland, is charged with criminal possession of marijuana, 5th, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, and criminal possession of a hypodermic Instrument after allegedly being found in possession of more than 25 grams of marijuana, hallucinogenic mushrooms and hypodermic needles.

Shaun H. McGhee, 29, of Route 11, Antwerp, is charged with trespass after allegedly reentering the concert venue after being ejected and told not to return.

Jeffrey T. Peyman, 30, of Ellicott Street Road, Batavia, is charged with trespass after allegedly reentering the concert venue after being ejected and told not to return.

Jemel Cannon, 37, of Crotona Park, North Bronx, is charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly causing a disturbance in the parking lot.

BBs fired at children and adults outside soup kitchen at church on North Spruce

By Howard B. Owens

As families left a lunchtime soup kitchen at the Assembly of God Church on North Spruce Street this afternoon, an unknown person apparently fired BBs at them.

The thwack of a BB against the siding of a building got everybody's attention and then after another shot, a BB was seen on the ground.

One BB narrowly missed a child, the child's mother said.

Police were called and a canvass of the area failed to produce a suspect. The shots were believed fired from a neighboring apartment complex.

"I don't know the motivation," said Sgt. Dan Coffey. "I don't know why somebody would decide to shoot BBs in the direction of a church, let alone the people standing outside near it. I couldn't speculate on that at this point."

The building wall showed clear evidence of at least one BB's impact.

Valerie White and Daniel Orlando said their little was almost struck by one of the shots as she was sitting in her stroller. The couple and their two children, ages 3 and 5, were outside talking with another family and their kids when the incident occurred just before noon today.

"All the sudden we hear two ping, pings hitting the side of the building," White said. "We're looking around to see what's going on. It sounded like little stones hitting the building. Somebody noticed it was a BB coming toward us and we looked on the ground and there was a BB on the ground and there was a hole in the building. One just missed our daughter."

Orlando held up two fingers an inch apart and said, "it was probably this close."

Coffey said the weapon could either be CO2-powered or a pump-style BB gun. 

The suspects, if identified, are looking at possible reckless endangerment and criminal mischief charges.

Anyone with any information can contact the Batavia Police at 585-345-6350.

Original reporting for this story by Alecia Kaus/Video News Service.

Molester had abundant opportunities to sexually abuse kids in this case, but so did many others

By Billie Owens

Four new witnesses were called to the stand when testimony resumed this afternoon in the child sex abuse case of convicted child molester Sean Vickers.

Though their testimonies were mostly compelling, defense attorney Jerry Ader managed to point out gaps in recollections, dates and other specifics in an effort to cast a shadow of doubt in the jurors' minds.

Among those who took the stand was a 25-year-old prisoner brought in by officers from another county. He wore a white shirt, tan pants, ankle shackles, and looked dead ahead from the witness stand.

District Attorney Lawrence Friedman straightaway dispatched with the witness's criminal record. The man is serving time for criminal trespass and two counts of first-degree attempted sexual abuse of a minor. He pled guilty when he was 17 of unlawfully entering the home of an acquaintance and forcibly touching the genitals of two females, ages 7 and 11. He has served more than five years, out of a maximum of eight, and his third parole hearing is this fall.

Then Friedman asked about Vickers.

The alleged victim said he is one of five boys in his family, Vickers was an adult relative, and that from the time period of November 2001 to April 2002, Vickers had performed oral sex on him and vice-versa at least five or more times.

At that point, several of the jurors stared hard at Vickers. They were all paying attention.

On cross-examination, Ader honed in on the witness's credibility.

Ader contended that the witness has an ulterior motivation for coming forward now and telling about alleged oral sexual conduct with Vickers. The witness's time off for good behavior was voided due to problems during his incarceration. To convince authorities to give the credits back, and have that recommendation made at his third parole hearing in September, he's testifying today, Ader maintained.

In 2004, Ader noted, nothing was mentioned about oral sexual contact, nine years later it surfaces.

But upon questioning by Friedman, it was pointed out that the witness didn't reach out to police about Vickers, rather the police contacted the witness in order to re-interview him for this case about his contact with Vickers.

Next, Ader asked the witness if one someone had been removed from his mother's home. The witness said Child Protective Services had ordered Vickers to be removed from the home.

That's not the answer he was looking for, so he ignored the statement. He asked about one of his brothers. Was one of them was removed from the home?


"Were you ever told why?"


"Did you ever wonder why?"


Did (this brother) ever touch you inappropriately?"


The next witness was a 23-year-old brother of the first witness. Friedman questioned him about getting in trouble with the police. The young man told the jurors that in August of 2002 he got caught throwing rocks at the sand wash on Cedar Street and the cops took him to his house in Batavia. Only Vickers was there and they began arguing. Then the boy went in the basement to fold laundry. Vickers came down there and told him he was in big trouble. When the boy was standing against the washing machine, he said Vickers "touched my groin area...probably less than a minute. ... I ran upstairs. I was afraid."

From November 2001 to February 2004, Vickers sexually molested him on several occasions, the second witness said. Specifically, Vickers performed oral sex on him. The witness at this point appeared a bit uncomfortable, yawning nervously and wriggling about.

It was the dates of those instances that Ader parsed. How could he remember the dates? Are you saying you can remember this from 10 years ago?

The witness said he remembers the date of the time in the laundry room because it was the first real trouble he'd gotten into. The second time in which he recalled a specific date was because "it was Buffalo Bills day."

An exhibit was then entered into the court record -- an affidavit which he signed in May of 2013. It describes his run-in with police, arguing with Vickers about it, but nothing about sexual contact. It says he was 11, but he was actually 8 at the time. And the statement about an instance of abuse on Buffalo Bills day says he was 8, but he was actually 11.

"You really don't have a good memory about this do you?"

"No," the witness replied. "It's hard enough as it is."

Next the prisoner was recalled to the stand and simply asked if the alleged abuse occurred at the same address (the one his brother cited). "Yes."

The third witness for the prosecution testified that he knows one of the alleged victims, from another family, because his brother is married to the child's mother.

Last August, with Vickers behind the wheel, the third witness and his brother all went to the IMAX theater in Rochester to see a movie. The brother, having some knowlege of the alleged molestation, asked Vickers if he had been touching the child. The answer was yes. The brother said "stay away from our house." "Okay," the previously convicted molester replied.

This witness, too, has had legal problems. In 2009, at age 17, he entered guilty pleas to several misdemeanors, including stealing bicycles out of people's yards, shoplifting at Walmart, and more serious, providing alcohol to minors. He spent a year in jail and then was put on probation.

When Ader asked about the movie trip, he wanted to know if the radio was on, was it loud, since he had a cell phone with him -- why didn't he text and tell someone about Vickers' alleged admission of guilt?

The third witness said when he returned home that night, he did tell the child's mother.

The final witness was this child's mother -- a married woman who has two sons, ages 11 and 9.

She testified that from Spring 2012 to Spring 2013, Vickers often had contact with her family, as he was a relation by marriage. They went skiing, to movies, on picnics.

"He paid for things, like a Kindle Fire, rollerblades, bought Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, expensive things," she said. "At times he spent the night in our attic, it's finished, it's a bedroom. He slept on a pad on the floor."

The district attorney elicited that her sister has twin boys and they often spent nights at the witness's house as well, including about four or five overnight stays when Vickers was staying over.

The mother bit her lip repeatedly. Swallowed hard. Teared up.

She told the panel that today her youngest son has attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder; he is emotionally disturbed; suffers from anxiety; and has also been diagnosed with "behavorial defiance disorder."

Then she talked more about Vickers.

"Sean would pay for us (she and her husband) to go do things and he said he'd pay for it and he'd babysit."

And how many times did this type of arrangement occur? Friedman asked.

"Fifty times or more," she replied.

Ader asked if her brother-in-law had told her about the conversation he had with Vickers in the car on the way to the movies. Yes, she said. Ader asked if her youngest son had told her he had been "touched." No, she said.

By this time, the impassive, pale-faced Vickers started taking notes on a legal pad. He is diminutive, balding and gray in back; he wore a black suit. He is slight of chin and completely unremarkable in mien.

The last witness further testified that she had not alerted the police after her brother-in-law relayed the car conversation because she had already done so "long before."

The defense attorney's next line of questioning brought forth testimony that many guests came and went at her household, including one who had been convicted of providing alcohol to minors.

There were plenty of guests.

"More than I'd like," she said.

The case resumes tomorrow morning.

(Batavia PD Det. Kevin Czora also testified, simply that he investigated the case; no details.)

Le Roy fire's treasurer accused of stealing close to $50K from department

By Howard B. Owens
Dennis Snow

Press release:

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli today announced the arrest of Dennis Snow, the treasurer of the Le Roy Fire Department in Genesee County. Snow was charged with two counts of grand larceny in the third degree (class D felony), 42 counts of forgery in the first degree (class C felony) and two counts of falsifying business records in the first degree (class E felony) for allegedly stealing nearly $50,000 in public funds.

“This individual blatantly abused his position and went on a spending spree with public money,” DiNapoli said. “It is alarming that my office continues to uncover instances such as this where local officials misuse their office for their personal benefit. I commend the village of Le Roy Police Department and District Attorney (Lawrence) Friedman for working closely with my staff to make sure this individual is held accountable for his actions.”

DiNapoli’s office found that Snow allegedly made unauthorized transfers, withdrawals and deposits from the department’s account, as well as from the firemen's benevolent association. Snow used the money to pay his personal bills and admitted that he forged the required co-signers signatures in order to complete his theft. The audit is expected to be finalized in the next month. Snow is due back in court on Aug. 13.

Police trying to determine if pair of crimes last week are related

By Howard B. Owens

Police investigators are looking into separate incidents last week to try and determine if the crimes are related and identify suspects.

The first incident involved a robbery in the area of Tracy and Washington avenues in which three people robbed a pedestrian at about 11:20 p.m., July 19.

The second incident was two nights later and involved four individuals jumping a victim in the area of State Street and Willow Street.

While the robbery was previously reported, BPD has released suspect descriptions. 

The three youths are described as a black male, late teens, wearing a dark-colored hoodie; a light-skinned male in his late teens wearing a white tie-died muscle shirt; and, a person in the late teens with no other description provided.

One of the teens threatened the victim with the use of a weapon and told him to give him his money. The victim did not see a weapon displayed, but followed orders and handed over his money.

In the second incident, the victim was sitting on a porch talking with a friend when a person approached and asked to speak with him along the side of the house. 

As he moved to the side of the house, three other individuals surrounded him. 

The first person started a confrontation with the victim and the other three people jumped in.

A witness called police and when police arrived, the suspects ran.

One juvenile was detained and later released to a parent. 

The 20-year-old victim was treated at the scene by Mercy EMS and said he didn't require further treatment. 

Anyone having information should contact the Batavia Police at 345-6350 or confidentially via e-mail on the City of Batavia Web site link to the Batavia Police or Tip Line 345-6370.

Law and Order: Alexander resident accused of stealing from employer

By Howard B. Owens

Dennis C. Bump, 33, of Stannard Road, Alexander, is charged with grand larceny, 3rd. Bump is accused of stealing from his employer at various locations in Batavia. Bump was released under supervision of Genesee Justice.

Ann M. Capuano, 29, of West Main Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear. The underlying charges for her court appearance in this case were not released by police. She had been issued an appearance ticket on a previous matter. Capuano was released on $100 cash bail.

Desmond L. Majors, 21, of Walden Creek Drive, Batavia, is charged with two counts of harassment, 2nd, and disorderly conduct. Majors allegedly struck another person and yelled obscenities in a public place.

Kenisha A. Thomas, 16, of Dellinger Avenue, Batavia, is charged with assault, 3rd. Thomas is accused of assaulting another person while in Austin Park at 3:10 p.m., Sunday.

Daniel Robert Ruffner, 28, of Telephone Road, Pavilion, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Ruffner is accused of being the primary aggressor in a fight with another person.

Laurie J. Lerkins, 37, of Le Roy, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs and unlawful possession of marijuana. Lerkins was reportedly involved in a two-car accident on Route 98, Town of Java. Lerkins allegedly failed to maintain her lane and struck a vehicle driven by Rodney L. Gleason, 53, of North Chili. Upon subsequent investigation by state troopers, Lerkins was allegedly found to be under the influence of drugs. She was issued traffic tickets for failure to keep right, aggravated unlicensed operation, unlicensed operation and failure to notify DMV of a change of address.

Also, a Grand Jury indictment:

Cassandra R. Blake is indicted on one count of grand larceny, 4th. Blake is accused of stealing 245 lottery tickets with a face value of $1,028, along with payouts from those tickets and other cash, from the Yellow Goose store in Pavilion on or about June 21 and 22.

Police confirm series of car break-ins on south side of city

By Howard B. Owens

A reader asked us to look into reports of a series of car break-ins in the city. We e-mailed Chief Shawn Heubusch and here's his response:

There have been several reported thefts from vehicles in the past month throughout the south side of the city. No suspects have been identified at this time. People in the area are strongly encouraged not to leave any valuable items in their vehicles and to keep their vehicles locked at all times. Most thefts from vehicles are crimes of opportunity and therefore little to no force is used. By keeping your car locked, and alarm active if you have one, will deter thieves from targeting your vehicle. Residents should contact the City Dispatcher at 345-6350 if they see suspicious activity taking place in their neighborhood.

Law and Order: Use of 'Find My Phone' app leads to arrest

By Howard B. Owens

Barbara E. Ferrando, 42, of West Main Street, Corfu, is charged with criminal possession of stolen property. Ferrando was allegedly found in possession of a stolen phone after the victim tracked the phone using the "Find My Phone" app and located a moving vehicle pulling into the Walmart parking lot. The victim was able to provide an accurate description of Ferrando and her vehicle. The arrest was made by Officer Jason Davis and Sgt. Christopher Camp.

Oliver Thomas, 22, of Chestnut Street, Batavia, is charged with assault, 2nd, menacing, 2nd, criminal possession of a weapon, 3rd, and criminal mischief, 4th. Thomas was allegedly involved in a domestic incident at 10:46 p.m. July 23. Thomas was jailed on $10,000 bail or $20,000 bond.

Lamar L. Mobley, 20, of Wood Street, is charged with DWI, refusal to take breath test, open container, speed not reasonable and leaving the scene of a property damage accident. Mobley is accused of being involved in a hit-and-run accident at 3:53 a.m. Sunday on Bank Street, Batavia. The accident was investigated by Officer Devon Pahuta.

Stephan P. Durham, 17, of Ellicott Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal trespass, 2rd, criminal mischief, 3rd, grand larceny, 4th, and criminal possession of stolen property. Durham is accused of breaking into an impound lot, breaking a car window and stealing property from the car. Durham was jailed without bail.

Alexander L. Jordan, 19, of Ridge Road, Ontario, Canada, is charged with menacing, 3rd. Jordan allegedly physically threatened another person while in the parking lot of Tim Horton's at 11:25 p.m. on July 20.

Coty A. Patrizi, 24, of Morton Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant stemming from an unreasonable noise complaint. 

Alex S. Dumbleton, 21, of Jackson Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 1st, endangering the welfare of a child, criminal obstruction of breathing/blood circulation, criminal mischief, 4th, and harassment, 2nd. The charges stem from alleged domestic incident reported at 4:18 a.m. July 23. Dumbleton was jailed without bail.

Willie Albert Sabb Jr., 40, of Hutchins Place, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Sabb is accused of being in the presence of two people in violation of an order of protection.

Byron R. Lee, 47, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Lee is accused of shoplifting from the deli department of Tops.

Dakota Patrick Pursel, 17, of Pavilion Warsaw Road, Pavilion, is charged with making graffiti and criminal tampering, 3rd. Pursel is accused of writing on windows, window sills, doors and brick walls at Pavilion High School.

Richard John Abramski, 26, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with promoting prison contraband, 1st, and criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th. Abaramski was allegedly found in possession of suboxone while serving an intermittent sentence at the Genesee County Jail.

Sean Douglas Lacy, 27, of West Bergen Road, Bergen, is charged with conspiracy, 5th. Lacy was allegedly involved in an incident at 12:32 a.m. Friday on Swamp Road, Byron, along with two other individuals, that resulted in the reckless discharge of a firearm.

Brian Paul O'Grady, 49, of Main Street, Le Roy, is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, speeding (55 in a 35 mph zone), failure to keep right and drinking alcohol in a motor vehicle. O'Grady was stopped at 1:15 a.m. July 22 on East Main Street, Batavia, by Deputy Eric Seppala.

Norman D. Brockenshire, 58, of Batavia, is charged with criminal mischief 4th/preventing emergency call and harassment, 2nd. Brockenshire was allegedly involved in a domestic incident at 1:15 p.m., Saturday. The investigation was handled by the State Police.

Ravae S. Quonce, 27, of Syracuse, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Quonce was stopped at 9:56 p.m. Friday on Simonds Road, Darien, by State Police.

Six arrests reported at Keith Urban concert

By Howard B. Owens

The following people were arrested by the Genesee County Sheriff's Office during the Keith Urban concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center on Friday.

Veronica E. Dudla, 19, of Carolyn Avenue, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, is charged with criminal impersonation, 2nd, after allegedly impersonating another person. She was also issued a ticket for alleged possession of another’s license.

Tyler J. Sobkowiak, 19, of Dean Road, Depew, is charged with trespass after allegedly reentering the concert venue after being ejected and told not to return.

Nicholas M. Boulard, 22, of College Road, Stevensville, Ontario, Canada, is charged with criminal trespass, 3rd, after allegedly reentering the concert venue after being ejected and told not to return.

Sara E. Friedman, 26, of Ayrshire Lane, Henrietta, is charged with disorderly conduct after allegedly causing a disturbance in the campground.

Dominic J. Manarasi, 24, of 26th Street, Niagara Falls, is charged with harassment, 2nd, after allegedly punching a security guard.

Breanna M. Rivers, 23, of Rhode Island Avenue, Niagara Falls, is charged with harassment, 2nd, after allegedly pushing and hitting a security guard.

The following people were ticketed for alleged possession of a fictitious license:

Nicole D. Dugo, 18, of Dansville
Caroline A. Grande, 18, of Scottsville
Brittany M. Copeland, 19, of Warsaw
Ryan S. Cordis, 19, of Springville
Samuel E. Anderson, 20, of Kane, Pa.
Mackenzie C. Garby, 18, of Great Valley
Megan E. Arno, 20, of Clarence
Thomas C. Schena, 18, of Great Valley
Danielle N. Mueller, 19, of Rochester
Michael Gallagher, 19, of Hamburg

The following people were issued tickets for alleged possession of another person's license:

Anthony J. Laurienzo, 19, of Akron
Lydin N. Kallin, 19, of Orchard Park
Haley M. Waple, 20, of Lockport
Kayla B. Kreuder, 19, of Hamburg
Angela N. Creek, 19, of Cheektowaga
Alec E. Davis, 18, of Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada – 2 counts
Molly K. Gorski, 19, of Akron
Chelsea D. Rzepka, 20, of Rochester
Patrick G. Stairs, 18, of Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada

Le Roy police arrest two men - an alleged slasher and another accused of criminal sex acts

By Billie Owens
Kenneth Smith

An investigation into an alleged assault which occurred in January 2013 resulted in the arrest Wednesday of a 29-year-old Le Roy native living in the City of Rochester. Kenneth G. Smith III, of 911 Lake Ave., was arrested by the Le Roy Police Department on July 23 and charged on two counts: criminal possession of a weapon, 3rd, a Class-D felony; and first-degree assault, a Class-B felony.

It is alleged that on Jan. 10, 2013, Smith was involved in an altercation in an apartment on Main Street in the Village of Le Roy. Smith allegedly possessed a dangerous instrument in the form of a glass item with intent to use it against another (while having a prior criminal conviction). He then allegedly used it to strike the victim numerous times about the face causing permanent facial disfigurement/scarring. Smith was arraigned in Le Roy Town Court and released under supervision of the Genesee Justice.

Michael Stack

Michael J. Stack Jr., 37, of 7450 Randall Road, Le Roy was also arrested by the Le Roy Police Department on Wednesday. He is charged with two counts of first-degree criminal sexual act, a Class-B felony.

It is alleged that yesterday, while in an apartment on East Main Street in the Village of Le Roy, Stack engaged in oral sexual contact with the victim while the victim was incapable of consent by the reason of being physically helpless and by forcible compulsion.

The charges stem from an allegation by the victim that the victim was sleeping and awoke to Stack kneeling over the victim having oral sexual contact with the victim.

Stack was jailed in lieu of $5,000 bail.

Pavilion teen charged with first-degree rape

By Billie Owens

Colin J. McCullough, 17, of Telephone Road, Pavilion, is charged with first-degree rape following an investigation by the Genesee County Sheriff's Office that determined he allegedly had forcible sexual intercourse with a 17-year-old female acquaintance on June 6. He was arrested on the felony charge July 21 and arraigned in Town of Pavilion Court, then released under supervision of Genesee Justice. He is to reappear in court on Aug. 12. Colin was arrested by Deputy Matthew Fleming, following the investigation by Sheriff's Investigator Timothy Weis and Deputy Frank Bordonaro.

Ryan James Sharpstene, 27, of Chili Rigi Center Road, Churchville, is charged with criminal possession of stolen property with a value exceeding $3,000 and unauthorized use of a vehicle, 1st. It is alleged that Sharpstene was in possession of a stolen vehicle out of South Byron on July 16 and was operating this vehicle following the alleged theft without the owner's consent. He was jailed on today in lieu of $10,000 cash bail. The case was investigated by Deputy Joseph Corona

Bart A. Towne, 45, of Highland Park, Batavia, was arrested July 22 on two misdemeanor drug-related charges following an investigation by the Genesee County Local Drug Enforcement Task Force, comprised of Sheriff's deputies and Batavia Police NET officers, plus the Le Roy Village PD. They were investigating the possession and transportation of heroin in and around Genesee County. Officers conducted a traffic stop in the Town of Byron, and Towne was allegedly found in possession of a quantity of heroin and a hypodermic needle. He was jailed on $2,500 cash bail and charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, a Class A misdemeanor, and criminal possession of a hypodermic instrument, also a Class A misdemeanor.

Jessica Jane Moscicki, 24, of Briarwood Terrace, Batavia, was arrested by the Genesee County Sheriff's Office on Saturday, July 23, on an active bench warrant issued out of the Town of Batavia. The warrant stemmed from her failure to appear for sentencing on an original charge of petit larceny, which occurred Aug. 27, 2013, on Lewiston Road. She was jailed on no bail and is to reappear in court on July 29. The case was investigated by Deputy Joseph Graff, aasisted by Deputy Dana Richardson.

A 17-year-old and a 16-year-old, both from Albion, are charged with petit larceny for allegedly stealing merchandise from Darien Lake Theme Park on July 20. The cases were investigated by Sheriff's Deputy Kevin McCarthy, assisted by Deputy Christopher Parker.

Community members come forward with donations to replace memorial lights destroyed at YWCA

By Howard B. Owens

So far, the YWCA has at least 108 Malibu lights to replace the 36 that were destroyed by a vandal over the weekend.

The lights were part of a display called the Walkway of Hope, and were meant as a symbol against domestic violence. The lights were placed during a ceremony honoring Nicole Sheehan, who was murdered, allegedly by a domestic partner.

Sheehan's mother, Suzanne Ball, was at the YWCA on North Street on Wednesday evening to help reinstall some of the lights, along with Steven Foster of Adams Welding and Fabrication.

Stevens said Adams wanted to donate lights because giving hope to the victims of domestic violence is important.

"If one person walks up the walkway and saves a life and gets help, it's not in vain," Foster said.

Lights have also been donated by Mike and Norine Adams and John Peck, and at least one other man has called, according to Executive Director Jeanne Walton, to say he was bringing lights.

"It's been overwhelming," Walton said. "We've been shocked by the support we've gotten from so many people like Adams Welding and Fabrication, as well as a few others, that have just come forth and brought us lights to replace the ones that were destroyed."

All of the lights will be placed outside the Y, Walton said. That will send a powerful message, she said, to whomever destroyed the first set of lights.

Ball agreed.

"We're letting them know nobody is putting our lights out," Ball said.

Mike Adams called The Batavian after the story appeared and said he wasn't looking for any publicity of the plan (at that time) of his wife and he to make the donation, but he didn't mind being quoted calling the vandal a "coward."

"My only statement would be I guess is getting the point across, who's the coward out there who would do something like that, destroying a memorial for that young girl?" Adams said. "We're pretty upset about it."

So are a lot of other people.

Batavia man faces five criminal charges after high-speed chase Tuesday

By Billie Owens

A 27-year-old man who lives on Liberty Street in the City of Batavia faces five criminal charges following a high-speed chase on Tuesday afternoon, according to a press release issued today by the Genesee County Sheriff's Office.

Derek Francis McQueen was operating a 2005 Suzuki GSXR motorcycle on Lewiston Road in the Town of Batavia when he was allegedly observed violating numerous vehicle and traffic laws. When Sheriff's deputies attempted a traffic stop, McQueen fled and after a high-speed chase was apprehended in the Town of Alabama.

He was allegedly found to be in possession of various quantities of heroin, methadone, morphine, marijuana and drug paraphernalia. In addition, he had an active warrant out of the Town of Gates for an unrelated charge.

The charges against him are: unlawful fleeing a police officer / motor vehicle, 3rd; criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th; possession of a hypodermic instrument; unlawful possession of marijuana; and criminal use of drug paraphernalia, 2nd. Other charges include, reckless driving, aggrevated unlicensed operation, 3rd, and numerous traffic violations.

McQueen was arraigned in Town of Batavia Court and jailed in lieu of $50,000 cash bail or $10,000 bond.

The case was investigated by Sheriff's Deputy Joseph Corona, assisted by Deputy Christopher Parker.

The potential for arrest has dramatically reduced fighting at BHS, school officials say

By Howard B. Owens

The message seems to be getting through.

Batavia school officials were alarmed at the number of fights at the high school in 2012-13, so after some consideration, they decided to do what people do to curb criminal activity: call the police.

It was a big policy swing away from the traditional approach of schools, which is to handle problems on campus through internal processes such as counseling and suspensions. 

The new policy means students who fight could be arrested, put through the criminal or family court system and potentially see their names in police blotters (last year, The Batavian redacted the names of under-18-year-old students arrested on campus from arrest reports).

The change in policy had an immediate impact.

In 2012-13, 19 fights at BHS. In 2013-14, three.

"The resources we had available weren't changing views, and we needed to do something in order to change the behavior of kids choosing to fight while at school," said Superintendent Chris Daily during a press conference Tuesday. "We took it to the next level and it's worked."

Daily knew the new policy was having an impact when he was walking through a corridor at BHS and overheard a young lady and young man talking.

"He was obviously a little agitated," Daily said. "I heard her say directly, 'if you get in a fight, they're going to arrest you and then you're not going to be around this weekend and then we are done.' "

The other component of the new program is intervention. It takes some effort by teachers and counselors to become aware of potential issues between students, some reliance on students expressing concern about potential problems (more likely with the elevated consequences), but school officials work at the effort because they would like to mediate conflicts before fights erupt. 

"Peer pressure gets a negative rep, but there is positive peer pressure and the kids, they want to take care of each other," said BHS Principal Scott Wilson. "They are now reaching out to the adults in the building and looking for other ways of resolving conflicts."

In the case of Daily's overheard conversation, a counselor got involved and mediated the dispute. It didn't necessarily make the two potential combatants friends, but it did lessen the tension.

"It's been the hardest part of the rollout," Wilson said. "We've had countless remediations to resolve conflicts. Sometimes students agree to disagree, but they do not engage."

Officials hope students learn through the program that there are better ways to solve problems than fighting.

"The kids are learning, 'I can't handle myself this way,' " Daily said.

A pair of police cruisers showing up at the front entrance of the school as the result of fight gets the students' attention. After the first fight last year, Wilson said, the chatter among students wasn't the usual recap of the altercation; rather, students were talking about the arrests.

"The kids who have been through consequences, either through youth court or criminal court, have been our best advertisements to stop this behavior," Daily said.

The old policy kept students in a bubble, isolated from societal consequences of criminal behavior, and helping students learn that whether on campus or off, they are part of a larger community is one positive of the program, said Police Chief Shawn Heubusch.

"(When a student) leaves the school, he shouldn't have to abide by a different set of standards than he does while he's in the school," Heubusch said. "By applying that consistency and that constant communication, you should see that student carry that over into his personal life and into his community."

The words consistency and communication came up a lot during the press conference.

It was communicated clearly to students at the start of the school year that there would be criminal consequences to fighting, and school officials communicated with parents, particularly parents with children involved in conflicts.

There's also an outreach component to the effort. Heubusch doesn't want students to just see his officers as the long arm of the law. He wants them to understand they're available to help.

Det. Richard Schauf has been a regular presence on campus in the mornings, in uniform, greeting students along side Daily and Wilson.

At first, Schauf said, students were wary (quite a contrast to the warm welcome from elementary school students when Schauf goes to Jackson School), but over the course of the year, many students became cordial and talkative.

Greater police involvement on campus, Schauf said, helps create a better learning environment.

"I don't care what age you are, if you don't feel safe, you're not going to learn," Schauf said. "You're not going to learn because you're going to be more concerned about protecting yourself, and we want students to learn."

The motto at the school is "Take Care of BHS" and the program reinforces that motto, Wilson said.

"It helps us deliver that message and building that culture of 'Take Care of BHS', that fighting is something we don't do in this building," he said.

Daily, a former BHS principal himself, said he has seen the new policy have a real positive impact on school culture.

"By using this, it's really helped our school community heal something that was very disruptive," Daily said. "We're hoping going forward, that message continues, and that message gets out and we're going to eliminate this kind of behavior from school. Kids are going to make mistakes and we're going to be there to help them learn, but we just took another resource and used it to help us get a better result."

Photo: Board Member Pat Burk, Wilson and Daily.

Law and Order: Trio accused of trespassing on railroad property

By Howard B. Owens

Kyle Brian Sovocool, 22, of Myrtle Street, Le Roy, is charged with trespass. Sovocool allegedly drove a vehicle on property owned by Rochester Southern Railroad in the area of Circular Hill Road in the Town of Le Roy. Also charged with Brandon John Richard Vangrol, 19, of Quinlin Road, Le Roy, and Ronald Baltasar Gonzalez, 29, of Spencer Court, Batavia.

Jennifer P. Hepp, 31, of Clinton Street, Cowlesville, is charged with felony DWI/drugs, DWI under Leandra's Law, aggravated unauthorized operation, 1st, endangering the welfare of a child, driving without an interlock device. Hepp was stopped at 2:32 p.m. July 15 after a report of an erratic driver on West Main Street, Batavia. Two children were allegedly in the car at the time of the stop by Officer Felicia DeGroot.

Dakota J. Kamysek, 22, no permanent address, is charged with petit larceny. Kamysek allegedly stole two mobile phone chargers from Hess Express. Kamysek was jailed on $1,500 bail or $3,000 bond.

Brandon Weig, 26, of Livingston Street, Warsaw, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Weig turned himself in on a warrant and was jailed on $1,000 bail.

James P. Coles, 35, of Alexander, is charged with grand larceny, 3rd, and offering a false instrument for filing. Coles was arrested by State Police. No further details released.

Zachary T. Ford, 18, of East Main Street, Le Roy, is charged with criminal mischief, 3rd, obstructing governmental administration and unlawful possession of marijuana. Ford was arrested by Le Roy PD after a report of an intoxicated male attempting to unlawfully enter a residence on East Main Street early in the morning. When officers attempted to take the suspect into custody, Ford allegedly kicked and tried to spit on the officers. Ford allegedly caused damage in excess of $250 value to a patrol vehicle. Ford was jailed on $2,000 bail or $5,000 bond.

Drug Task Force announces pair of arrests

By Howard B. Owens
Jacob Patterson David Truesdale

Two alleged drug dealers who are suspected of selling heroin and crack cocaine in the City of Batavia have been arrested by the Local Drug Task Force.

Jacob W. Patterson, 18, of Killian Road, Pembroke, and David C. Truesdale Jr. (aka "True"), 24, of Sylvester Street, Rochester, were arrested as the result of separate investigations.

Both Patterson and Truesdale are charged with criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, and criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd.

Patterson allegedly sold quantities of heroin to an undercover agent while in Batavia and Truesdale is accused of selling crack cocaine to an agent.

Patterson was arrested on a warrant July 16 at his residence. He was jailed on $10,000 bail.

Truesdale was already in custody on unrelated charges. He was arraigned on the new charges and ordered held without bail.

Calves and farm equipment stolen in Le Roy area

By Howard B. Owens

A case of calf rustling has hit Le Roy and Western Monroe County.

A farmer is out 14 black and white bull calves along with a Dewalt generator, Dewalt saw, and Napa battery charger. A nearby farm is also missing a milk replacer and hay.

Sheriff's Office investigators suspect the thefts are related and that the people responsible for the calf thefts are raising the animals but not bringing them to auction.

The thefts occurred within the last week or so and a witness describes one of the suspects as a larger white male with either a bald head or very short hair and another suspect as a white female.

The suspect vehicle is a dark-colored minivan, possibly burgundy, with tinted windows.

Anyone with information are asked to contact Investigator Timothy Weis at (585) 345-3000, ext. 3572.

Law and Order: Youth accused of threatening another person with a knife

By Howard B. Owens

Tyshon L. Taylor, 17, of Central Avenue, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon with intent to use, menacing, 2nd, petit larceny and robbery, 3rd. Taylor was arrested following an investigation into an unrelated incident. Taylor allegedly possessed a large knife and threatened another person with physical harm. In an unrelated investigation, Taylor is accused of using force to steal a mobile phone and headphones from another person. Taylor was jailed on no bail.

Edward Ryan Loper, 26, of State Street, is charged with strangulation, 2nd, and robbery, 3rd. Loper was arrested on a warrant for an alleged incident May 23 at a location on West Main Road, Batavia. At the time of his arrest, Loper was allegedly found in possession of a needle and a controlled substance. He was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, and possession of a hypodermic instrument. Loper was jailed on $5,000 bail.

Terrence Devon West, 36, of Lorimer Street, Rochester, is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and aggravated unlicensed operation. West was stopped at 1:40 a.m. Thursday on Townline Road, Bergen, by Deputy Joseph Corona. West allegedly has three prior DWI convictions in the previous 10 years.

Veronica Eckerson, 57, of Akron, is charged with petit larceny. Eckerson is accused of stealing $400 from the safe of her employer, a business in Alabama, after quitting her job.

Richard Fredrick Boswell, 33, of Sumner Road, Darien, is charged with petit larceny. Boswell is accused of stealing merchandise from Walmart valued at $874.84.

Peter Charles Himan, 29, of Berkley Street, Williamsville, is charged with driving while ability impaired and possession/consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle. Himan was located in a stopped vehicle on Route 63, Oakfield, at 12:34 a.m. Sunday by Deputy Patrick Reeves.

Justin Thomas Hemmer, 34, of South Main Street, Elba, is charged with criminal contempt, 1st. Hemmer is accused of violating a court order protecting another person by shoving that person during an argument.

Andrew Loren Mark Falker, 20, of Indian Falls Road, Pembroke, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and improper turn (no signal). Falker was stopped at 2:53 a.m. Saturday on Main Road, Pembroke, by Deputy Jason Saile.

Ann Marie Capuano, 29, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Capuano was charged after Officer Peter Flanagan allegedly observed a glass pipe with partially smoked marijuana in her car.

Grant W. Whitney, 34, of Route 20A, Perry, is charged with unregistered motor vehicle. Whitney was arrested on a warrant out of City Court. He posted bail and was released.

Stephen J. Holdaway, 62, of Corfu, is charged with felony DWI and felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Holdaway was stopped by State Police at 1:01 p.m. May 19 in the Town of Batavia.

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