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Batavia man accused of selling morphine

By Howard B. Owens
Anthony Spearance

A Batavia resident has been arrested, accused of selling morphine to undercover agents.

Anthony J. Spearance, 29, of Washington Avenue, is charged with two counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, and two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd. 

It's alleged that Spearance sold morphine to an agent of the Local Drug Task Force. He was arrested on a sealed indictment Tuesday.

Spearance was ordered held without bail.

Also arrested Tuesday was Jacob W. Patterson, 18, of Killian Road, Pembroke.

He is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, and criminally possessing a hypodermic instrument.

Task Force members allegedly found him in possession of heroin and a needle in March 2014. He was issued an appearance ticket.

Father in custody in case of infant's death in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A Batavia man is in the Genesee County Jail tonight, charged with manslaughter in the second degree in connection with the death this weekend of an infant, according to local law enforcement sources.

Police Chief Shawn Heubusch has scheduled a 10 a.m. press conference to discuss the case, but has not replied to e-mails tonight seeking comment on the arrest of Jeffrey L. Deats, 28, of Olyn Avenue, Batavia.

A corrections officer did confirm that Deats is in custody, but declined to answer further questions about his status.

According to friends of Deats, Deats is the father of 6-month-old Chandler, whom police reported two days ago was found unresponsive Sunday morning at a residence on Olyn Avenue.

Chandler was later pronounced dead at UMMC. An autopsy was performed Monday by the Monroe County Medical Examiner's Office, but those results have not yet been released.

Deats has two prior arrests where he was charged with harassment after being accused of making threats to other people.

On Tuesday, he tweeted:

@Jaguars yesterday I lost my lil dude in his sleep he was a young jags fan play hard for him this Sunday #RIPchan 

Friends have left several messages of support, and messages defending Deats, on his Facebook wall.

On both Facebook and Twitter, he has frequnetly posted pictures of Chandler and one friend wrote shortly after news of Chandler's death became public:

Jeff Deats loves Chandler. I don't care what anyone says, he would never do anything to HIS own son. 

Until Batavia PD releases more information at the press conference, we won't know the reason investigators decided to charge Deats in Chandler's death.

There is a charitable fund set up to assist Chandler's mother, Michelle Zuch, of Tonawanda, called Memory of Chandler.

UPDATE: Authorities now believe Deats is not Chandler's father.

STOP-DWI announces holiday enforcement detail

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Genesee County STOP-DWI coordinator Matt Landers announced today that the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, City of Batavia Police Department and the Village of Le Roy Police Department will participate in a special enforcement effort to crackdown on impaired driving.

While we spend this Holiday Season celebrating with friends and family and looking forward to the blessings of a New Year, the law enforcement community across New York State will take to the roads in an effort to stop impaired driving, prevent injuries and save lives. The statewide STOP-DWI Crackdown efforts start on Dec. 12th and will end on Jan. 1st. New York State Police, County Sheriffs and municipal law enforcement agencies across the state will be out in force.

Research shows that high-visibility enforcement can reduce drunk-driving fatalities by as much as 20 percent. Sobriety checkpoints play a key part in raising awareness about the problem. Sheriff Gary T. Maha advises that he will have dedicated DWI patrols and Drug Recognition Experts (DRE) out looking for impaired drivers this holiday season and enforcing the DWI laws. “Our goal is to have zero DWI-related accidents over the holidays.”

The STOP-DWI Holiday Season Crackdown is one of many statewide enforcement initiatives promoted by the New York State STOP-DWI Association with additional funding from the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee and implemented by the STOP-DWI Foundation. In addition, the Foundation has created a new mobile app – “Have A Plan” that is available as a free download for smart phones to help find safe rides home no matter where you may be celebrating. Many thanks to the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee for its support of this new technology. Go to or visit your app store.

While STOP-DWI efforts across New York have led to significant reductions in the numbers of alcohol- and drug-related fatalities, still too many lives are being lost because of crashes caused by drunk or impaired drivers. It is significant to note that nationwide in 2012, during the Holiday period (Dec. 12-31), there were 1,698 motorists killed in traffic crashes with 31 percent attributable to impaired driving. According to NHTSA data, 60 percent of the passenger vehicle occupants killed were not wearing their seat belts and 42 percent were killed in crashes that involved a drunk driver who had a blood alcohol content of .08 BAC or higher. Highly visible, highly publicized efforts like the STOP-DWI Crackdown Campaign aim to further reduce the incidents of drunk and impaired driving. Have a safe and happy Holiday Season!

Law and Order: Hunter allegedly found with stolen handgun

By Howard B. Owens

David E. Stone, 63, of Route 237, Le Roy, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, 2nd. Department of Environmental Conservation officers were investigating a report of a person hunting with a rifle in the area of Morganville Road, Stafford, when they came into contact with Stone. Stone was allegedly in possession of a shotgun, loaded rifle and a loaded .357 caliber revolver. Stone is accused of not possessing a valid pistol permit. It's alleged that the revolver was stolen from a residence in the Town of Le Roy sometime within the past three years. Stone also faces possible DEC charges.

Jame Albert Hancock, 45, of Dellinger Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear in October on a criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, charge. Hancock was held on $1,000 bond.

Kara Ellen Wojkowski, 31, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Wojkowski was allegedly involved in a fight with another person in her household.

Jessica L. Ford, 23, of Oak Street, is charged with assault, 3rd. Ford allegedly hit another person causing pain and injury. She was jailed on $2,500 bail.

Richard C. Smith, 47, of Ross Street, Batavia, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Smith was stopped at 3:21 a.m. Sunday on West Main Street by Officer Peter Flanagan.

Francis George Germuga, 54, of Stringham Drive, Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08, improper U-turn, moving from lane unsafely and consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle.

First of three men arrested in burglary spree pleads guilty

By Howard B. Owens
William Kelly Robert Kelly Michael Correia

One of three men who are accused of a multi-county burglary spree in late August is facing up to four years in prison after entering a guilty plea in County Court this afternoon.

Michael Correia is being released on his own recognizance, as part of the plea deal, and being allowed to return to his home in Syracuse after pleading guilty to burglary, 3rd.

Correia admitted to driving a vehicle to a construction site on East Main Street Road, where his accomplices went into a building and then exited with stolen items.

The alleged accomplices are Correia's nephews, William Kelly and Robert Kelly.

The trio were picked up following a traffic stop in Wayne County, where a deputy became suspicious of all the material in their vehicle.

After being questioned, the men admitted to heists in Genesee County.

Local investigators went to Wayne County and questioned the men further. They reportedly admitted to burglaries in Pembroke and Batavia.

The charges against the Kelly brothers are still pending.

Since Correia did not actually enter the buildings, an element of the crime he needed to confess to today was that at the time he arrived at the East Main Street Road location, he knew his nephews intended to enter the building and steal items.

That was a point Correia found difficult to understand.

Dressed in an orange jumpsuit, shackled, with long gray hair, full gray beard and black-rimmed glasses, Correia initially told Noonan he didn't know the Kelly brothers intended to steal anything, though he did say that he knew the items they placed in his vehicle before leaving were stolen.

This perplexed Noonan, who conferred with the attorneys and then tried another line of questioning.

Under questioning, Correia admitted that he drove his vehicle to a location in Lancaster, where he said he knew his nephews entered a building and stole items.

He agreed then, he knew they were going to steal items in Batavia.

"You intentionally assisted them in the commission of that crime," Noonan asked.

"I don't understand, 'assisted,' " he said.

His attorney, Public Defender Jerry Ader, whispered something to him and Correia then said that yes, he assisted.

At which point, Noonan could accept his plea of guilty.

Without the plea deal, Correia faced a maximum sentence on the third-degree burglary charge of two-and-a-third to seven years in prison. The plea deal caps his potential term at one-and-a-third to four years. He could still face the maximum if he violates the terms of his release while awaiting sentencing.

Sentencing is scheduled for 9:30 a.m., March 13.

Correia and the Kelly brothers still face charges in other jurisdictions, including possession of stolen property in Wayne County.

Volunteers for Animals offering $750 reward in animal cruelty case

By Howard B. Owens

Via The Batavian's news partner, WBTA:

A man walking a dog on East Main Street sometime two weeks ago reportedly stomped a cat to death and Volunteers for Animals is offering a $750 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the culprit.

"The owner of the dog sent the dog after the cat and the cat was being thrown up in the air," said Wendy Castleman, with the volunteers. "Then the man stomped on the cat, and according to the examination by a local veterinarian, the cat had numerous injuries caused by the dog as well as a broken spine and a crushed skull caused by the stomping."

The incident occurred around 6:30 p.m., Dec. 3, Castleman said, in the area of 600 E. Main St., Batavia.

"We see a lot of neglect at the shelter but this is different in that it is a very violent act," Castleman said. "We all found it extremely disturbing that someone would do this."

The volunteers initially offered a $500 reward, but through a donation this morning were able to up the reward to $750.

Batavia Police encourages anyone with information to call their confidential tipline at 345-6370.

Arrest made in series of thefts in Alexander and Batavia

By Howard B. Owens
Matthew Biggins

A 25-year-old Alexander man has been accused of going on a theft spree earlier this year in Alexander and Batavia, leading to six criminal charges.

Matthew M. Biggins is charged with burglary, 2nd, grand larceny, 4th, two counts of identity theft, 3rd, petit larceny and criminal possession of stolen property, 5th. 

On Oct. 18, a resident in the Village of Alexander reported that someone had forced open a rear door to the house and stole cash and loose change.

On Dec. 2, a Warsaw resident reported that cash was removed from her vehicle sometime in August while it was parked at a residence in Alexander. She also reported that while at the same address in November, someone stole her debit card and used it to wire himself two money transfers through Western Union.

On Dec. 8, a Batavia resident reported that sometime in October a person removed a mountain bike from the laundry room of his apartment building.

Following an investigation, Biggins was identified as the suspect. 

Biggins was allegedly found in possession of the missing mountain bike.

On Dec. 9, Biggins was arraigned on all the charges except possession of criminal property. He was jailed on $10,000 bail. Last week, he was issued an appearance ticket on the criminal possession of stolen property charge.

The investigation was handled by Investigator Timothy Weis, deputy Cory Mower and deputy Kevin McCarthy.

Grand Jury Report: Indictment announced in fairground thefts

By Howard B. Owens

James V. Woyshner is indicted on four counts of burglary, 3rd, and a count of grand larceny, 3rd. Woyshner is accused of entering buildings on 5056 E. Main Street Road, Batavia, (the fairgrounds) on or about Dec. 26, 2013, and stealing property valued at more than $3,000, including 45 aluminum fence pieces, fences, mounting brackets, straps, heavy gauge wire, two semi-tractor batteries, a television, Sony Blu-ray player, vacuum cleaner and miscellaneous carnival prizes.

Jeremy D. Lyons is indicted on counts of burglary, 3rd, and grand larceny, 4th. Lyons is accused of entering a shed on Old Creek Road, Town of Alexander, and stealing property valued at more than $1,000 -- a Honda ATV.

Law and Order: Attica man accused of altering prescription

By Howard B. Owens

David R. Cook, 20, of Lindsey Road, Attica, is charged with forgery, 2nd. Cook allegedly altered a prescription in an attempt to deceive a pharmacy into giving him more medication than original prescribed. Cook was jailed on $10,000 cash bail or $20,000 bond.

Daniel W. Hennebohl, 59, of Bethany Center Road, East Bethany, is charged with criminal mischief, 4th. Hennebohl is accused of scratching a car with a key while in the Walmart parking lot at 11:48 a.m., Sunday.

Nancy Ann Bennet, 44, of Center Street, Medina, is charged with petit larceny. Bennet is accused of shoplifting at Kmart.

Christina M. Sanchez-Anderson, 26, of Bank Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear. Sanchez-Anderson is accused of failing to appear in court on a grand larceny charge in October.

Daniel J. Saeva, 35, of Central Avenue, Batavia, is charged with strangulation, 2nd, criminal mischief, 3rd, endangering the welfare of a child, harassment, 2nd and assault, 3rd. Saeva is accused of putting his hands around the next of another person and shoving another while in the presence of three children during an alleged incident reported at 9:01 p.m., Friday.

Donya M. Vaughn, 48, of Richley Road, Corfu, is charged with issuing a bad check. Vaughn was arrested on a warrant issued by City Court.

Carter L. Hall, 37, of Oakfield, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Hall was stopped at 9:10 p.m. Friday at Route 63 and Veterans Memorial Drive by State Police.

Hold-up alarm at Dick's Sporting Goods prompts big law enforcement response

By Billie Owens

A hold-up alarm sounding at Dick's Sporting Goods prompted response from Sheriff's deputies and city police in both marked and unmarked cars. The store is located at 4180 Veterans Memorial Drive.

UPDATE 1:18 p.m.: This was a false alarm and law enforcement has cleared the scene.

Plea deal in arson case will make probation possible for defendant

By Howard B. Owens
Brian Sprague

A former Batavia resident now living in Henrietta who was arrested for trying to light a fire in the window of a house on East Avenue entered a guilty plea this morning to attempted burglary in the second degree.

It was a unique plea deal that will make Brian Sprague, 25, eligible for a probationary sentence.

He was originally charged with attempted arson, 2nd, a Class C violent felony, and criminal mischief. But conviction on those charges would not give Judge Robert C. Noonan the option of a probationary sentence, if he found it appropriate.

There is no lesser included offense in attempted arson, 2nd, so under the theory that by breaking a window, Sprague was attempting a burglary, District Attorney Lawrence Friedman offered Sprague the chance to plead guilty to that charge.

However, the facts of the case don't entirely support that charge, so under what's known as an Alford Plea -- where the defendent admits the facts of the case would likely mean a jury conviction if the case went to trial -- Friedman recited the facts of the attempted arson charge.

Sprague then entered a guilty plea to the attempted burglary charge, a Class D violent felony.

Sprague was arrested on the arson charge in September after residents on East Avenue were awakened by the sound of glass breaking. When they came downstairs later, they found gasoline had been poured around the window and through the window.

Sentencing will be at a later date and probation is no guarantee. The probation department will conduct a pre-sentence report for Noonan to review prior to sentencing.

The maximum prison time possible for a Class D violent felony is seven years.

The plea also satisfies a criminal mischief charge in the Town of Batavia.

Law and Order: Five recent arrests

By Howard B. Owens

Kenneth Michael Gray, 23, no permanent address, was arrested on a warrant out of Le Roy by Batavia PD. He was jailed on $1,000 bail. No details provided on the underlying charge.

Joseph Antwan Fletcher, 18, of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt. Fletcher was allegedly observed by a Batavia police officer in the company of a person protected from contact by Fletcher by a court order.

James P. Colantonio Jr., 26, of South Main Street, Batavia, is charged with DWI and refusal to submit to chemical test. Colantonio was stopped at 2:12 a.m. Sunday on West Main Street, Batavia, by officer Marc Lawrence.

Daniel S. Kilner, 46, of Redfield Parkway, Batavia, was arrested for an alleged violation of probation. Kilner was located at his residence by the Probation Department and transported to BPD headquarters where he was arrested. Kilner was jailed on $5,000 bail.

Gurpreet Singh Malhi, 41, of Charit Way, Rochester, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .18 or greater. Malhi was stopped at 7:20 p.m. Wednesday on Lake Road, Le Roy, by deputy Matthew Fleming.

Father, daughter and friend from Batavia arrested in Macedon on various charges

By Howard B. Owens

Three residents of Batavia, including a father and daughter, are being held in Wayne County Jail after being identified as suspected shoplifters at the Walmart in Macedon.

Two of the suspects are charged with petit larceny and accused of stealing HP All-in-One Desktop printers, with a retail value of $350 each.

Macedon police say the suspects match those of people seen on the video stealing the printers.

There were not arrested until this week for the alleged crime Nov. 24.

Justine McWethy, 27, and Christina Deluna, 24, were stopped by a Macedon police officer and when asked for identification, they allegedly provided false names. 

The officer was able to determine their identities and found they were both wanted on several warrants in various jurisdictions. 

Justine's father, 46-year-old Mark McWethy, was later located in Macedon Town Court. He was reportedly waiting for a court appearance at the wrong time.

Justine McWethy is charged with false personation, criminal possession of a hypodermic instrument and petit larceny.

Deluna is charged with false personation and criminal possession of a hypodermic instrument.

Mark Mcwethy is charged with three counts of petit larceny and felony burglary. 

All three are being held pending their next court appearance in Macedon on Dec. 30.

Via The Batavian's news partner, 13WHAM.

Law and Order: Year-old gun theft discovered this weekend, suspect arrested

By Howard B. Owens

Ryan J. Scopano, 27, of North Spruce Street, Batavia, is charged with grand larceny, 4th. Scopano is accused of removing two guns from a business on West Main Street Road, Batavia, some time in the early winter months of 2013. The owner didn't discover the guns missing until this weekend. Both weapons have been recovered and are in the possession of the Sheriff's Office. The investigation was conducted by Investigator Kristopher Kautz and deputies James Diehl and Joe Loftus.

Dustin L. Stump, 44, of Stafford, is charged with identity theft, 3rd, and grand larceny, 4th. Stump is accused of stealing the debit card of a family member while the person was hospitalized and withdrawing $200 without permission between Oct. 29 and Nov. 1.

Law and Order: Missing youth located, arrested on warrant after fleeing from house

By Howard B. Owens

Preston S. Daigler, 16, of Batavia-Oakfield Townline Road, Oakfield, is charged with resisting arrest. Daigler was wanted on a warrant out of City Court on an endangering the welfare of a child charge. He was also a reported missing person out of Orleans County. Daigler was located at his residence when the Sheriff's Office attempted to place him under arrest. Daigler jumped from a second-story window and fled into a wooded area behind his residence. Daigler was located about two hours later hiding in a dumpster at a nearby local business. He was treated at UMMC for exposure and then arraigned in Oakfield Town Court. He was jailed on $5,000 bail.

Kevin Michael Lampman, 41, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 1st, harassment, 2nd, and aggravated family offense. Lampman is accused of trying to bite a woman in the face during an argument. There was allegedly an order of protection in place at the time of the incident. Lampman was jailed on $10,000 cash bail.

Christina AnnMarie Deluna, 34, of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Deluna is accused of stealing $576.72 in merchandise from Walmart. She was located five days later at her residence and issued an appearance ticket.

John Frederick Lightfoot II, 21, of Roslyn Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant out of Lancaster for an unlawful possession of marijuana charge.

Anthony Michael Vanille, 55, of Broadway Road, Attica, is charged with driving while ability impaired by alcohol and speed in excess of 55 mph. Vanille was stopped at 8:14 p.m., Saturday.

Michael John Valentino, 48, of Hilltop Court, West Seneca, is charged with DWAI (combined influence of drugs), criminal possession of a stimulant, 4th, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, criminal use of drug paraphernalia, 2nd, criminal possession of a weapon, 4th. Valentino was stopped at 2:37 a.m. Sunday on Oak Orchard Road, Batavia, by Deputy Joseph Corona. He was allegedly found in possession of methamphetamine, hydrocodone and marijuana and related paraphernalia. He also allegedly possessed a weapon at the time of his arrest.

A 17-year-old resident of Spring Road, Alexander, is charged with harassment, 2nd. The youth is accused of striking another person at Alexander High School.

Raymond Lundy Kelley, 24, of Ellsworth Avenue, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Kelley is accused of shoplifting at Walmart.

Grayson Carl Stock, 22, of Sunset Parkway, Oakfield, is charged with possession of a hypodermic instrument. Stock was allegedly found in possession of a hypodermic instrument while at a location on West Main Street, Batavia.

Jamie Lee Steinhardt, 22, of Sumner Road, Darien, is charged with petit larceny. Steinhardt is accused of shoplifting at Walmart.

Brandon Aaron Barclay, 27, of Big Tree Road, Pavilion, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Barclay allegedly violated an order of protection by having contact with a protected party.

Cassandra Ann Jimenez, 26, of Oliver Street, North Tonawanda, is charged with petit larceny. Jimenez is accused of going through the self-checkout line at Walmart, scanning several but not all of the items in her cart. She then allegedly passed the checkout area with $128.63 in unpaid items in her cart.

Morgan L. Cox Jr., 22, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd, and harassment, 2nd. Cox was allegedly involved in a domestic incident in violation of an order of protection.

A 16-year-old resident of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal diversion of prescription medication, 4th.The youth was allegedly involved in a trade of prescription medication for cigarettes at Batavia High School. Batavia PD withheld the name of the suspect. An unnamed 17-year-old resident of Highland Park, Batavia, was also arrested.

A 17-year-old resident of Williams Street, Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct. The youth was allegedly involved in a fight at Batavia High School. Batavia PD withheld the name of the suspect.

Amber L. Ostrander, 24, of Morrow Road, Pavilion, was arrested on warrant for alleged failure to appear. Ostrander allegedly failed to appear on a charge stemming from her arrest in August for driving on a suspended license.

Danielle M. Cravatta, 30, of Walden Creek Drive, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for allegedly issuing a bad check in November, 2013. 

Gregory A. Emerson, 32, of Park Road, Batavia, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Emerson was stopped at 1:04 a.m. Friday on Richmond Avenue, Batavia, by Officer Peter Flanagan.

Law and Order: Suspect found hiding in bathroom arrested on multiple warrants

By Howard B. Owens

Jamie A. Dutton, 22, of Buell Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear on petit larceny charges. Dutton was arrested after being found hiding in a bathroom of a residence on Thomas Avenue. Dutton is charged with three counts of petit larceny. Dutton was also wanted by the Sheriff's Office on a grand larceny warrant out of Rochester and for traffic violations. Dutton was jailed on $2,500 bail.

Edward White, 19, of Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, 4th. White was arrested by a Le Roy police officer for allegedly possessing brass knuckles.

Matthew Herman, 22, of Rochester, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Herman was reportedly involved in an accident at the intersection of Route 5 and Route 19, Village of Le Roy, leading to his arrest.

Nicholas Bowden, 19, of Le Roy, is charged with petit larceny. Bowden allegedly stole an iPhone and laptop and attempted to sell the items. He was jailed on $500 bail or $1,000 bond.

Didier Asne Antoine, 20, of Manhattan Avenue, Batavia, is charged with criminal trespass, 3rd. Antoine is accused of trespassing at College Village.

Demetri C. Stewart, 22, of East Main Street, Batavia, Stewart was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear on endangering the welfare of a child and unlawful dealing with a child charges. Stewart was charged in connection with an alleged underage drinking party on Halloween.

Terry E. Smith, 37, of Dellinger Avenue, Batavia, is charged harassment, 2nd. During an argument, Smith allegedly flipped a couch while another person was sitting on it, causing the person to fall to the floor. Smith was held on $750 cash bail.

Deborah R. Blatt, 53, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .18 or greater. Blatt was stopped at 10:36 p.m. Saturday on Law Street, Batavia, by officer Mitchell Cowen following a complaint of an erratic driver on Route 98.

Teshawn A. Lang-Smith, 18, of Dellinger Avenue, Batavia, is charged with two counts of endangering the welfare of a child. Lang-Smith is accused of striking younger siblings during an argument.

Vanson L. Warner, 66, of Vine Street, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Warner allegedly aggressively grabbed an employee of UMMC while at the hospital at 10:25 p.m., Monday. Warner was jailed on $500 bail.

The State Police conducted a DWI sobriety checkpoint on Route 63 in the Town of Batavia on Friday night and into Saturday morning. A total of 173 vehicles went through the checkpoint. Seven tickets were issued for traffic violations.

Arrested were Ronald M. Market Jr. (previously reported) and Tomy L. Velasquez, 21, of Warsaw. Velasquez is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. During the checkpoint, troopers detected the odor of marijuana. A search of the vehicle resulted in troopers locating a plastic baggie allegedly containing a small amount of marijuana. 

Steven M. Geyer, 21, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal impersonation. A vehicle was stopped by Attica PD for alleged no plate lamps. Geyer was a passenger in the vehicle and allegedly provided police with a false name, reportedly to avoid being arrested on a warrant out of Rochester. He was wanted for alleged unlawful use of a motor vehicle. He was jailed on $15,000 cash bail or $30,000 bond.

Law and Order: Man arrested in lockdown incident Thursday also accused of selling drugs

By Howard B. Owens

Jonathan Cornelius Hoges, 32, of Ross Street, Batavia, is charged wit criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th,, and endangering the welfare of a child. Hoges allegedly used what appeared to be a handgun and threatened to kill himself in front of his two young children in an incident reported at 2:47 p.m. Thursday at his residence on Ross Street. He was later taken into custody on Miller Avenue. At the time of his arrest, he was allegedly found in possession of crack cocaine and packaging. He was jailed on $20,000 bail, or $40,000 bond. (Previous report)

Joseph A. Cafarelli, 48, of Hunters Gate Drive, Rochester, is charged with falsely reporting an incident to law enforcement. Cafarelli allegedly reported that his debit card had been stolen while at Batavia Downs Casino. An investigation revealed the incident allegedly did not occur. Cafarelli was jailed on $500 bail.

Melanie Rose Cantabrana, 22, of Maple Ridge Road, Medina, is charged with petit larceny. Cantabrana is accused of stealing $680.51 in merchandise from Walmart.

Nancy June Brandon, 36, of Holland Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to pay fine. She was also charged with facilitating aggravated unlicensed operation, 2nd. Brandon was a passenger in a vehicle stopped at 10:40 p.m. Sunday by Deputy Joseph Corona. The driver allegedly was unlicensed. Brandon was jailed on $400 bail, or $800 bond.

Latoya Yalanda Stanley, 26, of Holland Avenue, Batavia, is charged with aggravated unlicensed operation, 2nd, and unlicensed driver. Stanley was stopped for alleged traffic violations at 10:40 p.m. Sunday on Lewiston Road, Batavia, by Deputy Joseph Corona. Stanley also reportedly was wanted in the Town of Gates on a warrant on an unrelated matter.

Michael Andrew Balla, 39, of Hazlemere Avenue, Machias, is charged with criminal mischief, 3rd. Balla allegedly damaged a garage door, valued at more than $250, at a location on Main Road, Stafford. Balla was jailed without bail.

Christopher Ryan Waite, 25, of Skye Road, Basom, is charged with DWI, driving while ability impaired by drugs and reckless driving. Following numerous calls of an erratic driver, Waite was stopped at 11:46 p.m. Friday on Route 262, Byron, by Deputy Matthew Butler. Additional charges are pending.

Julie L. Dutton, 19, of Manhattan Avenue, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Dutton was arrested after police were asked to check on the welfare of a person on Thomas Avenue. Dutton was allegedly found hiding in a shower by police officers inside the residence of a person allegedly protected from contact by Dutton through a court order. Dutton was jailed on $500 bail.

Samantha J. Armstrong, 21, of Hart Street, Batavia, turned herself in on a warrant for alleged failure to appear on a parking citation for improper street parking between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. Armstrong was released on $100 cash bail.

Deborah R. Blatt, 53, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Blatt is accused of verbally harassing and annoying a neighbor. 

Terrence D. Johnson, 19, of Holland Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear on a traffic citation. Johnson posted bail and was released.

Nicholas J. Mungillo, 20, of Union Square, Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession alcohol under age 21. Mungillo was allegedly found intoxicated following the report of a fight in the area of Jackson Street and Watson Street at 3:46 a.m. on Sunday. Also charged was Michael A. Canzoneri, 19, of Edgewood Drive, Batavia.

Anya R. Rambuski, 44, of Birchwood Drive, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear on a DWAI charge.

Ronald M. Markek, 34, of Corfu, is charged with felony DWI. Markek was stopped at 10:13 p.m. Friday on Route 63 Batavia, by State Police. Markek was jailed on bail.

Lori J. Marchese, 55, of Corfu, is charged felony DWAI. Marchese was stopped at 5:22 p.m. Saturday on Main Road, Pembroke, by State Police.

Law and Order: One-car accident leads to DWI arrest

By Howard B. Owens

Dustin Ray Cleveland, 29, of Townline Road, Byron, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, speed not reasonable and prudent, failure to keep right and operating an unregistered vehicle. Cleveland arrested following a one-vehicle accident at 1:25 a.m., on West Bergen Road, Le Roy, by deputy Joseph Corona.

Lisa Ann Galloway, 33, of Redman Road, Nunda, is charged with attempted criminal mischief, 4th, and resisting arrest. Galloway allegedly threw the mobile phone of another person to the ground, breaking it into several pieces, in an incident reported at 6:25 p.m. Wednesday on Veterans Memorial Drive, Batavia. When officers attempted to arrest Galloway, she allegedly pushed the officer backwards and refused to be taken into custody.

Kenneth Walker Cook Jr., 53, of Oak Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for failure to pay fine levied for code violations (rotting garage roof and siding). 

Kevin O. Simmons, 54, of Central Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to comply with a drug court order, which was the result of a DWI. Simmons was jailed on $100,000 bail.

Latoya Y. Stanley, 26, of Holland Avenue, Batavia, is charged with aggravated unlicensed operation, unlicensed operation and failure to use headlights.

Justin L. Pyatt, 26, no permanent address, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd, petit larceny and violation of probation. Pyatt is accused of leaving the state in violation of probation over the summer. He was jailed on $2,500 bail. At the time of his arrest he was allegedly at a residence that he is barred from by court order.

A 17-year-old resident of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. The youth allegedly violated an order of protection by being at a specific residence during a domestic incident. Batavia PD did not release the the suspect's name.

Klarissa Carol Price, 36, no permanent address, is charged with unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, 3rd. Price allegedly failed to return a rented vehicle by the agreed upon date and time.

Ray A. Watson, 25, of Hart Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged aggravated unlicensed operation. Watson turned himself in. He was released on $250 bail.

Bryan S. Harris, 32, of Montclair Avenue, Batavia, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Harris is accused of a disciplinary action that caused bruising.

Drug dealer sent to prison for five years

By Howard B. Owens
Dajuandrick Gardner

A Batavia man accused of selling drugs earlier this year was sentenced today by Judge Robert C. Noonan to five years in state prison.

Dajuandrick C. "Omega" (and "X") Gardner, 37, of East Avenue, entered a guilty plea to a count of attempted criminal possession of a controlled substance 3rd on Oct. 24.

He was indicted on six counts related to the sale of cocaine and possession of enough cocaine to constitute suspected drug dealing. The plea satisfied all the counts of the indictment.

The sales to agents of the Local Drug Task Force occurred in January.

Gardner's arrest in March was announced with two other suspects.

"For my part in this case that I committed, I probably wouldn't if I wasn't on drugs," Gardner told Noonan. "I wouldn't have committed the crime and I want to take responsibility for my part that I did regardless of the fact that I was on drugs. I want to apologize to the court and the community."

Noonan told Gardner that his turnabout was a little late.

"You've had many opportunities over the course of your life to clean yourself up from drugs and you never seized them," Noonan said. "You just dove into criminal activity over and over again."

The judge also ordered Gardner to pay $150 in restitution upon his release from prison.

Prior to sentencing, among the requests from Gardner's attorney was one for instructions from Noonan to the Department of Corrections that Gardner's head not be shaved. He said Gardner is a Rastafarian and it would violate his religion to cut his hair.

Noonan said he has no authority to tell the DOC what to do.

Law and Order: Fourth suspect charged with first-degree rape of woman in Elba

By Billie Owens
Uriel Ramirez-Perez

Uriel Ramirez-Perez, 26, of Oak Orchard Road, Elba, is charged with first-degree rape, a Class B felony. The defendant was arrested after allegedly raping a female victim at an Elba residence. The charge is related to the previously reported charges of rape against three other Elba men. This defendant was allegedly present during the Nov. 16 incident. He is in county jail on $25,000 cash bail or $50,000 property bond. The incident was investigated by investigator Kristopher A. Kautz, deputy Dana Richardson and Angel Santos, investigator with the State Police.

Shannon Ann Caton, 39, of Fisher Road, Oakfield, is charged with: driving while intoxicated with a previous conviction within the last 10 years; resisting arrest; attempted escape, 3rd; speed not reasonable and prudent; and following too close. She was arrested Nov. 19 on the charges after she allegedly rear-ended another vehcile twice on East Main Street near Harvester Avenue in the City of Batavia. While at police headquarters, she slipped out of handcuffs and attempted to escape. She allegedly physically resisted her re-apprehension and was then jailed without bail. She is also charged with refusing to take a breath test. The incident was investigated by police officers Jason Ivison and James DeFreze.

Thomas K. Lee, 51, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with resisting arrest and obstruction of governmental administration. He was arrested Nov. 18 after allegedly interfering with a Batavia police officer's investigation into a domestic incident involving Lee. He allegedly resisted arrest and "attempted to kick patrols." He is in jail in lieu of $2,500 bail. The incident was investigated by police officers Jason Ivison and Chad Richards.

Shane Zimblis, 43, of Hutchins Street, Batavia, is charged with: operating a snowmobile with a BAC of .08 or higher, first offense; operating a snowmobile without liability insurance; no/inadequate headlight; operating an unregistered snowmobile; and following too close. The charges stem from an accident Nov. 18 on Pearl Street in the city wherein Zimblis was allegedly operating his snowmobile and struck an SUV. He is to appear in city court on Dec. 3. The incident was investigated by police officers Chad Richards and James DeFreze.

April L. Walradt, 37, of Bank Street, Batavia, was arrested Nov. 11 and charged with second-degree harassment. She allegedly made comments to another person and a youth that caused them alarm. She was issued an appearance ticket for city court. The incident was investigated by police offier Matthew Wojtaszczyk.

Matthew Michael Biggins, 25, of Rail Road Avenue, Alexander, is charged with third-degree forgery and petit larceny. He was arrested Nov. 14 after allegedly stealing three checks, making the checks out in his own name and then cashing them. He was issued an appearance ticket and is to appear in Alexander Town Court on Dec. 2. The incident was investigated by Sheriff's deputy Cory Mower.

Terrance Trae Allen Harley, 18, of Frandee Lane, Rochester, was arrested Nov. 22 on Clinton Street Road in Stafford and charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, speed violation (67 in a 55 mph zone), and having no or inadequate taillights. The charges were issued following a traffic stop for alleged vehicle and traffic law violations. Harley is to appear in Stafford Town Court on Dec. 11. The incident was investigated by sheriff's deputy Joseph Corona, assisted by deputy Andrew Hale.

Jennifer Lynn Stack, 28, of South Main Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. She was arrested Nov. 23 after she entered the Batavia Walmart and remained in the store. These alleged actions violated an active order of protection issued by Batavia Town Court, prohibiting her from being on the premises. She was issued an appearance ticket and is to appear in court on Dec. 18. The incident was investigated by Sheriff's deputy Chad Minuto.

Adam Paul Hoopengardner, 34, of Bank Street Road, Elba, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or more and speeding (52 in a 40 mph zone). He was stopped on Lewiston Road Nov. 23 for allegedly speeding and an investigation revealed he was allegedly intoxicated while driving the vehicle. The incident was investigated by Sheriff's deputy Thomas Sanfratello.

James Russell Kosiorek, 22, of East Main Street, Batavia, was arrested Nov. 20 on a state parole warrant. He responded to the Sheriff's Office to turn himself in and was placed in county jail.

Gloria Susan Moretti, 37, of Main Road, Corfu, was arrested Nov. 7 and charged with unauthorized use of a vehicle. She was a co-renter of a vehicle from Sikes Enterprises, which allegedly has not been returned and has not been paid for. She was issued a computer-generated appearance ticket and is due in city court Dec. 2. The incident was investigated by Batavia police officer James DeFreze.

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