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It used to be criminals who stunk up Summit Street, now it's just skunks

By Howard B. Owens

A year ago, the problems on Summit Street included drugs and public domestic disputes and a general sense that the bad guys were winning, so a couple of neighbors started talking about how they might solve the problem.

Det. Rich Schauf got involved along with other members of Batavia PD. Leanna Di Risio from Vibrant Batavia was brought in. Residents started holding monthly meetings. Police started communicating more directly with residents. People started looking out for their street. Things changed.

This week, the biggest concern on Summit Street is a few skunks who have been wandering around the neighborhood.

"When the police issues identified come down to that, that obviously says a lot," Di Risio said during a neighborhood pizza party on Saturday. "I think when people see that neighbors are coming together, and they have that bond and they're looking out for each other, it makes for a better neighborhood."

Don Hirons, his wife Pam, and another neighbor got the ball rolling about a year ago, and soon they were talking with a couple of other longtime residents, including Richard Beatty, and that led to direct communication with law enforcement about what could be done. Word of the conversations reached City Manager Jason Molino who thought this was a perfect project for Vibrant Batavia. Together, they started holding monthly meetings at City Hall, with attendance at the most recent meeting attended by 20 residents of Summit Street.

"Rather than just sitting still and letting things happen, we thought maybe we need to do something," Hirons said. "We can't just sit back. We've lived on the street 35 years. That's a big investment of time. We've seen a lot of people come and go. There's a lot of homeowners who are not with us anymore and some of those homes have been turned into rentals. We've got folks we see come and go, so I guess what I'm saying is we didn't want to see this street -- we've seen it when it was a place where you didn't mind bringing your kids out -- to one where you had to be more careful. Both my wife and I saw that happening and we felt it was important to make sure to preserve the integrity of the street."

The way police have patrolled Summit Street hasn't really changed, Schauf said, nor is it any different from streets facing similar issues, but what has changed is the communication, and that has made a huge difference. When arrests are made, and as cases make it through the legal system, the department communicates with a resident about what has happened and that information is shared neighbor-to-neighbor. That gives residents confidence that action is being taken, raises their awareness and encourages them to continue to report issues immediately as they arise.

"Our department has 30 sworn officers," Schauf said. "There are 15,000 people who live in the city and during the day, there could be between 25,000 or 30,000 people here, so you do the math. You're always outnumbered, so without eyes and ears, without generally good people, we'd have chaos. To have people with eyes and ears and willing to share information so we can react to it, whether it's anti-social behavior or it has to do with quality of life, we can deal with it quickly."

When neighbors look out for each other, Schauf said, it helps encourage people less interested in being good citizens to find different locations for their criminal activity.

"Crime prevention isn't about crime going away," Schauf said. "It's about crime moving, because if we could do away with crime, we would have done that by now, but we can't. So it's about pushing crime down the road. It's not at your house and you're protected and you're helping your neighbors, that's going to push crime out of your neighborhood."

The residents of Summit Street feel so good about what they've been able to accomplish, they've had two parties this summer and fall. Earlier in the year they had an ice cream social. They're talking about a block party next summer and shutting down Summit Street for the afternoon.

Di Risio said there's also a lot of interest in forming more of a neighborhood association, which would include a classic welcome wagon for new Summit Street residents, and signs on the streets -- but not the negative message of a "Neighborhood Watch," but something with a more positive spin about how residents care about each others' well being.

"The best part of this is you start getting to know people," Beatty said. "You know their situations and a little bit about their families. It's been very encouraging. It's been a positive experience the way it's been going. Before this started, I didn't know Don and Pam. I didn't know the folks down the street or the folks on the corner, or any of them, so it's been a very positive thing."

The fact that the biggest issue on Summit is skunks is a good thing, Schauf said, but that isn't the end of the story.

"I've done this long enough to know that problems come and go," Schauf said. "So, right now, I'm not saying, 'This is great, we've solved it. We're the best and the neighborhood is well on its way to no problems.' I think there could still be problems, but we can react to it not just as one person complaining, but as a group, and when a group looks out for each other, it makes them stronger."

Law and Order: Man accused of stealing jewelry from sister

By Howard B. Owens

Cary Michael Alexyn, 40, of Eaton Road, Irondequoit, is charged with petit larceny. Alexyn is accused of stealing multiple items of jewelry from his sister's residence in Oakfield when he stayed there in May.

David Joseph Gorney, 47, of Applewood Lane, Erie, Pa., was arrested as a fugitive from justice. Gorney was incarcerated in the Genesee County Jail on a felony DWI charge. He was released and then arrested as a fugitive from justice. He was ordered held without bail pending extradition.

Erica Lynn Manuel, 22, of Fourth Section Road, Brockport, is charged with aggravated unlicensed operation, 2nd, and failure to obey a traffic device. Manuel was stopped at 8:37 a.m. Friday on Byron Holley Road, Byron, by Deputy Joseph Corona. She was ordered held on $1,000 bail.

Grand Jury: pair of DWI cases, one from Le Roy, the other from City of Batavia

By Billie Owens

Eugene L Sumeriski is indicted for the crime of driving while intoxicated as a Class E felony. On Sept. 19 in the City of Batavia, Sumeriski allegedly drove a 2010 Kia while in an intoxicated condition. In count two, he is accused of driving while intoxicated, per se, as a Class E felony, and having a BAC of .08 or more at the time. In count three, he is accused of aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree, a Class E felony, for driving that day in an allegedly intoxicated condition while knowing or having reason to know that his driver's license was suspended, revoked or otherwise withdrawn by authorities. In Special Information accompanying this indictment, Sumeriski is accused of having been convicted of felony driving while intoxicated, per se, on Aug. 11, 2006, in Erie County. The conviction forms the basis for the suspension or revocation referred to in count three and together with an earlier revocation on Sept. 15, 2005, which was the basis for an earlier DWI conviction, indicates that Sumeriski knew or had reason to know of the prior convictions and that his driver's license was suspended or revoked as a result and that the suspension or revocation was still in effect.

Guru Kadel is indicted for the crime of driving while intoxicated, as a misdemeanor. He is accused of driving a 2010 Honda on the Thruway in Le Roy in an intoxicated condition on April 28. In count two, he is accused of the crime of aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree for driving a vehicle while knowing or having reason to know that his driver's license was suspended pending prosecution on April 20, 2014, and at the time he was under the influence of alcohol or a drug.

Maldonado given 18 months in animal cruelty case

By Howard B. Owens

Brandon Maldonado appeared before Judge Robert C. Noonan this afternoon to learn if he might get something less than the 18 months in state prison he agreed to when he accepted a plea bargain in his animal cruelty case. 

Maldonado said he's a changed man since he was last sentenced by Noonan three years ago. He said he cares now about being a good father to his son. 

"I'm not the guy you knew before," Maldonado said. "Going to prison changed my life in a big way. Instead of doing what I want to do, I learned to do what I'm supposed to do."

At no point did Maldonado mention the dog, Rocky, he was accused of dumping scalding hot water on in July. 

When Maldonado entered a guilty plea Sept. 22 to aggravated cruelty to an animal, he did so on an Alford basis, which means he did not admit to the actions underlying the charge, just that he recognized a jury would likely find him guilty if the case went to trial. 

Noonan told Maldonado that frankly he didn't remember him from three years ago. There was nothing to distinguish him from the hundreds of other defendants he's seen since. The judge said defendants are often under the mistaken impression that an Alford plea will lead to a reduced sentence. He noted that Maldonado, while claiming to be a changed man, made no reference to the crime that brought him into court today. He called Moldonado's crime "horrific."

"It makes me shiver to think somebody could do this to a helpless animal," Noonan said. 

The judge then told Maldonado he is being sentenced to the full year and a half term negotiated as the cap under his plea deal. (Absent the deal, the longest possible sentence is two years.)

With credit for good behavior, Maldonado could be eligible for release in 12 months. 

His actual release date will also depend on the parole board. His parole stems from a prior conviction in 2013 for second-degree attempted criminal possession of a forged instrument.

Grand Jury indicts man on five felony counts for alleged sex crimes with child under 11

By Billie Owens

Kenneth J. Tidd II is indicted for the crime of predatory sexual assault against a child, a Class A-II felony. Tidd, being age 18 or older, is accused of committing a course of sexual conduct against a child in the first degree. Between September 2013 and December 2014, over a period of time not less that three months in duration, he allegedly engaged in two or more acts of sexual conduct, which included at least one act of oral sexual conduct with a child less than 11 years old. In count two of the indictment, he is accused of predatory sexual assault against a child. In or about the spring or summer of this year, on a date prior to Sept. 19 in the City of Batavia, Tidd is accused of committing the crime of criminal sexual act in the first degree by allegedly engaging in oral sexual conduct with another perosn who was less than 11 years old. In count three, he is accused of criminal sexual act in the first degree, a Class B violent felony, for allegedly engaging in oral sexual conduct this spring or summer with another person who was less than 11 years old. In count four, Tidd is accused of predatory sexual assault against a child for committing, on Sept. 19 in the City of Batavia, a criminal sexual act in the first degree by allegedly engaging in oral sexual conduct with another person who was less than 11 years old. In count five, Tidd is accused of criminal sexual act in the first degree for allegedly, on Sept. 19 in the City of Batavia, engaging in oral sexual conduct with another person who was less than 11 years old.

UPDATE: This afternoon, Tidd was arraigned on this indictment and entered pleas of not guilty to all counts. Judge Robert C. Noonan ordered him held on $50,000 bail or $100,000 bond. He has no prior criminal record, according to his attorney.

Law and Order: Swamp Road resident accused of violating court order

By Howard B. Owens

Patricia Jean Kendall-Cargill, 50, of Swamp Road, Bergen, is charged with two counts of criminal contempt, 2nd. Kendall-Cargill allegedly violated an order of protection out of Family Court on two occasions.

Heidi Marie Keller, 37, of Gillette Road, Rochester, is charged with petit larceny. Keller allegedly stole $35.70 worth of makeup from Walmart.

Kyle Kenneth Eldridge, 39, of Tracy Avenue, Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, aggravated unlicensed operation and failure to dim headlines. Eldridge was stopped at 3:34 a.m. Sunday on Route 33, Stafford, by Deputy Christopher Parker.

Law and Order: Driver accused of being four times over legal limit

By Howard B. Owens

John Roderick Benton, 57, of Colby Road, Darien, is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .18 or greater and obstructed plate. Benton was stopped at 12:44 p.m. Thursday,on Tinkham Road, Darien, by Deputy Patrick Reeves. Benton was allegedly driving with a BAC four times the legal limit.

Anthony James Demmer, 20, of Town Place, Oakfield, is charged with operating a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs, 1st. Demmer was stopped at 9:34 p.m. Sunday on North Main Street, Oakfield, by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Cierra Lanae Kettles, 19, of Elmdorf Avenue, Rochester, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Kettles allegedly threatened another person while at a party at 12:30 a.m. Saturday on East Main Street, Batavia.

Christopher Reynaldo Santos, 21, of Ellicott Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Santos allegedly stole merchandise from Kohl's Department Store.

Raymer Antonio Leonardo, 19, of Ellicott Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Leonardo allegedly stole merchandise from Kohl's Department Store.

Nolan Robert Powless, 18, of East Center Street, Medina, is charged with aggravated unlicensed operation, 2nd, operation of a motor vehicle by an unlicensed driver and no plate lamps. Powless was stopped at 2:27 a.m. Saturday on West Main Street, Batavia, by Deputy Joseph Corona. Powless was allegedly wanted on a warrant out of Orleans County, so he was taken into custody and turned over to State Police.

Erin Marie VanDorn, 27, of Bennett Road, Alexander, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, consuming alcohol in a motor vehicle, failure to stop for a stop sign and unsafe lane usage. VanDorn was stopped at 12:36 a.m. Saturday on Buffalo Street, Alexander, by Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello.

Shaun Claude Connors, 36, of Bissell Avenue, Depew, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th. Connors is an inmate in the Erie County Jail. He was arrested on a warrant out of Town of Pembroke Court. Bail was set at $750.

Lucas Daniel Allen, 25, of Horseshoe Lake Road, Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Allen was stopped for an alleged traffic violation at 6:59 p.m. Wednesday on Route 33, Stafford, by Deputy Chad Minuto.

Heidi L. Hopkins, 41, of Cherry Street, Perry, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, and criminal use of drug paraphernalia, 2nd. Hopkins was a passenger in a vehicle stopped for an alleged equipment violation on Wolcott Street in the Village of Le Roy. After a brief investigation Hopkins was arrested after allegedly being found in possession of a quantity of heroin and other drug paraphernalia.

Police suspect arson in dumpster fire last night

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia PD is looking for the public's assistance in identifying these two individuals in connection with an arson investigation. The individuals appeared on a video surveillance footage in proximity to a dumpster fire reported last night at a location on West Main Street (the exact location was not released). The fire was reported shortly before 9:30 p.m.

Anybody with any information that might assist in the investigation are asked to call Det. Thad Mart at (585) 345-6372.

Owner of Main Street Pizza chases down customers who allegedly fled without paying for food

By Billie Owens

"A couple of girls just ran out of Main Street Pizza without paying for their order," says a dispatcher. "The owner chased them down and now they're in front of Valle Jewelers on Jackson." City police are responding.

UPDATE 1:24 p.m.: This was a foursome of 14-year-old girls who allegedly "dined & dashed." At least one was taken away in a police cruiser. The cases will be referred to Family Court.

Law and Order: Man accused of public urination in Pringle Park

By Howard B. Owens

John W. Walsh, 32, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with open container, public lewdness and acting in a manner injurious to a child less than 17. Walsh allegedly urinated in Pringle Park, Batavia, at 1:25 p.m. Sunday while children were present.

George G. Johnson, 62, of Scotland Road, Akron, is charged with petit larceny. Johnson is accused of shoplifting at Tops Market.

James E. Wroten, 48, no permanent address, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Wroten allegedly violated a stay away order of protect. He was jailed on $1,500 bail.

Latoya Yalanda Stanley, 27, of Holland Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on warrants for alleged aggravated unlicensed operation, 2nd, and, 3rd. Stanley allegedly failed to appear on the charges. Bail was set at $100.

Pristine 1999 Corvette seized in drug arrest to be auctioned by Sheriff's Office

By Howard B. Owens

Long and lean, this silver streak of a machine practically still has that new car smell with only 28,000 miles on it.

And it could be yours, if you're the highest bidder in an online auction that will open Oct. 6.

The 1999 Corvette was surrendered by its former owner, Anthony A. Leone, a 47-year-old former Jackson Street resident who is currently in prison. Leone signed over the car to the county under forfeiture laws pertaining to drug possession. Leone was stopped by a Le Roy police officer while driving the car and a subsequent investigation, which included the Local Drug Task Force, found a quantity of crack cocaine and pills in the vehicle. 

Since the Sheriff's Office has no legitimate law enforcement use for the Corvette, the county is putting it up for sale. The proceeds will be shared by the agencies that comprise the local Drug Task Force -- Sheriff's Office, Batavia PD, and Le Roy PD. The money can only be used for law enforcement purposes and only for expeditures beyond normal annual budget spending. For example, if the county wanted to buy new surveillance cameras for the task force, but those cameras aren't an otherwise anticipated purchase, the money could be used for that purpose.

Pictured with the car are Undersheriff William Sheron and Sheriff Gary Maha.

The auction site is Bidding opens Oct. 6 and closes Oct. 13. The minimum bid is $15,500.

The car can be viewed by potential bidders at the Sheriff's Office, 165 Park Road, Batavia. For an appointment, contact Chief Deputy Jerome Brewster at (585) 345-3000, ext. 3503.

Law and Order: Rochester man accused of using stolen debit card

By Howard B. Owens

Chrisjon M. Canty, 20, of Rochester, is charged with felony forgery, felony criminal possession of stolen property, identity theft and petit larceny. Canty is accused of making unauthorized purchases totalling $350 with another person's bank debit card. Canty was identified through the use of video surveillance. He was jailed on $10,000 bail.

McKenzie D. Stevens, 21, residence not disclosed, is charged with petit larceny. Stevens is accused of placing three DVDs, burritos and laundry soap, worth approximately $21, in her baby stroller and exiting Walmart without paying for the items.

Joshua Jake Macklem, 23, of Jackson Street, Attica, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs, unlawful possession of marijuana, driving with a broken windshield, side windows non-transparent. Macklem was stopped at 8:16 p.m. Monday on East Main Street Road, Batavia, by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Suzanne Corona can avoid prison on drug sales conviction if she can stay out of trouble

By Howard B. Owens

Though she admitted to selling $60 worth of suboxone to an undercover agent of the Local Drug Task Force, Suzanne Corona won't be going to prison, at least so long as she can abide by the terms and conditions of her probationary sentence.

Corona, often in trouble with the law from 2010 to 2014, had never faced a felony charge until her arrest for criminal sale of a controlled substance earlier this year.

She entered a guilty plea to that charge Aug. 3 and though Judge Robert C. Noonan predicted a prison term for Corona, on the recommendation of the county's Probation Department and without objection from the District Attorney's Office, Noonan granted Corona probation.

If she abides by the terms, she avoids time by prison.

Corona made headlines worldwide when she was arrested on an adultery charge in 2010 after being observed in an apparent sexual act with a man not her husband on a picnic table in Farrell Park. Then came accusations of shoplifting from a local restaurant, which led to a disturbance there and Corona being wheeled away on a gurney into a waiting ambulance, and various other shoplifting charges, including an arrest at Target on a day when a Sheriff's deputy was there doing a K-9 demonstration.

For a long stretch after that, Corona seemed to avoid getting into trouble and then came the drug sales arrest.

(Our news partner WBTA assisted with this report.)

Hannah Dibble can live at home during outpatient treatment, Noonan rules, but no church on Sundays

By Howard B. Owens

From The Batavian's news partner, WBTA:

A young Pembroke woman, charged with manslaughter stemming from a fatal February accident in Bethany, will only be allowed to leave the home of her parents to attend outpatient rehab treatment.

Hannah Dibble, 22, appeared in Genesee County Court today asking permission to attend outpatient treatment and to attend church on Sunday morning.

Judge Robert Noonan allowed the outpatient treatment but denied permission for Dibble to attend church.

An evidence suppression hearing has been scheduled for Oct. 20th for lawyers to argue the admissibility of statements made by Dibble and others following the accident.

Dibble was driving the car in which 18-year-old Alyson Krzanak was killed and three others were seriously injured.

Dibble is accused of driving the car while intoxicated.

Batavia PD warns about fraudulent apartment rental ads

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Batavia Police Department has received multiple complaints of fraudulent posts on social media (Craigslist, Facebook, and other similar Web sites) claiming to be John Gerace, a realtor of RealityUSA with property “for rent.” The postings are requesting a $700 deposit in exchange for keys to the residence. The only contact information on the postings is for

The Batavia Police Department with the assistance of John Gerace, would like to remind the community not to give money up front for a rental apartment without first walking through the apartment and signing a lease agreement. If you feel have been part of this scam, please contact the Batavia Police Department at (585) 345-6350 to report the incident.

Authorities ask the public to report suspicious activity after series of burglaries in Darien

By Howard B. Owens

A series of daylight residential burglaries has swept through the Town of Darien, reports the Sheriff's Office, and officials are asking for citizen help in thwarting the criminals.

In a statement from Chief Deputy Jerome Brewster, the office is asking that residents who see vehicles driving slowly through neighborhoods, stopped along the side of the road, or unfamiliar people walking down driveways or emerging from fields or wooded areas, be reported immediately.

Suspicious activity can be reported by calling 9-1-1 or (585) 343-5000.

Vehicle descriptions and license plate numbers are helpful if they can be obtained without risk.

There were three burglaries on Route 77, Darien, on Thursday and another was reported on Route 20 yesterday.  

Brewster said these crimes mirror similar reports in Erie and Wyoming counties, where jewelry and weapons have been stolen.

Law and Order: Elma woman accused of stealing from cars at Darien Lake

By Howard B. Owens

Tammy Kay Zasowski, 47, of Clinton Street, Elma, is charged with attempted petit larceny and criminal possession of stolen property, 5th. Zasowski was allegedly found inside a vehicle Sunday she did not have permission to be in by Darien Lake Theme Park security. Upon further investigation, she is a suspect in larcenies from cars in the Darien Lake parking lot on July 26. She was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Jeremy Jamal Barnett, 24, of Brooks Avenue, Rochester, is charged with possession of burglary tools, grand larceny, 4th, conspiracy, 5th and harassment, 2nd. Barnett is accused of stealing merchandise from Marshall's and concealing the store alarm tags with covers. He allegedly struggled with store staff after leaving the story. He was jailed on $10,000 cash bail or $20,000 bond.

Robert Emery Moore III, 29, of Ridge Road, Elba, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Moore's vehicle was stopped at 8:35 a.m. Sunday on East Main Street Road, Batavia, by Deputy Chris Parker, for allegedly not having a front license plate. He was allegedly found in possession of a small bag of marijuana and a pipe.

Deborah Kristen Dibble, 46, of Shady Lane, Batavia, is charged with falsely reporting a crime, 3rd. Dibble is accused of falsely reporting a crime related to a domestic dispute Sept. 14 while knowing the allegation was false.

Batavia woman arrested after allowing her dog to bark for more than a half hour, was 'previously warned'

By Billie Owens

Toni M. Drake, 34, of Vine Street, Batavia was arrested on Sept. 21 at 7:18 p.m. and charged with allowing her dog to habitually bark for more than a half hour.

Drake is to be arraigned in City Court at 1 p.m. on Tuesday.

According to the Batavia PD report, her arrest came after she allegedly left her dog chained to a tree in the back yard unattended, allowing it to bark continuously for more than 30 minutes.

"Drake had been warned in the past not to allow her dog to bark continuously," says the report written by Sgt. Eric Bolles and released today.

Grand Jury: Three people indicted on multiple counts of fraudulent credit card use

By Billie Owens

Monta H. Little is indicted for the crime of criminal possession of a forged instrument in the second degree, a Class D felony. On April 3, in the Town of Batavia, Little allegedly knowingly used a Visa credit card that was not hers, thus intending to defraud, deceived or injure another. In 21 additional counts, Little is accused of the same crime, using various credit and debit cards of the same victim.

Nelson Grant Jr. is indicted for the crime of criminal possession of a forged instrument in the second degree, a Class D felony. On April 3, in the Town of Batavia, Grant allegedly knowingly used a MasterCard debit card that was not his, thus intending to defraud, deceive or injure another. In nine additional counts, the defendant is accused of the same crime using various credit cards.

Robert T. Assing Jr. is indicted for the crime of criminal possession of a forged instrument in the second degree, a Class D felony. On April 3, in the Town of Batavia, Assing allegedly knowlingly used a Visa debit card that was not his, thus intending to defraud, deceive or injure another. In six additional counts, he is accused of the same crime while using a different debit card in each instance.

Terrance L. Falk is indicted for the crime of criminal mischief in the third degree, a Class E felony. On Dec. 29, 2014, Falk allegedly intentionally damaged the property of another person in an amount exceeding $250, when he had no right to do so nor any reasonable grounds to believe he had such a right. It was a glass window on a door on West Main Street in the Village of Le Roy.

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