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Law and Order: Le Roy man accused of stealing heating system, appliances and building supplies from house on Washington Avenue

By Billie Owens

Angelo A. Cassidy, 39, of East Main Street, Le Roy, is charged with second-degree criminal mischief and third-degree grand larceny. He was arraigned on the charges at 11:10 a.m. on May 18 and released under supervision of Genesee Justice. It is alleged that at noon on Oct. 20, Cassidy removed a home-heating system, appliances and building supplies from a residence on Washington Avenue in the City of Batavia without permission. He is to appear in City Court at 9:30 a.m. on June 16. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Jason Davis.

Kiha Samuel McNear, 18, of Walnut Street, Batavia, is charged with harassment and endangering the welfare of a child. McNear was arrested at 1:50 a.m. on May 22 on Walnut Street in Batavia after allegedly striking an individual multiple times in the face with a closed fist. The alleged victim was under the age of 17. McNear was jailed on $1,000 bail and was to return to City Court on Monday (May 23). The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Matthew Wojtaszczyk, assisted by Officer Peter Flanagan.

Twan Conway, 45, of Walden Creek Road, Batavia, is charged with second-degree harassment. Conway was arrested following a 9-1-1 call hang-up investigation. The call was made at 12:30 p.m. on May 17. Conway was arraigned at 10:30 a.m. on May 22 and jailed on $500 bail. Conway was scheduled for City Court on May 23. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Matthew Wojtaszczyk, assisted by Officer Kevin DeFelice. Then on May 23, at 7:40 p.m., Conway was arrested again following an incident wherein he allegedly pushed another person while an active order of protection was in place. He was jailed without bail and is be in City Court tomorrow, May 27. This case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Stephen Cronmiller.

Michael Patrick Sullivan, 53, of Main Road, Stafford, is charged with second-degree criminal contempt and second-degree harassment. At 7:54 p.m. on May 24, Sullivan was arrested after allegedly violating a court order by subjecting two people to physical contact by throwing a glass item at them. He was jailed on $1,000 bail and is to be in Town of Stafford Court on June 9. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy James Diehl, assisted by Sgt. Eric Seppala.

Sara Jo Likus, 30, of Townline Road, Darien, is charged with: driving while ability impaired by drugs or both alcohol and drugs; driving on the sidewalk; and moving from lane unsafely. At 9:28 p.m. on May 18, it is alleged that Likus drove a vehicle while her ability to do so was impaired, and that while driving she changed lanes unsafely and drove over the curb onto the sidewalk, striking a utility pole. She was issued several tickets and released to a third party. She is to be in City Court on June 8. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Jamie Givens.

Charles-Gus Williams, 37, of Robinson Road, Lockport, is charged with second-degree criminal contempt. At 1:49 p.m. on May 20, it is alleged that Williams violated a complete stay away order of protection at a residence on Maple Street in the City of Batavia. He was jailed on $2,500 bail and was due in City Court on May 23. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Christopher Lindsay.

Jeffrey D. Matla, 56, of Alexander Road, Batavia, is charged with: DWI -- common law; speeding; failure to signal a lane change; and DWI with a BAC greater than .08 percent. Matla was arrested at 5:18 p.m. on May 22 on West Main Street in Batavia following a traffic stop. He was stopped for traffic violations and allegedly found to be operating his motorcycle in an intoxicated condition. He was released and is to be in City Court on June 8. The case was handled by Patavia Police Officer Cowen Mitchell.

Joshua Yeomas, 31, of Lewis Place, Batavia, is charged with third-degree unlicensed operation and failure to use headlights while operating with windshield wipers. Yeomas was located during an unrelated NYS Parole investigation, assisted by Batavia PD, and taken into custody on an arrest warrant stemming from an incident on April 13 on West Main Street, Batavia. He was released and is to appear in City Court at a later date. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Marc Lawrence, assisted by Officer Jason Davis.

Bert Clifford Earl, 55, of Grandview Terrace, Batavia, is charged with harassment. He was arrested at 11:50 p.m. on May 20 following a disturbance at Batavia Downs wherein he allegedly subjected another person to unwanted physical contact. He was issued an appearance ticket and is to be in City Court on June 7. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Peter Flanagan, assisted by Officer Arick Perkins.

Lori A. Brightenfield, 56, of Maple Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. She was arrested for writing a check to a business on May 18 to buy alcohol when she allegedly knew she did not have the funds to pay for it. She was issued an appearance ticket for City Court and is to be there on June 7. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Jamie Givens.

Carol M. Pahuta, 47, of Byron Holley Road, Byron, is charged with petit larceny. Pahuta was arrested following a larceny investigation on West Main Street in Batavia. She was issued an appearance ticket and released. She is to be in City Court to answer the charge on May 31. The case was handled by Bataiva Police Officer Kevin DeFelice.

Daniel Colin Healy, 25, of North Street, Batavia, is charged with aggravated unlicensed operation in the third degree. He was taken into custody at 1:48 p.m. on May 23 by Gates PD on an active bench warrant out of City Court for failing to appear on the charge, stemming from an incident June 27 on Vine Street in the City of Batavia. He was jailed on $250 bail and was to be in City Court Wednesday (May 25). Batavia Police Officer James DeFreze handled the case.

Mark J. Zinni, 21, of Evergreen Drive, Batavia, is charged with driving without lights and unlawful possession of marijuana. Zinni was arrested following a traffic stop on Pearl Street at 11:39 p.m. on May 21 in the City of Batavia. It is alleged that Zinni was driving without lights and that he was in possession of several small bags containing marijuana. He was released on appearance tickets and is to be in City Court on June 7. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Chad Richards, assisted by Officer Matthew Lutey.

Katelyn C. Kubala, 27, of Genesee Street, Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. She was arrested on a warrant for NYS Parole. At the time she was taken into custody, at 10:59 a.m. on May 20, she allegedly had a quantity of marijuana in her purse. She was turned over the NYS PArole Officer April Fuller at BPD and is to appear in City Court on May 31. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Jason Davis.

Michael W. Funke, 21, of Vine Street, Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Funke was arrested following a traffic stop on Pearl Street at 11:52 p.m. on May 21 in the City of Batavia. He was a passenger in the vehicle and allegedly in possession of marijuana. He was released on an appearance ticket and is to be in City Court on June 7. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Chad Richards, assisted by Officer Matthew Lutey.

Julie L. Dutton, 21, of Central Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on May 23 on a bench warrant out of City Court. It is alleged that she violated the terms of her release under supervision. She was jailed on $5,000 bail and is due in City Court today. The case was handled by Batavia PoliceOfficer Christopher Lindsay.

Andrew C. Webster, 23, of Martin Road, Akron, is charged with failure to appear. At 4:05 p.m. on May 20, Batavia police took custody of Webster from NYS police on a City Court arrest warrant for failure to appear. Webster paid an undisclosed amount of bail and was released. He was to be in City Court on May 24. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Arick Perkins.

Brian J. Dorman, 32, of Bank Street, Batavia, is charged with owning an unlicensed dog in the City of Batavia. He was issued an appearance ticket and is to be in City Court on June 7. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Christopher Lindsay.

Statements made by Johnson, accused of murder and arson, can be used at trial, judge rules

By Howard B. Owens

Statements attributed to Kyle Johnson after he was taken into custody the morning of Dec. 1, after he allegedly shot and killed a neighbor and set his own home ablaze, will be admissible in court, Acting Judge Michael F. Pietruszka ruled today.

The defense challenged whether the prosecution could use the statements at a possible trial and Pietruszka issued his ruling immediately after a hearing that featured testimony by Deputy Andrew Hale.

Hale completed a report Dec. 1 in which he says Johnson made a handful of statements when he was taken into custody, in the patrol car ride to the Sheriff's Office on Park Road and as they arrived in the interview room at the office.

Hale testified that he was on routine patrol duty when he was called to a house fire at 7324 Selden Road, Le Roy. He was in uniform in a marked patrol car.  He was aware of a shooting reported minutes before at a residence a short distance from the fire location.

He said he was also informed by dispatch that the residence was owned by Kyle Johnson, that Johnson had a mental health history and was known to own firearms.

He arrived on scene just as shots rang out, apparently directed at a Le Roy fire chief and at a Le Roy police officer.

As he ran down the road to check the status of Officer Ryan Young, now a Sheriff's deputy, and as he did, he encountered local residents standing outside their home. They asked what was going on and Hale told them to get inside, lock their doors and windows and stay there until told it was safe to come outside.

As he moved toward Young's position, Hale encountered Johnson, he said.

"Mr. Johnson stated to me that he wanted to be shot," Hale said. "After he realized I was not going to shoot him, he turned around and walked back toward his house."

Over the next couple of hours, Johnson would periodically approach Hale and ask him to shoot him.

When emergency response teams arrived, this back-and-forth continued for a couple of more hours until Johnson finally surrendered.

Hale was summoned to search and cuff the suspect. When he was putting Johnson in his patrol vehicle, Johnson reportedly complained that the cuffs were too tight.

When Hale sat in the driver's seat, Johnson reportedly said, he "didn't appreciate being treated like an animal."

Hale said, "I told him I appreciate being shot at and having my friends shot at."

Johnson, Hale said, apologized.

On the ride back to the Sheriff's Office, Johnson reportedly said, "I didn't mean to hurt anybody."

Hale said he responded, "You did. It's traumatic for us as officers. You shouldn't have done that."

At the station, Hale offered Johnson a glass of water and asked if he needed anything.

Johnson's response, according to District Attorney Lawrence Friedman, was that he felt bad for burning his house down and that he shouldn't have done that and he wanted to apologize.

In cross-examination, Public Defender Jerry Ader established that Hale did not read Johnson his Miranda warnings (you have the right not to speak, right to an attorney, etc.), that Hale did this though he knew Johnson had a mental health history, and that Hale asked a couple of questions of Johnson.

Those facts were the basis for Ader's motion to bar the statements from any possible trial.

Friedman countered that Johnson was not in custody at that point for the purpose of interrogation, and any questions asked by Hale were not an interrogation, such as asking if Johnson wanted water, that the statements were made voluntarily and should be admissible.

Johnson is charged with murder and burglary in the death of Norman D. "Don" Ball. He is accused of attempted murder for allegedly shooting at Young and Le Roy Fire Chief Tim Hogle.

Ader has received a report based on a psychological exam of Johnson and is apparently planning a defense around the results of that report, and while the report has been given to Friedman, a copy was not given to the court. Ader said he wasn't aware of any requirement that he provide the court with a copy. Pietruszka was clearly miffed that he didn't have a copy of the report, especially since there will need to be a hearing on the topic after the DA's Office completes its own exam and gets its own report.

That hearing will be at 1:30 p.m., July 21.

Law and Order: Woman charged for leaving dog in car on hot day while at the casino

By Billie Owens

Lisa Marie Muratore, 32, of Lake Avenue, Rochester, is charged with confinement of a companion animal in a vehicle in extreme temperature. She was charged for allegedly leaving her dog in a vehicle for 45 minutes while the outside temperature was 79 degrees. This was at 5:13 p.m. on Monday, May 23, at Batavia Downs Gaming, 8315 Park Road, Batavia. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Kevin McCarthy.

Corona will likely lose her freedom in mid-July after violating terms of probation

By Billie Owens

After violating her one-year interim probation twice, Osterhout Avenue's most infamous denizen, Suzanne Corona, was back in Genesee County Court today for a bail review.

Her attorney, Brian Degnan, brought a freshly minted certificate of completion for a 28-day stint in an inpatient recovery facility for substance abusers, which was ordered by the court last month after Corona's second violation -- both for using alcohol.

On April 13, she admitted to Acting Judge Michael F. Pietruszka that she laced her coffee with the almond-flavored Italian liqueur Amaretto. With the admission, Pietruszka allowed her to continue serving probation without any additional penalty.

But a week later, she tested postive for alcohol again and was sent to jail for the weekend (mug shot at right). On April 25, she was back in court wearing a bright orange jailhouse jumpsuit. Degnan said a bed in a recovery facility was available immediately and the judge released her to their custody for a month after signing a court order for the medical care.

Despite the certificate for completing rehab as required, it was determined that she had violated the terms of her release under supervision, as set forth last year when she admitted selling $60 worth of suboxone to an undercover drug task force agent. (She pled guilty to attempted fifth-degree criminal sale of a controlled substance, a felony. By doing so, she avoided serving up to one and a half years in prison and got one year of post-release supervision and probation instead...until now...)

She is to be sentenced in Genesee County Court at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 14. 

Law and Order: Teen couple allegedly caught 'engaging in sexual activity' at DeWitt park, charged with public lewdness

By Billie Owens

Julia K. Hahn, 18, of Lyman Road, Bergen, is charged with public lewdness. She was arrested at 3:54 p.m. on May 19 after she was allegedly found by police to be engaged in sexual activity with another individual in DeWitt Recreation Area on Cedar Street in the City of Batavia. She was issued an appearance ticket for 1 p.m. on May 31 in City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Christopher Lindsay, assisted by Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Robert V. Wasinger, 18, of Delevan Elton Road, Delevan, is charged with public lewdness. He was arrested at 3:54 p.m. on May 19 after he was allegedly found by police to be engaged in sexual activity with another individual in DeWitt Recreation Area on Cedar Street in the City of Batavia. He was issued an appearance ticket for 1 p.m. on May 31 in City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Christopher Lindsay, assisted by Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Britanny B. Cina, 27, of Ross Street, Batavia, is charged with DWI -- common law, and DWI per se. At 1:56 a.m. on May 21, Batavia police responded to the 7-Eleven store on East Main Street for the report of multiple subjects fighting in the parking lot. Upon further investigation, Cina was arrested after it was learned that she allegedly drove a motor vehicle to the convenience store in an intoxicated condition. She was arrested and processed at BPD headquarters where a chemical test was administered, and allegedly it found her BAC to be over the legal limit. She was issued traffic tickets and her City Court date is set for June 1. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Arick Perkins, assisted by Police Chief Shawn Heubusch.

Alexander J. Jasinski, 22, of Godfreys Pond, Bergen, is charged with: driving with a BAC of more than .18 percent; DWI; third-degree aggravated unlicensed operation; failure to stop at a stop sign; and moving from lane unsafely. At 9:52 p.m. on May 21, Jasinski was allegedly involved in an accident at the intersection of West Avenue and Weatherwax Road in the Town of Elba. He was westbound on West Avenue when he allegedly failed to stop at the stop sign and his pickup truck went through the intersection and struck a 15-by-15 foot building, a fence and a parked car before coming to rest. The case was handled by Sheriff's Sgt. Ronald Meides, assisted by Deputy Eric Meyer.

Byron Gilbert Keller, 21, of Sumner Road, Darien, is charged with: driving with a BAC of more than .08 percent; driving while intoxicated; unlawful possession of marijuana; and failure to keep right. At 4:59 p.m. on May 21, following a report of a motor-vehicle accident at 9864 Alexander Road in the Town of Alexander, Keller was arrested and charged as noted above. Keller is to appear in Town of Alexander on June 14.

Nikki L. Stonebraker, 27, of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Stonebraker was arrested following an investigation into an alleged distrubance on Liberty Street at 9:21 a.m. on May 19. The defendant was issued an appearance ticket for this afternoon in City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Jason Davis, assisted byn Officer Kevin DeFelice. At the same incident, she was also charged with endangering the welfare of a child following a physical domestic incident with her former boyfriend which was allegedly witnessed by her children. For that case, she was released under supervision of Genesee Justice and is to be in City Court to answer the charge at a later date. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Marc Lawrence, assisted by Officer DeFelice.

Christopher T. Sprague, 22, of 36 Dellinger Ave., Batavia, is charged with second-degree criminal use of drug paraphernalia. He was arrested at 5:55 p.m. on May 12 after NYS Parole checked his residence and allegedly found drug packaging material inside. He was issued an appearance ticket for City Court on June 14. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Christopher Lindsay.

Selina Sarai Tapia, 20, of State Street, Holley, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. She was arrested following a traffic stop at 4:20 p.m. on May 16 on Alleghany Road in Alabama during which time was allegedly found to be in possession of marijuana. She was issued an appearance ticket for Town of Alabama Court on June 21. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Michael Lute.

Sheriff's Office investigation theft from memorial built for twins killed in fire on State Street Road

By Howard B. Owens

Somebody vandalized and stole items from a growing community memorial at 8157 State Street Road, Batavia, the site of Friday's fire that claimed the lives of 2-year-old twins Michael J. Gard and Micah G. Gard.

The Sheriff's Office is investigating the crime and are asking for the public's assistance in identifying the perpetrator.

Stolen were a decorative fire extinguisher, a teddy bear and a white cross, approximately two feet high.

The cross and teddy bear were placed there Saturday by Richard Frazier, who said the cross had been a temporary marker on his grandmother's grave and the teddy bear had belonged to his grandmother.

Other memorial items were located strewn along the shoulder of State Street Road, indicating the person or persons responsible for the theft departed on foot south, toward the City of Batavia.

There was a memorial service at the site last night and the theft was discovered this morning.

Anyone with information should contact the Sheriff's Office at (585) 343-5000.

UPDATE 2:45 p.m.: The Sheriff's Office released the following statement:

The family reports that the cross and teddy bear have been returned to the memorial. They were taken by another family member to add some additional decoration and were not, in fact, stolen. The affected family is satisfied with these circumstances and consider the matter resolved, and is grateful for the assistance of the public in this matter.


Suspects in smoke shop robbery attempt arrested and arraigned

By Howard B. Owens

The man and woman accused of attempted robbery at the Smoke Rings Smokeshop early Friday morning were arrested today in Johnstown based on a tipster who saw a picture of the male suspect online.

They were arraigned in Alabama Town Court this evening, each on one count of attempted robbery in the second degree, and both were ordered held without bail pending court appearances at 2 p.m., Thursday, June 2.

Charged were Jeremy J. Reynolds, 34, of Johnstown, and Mitsydawn Souza, 26, of St. Johnsville.

Sitting in court awaiting their arraignment before Justice John Tauscher, Reynolds and Souza discussed the case and Souza made several statements about her own personal situation.

They spoke openly, even after Tauscher advised them that everything they said in the courtroom was being digitally recorded by an audio recorder and a video recorder and that their statements could be used as evidence against them.

Souza cried during the entire conversation and made declarations to a deputy about how she couldn't read the court documents, that she had learning disabilities and mental and physical health problems. Reynolds read portions of the documents to her.

She cried several times that she had never been arrested before, that she had never been in any kind of trouble.

"I've never even stolen a candy bar before," she said. "Now I'm in so much trouble."

When Reynolds read the part of the charge that said they demanded nothing, she said, "I didn't demand anything," and he said, "I didn't demand anything either."

She said, "you told me you just wanted to scare a friend," and he said he didn't tell her that, but that he intended to get shot.

When he was arraigned, he interrupted Tauscher several times, trying Tauscher's patience. Once he said he needed a court-appointed attorney, Tauscher said the arraignment was over, and Reynolds said he wanted to proceed with the arraignment. Tauscher said once he asked for an attorney, the arraignment was over.

Reynolds wanted to know if he could get bail, but Tauscher said that because Reynolds allegedly has two prior felony convictions, he couldn't grant bail in any amount even if the D.A. wasn't requesting Reynolds be held without bail.

Reynolds walked into court carrying his crutches and with his left leg in a cast. He was apparently injured in the scuffle at the smoke shop.

Both Reynolds and Souza were provided with witness statements of the two smoke shop employees who were working when they reportedly entered the store.

As Reynold's read the statement, he told Souza that one statement didn't say the same thing as a statement he claimed to have read earlier. He said he had seen another statement and the person making the statement, "said I had blond hair and blue eyes."

He asked Tauscher if he could get a copy of that statement and Tauscher told him that was an issue to take up with his attorney.

The two store employees, one a Batavia resident and the other an Alabama resident, provided deputies with mostly similar statements about the events that started at 2:42 a.m., Friday.

Two people, both wearing camouflage entered the store, with the man carrying a rifle that may have looked like an M-16, and the woman carrying a pistol. They pointed the guns at one clerk (the other was in a back room) and yelled, "freeze mother (bleep)" (the same term of endearment Reynolds directed at a photographer this evening outside the courthouse).

The couple pushed the first clerk into a back room and tied his hands with zip ties. Then the second clerk came up behind the male suspect and grabbed him and a fight ensued. The red wig he was wearing fell off and the gun he was carrying dropped to the ground, at which point both clerks realized the gun was a fake.

The woman ran from the store, and the clerk with his hands tied, tried to chase her, and during the chase managed to free himself.

The woman got away and he returned to find the male suspect hitting the other clerk in the head with the butt end of the fake M-16. He put the suspect in a choke hold, then when he was indicating he couldn't breathe, the other clerk told him to let him go.

They wrestled him into a chair.

He jumped up and ran into a window. One account says the window broke, the other says he bounced off it. After getting him back in the chair, the suspect again bolted for the window. This time, he made it partially out the window and the two men held him dangling by his legs. The suspect, they said, produced a knife and tried to cut them, so they let him go.

One of the clerks tried to chase the suspect, but he ran into the woods and got away.

When Reynolds and Sousa were discussing the statements, Sousa said investigators had shown her a video of the alleged attempted robbery, but Reynolds said he hadn't seen the video.

"It shows that I did it," she said.

Law and Order: Central Avenue woman arrested for allegedly lying about larceny in Stafford

By Billie Owens

Madalyn Ryan Muntz, 30, of Central Avenue, Batavia, is charged with making a punishable false written statement. The defendant was charged following an investigation in the Town of Stafford at 9:47 a.m. on May 10 wherein she allegedly provided the GC Sheriff's Office with a false statement regarding a larceny she claimed had occurred. She was issued an appearance ticket returnable to Stafford Town Court on June 9. The investigation was conducted by Sheriff's Deputy Christopher Parker, Deputy Chad Cummings, and Investigator Bradley Mazur.

Terry Michael Roth, 41, of Bank Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Roth was arrested at 7:26 p.m. on May 18 following a report of shoplifting in progress at a store on Veterans Memorial Drive. Roth was issued an appearance ticket for Town of Batavia Court on May 23. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Ryan DeLong, assisted by a NYS Trooper.

A 17-year-old from Oakfield was arrested following an investigation into a larceny at Walmart which occurred at 7:42 p.m. on May 7. The youth was issued an appearance ticket for Town of Batavia Court on May 23. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Ryan DeLong.

Suspects sought in thwarted robbery attempt at smoke shop

By Howard B. Owens

Local law enforcement is looking for two people who entered the Smoke Rings Smokeshop on Shanks Road, Tonawanda Indian Reservation, shortly after 2:30 a.m. and attempted to rob it.

Employees fought back, and although the suspects managed to escape, leaving one employee with cuts on his head caused by the butt of the suspect's rifle, the melee helped produce some evidence investigators hope will lead to an arrest.

Including the face of a suspect exposed for the closed-circuit cameras in the store.

The suspects are described as a white female and white male. Both came in wearing camouflage-colored clothing, face masks and carrying guns, according to Sheriff's Investigator Kris Kautz.  

In the struggle, the white male also lost the red wig he was wearing. Kautz recovered both the mask and wig during his investigation at the scene.

An employee who was injured was transported to an area hospital and required stitches, but the injuries were not life threatening.

When the would-be robbers entered, they grabbed one employee and took him to a back room and tried to restrain him with plastic ties. He managed to escape. The perpetrators did not realize another employee was in the store, apparently. A struggle then ensued. The female suspect fled immediately, but the male fought and was subdued. He was restrained in a back room while awaiting the arrival of law enforcement but managed to escape through a back window.

It's believed he managed to go to a get-away vehicle, possibly a white or light-colored or small SUV, such as an Equinox or Trail Blazer. 

The would-be robbers left empty-handed.

Three members of Elba family arrested following sex crimes investigation

By Howard B. Owens
     Scott Reed      Deborah Reed      Jonathan Reed


Three residents of a Log City Road home in Elba have been arrested by State Police following an investigation into a series of alleged sex crimes.

Three members of one family from Elba were arrested following a State Police investigation into allegations of sexual abuse and rape.

A father, mother and adult son were all charged.

The probe in the alleged crimes by Troop A's Bureau of Criminal Investigation began after State Police received a complaint in March.

Scott A. Reed, 50, of Log City Road, is accused of sexual abuse against a minor over a 10-year span. He is charged with course of sexual conduct, 2nd.

His wife, Deborah S. Reed, 51, of Log City Road, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. She is accused of failure to provide adequate protection to other children in the home after learning of past abuse by Scott Reed.

Their son, Jonathan M. Reed, 22, is charged with several counts of second-degree rape, second-degree criminal sexual act and endangering the welfare of a child in the Town of Perry, and with second-degree rape, third-degree rape and third-degree criminal sexual act in the Town of Lancaster.

Jonathan is accused of sexual contact with two teenage girls.

Law and Order: Le Roy teen charged with sexual abuse in cases involving a 12- and a 10-year-old

By Billie Owens

Austin Shipley, 17, of East Main Road, Le Roy, is charged with second-degree attempted sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child. The subject was arrested on May 17 following an investigation into allegations that the subject had inappropriate physical contact with a 12-year-old at 5 p.m. on April 11 on East Main Road, Le Roy. In a separate case, Shipley is also charged with first-degree sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child following an investigation into allegations that the subject had inappropriate physical contact with a 10-year-old at 5 p.m. on April 19 on East Main Road, Le Roy. After arraignment in Le Roy Town Court, Shipley was released under supervision of Genesee Justice. Both cases were handled by Sheriff's Deputy Joseph Graff, assisted by Deputy Rachel Diehl.

Theresa K. Beardsley, 52, of Walnut Street, Batavia, is charged with second-degree harassment. She was arrested after allegedly striking a male at an apartment on Walnut Street at 6:53 p.m. on May 10. She was issued an appearance ticket for May 24 in City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Arick Perkins, assisted by Officer Christopher Camp.

Ashlee S. Thomas, 19, of Liberty Street, was arrested at 7:30 p.m. on May 8 after police responded to a report of a large disturbance in the area of 121 Liberty St. in the city. She is charged with second-degree obstructing government administration and second-degree harassment. It is alleged that she interfered with Batavia police officers who were attempting to arrest another subject. She was issued an appearance ticket for May 24 in City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Arick Perkins.

Geoffrey M. Anderson, 50, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with second-degree harassment. He was arrested following a complaint that he approached a USPS mailman at 12:30 p.m. on May 16 and repeatedly threatened him. He is to appear in City Court on May 24. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Jason Ivison.

John M. Galit, 29, of Kyser Lake Road, Dolgeville, is charged with common law DWI, unlicensed driver, and DWI. On May 16, city police were notified that an accident occurred in the parking lot of Applebee's by a NYSP investigator who was following the vehicle at the time. Batavia PD stopped the vehicle at 6:25 p.m. on Oak Street. Galit was allegedly found to be operating the 2015 Ford F-250 while intoxicated and he was arrested. He was released on appearance tickets and is to be in City Court on June 8. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Arick Perkins, assisted by Officer Jamie Givens.

Roy D. Hooten, 55, of South Main Street, Batavia, is charged with third-degree criminal mischief. He was arrested at 11:56 p.m. on May 15 as the result of a complaint from the staff at UMMC in which it is alleged that he damaged hospital property during an incident at 9:58 p.m. on May 15. He was jailed without bail and was due in City Court Monday. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Eric Foels, assisted by Officer Matthew Wojtaszczyk.

William B. Gorton, 21, of 8410 E. Main Road, Le Roy, was arrested and charged with one count of third-degree criminal mischief, an E felony. It is alleged that on or about May 17, Gorton damaged an electric door lock at an address on Lake Street in Le Roy when he intentionally struck the door numerous times. The cost to repair the locking mechanism is in excess of $250. Gorton was arraigned in the Le Roy Town Court, released on his own recognizance and is to reappear in town court at a later date.

David M. Pero, 64, of Trumbull Parkway, Batavia, is charged with open burning. At 2 p.m. on May 8, police and city firefighters responded to the area of 667 Ellicott St. for the reported unknown-type fire. Upon arrival, an open burn was located. A subsequent investigation was conducted and Pero was issued an appearance ticket for May 17 in City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Kevin DeFelice, assisted by police Sgt. Dan Coffey.

Sara A. Howard, 21, of West Bergen Road, Le Roy, is charged with possession of a hypodermic instrument and second-degree criminal impersonation. At a traffic stop at 10:20 a.m. on Oak Street in the City of Batavia, Howard allegedly attempted to provide a false name to an officer. She was also allegedly found in possession of a hypodermic needle. She was arrested, arraigned and released under supervision of Genesee Justice and is to appear in City Court at a later date. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Marc Lawrence, assisted by Officer Jason Davis.

Devin P. Hofert, 20, of Hutchins Street, Batavia, is charged with trespass. Hofert was arrested for trespass at 11:58 a.m., May 17, on East Main Street, Batavia, after allegedly being on a premise that he was previously advised to avoid. He is to be in City Court on May 24 to answer the charge. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Jason Davis.

Andrew C. Webster, 23, of Gillette Road, Alexander, is charged with trespass. At 7:35 a.m. on May 13, Webster was located in a tent behind 269 State St. and was arrested for trespass and was to appear in City Court on Tuesday. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Marc Lawrence, assisted by Officer Jason Davis.

Lena M. Evans, 28, no permanent address, is charged with trespass. She was arrested at 7:35 a.m. on May 13 following an investigation of a tent that was found on private property on State Street in the city without the landowner's consent. She was issued an appearance ticket for May 17 in City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Kevin DeFelice, assisted by Officer Jason Davis.

Sandra L. Longhini, 55, of South Spruce Street, Batavia, is charged with unlicensed dog and dog running at large. On May 12 at 6:30 p.m., Longhini's dog was allegedly found running loose in backyards and on the street and it allegedly is not licensed with the City of Batavia. She was issued an appearance ticket for May 17 in City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Jamie Givens.

Matthew P. Parker, 26, East Center Street, Medina, was arrested on May 12 on an active warrant out of Batavia City Court for allegedly failing to pay a fine issued by that court for excessive noise on May 24, 2015, on Summit Street. Parker was due in court today. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Chad Richards.

John Thomas Kingsley, 39, of Royce Road, Varysburg, was arrested on an active bench warrant out of Batavia City Court for allegedly failing to pay a fine for a traffic citation issued on Bank Street in July of 2014. At the time of his arrest, Kingsley was a passenger in a vehicle that was stopped by Troopers in Rochester. He was subsequently picked up by Batavia PD. He posted bail and is to be in City Court on May 31 to resolve the matter. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Chad Richards.

Law and Order: Naked Canadian allegedly found inside Stafford home early Monday morning

By Billie Owens

Vernon Ronald Hill, 18, of Chiefswood Road, Ohsweken, Ontario, Canada, is charged with second-degree criminal trespass. At 5:30 a.m. on Monday, May 16, Hill was allegedly found naked in a residence on Griswold Road in Stafford by the homeowner. He was arraigned in Town of Le Roy Court and jailed in lieu of $1,000 cash bail. He was due in Stafford Town Court this morning. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Ryan Young.

Law and Order: Attica woman arrested for driving while impaired by drugs and going the wrong way on a one-way street

By Billie Owens

Susan A. Colton, 58, of Vernal Road, Attica, was arrested by the Le Roy Police Department on May 13 and charged with: driving while ability impaired by drugs, a Class A misdemeanor, and driving the wrong way (on a one-way street), a violation.

Colton was arrested following an investigation of an erratic operator traveling northbound on Warsaw Road. The vehicle which Colton allegedly operated was located a short time later at the Five Star Bank at 124 W. Main St. After a brief investigation Colton was allegedly found to be impaired by drugs.

Colton was issued traffic tickets for the charges with a return date of June 20 at the Le Roy Town Court. Genesee County Sheriff's deputies assisted with the arrest and a driver evaluation.

Batavia PD seeks public's help in identifying suspected attackers near old Jackson Street Bridge

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Batavia Police Department is investigating an assault that occurred near the railroad tracks at the old Jackson Street Bridge at 9:04 p.m. on Thursday, May 12.

The victim was attacked by multiple individuals who may have been known to the victim. The victim was treated and released from UMMC. Above are photos of persons of interest.

Anyone with information pertinent to the investigation can contact Det. Mart at (585) 345-6372. There will be no further detail released at this time due to the ongoing investigation.

Law and Order: Big brawl on Liberty Street in the city results in four arrests

By Billie Owens

Chevaughn D. Hanson, 22, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with obstruction of governmental administration. Hanson was arrested at 7:30 p.m. on May 8 following a large altercation on Liberty Street in the city wherein Hanson allegedly pushed a Batavia Police officer, who was attempting to separate those involved. Hanson was issued an appearance ticket for City Court for May 27. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Sarah L. Marcello, 24, of State Street, Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct. She was arrested after city police responded to Liberty Street at 7:30 p.m. on May 8 for a report of several people fighting in the street. She was issued an appearance ticket for May 17 in City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Christopher Lindsay, assisted by Officer Arick Perkins.

Corina M. Gallo, 25, of Edward Street, Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct. She was arrested at 7:30 p.m. on May 8 after she allegedly was involved in a physical altercation in a public area. She was issued an appearance ticket for City Court for May 17. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Stephen Cronmiller, assisted by Officer Arick Perkins.

Jessica L. Shannon, 19, of Ellsworth Avenue, Batavia, is charged with harassment. She was arrested at 7:30 p.m. on May 8 following an altercation of Liberty Street in the city. She allegedly had unwanted physical contact with another female. She was issued an appearance ticket for City Court for May 17. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Paul M. Wieclaw ll, 27, of Ellicott Street, Batavia, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child and third-degree assault -- recklessly causing physical injury. He was arrested at 4 a.m. on May 8 following an incident wherein he allegedly pulled a female to the ground by her hair, which resulted in a laceration to her left ring finger. He was jailed on $1,000 bail and was to appear in City Court on May 9. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Arick Perkins, assisted by Officer Stephen Cronmiller.  Also, it was determined on May 8 that Wieclaw had an arrest warrant out of City Court from January 2013 for a parking ticket for parking on a city street between the hours of 2 and 6 a.m. when it is unlawful to do so. That case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Arick Perkins, assisted by Officer James DeFreze.

Anthony Sanders, 34, of South Main Street, Batavia, is charged with second-degree strangulation, endangering the welfare of a child, and obstruction of government administration, 2nd. He was arrested at 6:30 p.m. on May 7 on charges stemming from an incident at 3 a.m. on May 3 wherein he allegedly strangled a female on South Main Street. He was jailed and due back in City Court May 9. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Arick Perkins, assisted by Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Julie L. Dutton, 21, of Central Avenue, Batavia, is charged with fourth-degree grand larceny. The charge stems from an incident at 8:57 p.m. on April 21 wherein it is alleged that Dutton took about $2,700 in cash from another person on Washington Avenue without having the right to do so. She was to be in City Court on May 10 to answer the charge. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Chad Richards, assisted by Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Kyle Robert Ratulowski, 20, of Route 5, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. He was arraigned in City Court on May 11 on a petit larceny charge for allegedly stealing property at 1:30 a.m. on April 13 from a vehicle while it was parked on Veterans Administration property. He was returned to jail, where he is incarcerated on a variety of other theft charges. He is to answer this charge in Genesee County Court on May 24. The investigation was conducted by Sheriff's deputies Ryan Young and Andrew Hale and Investigator Bradley Mazur. The Genesee County Sheriff's Office was assisted by Batavia Police Officer Jason Davis.

Donovan A. Forbes, 26, of Maple Street, Rochester, is charged with operating without lights, first-degree aggravated unlicensed operator, and unlicensed operator. He was arrested at 2:28 a.m. on May 8 on Harvester Avenue in the City of Batavia. During a traffic stop for operating a vehicle without headlights, it was found that Forbes was allegedly driving on a suspended, non-driver ID, with 20 suspensions on 10 dates. He was jailed without bail and ordered to return to City Counrt on May 9. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Chad Richards, assisted by Officer Peter Flanagan.

Michael J. Witkowski, 29, of Cherry Street, Batavia, is charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief. He was arrested May 10 after allegedly punching a car window at 10 p.m. on April 30 on Cherry Street, causing it to shatter. He was issued an appearance ticket for City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Felicia DeGroot, assisted by Officer Christopher Lindsay.

Andrew A. Crimes, 44, of Bank Street, Batavia, is charged with first-degree criminal contempt, with a prior conviction for criminal contempt. Crime was arrested at 6:19 a.m. on May 10 for an unspecified incident which occurred at 10:09 p.m. on May 9 on Bank Street. He was jailed without bail and was due in City Court later in the day on May 10 to answer the charge. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Matthew Wojtaszczyk, assisted by Officer Eric Foels.

Rajea S. Thomas, of Concord Street, Rochester, is charged with speeding and second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation. Thomas was arrested following a traffic stop at 5:59 p.m. on May 8 on East Main Street in Batavia. Thomas was allegedly speeding and found to be driving on a suspended NYS driver's license. Thomas was to appear in City Court on May 9. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Edvin M. Hernandez, 40, of Reprise Terrace, Rockville, Md., is charged with third-degree aggravated unlicensed operator. He was arrested following a traffic stop at 9:01 p.m. on May 7 on East Main Street, Batavia. At that time, he was allegedly driving with suspended NYS driving privileges. He was released from custody after posting bail and to to be in City Court on May 18. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Steven J. Snyder, 26, of Northview Park, Attica, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and inadequate/defective headlamp. Synder was arrested at 8:49 p.m. on May 6 on South Swan Street in the City of Batavia following a traffic stop after it was observed that the passenger side headlamp was not working. Subsequently, it is alleged that Snyder was found to be in possession of marijuana. He was issued at appearance ticket for May 17 in City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Chad Richards, assisted by Officer Jamie Givens.

Patrick M. Viscuso, 52, of Vernon Avenue, Batavia, is charged with two counts of uninspected motor vehicle, and illegal parking. He turned himself in on May 9. He had three active warrants for his arrest, all from parking infractions. He was released from custody after paying his fines, which dated from September 2004, October 2004 and February 2005, respectively. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer James DeFreze, assisted by Sgt. Dan Coffey.

Nicholas D. Martino, 35, of Main Street, Alexander, was arrested at 9:57 a.m. on May 6 on a bench warrant out of City Court following his failure to appear on a traffic summons issued in November 2014 on West Main Street, Batavia. He was to appear in City Court May 9.  The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Jordan M. Love, 25, of Walnut Street, Batavia, is charged with failure to appear. Love was arrested on a City Court warrant after failing to answer a traffic summons for allegedly operating a vehicle with a suspended registration on March 18. Love was released after posting bail and is to be in City Court on May 18. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Mitchell Cowen.

Law and Order: Man who lives on Wolcott Street, Le Roy, arrested again on domestic violence charge

By Billie Owens
       Darik Orbaker

Darik R. Orbaker, 23, of 71 Wolcott St., Le Roy, (pictured right) was arrested April 20 by the Le Roy Police Department and charged with one count of aggravated family offense, a Class E felony, based on a domestic complaint. It is alleged that during the domestic disturbance, Orbaker damaged property and obstructed the breathing or blood circulation of a family member and has been previously convicted of one or more “specified offenses” against this or other family members within the previous five years. Orbaker was arraigned in the Town of Le Roy Court and put in Genesee County Jail in lieu of bail. 

Trevor S. Rarick, 21, was arrested on May 8 by Troopers and charged with: unlawful possession of marijuana; driving while intoxicated; refusal of breath screening test; failure to comply with a lawful order of a police officer; and failure to stop at a stop sign. Rarick failed to stop at a stop sign in front of the Trooper at the intersection of Clinton Street and Clinton Park in the City of Batavia. He was stopped on Wade Street and Troopers immediately detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage. Rarick consented to the field sobriety tests, which he subsequently failed. He refused to consent to a breath sample. A scale covered with marijuana residue, a smoking pipe with marijuana residue and approximately seven grams of marihuana were allegedly located inside his vehicle. Rarick was transported to SP Batavia barracks for processing and was arraigned in the Town of Batavia Court and released on his own recognizance. He is scheduled to appear in the City of Batavia Court at a later date.

Meghan L. Daniels, 28, of York, was arrested by Troopers on May 11 and charged with shoplifting and unlawful possession of marijuana. Daniels allegedly took a candy bar worth $1.45, passing all points of sale and attempted to exit the Walmart Store. Troopers detected the odor of marijuana emanating from Daniels. A baggie containing approximately 10 grams of marijuana and a marijhuana grinder containing marijuana residue was allegedly located. Daniels was transported to SP Batavia barracks for processing. She was issued an appearance ticket returnable to the Town of Batavia Court on May 19.

Jenna A. Kavanagh, 23, of Rochester, was arrested by Troopers on May 8 and charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Troopers detected a strong smell of marijuana emitting from the vehicle when Kavanagh was stopped for speeding on State Route 262. More than three grams of marijuana in multiple plastic vials was allegedly found inside a glass container. Kavanagh was issued an appearance ticket returnable to the Town of Byron Court on May 16 and a uniform traffic ticket was issued for speeding.

Josiah D. Kirby, 22, of Kenmore, was arrested by Corfu Village Police Officer Michael Petritz for unlawful possession of marijuana after a traffic stop for speeding on Route 77. Officer Petritz detected a strong odor of burnt marijuana emanating from the vehicle. Kirby was allegedly found to be in possession of four marijuana cigarettes and a blue glass smoking pipe containing marijuana residue. Kirby was issued tickets and an appearance ticket returnable to the Village of Corfu on June 6.

Julio A. Bautista, 20, was arrested by Troopers on May 11 for trespass after he was warned on two separate occasions not to return to College Village by Security. Bautista was located in the parking lot of the property and was placed under arrest. He is scheduled to appear in the Town of Batavia Court on May 23.

Man arrested in Pavilion for allegedly causing a shoulder sprain and breaking victim's sunglasses

By Billie Owens

Daniel R. Ruffner, 30, was arrested in Pavilion on May 7 by Troopers and charged with misdemeanor assault, 3rd, and criminal mischief after he allegedly caused a shoulder sprain and broke a victim’s prescription sunglasses during a physical altercation at a residence on Telephone Road. Ruffner was processed at State Police barracks in Batavia and issued an appearance ticket returnable to the Town of Pavilion Court on May 24.

Bradley Hering, 23, was arrested in Alabama on May 7 by Troopers and charged with driving while intoxicated. Hering was located a short time after a call was dispatched reporting his vehicle was off the roadway on Bloomingdale Road in the Town of Alabama. He was administered the standard field sobriety tests which he allegedly failed. Troopers reported detecting the odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from Hering. He was transported to State Police barracks in Batavia for processing which allegedly revealed a BAC of .14 percent. He was issued a uniform traffic ticket returnable to the Town of Alabama Court on May 24.

Bobby Gary Mullen, 39, of Oak Street, Warsaw, is charged with failure to pay fine/restitution/surcharge. He was arrested on a bench warrant out of Genesee County Court for allegedly failing to pay a fine stemming from an incident July 8. He was turned over to the Genesee County Sheriff's Office by Wyoming County Sheriff's Department after a traffic stop in Warsaw at 11 a.m. on May 10. He was released after his arraignment. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Rachel Diehl.

Batavia PD announces results of April 21 neighborhood enforcement detail

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

On April 21, uniformed members of the City of Batavia Police Department along with members from the Genesee County Local Drug Task Force (comprised of members from the Genesee County Sheriff's Office, Le Roy Police Department and City of Batavia Police Department), Genesee County Probation officers and uniformed members of the Genesee County Sheriff's Office conducted a N.E.T. (Neighborhood Enforcement Team) detail in the City of Batavia.

The detail focused on quality-of-life issues, drug enforcement, warrant checks and probation checks in targeted neighborhoods. The following arrests were made;

  • Ashli Zajaczkowski, 25, of Walnut Street, Batavia, was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana;
  • Mariah Hagen, 20, of Pratt Road, Batavia, was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana;
  • Thomas Hill, 26, of Fayette Street, Brockport, was charged with two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance 3rd degree (Class B felony), criminally using drug paraphrenalia 2nd degree (Class A misdemeanor) and unlawful possession of marijuana;
  • David Riley Jr., 33, of Eugene Street, Batavia, was arrested on an indictment warrant charging two counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance 3rd degree (Class B felony) and two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance 3rd degree (Class B felony);
  • Lance Mercado, 25, of Holland Avenue, Batavia, was arrested on an indictment warrant charging two counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance 5th degree (Class D felony) and two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance 5th degree (Class D felony);
  • James Mitchell, 37, of Jackson Street, Batavia, was arrested on a bench warrant out of the City of Batavia Court for failure to pay fine;
  • Liin-Noshujuan Gard, 25, of Batavia, was arrested on a Livingston County warrant.

All subjects are to appear in City Court/County Court for further proceedings at various dates and times.

Photo: By Howard Owens, taken the night of April 21 on Jackson Street.

Man accused of rape pleads guilty to assault, expects five years in prison

By Howard B. Owens
     Jason Armstrong

A Batavia man who was originally charged with rape for his attack on a woman on South Main Street, Batavia, has chosen a plea deal over the uncertainty of a trial, entering a guilty plea this morning in Genesee County Court to one count of assault in the second degree.

The plea comes with an agreed upon sentence of five years in state prison for Jason Armstrong Sr.

District Attorney Lawrence Friedman said after the plea that deals like this often benefit both the prosecution and the defense. For the prosecution, jury trials can be unpredictable, no matter how certain you are of the case against the defendant. For the defendant, the plea means a shorter jail term than would be the likely result if found guilty at trial of all charges.

"We can never predict what the outcome of a jury trial is going to be and both sides believe they receive some benefit from this," Friedman said.

Armstrong remains free on $100,000 or $200,000 bond.

Sentencing is set for 9:45 a.m., July 6.

Armstrong was indicted in January and accused of anally raping a woman at a residence on South Main Street, Batavia, sometime between Nov. 6 and 10.

Armstrong was also indicted on counts of assault in the second degree for allegedly causing physical injury.

He's also indicted on a count of third-degree assault for allegedly causing physical injury to another person on or about Dec. 5 while at the same address as the alleged rape.

On or about Dec. 22, Armstrong allegedly tried to strangle another person, leading to a charge of second-degree strangulation. That incident also led to a charge of assault, 2nd.

The plea satisfies all criminal charges against him.

News partner WBTA contributed to this story.

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