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On the Beat: Other uses for diaper bags

By Philip Anselmo

Three young parents have been accused of trying to steal "numerous" items from Kmart in Batavia Tuesday morning by stuffing them into their children's diaper bags, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Natalie M. MacArthur, 25, of Rochester; Melissa J. Ricigliano, 28, and Nicholas M. Ricigliano, 24, both of 132 State St. (Lower), Batavia, were charged with petit larceny. Three children were with the parents at the time: a 3-year-old, a 10-month-old and a 4-week-old.

Robert Sanfilippo, 49, of Depew, was charged with aggravated harassment Tuesday for an incident that occurred on October 1, deputies said. Sanfilippo is accused of making threatening phone calls to another individual's cell phone.

Derek G. Thomas, 32, of no permanent address, was charged with aggravated harassment Tuesday, city police said. Thomas is accused of grabbing a female acquaintance by the neck and slamming her into a wall during a dispute at a residence on South Main Street Sunday evening.

News roundup: Hiding in the dirty laundry

By Philip Anselmo

Bobby G. Mullen, 32, of Bergen, was picked up on a warrant for a felony charge of third-degree grand larceny Friday, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Mullen was found hiding under a pile of clothes in a bedroom closet. He is accused of stealing approximately $4,200 and two cartons of cigarettes from the Wilson Farms store in Oakfield on August 1. Mullen was an employee at the time, though the theft is believed to have occurred following his shift that morning. He was sent to Genesee County Jail in lieu of $25,000 bail.

Aaron M. Shaffer, 23, of Byron, was charged with driving while intoxicated early Sunday morning on Route 5 in Stafford, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said.

Matthew P. Stearns, 26, of Albion, was charged with felony driving while intoxicated Thursday night, city police said. Stearns was stopped by a police Stop-DWI patrol for a lighting defect on Ellicott Street. He was also ticketed with violation of a conditional license, refusal to take breath test and insufficient lights.

John J. Smalley, 46, of Oakfield, was charged with second-degree reckless endangerment and third-degree unauthorized use of a motor vehicle Sunday night, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Smalley is accused of taking his girlfriend's vehicle without her permission. When the girlfriend tried to take back her vehicle in the parking lot of the Oakfield Hotel, Smalley allegedly pressed the accelerator from the passenger side of the vehicle while she was driving, causing it to strike a utility pole.

Rita K. Cintron, 18, of New Jersey, was charged with second-degree criminal trespass Sunday night for allegedly getting into an altercation in Maple Hall at Genesee Community College after she had been previously banned from the College Village, sheriff's deputies said.

Damien R. Graham, 36, no permanent address, was charged with second-degree burglary and petit larceny Saturday, city police said. Graham is accused of breaking into the apartment of an acquaintance on Swan Street in Batavia and stealing the resident's dog.

On the Beat: Menacing and Contempt

By Philip Anselmo

Larry S. Yoho, 36, of 111 Liberty St. (Room G), Batavia, was charged with second-degree menacing and second-degree criminal trespass Thursday morning, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Yoho is accused of entering a home on East Main Street Road while the occupants were sleeping and threatening the property and the individuals. Yoho also allegedly swung a hammer at the individuals in the home. He was sent to Genesee County Jail in lieu of $2,000 bail. An order of protection was issued for the residents.

James J. Preedom, 24, of 18 East Ave., Batavia, was charged with first-degree criminal contempt and second-degree harassment Thursday for an incident that occurred Wednesday, city police said. Preedom is accused of harassing an individual who held an order of protection against him. He was sent to Genesee County Jail without bail, pending a court appearance this morning.

Burglary at the Batavia Elks Lodge (Updated)

By Philip Anselmo

Batavia City Police have confirmed a burglary downtown at the Elks Lodge on Main Street. No further information is yet available. We will provide the details when we get them.

(UPDATE 6:25pm): Det. Todd Crossett told us that there is not too much information available at this point.

"It's an ongoing investigation," he said. "We can say that it was entered, and property was stolen."

Det. Crossett could not say what was stolen from the lodge. He did not know when the break-in occurred, but he was able to say that the burgler accessed the lodge through a window.

On the Beat: DWI in Elba

By Philip Anselmo

Isaac A. Arias-Perez, 26, was charged with driving while intoxicated Sunday, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Deputies were investigating a reported domestic incident on Oak Orchard Road in Elba in which Arias-Perez was allegedly involved. He had left before deputies arrived but returned while they were still on the scene. Arias-Perez was allegedly intoxicated and driving without a license, for which he was ticketed. Arias-Perez was later sent to Genesee County Jail in lieu of $700 bail. Arias-Perez does not have a permanent address, and deputies report that there is a "federal detainer warrant" for his "alleged illegal entry into the United States."

On the Beat: Attempted burglary

By Philip Anselmo

Earlier this morning, we reported on a possible burglary on State Street in Batavia that had happened yesterday. Today, city police have found their suspect. Isaiah Munroe, 18, of 34 Buell St., Batavia, was charged with second-degree attempted burglary today. Buell is accused of breaking into the residence at 120 State St. A tenant of that residence awoke to the sound of someone forcing open the door to their apartment Monday morning, according to police. The tenant then observed two individuals on the hallway stairs exiting the home and subsequently contacted the police. Munroe was apprehended today and sent to Genesee County Jail in lieu of $1,000 bail.

On the Beat: Another Batavia burglary?

By Philip Anselmo

Batavia city police say that no charges have yet been filed, but they are talking with potential suspects in what was reported as a burglary Monday afternoon. An initial call came in shortly before 11:00am yesterday morning for a "burglary in progress" at 120 State Street in the city. A young male had been seen leaving the residence and was later spotted walking down the street with a young female.

Det. Richard Schauf said later in the afternoon that police were still looking for the male suspect.

"The person has not yet been found who was described at the scene," he said. "We're talking with anyone who has information. It was reported as a burglary to a home on State Street, but we're still determining if it is or not."

Several downtown businesses, at least one church and a school were burglarized over the past few months, including Dan's Tire, Ponderosa and Palace of Sweets in the mall. No information has yet become available that would link those crimes. Investigation continues.

Jeffrey T. Peyman, 19, of 5204 Ellicott Street Road, Batavia, was charged with petit larceny and unlawful possession of a hypodermic needle Friday afternoon, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Peyman was picked up by deputies on an allegation of stealing from the K Mart store in Batavia.

Ritchie L. Kirkum Sr., 47, of Oakfield, was charged with second-degree unlawful imprisonment, fourth-degree criminal mischief and endangering the welfare of a child last night, deputies said. Kirkum allegedly prevented an ex-girlfriend from leaving his residence and pushed her several times while she was holding a child. When she attempted to call 911, he then allegedly took her cell phone and threw it into the yard. Kirkum was also charged with second-degree harassment and sent to Genesee County Jail in lieu of $1,000 bail. A stay away Order of Protection was issued.

Batavia Daily News for Monday: Outlook on the Economy: "High Anxiety"

By Philip Anselmo

What a difference a week makes... Last Monday's Daily News featured three front-page articles on the cautious optimism of local retailers, consumers and financiers about the eventual rebounding of the economy and return of "people's desire to shop." Today's top story—a wire story picked up from the Associated Press—proclaims: "High anxiety on economy: Magnitude of financial meltdown starting to hit people hard." Ouch! Nothing cautious or optimistic there.

From today's report:

The share of people who believe the country is moving in the right direction has plunged in just a few weeks, from 28 percent in September to 15 percent in October. ...

At the same time there is a drop in those surveyed who say they are happy about the way things are going in their lives.

One-third of people are "worried about losing their jobs," half don't think they can keep up with bills—mortgages and credit cards, in particular—and two-thirds of those surveyed said that their investments were losing value.

Where are you at? Do you fit into the cautiously optimistic picture sketched in last week's articles? Or are you pulling your hair out in worry?

In other news, a standoff in Le Roy kept police there busy for two hours Friday night and into Saturday morning. A Darien man is accused of setting fires in an apartment, attempting to kill a woman there and slashing at a police officer with a knife. Jonathan J. Connolly, 30, of Darien, was charged with seven felonies. Connolly eventually had to be taken down with a taser gun. Reporter Scott DeSmit has all the details on this incident featured in today's local section.

We encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News at your local newsstand. Or, better yet, subscribe at

Stabbing in downtown Batavia (Updated)

By Philip Anselmo

A Summit Street man has been accused of stabbing one "acquaintance" of his twice and holding another at knife point at his home shortly after midnight this morning, city police said. Michael R. Ostrander, 44, of 122 Summit St., Lower, Batavia, was charged with three felony counts, including second-degree assault, third-degree criminal possession of a weapon and first-degree unlawful imprisonment. Ostrander was also charged with second-degree menacing.

Police have not identified the victims, but they say that the male acquaintance who was stabbed twice was taken to Erie County Medical Center in Buffalo and that his injuries are not life threatening.

Ostrander will go before a judge in city court later this morning.

We placed a call into the department this morning to find out more information. We will pass that along as it comes in.

UPDATE (9:15am): Ostrander was sent to Genesee County Jail without bail. He will remain there until his next court appearance tomorrow afternoon. Investigation into the incident has not yet found a "reason for the attack" and will continue. The names of the victims have not been released. Police have now said that the victims were visiting Ostrander when the attack happened. A 33-year-old man was stabbed twice, and a 40-year-old woman was held against her will at knife point.

On the Beat: DWI "saturation" patrol

By Philip Anselmo

More than a dozen state police troopers went out on patrol following the Buffalo Bills home game Sunday at Orchard Park in Buffalo. Three men were charged with driving while intoxicated following traffic stops on some of the main roads leading out of Buffalo. Two of the men were charged with felony DWI. Another 98 vehicle and traffic tickets were issued throughout the day, including 52 for speeding and eight for not wearing a seatbelt.

Jeremiah Flagg, 27, of East Amherst, was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana on October 7, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Flagg was stopped on Route 5 in Pembroke for a traffic violation when deputies allegedly found him in possession of marijuana.

Larry R. Pfalzer II, 26, of East Bethany, was charged with aggravated driving while intoxicated Friday night, city police said. Pfalzer was stopped by police for failing to stay in his lane when he was allegedly found to be intoxicated. He was also ticketed with failure to keep right.

On the Beat: Wanted in Warsaw

By Philip Anselmo

State police are on the lookout for a robbery suspect in Warsaw. A report just came in that on Tuesday night, just shy of 11:00pm, a man entered the Yellow Goose Gas Sation on Telephone Road in Pavilion. This man walked up to the counter with a beverage, then pulled a gun on the cashier and demanded the money in the cash register. Once the cashier gave him the money, he left the store and fled into the woods.

From the police:

The man is described as a black male, 20-24 years old, 5’6”, and 160-165 lbs.  He was clean shaven, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, blue jeans and white sneakers.

The proceeds taken from the scene was less than $200.00.  The State Police are currently reviewing the stores video tapes and following up on numerous leads.  Anyone with information regarding this investigation is asked to contact (the state police in) Warsaw at (585) 786-5152.

Three men were sent to jail following an apprehension by the Genesee County sheriff's deputies yesterday afternoon on charges of petit larceny. Vernon L. Arrington, 47; Willie J. Boler, 42; and Timothy M. Armstead, 45, all of Buffalo, were stopped in their vehicle by deputies on Veterans Memorial Drive following reports of a theft from Rite Aid on West Main Street in Batavia. Deputies found "a very large amount of allegedly stolen items" from Rite Aid and it seemed other stores, as well. Further investigation is pending. The three men were sent to Genesee County Jail in lieu of $1,500 bail or $3,000 bond, each.

Jerry L. Saddler Sr., 48, of 112 State St., Batavia, was charged with third-degree menacing, disorderly conduct and unnecessary noise yesterday evening, city police said. Saddler is accused of threatening someone with a knife. He was apprehended by police at his home, where he was found playing music at an excessive volume. Saddler was sent to Genesee County Jail in lieu of $1,500 bail.

On the Beat: In lieu of wedding vows?

By Philip Anselmo

Asley M. Chamberlain, 22, of Oakfield, was charged with a felony county of second-degree assault early Monday morning, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Chamberlain is accused of throwing a cell phone, striking her fiance in the face, and causing an injury that required stitches. She was released and will return to court in November.

Cheryl A. Vagg, 51, of 110 Evans St., Batavia, was charged with driving while intoxicated Friday, city police said. Vagg allegedly drove into a parked car on Center Street and drove off. She was located at Ellicott and Jackson streets and found to be under the influence. She was also charged with leaving the scene of an accident.

Jason R. Armstrong, 36, of East Pembroke, was charged with second-degree criminal contempt Sunday, city police said. Armstrong is accused of harassing a resident of Chase Park in Batavia who has an order of protection out against Armstrong.

Daniel T. Henning, 28, of 432 E. Main St., Batavia, was charged with second-degree criminal contempt Sunday, city police said. Henning is accused of repeatedly telephoning an individual that holds an order of protection against him.

Jeremy M. Erle, 32, and Nicole D. Erle, 27, both of Buffalo, were charged with trespassing Saturday night when they were located on a property in Darien without the property owner's permission, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said.

Matthew R. Lemmon, 43, of Oakfield, was charged with driving while intoxicated early this morning, deputies said. Lemmon was stopped on South Pearl Street Road in the village of Oakfield. He was also ticketed with moving from the lane unsafely and inadequate exhaust.

On the Beat: Weekend DWIs

By Philip Anselmo

Dawn M. Davis, 46, of Medina, was charged with driving while intoxicated and seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance Sunday afternoon in the K-mart parking lot in Batavia, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Davis allegedly backed into a parked car in the lot. When deputies arrived they found that she had several pills in her pocket and she was under the influence. She was also ticketed with backing unsafely.

Christine E. Garland, 36, of 8069 Kelsey Rd., Batavia, was charged with driving while intoxicated early Sunday morning in Oakfield, deputies said. She was stopped by deputies on South Pearl Street. Garland was also ticketed with moving from the lane unsafely and insufficient tail lamps.

From the family of Desean Gooch

By Philip Anselmo

We received this letter this morning from Ed Minardo, director of Genesee Justice. It's from the mother of Desean Gooch, and it's addressed to the Genesee County Community. Here it is, in full:

Thanks to the Genesee County Community

On 10-9-08, it will be the second anniversary of the date that my son Desean Gooch was killed in Batavia.  I want to take this opportunity first to remember the short but joyful life of Desean, and also to send a thank you to those agencies and individuals that were of great comfort and assistance to us in our family’s time of need.  This was especially important to us as we had to endure Desean’s death, police investigation, prosecution and disposition from out of state.  The staff of Genesee Justice was a constant source of information, support and caring that kept us connected to agencies and events that were taking place.  The outstanding efforts by the Officers and Detectives of the Batavia City Police Department in identifying the individuals and evidence involved in Desean’s shooting death were remarkable.  In addition to their professional demeanor, they were there for our family as compassionate human beings to recognize the depth of our loss.  The Genesee County District Attorney’s Office did a wonderful job of presenting the facts in the trial and including us in the plea offerings of the various defendants.  We would also like to extend our appreciation to County Court Judge Noonan and the jury for their role in the trial which ultimately resulted in the conviction and incarceration of the individual directly responsible for Desean’s death.   The tragedy of Desean’s death was made a bit easier to bear with the help of all the caring, professional people in Genesee County.  We wanted you to know that you are appreciated and remembered!

The Mother and Family of Desean Gooch

On the Beat: Credit card thefts

By Philip Anselmo

Jeanine D. Fuller, 22, of 8 S. Main St., Batavia, was charged with a felony count of criminal possession of stolen property Wednesday, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Fuller is accused of stealing a credit card and using it to to buy merchandise that was not authorized by the card holder. She was also charged with petit larceny and unlawful possession of personal identification information.

Jessica L. Pittler, 18, of Lockport, was charged with a felony count of second-degree forgery and a felony count of second-degree identity theft Wednesday, state police said. Pittler is accused of stealing a credit card from an acquaintance and making purchases that totalled nearly $630. She was sent to Niagara County Jail in lieu of $1,000 bail.

Genesee County was the site of several crashes over the past few days.

  • Katelyn D. George, 17, of Byron, was driving along Bank Street Road in Elba Wednesday evening when she veered into the other lane and off the road, crashing into a pair of trees, deputies said.
  • Zachary M. Rebert, 17, of Oakfield, was driving along Maple Avenue Tuesday afternoon when he failed to stop for a red light at the intersection of Route 63, deputies said. Rebert's vehicle crashed into the driver's side of a car driven by P. M. Leszczynski, 52, of Medina.
  • Cassandra L. Ribbeck, 18, of 149 Oak St., Batavia, was driving along Beaver Road in Alexander Wednesday evening when she lost control of her truck, possibly driving too fast on wet roads, deputies said. Her truck hydroplaned and drove off the road, striking a fence post, continuing on through a field and striking an earth embankment where the truck was flipped up on its side.
  • Breann Blackchief, 21, of Basom, and Tashina C. Abrams, 21, of Akron, were riding a pair of ATVs on Meadville Road in Alabama Tuesday evening when they crashed, deputies said. Blackchief had not noticed that Abrams had stopped and crashed into the back of her. Blackchief was ejected from the ATV, landing in the middle of the road.

There was no mention in the releases of any injuries. We put in a call to the sheriff's department to find out if there were inuries. We will report that information when it becomes available.

On the Beat: Perjury on a drug charge

By Philip Anselmo

Stephanie R. Cotton, 33, of 335 Bank St., C1, Batavia, was charged with a felony count of first-degree perjury Monday, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Cotton is accused of making false statements while under oath during a county family court proceeding in April when she was facing a charge of fifth-degree criminal sale of a controlled substance. Cotton was sent to Genesee County Jail in lieu of $5,000.

Police Beat: Weekend arrest round up

By Howard B. Owens

Shaun A. DiSalvo, 30, of Linwood Avenue in Batavia was apprehended Saturday morning at 4:30 a.m. for allegedly operating an ATV while intoxicated and unlawful possession of Marijuana.  Batavia officers report they spotted DiSalvo operating the ATV north on Route 98. When they attempted to stop ATV, he initially tried to flee, according to the report. After a brief pursuit, he stopped on South Jackson.  He also received citations for operating an ATV on a public highway.

Edwin L. Stancliff, 29, of Ocala, Fla., was arrested in Pembroke Thursday at 5:43 p.m. for allegedly operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. Corfu police officers report they made the arrest after a traffic accident. According to the report, Stancliff was driving without a license and fled from the scene of the crash.

Melvin G. Draper, Jr., 27, of Walnut Street in Batavia, was arrested Saturday at 10:19 p.m. after reportedly operating a vehicle involved in a single-car accident that left a female passenger hospitalized with internal injuries. A 15-year-old passenger was uninjured. Draper was charged with aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree, endangering the welfare of a child, driving while intoxicated, leaving the scene of a personal injury accident and speed not reasonable.  The accident occurred with Draper was reportedly operating the vehicle eastbound on Batavia-Elba Townline Road at a high speed on a wet road. Police say Draper lost control of the vehicle and it slid into a ditch and became airborne after hitting a driveway.  The report says Draper then left the scene and went to a nearby friend's house. He later returned to the scene.

David W. King, Jr., 27, of Lockport Road, Elba, was arrested Friday at 11:28 p.m. for allegedly operating a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs. He was also charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, speeding and an unsafe lane change. Police report that they found King with a glass crack pipe and crack cocaine.

Gordon C. Gonyo, 54, of Byron Road in Byron, was arrested Saturday at 6:37 p.m. for allegedly driving while intoxicated. Gonyo was apprehended after a complaint about a vehicle being operated erratically on Byron Road.

Two people arrested Saturday evening by deputies

By Howard B. Owens

Paul M. Rossiter, 19, of Woodstock Gardens, Batavia, was arrested Saturday evening on Route 237 in Byron for alleging possessing marijuana. Rossiter was reportedly the passenger in a vehicle that was pulled over in a traffic stop by a sheriff's deputy.

William Stephans, Jr., 41, of Lake Street in LeRoy, was arrested for allegedly driving while under the influence. He was stopped by a deputy on Route 5 in Stafford.

Both of these incidents were reported in press releases from the Genesee County Sheriff's Department.

Video: Meet Finn the Police Dog

By Philip Anselmo

Many thanks to Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Brian Thompson for taking the time to introduce me—and by extension, all of you—to the newest member of the county force: Finn, the Czech Shepherd. Finn was purchased by the force through donated funds to help mostly on search missions, whether that means he's looking for a criminal hiding in a building or a bag of pot strapped under a Lexus. Take a look:

On the Beat: DWI in Pembroke

By Philip Anselmo

Edwin L. Stancliff, 29, of Florida, was charged with driving while intoxicated Tuesday in the town of Pembroke, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Stancliff crashed his vehicle on Route 5, damaging property, then fled the scene. He was also ticketed with unlicensed operation, moving from the lane unsafely and leaving the scene of a property damage accident.

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