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City of Batavia Democratic Committee

City Democrats disturbed by lack of response in regard to process of replacing Council member Christian

By Press Release

Press release from City of Batavia Democratic Committee:

We, the City of Batavia Democratic Committee, are disappointed with the City’s lack of leadership in this transition period of replacing prior City Councilperson Rose Mary Christian’s 6th Ward seat. Efforts by our Committee, as well as others, to contact the City Attorney - who is paid by our tax dollars - have resulted in being ignored on this matter, and the City Manager has not been direct, either.

We are disappointed in the City of Batavia Republican Committee for moving forward in this process without the City attorney being clear on the direction the Charter says. There is no time frame stated of when the Councilperon’s political party is checked in relation to this. A political party moving forward in a situation as gray as this one is atrocious to our system and an abuse of political power.

We urge the City attorney to do his job and take action to explain the legal interpretation of the Charter, and to provide a prior case of this situation occurring, as well as the precedent set by that instance. We want the Charter to be followed by all to ensure fairness rather than one political party choosing what happens. 

Garrison Starr in Concert -- in Batavia!

By Loren Penman

The City of Batavia Democratic Committee is proud to present GARRISON STARR, recording artist/independent musician, in concert on Thursday, March 31, 2011 at the Harvester 56 Theater, 56 Harvester Avenue, Batavia. Doors open at 7:30 PM for this one-night-only experience in an intimate setting with this extraordinary Los Angeles singer-songwriter.

Limited advance sale tickets ($20 per person) include a champagne reception and are available at the Harvester 56 Theater on Sunday, March 27 from 12:00 noon - 3:00 PM ONLY or by calling 343-8066 or emailing

Event Date and Time

Meet the City of Batavia democratic candidates Oct. 28

By Billie Owens

Notre Dame High School will play host to the 2009 Meet the Candidates Night on Wednesday, Oct. 28, sponsored by the City of Batavia Democratic Committee.

It will be an informal night of discussion and an opportunity to get to know the candidates who are running for County Legislature and City Council. It will begin at 7 p.m. in the Cafeteria at Notre Dame School, located at 73 Union St. in Batavia.

“This a wonderful opportunity for the candidates to meet one-on-one with their neighbors and constituents concerning local issues," said City Democratic Chairman Patrick Burk in a press release. “It allows for dialogue and sharing.” 

The event will include coffee and refreshments and all city residents are invited to attend. 

City Council-at-Large Candidates Sara Burk-Balbi, Phil Ricci and Julie Wallace will be available along with Rose Mary Christian, Chris Charvella and Ed DeJaneiro, the County Legisilature candidates who represent the City of Batavia.

“We hope neighbors and friends and all city residents do stop in and let us know their ideas and concerns,” Burk said. “It is an open forum and everyone is invited to attend. It is our hope that our representatives on City Council and County Legislature will continue to look into and discuss issues as they are brought forward. Communication is the key.”

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