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Blue Pearl Yoga

New exhibit showcases work of local award-winning photographer

By Patricia Hawley

A new exhibit featuring the work of local photographer Susan Meier is on view at the Gallery at Blue Pearl Yoga through the month of January. The show is free and open to the public during gallery hours.

Meier, a lifelong resident of Genesee County, currently resides in East Pembroke. A self-taught artist, she began taking photographs as a preteen.

“I won a camera in a coloring contest and that sparked my interest,” she says.

After graduating from Genesee Wyoming BOCES with a degree in Cosmetology, Susan operated a hair salon out of her home for several years but continued her interest in photography, joining the Batavia Photography Club in 1995. She began photographing weddings in the late '90s and by 2001 she graduated from Genesee Community College with an AAS in Commercial Art. In 2010 she moved her business to the Harvester Artisan Center. She is a member of the Professional Photographers Association, past president of the Batavia Photography Club, and is active in 4H and the Genesee County Fair.

She continues her professional development by attending workshops throughout the country where she’s learned techniques like off-camera flash and studio and portrait lighting. Her work has been shown at the Richmond Memorial Library where she’s won multiple People’s Choice Awards, Moon Java Café, Genesee Community College, GoArt!, and Muller Quaker. Aside from her work as a wedding photographer, Susan’s professional work includes high school senior portraits, professional head shots, as well as newborn, family, and maternity photos.  

“The 11 images in the Blue Pearl exhibit feature a mix of fashion/glamour, boudoir, concept shoots and some photo digital art,” Meier says. "Concept shoots are ideas or unique concepts brought to life.

The concept images on display include Feather, 1940s Glam, Steampunk, Snow Princess and Flower. Her training as a cosmetologist allows her to construct elaborate styles for her models.

She is available for private photography lessons. You may contact her at 585-861-0415 or visit her studio at the Harvester Artisan Center, 56 Harvester Ave., on the first floor. Her social media presence includes Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, 500px, Google Plus, Shop Batavia.

The exhibit can be seen during gallery hours on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday from 9 to 11 a.m.; Monday through Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m.

For more information, call Blue Pearl Yoga at 585.230.5430.

Sponsored Post: Blue Pearl Yoga to host skype workshop, “Everyday Meditation", with Michael DeFrancisco

By Lisa Ace

When Karen Reisdorf began meditating 15 years ago. The local yoga instructor studied Transcendental Meditation (TM) with a teacher from Rochester but found the process lacking, particularly the follow-up and sense of community. “There was no support,” she said, “I felt like I’d been left to figure out the rest on my own,” until she met Michael DeFrancisco and experienced his Blessing Meditation technique. Now the Batavia resident and owner of Blue Pearl Yoga is collaborating with DeFrancisco to bring “Blessing Meditation” to Western New York in a series of skype workshops in October and an in-person visit in November.

Meditation can be found throughout history. In fact, some of the earliest written records of meditation date to around 3000 BC while cave paintings depicting meditative rituals go back as far as 15,000 years ago. It became a phenomenon that caught the eye of Westerners in the mid-1960’s when The Beatles traveled to India to study with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. (Fun Fact: DeFrancisco studied with the Maharishi Mahesh for six months in 1975.) While meditation became the darling of rock-n-roll royalty and movie stars, it felt largely unavailable to the rest of us. “Many meditation programs require some sort intellectual understanding or academic background,” says DeFrancisco. And he should know. He’s taught nearly 30,000 people to find their bliss for 38 years – first at a meditation center in Philadelphia, PA and later as a private teacher in LaJolla, CA.  Because standard meditation techniques, as well as some wellness methods like acupuncture, chiropractic, and special diets, do not teach any way to effortlessly access inner peace the results are often temporary. Blessing Meditation offers a simple approach to build a contemplative routine.

More after the jump (click on the headline):

The benefits of a consistent meditation practice are well documented. Studies suggest that those who spend as little as 20 minutes a day meditating can enjoy lower blood pressure, decreased stress, anxiety, and depression and improved cognitive function. The rub, according to DeFrancisco, is that “although our society is more technologically advanced than ever before, we’re stuck with the same old vulnerable psycho-emotional system.” Simply put, we might be able to give voice commands to our iPhones but our “fight-or-flight” mechanism has us positioned – emotionally anyway – squarely in the jungle. That guy that cut you off in traffic this morning? He might as well be a Wooly Mammoth and its dinnertime. “People are stressed and overwhelmed. They may have reached a high level of achievement but feel very little fulfillment.” Blessing Meditation can move us out of the 21st century jungle and into a state of inner peace that already exists, “we just need to uncover it,” he says.

Learning to meditate is easy. Easier, according to DeFrancisco, than Raja Yoga, which he began practicing in 1971. “It was difficult and required rigorous concentration.” By 1974 he jumped on the Transcendental Meditation movement that was sweeping the country and experienced immediate benefits. DeFrancisco’s brand of Blessing Meditation is “effortless and requires no concentration or difficult positions or postures. It’s not yoga and it’s not a religion,” he says. “In fact, I’ve taught priests and ministers.” Meditation is a practical tool that can be used in the daily routine to bring about spontaneous happiness. The benefits too are spontaneous…and cumulative. Many people report an increased sense of calm and relaxation that deepens as they continue their meditative practice. And, this technique is endlessly transportable. “It can be done anywhere,” says DeFrancisco. Indeed, he has taught, attended courses, or led workshops and retreats in Pennsylvania, California, North Carolina, Texas, Iowa, New York, Canada, India, Germany, Switzerland, and France. Students hail from such far-flung locales as Brazil, Australia, South Africa, and Europe. And participants get an added bonus when they study with Michael – the support that Reisdorf was searching for is abundantly available; Monthly skype visits are organized at Blue Pearl Yoga where students gather to “check in” and fine-tune their practice. This personal component “is more than support,” Reisdorf says, “it creates a real sense of community.”

Blessing Meditation can most accurately be defined as a transfer of grace – a charming gift of the divine. Blessings are used in many cultures, from the ancient shamans of Siberia to First Nation medicine men and women. “My first experience with blessings occurred in 1992 with a spontaneous, innocent movement of my hands to my head and face,” DeFrancisco states. An inner vision – or God – moved my hands during meditation and suddenly the light of love - the light of God – descended on me in a magnificent display of blissful love that is impossible to capture and express in words.” DeFrancisco will regularly give blessings to the people he meditates with, either in person or during one of his popular skype sessions, prompting him to admit “technology is often a very good thing!” He considers his blessings “a charming gift from the divine that awakens the recipients own divine nature.”

Anyone interested in learning more about Blessing Meditation may register for a Skype workshop, “Everyday Meditation with Michael DeFrancisco” on October 10 at 1 p.m. at Blue Pearl Yoga, 200 East Main Street, Batavia or on October 19 at 7 p.m. at Harvester 56 Theatre, 56 Harvester Avenue, Batavia. He will be in Batavia at Blue Pearl Yoga on November 7 to meet with prospective students. Workshops are free but space is limited so pre-registration is strongly suggested. For additional information visit or call 585.230.5430.

Local quilt artists display their work at Blue Pearl Yoga

By Howard B. Owens

Submitted by Patricia Hawley:

A group of local fiber artists have gathered at Blue Pearl Yoga to show their work. “Mandala Quilts” features 10 pieces based on the Mandala -- a spiritual representing the wholeness of the Universe. The basic form of most mandalas is a square with four gates containing a circle with a center point. The show hangs through mid-November.

ArtCGirlz started about eight years ago when members of the Museum Quilt Guild began a niche group concentrating on Art Quilts. While every quilt tells a story, art quilts differ in that “they are meant to hang on a wall as art,” says member Martha Lorshbaugh. Her quilt, “Zendala Mandala,” incorporates intricate stitching using fushia-colored thread. According to organizer Elaine Ross, “Art quilters rarely follow a strict pattern. We love to change things around.” Many of the quilts contain embellishments like beads, sequins, buttons and embroidery.

The 11-member ArtCGirlz’s meet the second Tuesday of each month; the location varies so check out their blog at To view the show, visit the gallery at Blue Pearl Yoga, 200 E. Main St., third floor, in  Batavia. The gallery is open during class times; call ahead for details or check their Web site at or find them on Facebook at Blue Pearl Yoga. Admission is free.

Top photo: Mary Ellen Casey.

Labyrinth walk Sunday will celebrate Fall Equinox

By Howard B. Owens

Area residents are invited to walk through a labyrinth on the property of Tricia Zdep, 6600 Log City Road, Elba, on Sunday as part of a harvest celebration for the Fall Equinox sponsored by Blue Pearl Yoga.

Labyrinths -- a complex series of winding paths that require walkers to follow a serpentine trail -- have been an important spiritual part of many cultures for thousands of years, said Patricia Hawley.

"Walking through one is a powerful meditative and contemplative act," she said.

The word "equinox" is derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night) and signifies a time when night and day are about equal length.

The term can also be used in a broader sense, meaning that the universe is in perfect balance, said Karen Reisdorf, owner of Blue Pearl Yoga

"At this time we concentrate on balancing our spirits, harvesting our dreams, and giving thanks for the beauty and bounties of Mother Earth," Reisdorf said.

The walk is at 1 p.m. and participants are asked to bring a gift from nature (leaf, flower, feather, stone, etc.) and any vegetables or flowers that have been harvested from your garden or from a farmers market. The event includes:

  • Blessing of the harvest, offerings of gratitude;
  • Yoga practice, planting new intentions;
  • Ending meditation;
  • Sharing of the harvest.

Leading the event with Reisdorf is Joni Yaskulski.

The labyrinth was made by Zdep and her husband at least five years ago (see it on Google Maps).

Pre-registration is required. Cost is $15. For more information contact Blue Pearl Yoga at 585-230-5430 or email

Blue Pearl Yoga hosts Summer Yoga Camp July 16-18 for youths 11 to 14

By Lisa Ace

Blue Pearl Yoga is hosting a Summer Yoga Camp for Kids and Teens on July 16-18.

Ages 11-14 -- 1 to 3 p.m.

(Also offering camp for ages 5-10 -- 10 a.m. to noon.)

For a full schedule of classes, please visit:

Event Date and Time

Blue Pearl Yoga hosts Summer Yoga Camp July 16-18 for youths 5 to 10

By Lisa Ace

Blue Pearl Yoga is hosting a Summer Yoga Camp for Kids on July 16-18.

Ages 5-10 -- 10 a.m. to noon.

(Also offering camp for ages 11 to 14 from 1 to 3 p.m.)

For a full schedule of classes, please visit:

Event Date and Time

'Sound sculpture' musician to perform at Masonic Temple, hosted by Blue Pearl Yoga

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

"Matt Venuti's performance opens the heart, quiets the mind, and deeply touches the soul" ~ Arun Gandhi, author, lecturer, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi.

Multi-instrumentalist/composer Matt Venuti is one of the world's premier players of the Hang, the most exciting new acoustic instrument of the 21st Century and one of the most captivating and versatile of all time. Better described as a sound sculpture than a typical instrument, Hang means hand in Swiss -- pure magic!

Matt's compositions and performances have been commended by worldwide fans of his original music. He has a history of performing at progressive happenings like the TED Conferences and gala events worldwide, either as a soloist or with his San Francisco based ensemble, The Venusians.

He tours throughout most of the year performing solo Hang concerts and FreeFlow Yoga events.

CLICK HERE to read a recent article written about Matt for the Huffington Post about FreeFlow.

CLICK HERE videos of him playing.

For pre-sale tickets buy on line or stop in the studio call : 585-230-5430​ or visit our Web site:

Thursday, June 20 | 7 p.m. | $15/ pre sale | $20/ door

Fun and fitness are goals of hula hoop class at Blue Pearl Yoga

By Howard B. Owens

After the first hula hoop class presented by Blue Pearl Yoga this evening, the oft-repeated word was "fun."

Instructor Rachelle Simons said it is fun, that's why she went from a mom hooping with her four children to a serious devotee of the sport.

"It's a tremendous work out that works virtually ever muscle in your body, from head to toe," Simons said. "As you're doing it, you don't even realize you're doing it because it's so much fun."

The introductory class covered hoop basics, stretching and a bit of actual hip movements to keep the hoop going.

For many of the dozen students, it was the first time they had hooped since they were children.

The last time for Julie Yaeger, "probably not since I was 12, and I won't tell you how long ago that was," she said.

Donna McJury joined the class because she expected it to be fun, relaxing and a chance to get fit.

"I think I'll get more energy," she said. "And maybe a smaller waist."

Simons ended the class with a demonstration of hula hoop dancing, showing off several tricks and techniques, telling class members that they were all capable of learning everything she did.

She then talked about the types and weights of hoops she has available, and which people might consider using based on their hoop plans and abilities. Her hoops are available at

The cost for the five-week session is $45 and if there's demand, more classes could be added.

Candlelight Yoga w/ Live Music

By karen reisdorf


Candlelight Yoga

with Live Music


Friday's, 7:00pm - 8:00pm

April 19, May 18

Karen Reisdorf & Chris Logan


Join us for this gentle yoga flow accompanied by Chris Logan playing the shruti box and Tibetan singing bowls in a beautiful atmosphere. Suggested donation is $10.

Event Date and Time

Meditation w/ Michael DeFrancisco

By karen reisdorf

Waking Up the Fullness w/ Michael DeFrancisco
May 5th | $35

During this two - hour workshop, we will create a powerful level of intimacy from inside-out. A new loving, giving vibrational field will emerge as a result of “direct experience” of inner peace in meditation, coupled with and supported by the understanding that unfold from the questions and answer session. The path to happy healthy relationships is an inside to outside spiritual journey!

Event Date and Time

Hula Hoop Happy Hour

By Lisa Ace

Hula Hoop Happy Hour with Rachelle • April 4 - May 2 
Thursday's | 7-8 pm | 5 week session | $45       
Learn how to hula hoop! Each class will include a warm ups, instruction of a technique, and, practice with assistance. Hoops will provided for class and are also on sale at the studio. 

Event Date and Time

Sponsored Post: Holistic Health & Wellness Fair

By Lisa Ace

Join us Saturday, September, 22, 2012 at 12pm till 4pm for our Holistic Health and Wellness Fair!

Admission to the event is FREE. This event offers FREE yoga classes, FREE Reiki healings, product & services raffles, special discounts on classes & workshops, as well as holistic education.

Our participating vendors are: Fountain of Youth Organics, Tranquility Herbals, Awakenings Holistic Center, Dr. James Bradman Chiropractic, Arise Within, Body Sense Health Care & Nutrition, Shawn Thompson, LMT of Bergen Family Chiropractic and Sound Healing by Global Risings, INC.

All raffle proceeds to benefit the Michael Napoleone Memorial Foundation.

Schedule of Events: Yoga: 12:20-12:40pm - Paula, 1:00-1:20pm Karen, 2:40-3:00pm Karen | Restorative, 3:40-4:00pm Marge. Talks: 1:30-2:00pm Healthy Lifestyle - Marge Tuerk, 3:10-3:30pm Meditation - Karen Reisdorf. Reiki: 12:30-3:30pm. For more information go to:!holistic-fair-/cr81

Bring a friend! Blue Pearl Yoga, 200 East Main St., third floor, Batavia, NY 343-1257 or visit us online:

Batavia yoga masters team up to teach future teachers

By Daniel Crofts

Batavia's Blue Pearl Yoga and Exhale Yoga recently teamed up for a 200-hour training of future yoga instructors. Rebecca Cohen (second from left), of Exhale, and Karen Reisdorf, of Blue Pearl, presented certificates last weekend to their three graduates: June Martino, Tess Garland and Maura Gilsinan.

The training was done in increments of four days a week for eight weeks, six hours a day, followed by a week-long "final exam."

Included were formal study (180 hours of class time and 10 hours of homework) and a "practicum" component (about 10 hours) where candidates had to observe and teach classes.

"It is quite an achievement for these ladies," Cohen said.

Yoga may look easy to outsiders, but no one can learn how to teach it without getting to know its complexities.

"You are trying to get a group of people to all move together and breathe together," Cohen said, "(and to) improvise a series of yoga poses, while asking them to push their muscles and joints to their safe limits."

Altogether, according to Cohen, there are about 900 body poses in yoga "if you include the variations."

She described yoga as "a great low-impact form of exercise that works every muscle in your body, and really improves core strength."

"It improves coordination and balance," she said, "because it is practiced barefoot and the poses are performed on one side and then the other, bringing balance to both sides of the body."

Yoga also makes use of deep breathing exercises.

"Yoga can certainly be just a physical exercise," Cohen said, "or it can be a physical exercise to connect you with your spirituality. It depends on your intentions."

Cohen always begins and ends her lessons by asking everyone to take a moment to reflect on his/her intention.

"(This) gives us a chance to remind ourselves of what we are grateful for and an opportunity to remember that in order to achieve personal growth, we need to stay focused on that goal or intention every day."

For anyone interested in future yoga instructor training, the cost is about $2,000 -- $1,800 for the training itself, plus an additional $200 for books.

For more information, call Cohen at (716) 316-9869 or email You may also contact Reisdorf at 343-1257 or e-mail

Photo taken by Karen Reisdorf

Deal of the Day: Blue Pearl Yoga

By Howard B. Owens

Today's Deal of the Day: A $56 gift certificate from Blue Pearl Yoga in Batavia. The Batavian's Good Deal Price: $28 -- HALF off!

Blue Pearl is located in the Masonic Temple on Main Street. With a wide-open fourth-floor location for yoga classes, it provides a great setting for these classes.  The gift certificate provides 7 classes over a seven week session.

Rules: The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value. 

How to Win: Purchase using the PayPal "Buy Now" button below. After the first person to hit the "buy now" button completes the purchase, PayPal will let you know that the item has been sold. Ideally, the winner will arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. to pick up gift certificate. Mail is an option, but it would be better to hand you the gift certificate. 

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Merchants: If you would like your business featured in Deal of the Day, call Howard Owens at 260-6970.


And take advantage of our  online exclusive offer from Roxy's Music.

Saturday's Deal of The Day: Blue Pearl Yoga

By Howard B. Owens

Today's Deal of the Day: A $56 gift certificate from Blue Pearl Yoga in Batavia. The Batavian's Good Deal Price: $28 -- HALF off!

Blue Pearl is located in the Masonic Temple on Main Street. With a wide-open fourth-floor location for yoga classes, it provides a great setting for these classes.  The gift certificate provides 7 classes over a seven week session.

Rules: The gift certificate must be used by within 30 days of purchase. It is not valid with other offers and has no cash value. 

How to Win: Purchase using the PayPal "Buy Now" button below. After the first person to hit the "buy now" button completes the purchase, PayPal will let you know that the item has been sold. Ideally, the winner will arrange to stop by my office on Main Street before 5:00 p.m. ON MONDAY to pick up gift certificate. Mail is an option, but it would be better to hand you the gift certificate. 

If you want to be notified via e-mail of future Deals of the Day, sign up for the Deals of the Day e-mail list by clicking here.

Merchants: If you would like your business featured in Deal of the Day, call Howard Owens at 260-6970.


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