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Batavia High School

Big forum next Monday at BHS on the impact of prescription drug abuse and heroin addiction in Genesee County

By Billie Owens

Press release:

A panel featuring William J. Hochul Jr., United States Attorney for the Western District of New York, who oversees the prosecution of federal criminal cases in our region, and Deanna Axe, the mother of a heroin overdose victim who founded Addicted to Hope, will be held from 1:30 to approximately 3 p.m. at Batavia High School on Monday, Feb. 29.

They will be joined by representatives from local law enforcement, the medical profession, and treatment/prevention education to address the significant and dire consequences of prescription drug abuse and heroin addiction that is impacting our community.

Sponsored by Act Genesee, a growing coalition  of community volunteers whose mission is to promote healthy and safe choices through education and action, the forum is titled, “Pay Attention: Addressing Prescription Drug Abuse and Heroin Addiction in our Community.”

In addition to presentations by Hochul and Axe, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions of the panel members, fill out a brief survey to help the Coalition determine the best course of action for following up on this presentation, and meet other like-minded individuals who share a concern about promoting a healthy and substance-free lifestyle for individuals and families in our community.

Coalition President Anita Strollo urges all to attend and says, “We really want to raise awareness. This is a problem that is happening. It’s here. And it is serious and devastating.” She encourages involvement from all ages, noting that, with abuse and addiction crossing all age and socio-economic groupings, so should be the awareness of and attack on these growing problems.

Batavia police and high school students will 'Serve Up Some Justice' at fundraiser Feb. 11

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Batavia Police Benevolent Association is teaming up with the Batavia High School Student Government to hold the first ever “Serve Up Some Justice” Volleyball Tournament.

The event will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 11in the Batavia High School Gymnasium, located 260 State St. in the City of Batavia.

The event will bring student, teacher, and police department teams together for a fun-filled evening of competition! There is a suggested $3 donation at the door and the proceeds will be presented to one or more students who wish to pursue careers in law enforcement.

So come on down and see some justice being served!

Community Meeting for Batavia City School District Technology Plan

By Kathie Scott

Thursday, January 7, 2016, 6 pm, at Batavia High School

The Batavia City School District will host a Technology Night on Thursday, January 7, 2016, 6 pm, at Batavia High School (260 State Street). Parents and the community are invited to see highlights of what students and staff are doing in the District with technology and to hear more about our plans for technology upgrades as they are developing in our Smart School Investment Plan. Passage of New York State’s Smart School Bond Act in November 2014 provided the District with an opportunity to receive $2.1 million to invest in our students’ future. To take advantage of this opportunity, the District must develop and submit a Smart School Investment Plan (SSIP) for State approval. This plan for District-wide technology upgrades is being developed with input from staff, students, and the community. Community members are encouraged to attend this meeting to hear about and review the emerging plans for the near future.

Batavia Lady Devils late comeback win, highlights senior 1,000th career point

By Steve Ognibene

Batavia Lady Devils had been rolling on a streak, winning their last six straight games. But coming on the court in the first half Monday night, they were very flat-footed and missing opportunities.

Pittsford Sutherland came out hitting five 3-point baskets, and they held the lead by six points after the first quarter 20-14.

Batavia's senior Madison McCulley needed 12 points to reach a 1,000th-point milestone and her hopes were not good after the first half. Hitting one of one from the 3-point line, rimming a couple from underneath, the ball just would not drop for #42. Seniors Tiara Filbert led the first half with 15 points and Sam Cecere had nine.

Pittsford Sutherlands' Mary Bayer had seven points and Lena Kaufmans was three for three, ending with 11 points at the half, and Batavia was down by five, 36-31.

Coach Marty Hein and assistant John McCulley had to get their team back in the game and they did.  

Tiara Filbert came out strong with eight of the 16 points. Batavia scored in the third quarter to lead 47-43. Pittsford Sutherland started making some key errors, was missing baskets, and Batavia took advantage. 

Taylor and Ryann Stefaniak started the charge combining 12 points in the fourth quarter. McCulley sank two buckets to bring her within one point of making her milestone. At the 5:54 mark in the fourth quarter, McCulley made her third straight 3-pointer to get her 1,000th high school career point -- actually 1,002. 

McCulley went to her bench and was embraced by her players (top photo) above, her dad John, and Coach Hein.  

Final score was 71-51 Batavia who is now 8-1 and Pittsford Sutherland drops to 5-5. Next game for Batavia is tomorrow at Genesee Community College where they are hosting a tournament and playing Calmum at 7:45 p.m. in the first round. 

Pictured below is Madison McCulley along with her teammates holding signs of her 1,000th career point tonight. Last year Tiara Filbert made her 1,000th career point on Batavia's home court.

For more photos of last night's game go to: Steve Ognibene Photography

Batavia HS named to national College Board's 'District Honor Roll' for its success with Advanced Placement courses

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Batavia High School is one of 425 school districts in the United States and Canada named to the College Board’s Sixth Annual AP® District Honor Roll.

To be included on this short list (there are more than 14,000 public school districts in the United States alone, according to the Census Bureau), school districts must have, since 2013, increased student access to AP (Advanced Placement) course work as well as maintained or increased the percentage of students earning scores of 3 or higher on AP exams.

Reaching these goals indicates that a district is successfully identifying motivated, academically prepared students who are ready for the opportunity of AP. While the recognition is welcomed, it is not news to Batavia administrators and staff. They have been working to increase student participation and success in AP courses as one more way for high-achieving students to have access to more rigorous challenges as well as to get a low-cost jump on their college career before leaving high school.

They have noted with pleasure that increasing numbers of our high school students are seeing the value of doing this. From 2010-2011 to 2014-2015, the number of BHS students taking AP courses increased from 62 to 76, and, because one student can take more than one AP course, the number of exams taken has increased from 116 to 137.

In addition to more students being willing to take the more challenging courses, more of them are achieving higher grades on the exams. With success on an AP exam being defined as a score of 3 or higher (which is also the point at which most colleges will accept the course as a transfer credit), College Board records show the percentage of our students reaching that success level  increased from 74.2 percent in 2011 to 82.9 percent in 2015. Plus, our students’ scores are better than the average AP scores in New York State and around the world. NYS had a 66-percent success rate in 2011 and 65.6 percent in 2015, while global figures were 60.2 percent in 2011 and 60.7 percent in 2015.

Currently, there are 10 AP courses offered at the High School: English Literature and Composition, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, U.S. Government and Politics, U.S. History, Studio Art/2D Design Portfolio, and Studio Art/Drawing Portfolio.

One of the goals BHS Principal Scott Wilson has set for the High School is an increase in student participation and success in AP courses. Physics, taught by Burt Howell, is one of the AP courses offered at the High School. Success rate for BHS students on the AP Physics exam for the 2011-2015 timeframe was close to 65 percent, compared to 37 percent for New York State.

Batavia High School featured on Good Day Rochester

By Steve Ognibene

Batavia High School students volunteered early this morning to be featured live on this week's edition of "Friday Morning Lights" on Fox channel 13 Rochester.

Hannah Welker 13WHAM News/FOX Rochester morning reporter was setting up before 6:30 a.m. to prepare for this week's show. Hannah was very impressed with the school spirit of the students at BHS.  

Many athletic teams, including Batavia football, cheerleading and girls volleyball to name a few, attended today's event. The Blue Zoo will be traveling to Rochester this Sunday to cheer on the undefeated Blue Devils at 1 p.m.  

Principal Scott Wilson being interviewed.

Senior co-mayor Sam Cecere being interviewed in front of students from the Blue Zoo.

Batavia High School's new mascot makes debut appearance

By Steve Ognibene

Meet Senior Josh Kurtz who wears the new mascot uniform for sporting events for Batavia. 

The classes of 2015 and 2016 got together and told the administration that the old mascot uniform was in rough shape. Students lobbied for a new one.

Kutz said, “We needed one that would best represent the school spirit that our student body could give.”

Last night’s girls sectional volleyball matchup in the gymnasium was the first appearance at a sporting a for the restylized mascot.

Sectional Girls Volleyball: Batavia dominates Geneva in three sets

By Steve Ognibene

Batavia Varsity Girls Volleyball beat Geneva in their quarterfinal sectional matchup 25-9, 28-26 and 25-13.

Batavia senior Madison McCulley had one ace and 10 assists to set up her teammates -- senior Tessa Engle with four kills, junior Maria Canzoneri with three kills.

“Maddie McCulley was setting wonderfully, making smart choices and really distributing the balls well," said Head Coach Jeremy Mettler.

Photo above is senior Madision Swiatowy watching her teammate junior Maria Canzoneri with a kill in the second set.

Freshman Ryann Stefaniak, with two kills and two aces, contributed to the 25-9 win in the first set.

The second set Geneva took an early lead coming out serving 10 to five and Batavia took a timeout.

Mettler said, “We need to relax and run our system. Our system is very good. Let’s get Maddie setting up Tessa and Taylor on the outside, but it starts with the pass."

Batavia bounced back taking a 15 to 12 lead and Geneva took a time out. The set went back and forth, exchanging leads and ties through most of the set. 

Senior Tessa Engle added some digs and kills along with Courtney Burns (with a dig pictured below) and Meghan Swiatowy who served to win a few points to tie it up 24 apiece. Timeout was called.

Mettler said, "We need to put the ball in play and hit our targets. We did it in game one and we can do it in game two."

He emphasized that, "we need to play fundamental volleyball and let’s show them what we can do."

To win a set it has to be by two points, but each team tied and exchanged leads while missing serves until Batavia edged them 28-26, which was the highest scoring set the Blue Devils had this season.

The third and eventually last set started out where both teams exchanged leads and ties. At six to six, Junior Courtney Burns had a spike to bring Tessa Engle up to serve and she did. 

Tessa served to win the next eight points for the Devils to take charge of the third set. Geneva gained a point or two, but Meghan Swiatowy added another four, which brought the lead to 21-9. 

Mettler started to pull his starters off the court and Batavia won 25-13.

Highlights for both teams:


Engle – Four aces, eleven digs, 10 kills

McCulley – One ace, four digs, three kills and over 30-plus assists.

Canzoneri – One block, three kills

Meghan Swiatowy – Two aces, two digs

Ryann Stefaniak -- Two aces, three digs, two kills

Taylor Stefaniak – Five digs, eight kills, one block

Maddie Swiatowy -- 13 digs, one kill


Guinan – Two aces, one block, four kills

Legoth – 12 digs, two aces

Maher – One ace, two blocks, five kills

Next sectional game for Batavia is the Semifinals at Gates Chili High School on Tuesday vs. Aquinas at 5:30 p.m.

For more photos go to:

Steve Ognibene Photography

BHS Blue Devils seek to boost pride, chearleading coffers, by spraying chalk designs

By Billie Owens

The Batavia High School Blue Devils want to spray chalk designs on your dirveway, your lawn, your parking lot -- wherever you choose -- to raise money for the Batavia Cheerleading Program and boost pride.

Each design is $10 and can be done once, or weekly, to suit your budget. All designs are to be completed each week by Thursday. They feature a giant capital letter B with the well-known Blue Devil logo superimposed over it. Size is 3 feet by 55 inches.

All spray chalk is temporary and can be removed with water. The designs fade in one to three days and/or in water. All design completions are final.

"The community will be full of pride and Devil Spirit -- Show yours!"

To get your chalk-spray design, provide your name, the address, details of what/where, phone number, and e-mail and send cash or check to Batavia Cheerleading Boosters c/o:

Batavia High School

Attn: Athletic Department

260 State St.

Batavia NY 14020

If you have questions, please e-mail:

14th annual Batavia Blue Devil Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner is Sept. 26

By Billie Owens

The 14th annual Batavia Blue Devil Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner will be held on Saturday, Sept. 26, at Terry Hills Restaurant and Banquet Facility.

Cost is $30 per person. Social hour begins at 5 p.m., followed by dinner at 6.

Tickets are available at the Athletic Director's Office at Batavia High School. For more information, call 343-2480, ext. 2003.

This event is sponsored by the Batavia Coaches Association.

The following individuals will be inducted into the Hall of Fame:

  • Bobbie Gavel -- 1969-99
  • Ed Anderson -- 1978-98
  • Shirley Bacon Malek -- 1982
  • Ted Lesh -- 1989
  • Jennifer Bromsted Masse -- 1991
  • Rob Hale -- 1992
  • Chris Reigle -- 1992

Batavia prom queen gives her crown to a special classmate

By Traci Turner

(Jarrett Laskett, Shontee Allis and Allison Della Penna. Photo taken by Laura Tenebruso.)

It was Batavia senior Allison Della Penna's plan all along to give her crown to Shontee Allis, a senior with Down Syndrome, if she was named Batavia High School's 2015 Prom Queen on Saturday night.

When Della Penna was announced as Senior Prom Queen, she immediately went up on stage and declared Allis to take her place.

"I knew it would make her so happy and it doesn't really mean anything to me," Della Penna said. "I mean it's nice that people wanted to vote for me but it's something that she is going to remember for the rest of her life."

Allis was all smiles when Della Penna, her friend, called her up on stage and put the crown on her head. She had always dreamed of being named prom queen.

"I was excited," Allis said. "It's good to be queen."

( Allison Della Penna crowning Shontee Allis. Photo taken by Laura Tenebruso.)

Principal Scott Wilson has been to more than 40 proms and has never seen anything like it.

"It was absolutely wonderful," Wilson said. "I have never been a part of such a great group of kids and Allison just represented them so well. It was a very selfless thing to do."

Laura Tenebruso, English teacher and senior class advisor, has known Della Penna since she was in middle school and wasn't surprised when she made the selfless act because that is just the kind of person she is.

"Allison is a loving, giving and compassionate person," Tenebruso said.

After Allis was named Prom Queen, she and Prom King Jarrett Laskett danced to her favorite "Frozen" theme song, "Let It Go."

Allis told Della Penna she couldn't wait to watch "Frozen" and dance with her crown on. According to Allis's younger sister, Summer Mims-Allis, she wears the crown everywhere she goes.

Della Penna and Allis became friends on the school's senior trip last week. Della Penna really clicked with Allis's funny and friendly personality.

"She is always so happy and that is something that I really liked," Della Penna said. "She always wants to make sure everyone is happy and smiling. Everyone should have just a tiny bit of her happiness."

Nancy Brandon, Allis's mom, was amazed by how great the senior class has been to her daughter.

"The senior class has literally took Shontee underneath their arms and just made her feel so special," Brandon said. 

According to Wilson, Batavia High School has a saying "take care of BHS by taking care of others" and he feels Della Penna has really done that by honoring Allis as Prom Queen.

Batavia girls win Section V championship

By Steve Ognibene

Brockport State College hosted the section V Class B track championships this weekend and both Batavia teams walked away with new records, team bests and trophies.

The Batavia girls came in first place with a total of 87 points. Team photo above is with all of Batavia High School track coaches.


Pentathlon -- fourth -- Nicole Maltese Nicole Maltese 2109.00 points

100 Meter Hurdles -- first -- Marissa Dispenza 15.78

3200 Meter Relay -- third -- Zickl, Canale, Bromley, Cassidy, (Nichols, Wingate) 10:11.99

100 Meter -- third -- Kiaya Franklin 12.86

400 Meter -- second -- Kiaya Franklin 59.29; third -- Marissa Dispenza 1:00.66

400 Meter Relay -- fourth -- Cohen, Dinehart, Canale, Zickl,( Denise, Ross) 51.51

400 Meter Hurdles -- third -- Marissa Dispenza 1:09.00

800 Meter -- second -- Sophia Dinehart 2:30.65

200 Meter  -- second -- Kiaya Franklin 26.34

1600 Meter Relay -- second -- Dispenza, Dinehart, Canale, Franklin, (Freeman, Pitcher) 4:17.32 

The Batavia boys finished in second place for Section V. Both teams will send students to the state qualifier in Caledonia Mumford this Friday.

Results can be seen at

Batavia Track team finishes second place in Penfield

By Steve Ognibene

The Batavia Varsity Boys Track Team competed in the Monroe County Championships on Saturday earning a tough second-place finish, 63 points total out of 22 schools competing. 

Junior Adonis Davis had a big day for the Blue Devils earning an impressive victory in the pentathlon. Senior Jerrett Laskett was the winner in the 400 hurdles and placed second in the high jump. Senior Devon Koepp placed third in the disc and fourth in the shot. 

The 4x8 relay team of Senior Eric Dilaura, Junior Cal Jantzi, Junior Louie Leone, and sophmore Campbell Andersen finished in third place also. 

Head Coach Nicholas Burk said, “The Monroe County Championships is a very competitive meet and to finish in second place is very impressive."

Class B rival Greece Olympia finished in first with 75 points. Next Saturday is Batavia’s next meet, which is the Section V at Brockport State College.

Full results of this meet can be found at:

McTeacher's Night is May 20 to benefit BHS Class of '16

By Billie Owens

McTeacher’s Night Benefits Batavia High School Class of 2016
On Wednesday, May 20, Batavia High School faculty members will work at the new McDonald's, 573 E. Main St., from 4:30-7:30 p.m., to benefit the Class of 2016. For McTeacher's Night, McDonald's will donate 15 percent of all sales (drive-thru and dine in) to the Class of 2016.


Event Date and Time

Vote For Batavia's Varsity Football Team

By Kathie Scott

Batavia City School District is in the running to win $1,000 because the varsity football team has been featured on Time Warner Cable Sports Channel's game of the week. All that is needed is your vote (and plenty of others before the deadline of this Friday, November 14, at 2:30 p.m., so feel free to pass this information on… quickly!)


It is so easy – not to mention fun to replay one of the amazing passes/catches of the season! Just click on this link to go directly to the voting (and replay) page:


The Time Warner Cable SportsChannel Play of the Year contest recognizes the best plays from their coverage of high school football this fall. Each weekly winner has advanced to a final competition to crown a Play of the Year. Along with bragging rights, a $1,000 Grand Prize will be awarded to the school that executed the winning Play of the Year.


Now is the time for all Batavia City School District students, families, and friends to vote for Batavia’s play. Do it now, because, remember, voting ends this Friday at 2:30 pm.

BHS alumni cheerleaders wanted for special Oct. 3 fundraising performance

By Billie Owens

The Batavia High School Cheerleaders are having an Alumni Fundraiser to help their program. There will be a special routine for 1-minute 30-seconds choreographed by alumna cheerleading coach Krista Shamp.

The routine will be performed by alumni cheerleaders at half-time at the varsity football game on Oct. 3.

Any alumni who would like to take part is asked to pay $20. For that, the participant will get a T-shirt and "time to have one last shining moment under the lights," according to JV Head Coach Jamie L. Turman, who is an alumna cheerleader of BHS, Class of '09.

She adds that alumni who would like to help boost the program can still pay $20, get a T-shirt, and skip the performance if they don't want to do it or don't have the time to practice.

Practices are held from 6-7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays at John Kennedy School.

Turman would like more participants to join in the fun.

If interested, contact her at the high school at 343-2480 or e-mail  <>

Urban League of Rochester Honors 27 Batavia High Students for Academics

By Kathie Scott

   Nearly 30 students earned Early Recognition/Certificates of Achievement from the Urban League of Rochester, NY, Inc. for the 2013-2014 school year. The Early Recognition Program, a component of the League’s Black Scholars Program, is used to identify, encourage, and support high school students with high academic abilities. Once students are identified, they are eligible for the League’s assistance and guidance in academics as well as in college and career planning. Those honored included Kaliann Bell, Tiarra Carney, Zoey Davis, Malachi Chenault, Jayvon Cherry, Jerrell Cherry, Adonis Davis, Hannah Durham, Tiara Filbert, Honesty Green, Jaz'mine Holmes, Olivia Majors, Briana Martin, Alyssa McKenzie, Mariah Morrison, Madeline Morrison, Ismile Smith, Alexis Vasciannie, Malik Vasciannie, Nephrateedies Williams, Jaysen Wylie, and (not pictured), Stacey Castro, Kenneth Griffin, Irisa Hill, Teiona Kemp, Sierra Sears, and Danny Williams.

Students who continue to do well in their studies up to and through their senior year are confirmed as Black Scholars and can participate in many college-related activities offered through the Urban League’s educational program, including the opportunity to apply for scholarships that are only offered to Black Scholars. Each June, the year’s Black Scholars are publicly recognized at an annual dinner and over $2.5 million in scholarships are awarded.

BHS Class of 2015 to hold Doge Test Drive Fundraiser and chicken BBQ on May 10

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Batavia High School Class of 2015 will be hosting the Dodge Test Drive Fundraiser and a Clor's Chicken Barbecue, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 10, at Batavia High School.

This fundraiser is open to all community members, age 18 and over, and is extremely easy to participate in. For every community member who comes to Batavia High School on May 10, and test drives a new Dodge and fills out a brief survey, the BHS Class of 2015 will receive a donation from Dodge toward the class senior trip and prom. Participation is free and takes less than 10 minutes.

The test drive will also coincide with the class chicken barbecue, which will be sold during the event.

Please come out to support the Class of 2015 and their exciting plan for their senior year by participating in the Dodge Test Drive and purchasing some delicious Clor's barbecue. 

Batavia High School

260 State St., Batavia

(585) 343-2480

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