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Ascension Parish

Parishes open registration for Faith Formation, classes begin Sept. 10

By Press Release

Press Release:

Registration is now open for the 2023-24 Faith Formation Program at Resurrection and Ascension Roman Catholic Parishes in Batavia. The parish families are excited about this joint venture to share our Catholic faith with our families and children.  

All sacramental preparation classes (Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation) will be offered as well as enriching programs for the entire family.

Classes will begin on Sunday, September 10 at 10 a.m. Mass at Ascension Parish, followed by lunch, meetings, and a fun kick-off event!  Come and join us!

Please contact Jason Smith from Resurrection Parish at or Ann Pratt from Ascension Parish at for information.

Fourteen Batavia residents accepted into Catholic faith at St. Joseph’s Cathedral in Buffalo

By Howard B. Owens

Photos and information submitted by Jason Smith.

Fourteen young people from Ascension and Resurrection parishes in Batavia were confirmed by Bishop Michael Fisher during Mass at St. Joseph’s Cathedral in Buffalo. 

Confirmation is one of the seven Sacraments in the Catholic Church.  

The newly confirmed were sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to the faith of the Church, signified when the Bishop makes the sign of the cross with chrism oil on their foreheads.  

The sacrament of Confirmation represents full entry into the Catholic Church. Each candidate also chooses a sponsor to support them in their faith journey.


Batavia parishes hold confirmation classes

By Howard B. Owens

Resurrection and Ascension parishes hosted their annual confirmation retreat on Sunday morning at St. Mary's in Batavia.

The class was led by Jason Smith and Ron Chrzanowski.

Smith said that Father Ivan offered a blessing after the 9:15 mass, and then candidates engaged in several activities, including making a coat of arms, and church collages symbolizing elements of the faith. They also studied the Corporal Works of Mercy, and presented their Saints in an interview style.

Candidates will be confirmed on May 28 at St Joseph’s Cathedral in Buffalo by Bishop Fisher. 

Submitted photos and information.

Resurrection and Ascension hold joint commitment mass

By Press Release

Press release:

Resurrection and Ascension Roman Catholic Parishes had a joint Confirmation Commitment Mass today at 11:30 at St Joseph’s Church for our shared Confirmation candidates, to be confirmed this spring.  Parents and sponsors attended and participated as well.

Prior to Mass, families and students gathered as part of our joint Faith Formation program.

Submitted photos.

Photos: Ascension Parish Okotoberfest

By Howard B. Owens

Ascension Parish hosted its first Oktoberfest on Saturday in the parking lot of Sacred Heart on South Swan Street in Batavia.

There was beer, wurst, giant pretzels, and traditional German music performed by The German American Musicians.  There was also a basket raffle and pull tabs.  

The event was a fundraiser for the parish.

Photos by Howard Owens.

Ascension Parish to celebrate Oktoberfest on Saturday

By Howard B. Owens

Ascension Parish is ready for a party at its Social Center, 19 Sumner St., Batavia, on Saturday, headlined by The German American Musicians and beer.

It's Oktoberfest time.

The German American Musicians is a 25-member band founded in 1933.  It is a  not-for-profit cultural organization dedicated to the cultivation and performance of the traditional music and culture of German-speaking lands. 

Oktoberfest organizers said in a statement, "Our Oktoberfest creates an opportunity to gather as a community to listen to fine German music, to dance and sing, to eat and drink and appreciate one another."

The event is scheduled from 5 to 10 p.m.

For more information, visit www.

Photo of tents in place, ready for the celebration, by Howard Owens.

Resurrection and Ascension parishes to hold joint faith formation classes

By Press Release

Press release:

Registration is now open for the 22-23 Faith Formation Program at Resurrection and Ascension Roman Catholic Parishes in Batavia.   The parish families are excited about this joint venture to share the faith with our families and children.  All sacramental preparation classes (Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation) will be offered and enriching programs for the entire family.

Please contact Jason Smith from Resurrection Parish at or Ann Pratt from Ascension Parish at for information.

Classes will begin on Sunday, Aug. 28 at 10 a.m. Mass at Ascension Parish, followed by lunch, meetings, and a fun kick-off event!  Come and join us!

Ascension and Resurrection parishes begin combined Faith Formation program

By Press Release

Press release:

Father Dave Glasmire and Father Ivan Trujillo, pastors of Ascension and Resurrection Parishes, concelebrated Mass today at 9:15 at St Mary’s as part of commencing our combined Faith Formation program. 

In his homily, Father Dave called for all parishioners to offer their gifts and talents in this joint venture.   

Volunteers then gathered in St. Mary’s Hall for a kick-off meeting led by Ann Pratt and Jason Smith, Faith Formation coordinators of Ascension and Resurrection, respectively.   

Please contact Jason ( or Ann ( if you are interested in volunteering.   

Batavia's parishes offering joint catechism classes

By Press Release

Press release:

Ascension Parish and Resurrection Parish will be joining forces to provide faith formation to the children and families of our parishes!  This is an exciting and needed opportunity to tap and combine the strengths and resources of both our parish--and we need YOU!

To kick of this exciting venture, there will be a special Mass on Sunday,  June 12 at 9:15 at St. Mary's Church, concelebrated by both Father Ivan and Father Dave.  Following Mass, there will be coffee and donuts in the church hall for all returning, new catechists, and anyone interested in supporting this fundamental program of our faith) so we can begin to share ideas!

If you cannot join us, perhaps you can tap someone on the shoulder who you think would make a great catechist!

If you have any questions, please contact us below:

Thank you for considering...
Ann Pratt, Ascension Parish
Jason Smith, Resurrection Parish

Electronics recycling event at Ascension Parish will end early due to terrific turnout

By Billie Owens

The electronics recycling event in the parking lot behind the parish hall* at Ascension Parish in Batavia has been so successful they are ending it early.

It got underway on Thursday April 8 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily and planned to go for 13 days until April 20th.

This afternoon The Batavian received an email saying it would not continue into a second week because they received a lot of scrap electronics.

"We have done well," Terri King wrote.

So tomorrow Wednesday and Thursday of this week, April 14 and 15, will be the last opportunities to get rid of your old electrical stuff to benefit Camp Good Days & Special Times. It's an organization working to help improve the quality of life for children, adults and families whose lives have been touched by cancer.

Sunnking Recycling is handling the e-waste.

*Location is 17 Sumner St.

Ascension Parish wants your old electronics for recycling to benefit campers touched by cancer

By Billie Owens

There will be a 13-day electronics recycling event at Ascension Parish in Batavia starting tomorrow, Thursday, April 8, and running through Tuesday, April 20.

The drop-off site is the garage adjacent to the parking lot behind the parish hall, which is located at 17 Sumner St. Signs will be put up to direct you.

Time is 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.

Sunnking Recycling is handling the recycling.

Proceeds will benefit Camp Good Days & Special Times, an organization is working to help improve the quality of life for children, adults and families whose lives have been touched by cancer.

Ascension Parish now accepting preorders for takeout-only pulled-pork dinner, deadline is Jan. 27

By Press Release

From Terri King for Ascension Parish:

Ascension Parish is hosting a takeout-only pulled-pork dinner from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 30.

Dinner are presale only/$10 each, take out only. Cut off date to preorder is Jan. 27.

Dinner is pulled pork, roll, mac & cheese, and baked beans.

Payment due prior to pickup either by (mail, collection basket or office door slot).

To order call Parish office at (585) 343-1796 and leave a message. "To order electronically see your flocknote email." 

Pick up at Ascension Parish Hall parking lot, located at 19 Sumner St. in the City of Batavia.

ILGR's annual Taste of Independence fundraiser is Tuesday at Slomba Hall

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Sixth Annual Taste of Independence food-sampling extravaganza is being held by Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) from 5:30 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at Ascension Parish -- Slomba Hall, 17 Sumner St., Batavia.

Guests can try some signature dishes of the Genesee region’s finest restaurants, plus a Live Auction, a basket raffle and 50/50 split club.

Among the restaurants that have signed on (in alphabetical order): Batavia’s Original Pizzeria; Black Creek Cidery; BW’s Restaurant & Banquet Facility; Eat Well Grill – Batavia; Eden Café & Bakeshop; Farmer’s Wife; Fishtails Hideaway; GVEP (Genesee Valley Educational Partnership) BOCES; Main St. Pizza Company; Pizza 151; Pizza Land; Smokin’ Eagle BBQ & Brew; T.F. Brown’s Restaurant; Tim Hortons; and Wegmans Food Market (Brockport).

Our thanks to non-restaurant event Bronze Sponsors: Crickler Vending Company Inc.; Design & Drafting by Gina LLC, Elderwood Residences, Fidelis Care; iCircle Care; United Healthcare Medicare Insurance; and Friend Sponsors: Fox Farm; and Gerace Realty. Additional sponsors would be welcome.

Tickets are $20 and can be picked up at the new ILGR office in the Crickler Building (former Pepsi Building), 319 W. Main St., Suite 10, Batavia. Space is limited!

To R.S.V.P., become a sponsor, or get more information call Donna Becker at 585-815-8501, ext. 411, or email:

Funds raised will be used to help people with disabilities living in Genesee, Orleans and Wyoming counties who are in emergency situations with employment, or moving forward with life goals, when there are no other financial resources available. 

ILGR's services include independent living skills training, advocacy, peer counseling, diabetes self-management classes, a loan closet of medical equipment, housing and employment assistance, Social Security and Medicaid assistance information and referral, and many more.

Ascension Parish - Summer Fest

By Lisa Ace

Ascension Parish - Summer Fest 
July 20 & July 21

12pm - 11pm - Both Days
Corner of Swan & Sumner Streets in Batavia, NY

Raffles / 50/50, Bar in a Barrel, Grill & Chill, Money Tree

Free entertainment: Main tent music schedule: Saturday July 20th

  • 12pm -3:45pm - The Special Delivery Band
  • 3:30pm -7:45pm - New Direction Band
  • 8pm - 11pm - OHMS Band

Sunday July 21

Event Date and Time

Mark Your Calendar: Polka Mass and Golabki Dinner at Ascension Parish is Oct. 27

By Billie Owens

There will be a Polka Mass and Dinner at Ascension Roman Catholic Parish, Batavia, on Saturday, Oct. 27. It is located at 19 Sumner St.

It is sponsored by Ascension Parish Altar and Rosary Society.

Polka Mass will be celebrated at 4 p.m. 

Golabki Dinner will be served beginning at 5 p.m. until sold out in Slomba Hall. Take outs available.

Cash bar for beer and wine only.

There will be 50/50 - Basket Raffle

Dancing 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. with music by New Direction Band.

Tickets are $15 per person or $25 per couple. (limited seating 300)

Phone is 343-1796.

Info meeting at Ascension Parish about October Holy Land pilgrimage is Sept. 25

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Father David Glassmire, of Ascension Parish, Batavia, will host an informational evening about an upcoming pilgrimage to the Holy Land starting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 25.

It will feature Mediterranean food and drink and will take place in the Parish Learning Center at Slomba Hall (formerly Sacred Heart Hall), located at 17 Sumner St., Batavia.

The Holy Land pilgrimage is scheduled for Oct. 21-31, 2019 and is hosted by Fr. Glassmire and Infant of Prague's Fr. Corbin in Cheektowaga.

Attendees will view Rick Steve's Guide to the Holy Land and be able to ask questions about next month's trip.

Dinner Dance for ages 55 and up with tunes from the '40s to the '60s to be held May 31 at Ascension Parish

By Billie Owens

Press release:

A dinner dance with music of the '40s, '50s, '60s, and a little bit of country, organized with Genesee County residents age 55 years and older in mind is scheduled for the evening of Thursday, May 31, at the Ascension Parish Center, 17 Sumner St., Batavia.

Presale tickets for the "Always on My Mind Dinner Dance" are $15 and available for purchase at the Senior Center, 2 Bank St., Batavia, through May 18 or until sold out. Tickets will not be available at the door.

Doors open at 4:30 p.m.; dinner service will begin at 5:30 p.m.; dancing and music start about 6:30.

The dinner menu is: black angus top round beef with mushroom sauce; roasted chicken breast with cornbread stuffing; rosemary roasted red potatoes, vegetable, green garden salad, fresh rolls and butter, beverages, crumb-topped (French) apple pie.

Ruth Spink, director at the Genesee County Office for the Aging, noted that, “As I was growing up, my folks would go out to dinner and dancing on a regular basis. Whether it was through church or my dad’s horse clubs, they’d be out on the dance floor every chance they got.

"When I was old enough and even beyond college, I’d join them. Restaurants all over the area had dance floors and bands playing. Sadly, those days are pretty well gone. Often, the only chance you get to have a meal and enjoy some good music and dancing is if you go to a wedding.

"We want to give people a chance to hear music of their era and feel those memories come rushing back.”

She also went on to say that, “This will be a fun evening whether you dance or not, have a date, come alone, or come with friends.”

Catering will be provided by Fred Hamilton; Chris Kalen will "spin the tunes"; and the Senior Center Quilters will be selling tickets for a chance to win a handmade patriotic quilt; and there will also be a basket raffle.

Further information is available by calling the Senior Center at 343-1611.

Below is a request for the DJ in advance -- The Chords' "Sh-Boom" from 1954. 

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