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GO ART! hosts exhibition reception featuring Ryan Gaebler’s fine art collection Thursday

By Press Release
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Press Release:

GO ART! is pleased to welcome the public to view the fine art collection of Ryan Gaebler at an exhibition reception on Thursday, November 21.

Ryan grew up in Pavilion and was influenced by his parent's love for antiquing. They would often explore auctions, yard sales, and thrift stores together in search of hidden treasures. 

One particular childhood memory that stands out for Ryan is when he was eight years old. He spent a night in a camper and woke up the next morning to set up his stand at a flea market, showcasing and selling baseball and football cards - a hobby he would continue for many years. 

In 2006, Ryan relocated to Batavia, and in 2011, another nostalgic memory of visiting flea markets with his parents in his youth was triggered by a visit to a small flea market at the Fairgrounds in Batavia, where he met Dave Thompson; an encounter that would significantly help to guide his path into the world of collecting, and played a pivotal role in his career as a fine arts collector.

Dave Thompson sold different kinds of art, antiques, and glassware. 

Ryan said “I bought a couple of nice paintings from him for $15-$20 apiece. I saw the beauty in them! I started going back week after week talking to Dave. He told me about some of the local artists to look for and I started going to Bontrager’s Auction and other types of sales looking for these artists. One of the first pieces I found was a RW Ware drawing at Bontrager’s.”

We could assume that Ryan's journey into the world of art collecting reached a significant milestone in 2013 when he participated in his first antique show and sold three RW Ware paintings to Jim Owen.

We invite you to see the impressive collection featuring artists such as Roy Mason, and RW Ware, meet Ryan during the reception, and hear more about the journey that got him to the place of a successful fine art collector this Thursday, November 21, starting at 5 p.m.(Ryan’s talk at 6 p.m). 

You will learn more about some of the individuals and opportunities that have influenced his development in this field and how dealing with art, antiques, and collectibles has brought him joy and changed his life.

This event is free, but the experience will be invaluable! We look forward to welcoming you to this event!

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