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Annual Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics is Wednesday morning

By Billie Owens

Submitted Photo -- Carl, Colleen and James representing Genesee ARC and Special Olympics are pictured with Sheriff's Deputy Kyle Krzemien, Batavia Police Officer Marc Lawrence and Sheriff's Deputy Chris Parker.

Press release:

Local law enforcement officers are taking their support of Special Olympics to area roadways this week. The Annual Law Enforcement Torch Run kicks off Wednesday morning (June 8) at the Genesee ARC Day Habilitation Center in Elba.

Officers from several local agencies will carry the Special Olympics torch down Route 98 to Batavia. The route includes a swing through the parking lot at the Genesee ARC Community Center on Woodrow Road, and concludes with a celebration picnic at the Genesee ARC Work Center on Walnut Street.

Deputy Chris Parker is on tap to participate in this year’s event.

“This is the 30th anniversary of the Torch Run and the 50th for Genesee ARC,” Parker said. “We are running to show our support of ARC and their decades of involvement in the Special Olympics Program."

Two individuals served by Genesee ARC will help carry the torch with the officers at the beginning and end of the run. Genesee ARC has participated in several Special Olympics sports including track & field, swimming, snowshoeing and softball.

According to event coordinator, Sheriff’s Investigator Chad Minuto, the Torch Run is a real team effort, for a great cause.

“Throughout the seven-mile run, our focus will be on what the Olympics mean to our local athletes with special needs.”

Officers representing local, state and federal facilities in Genesee County have been invited to take part in the event.

Genesee ARC celebrates 50th anniversary at annual meeting

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Genesee ARC’s 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting was held Friday night, just two days shy of the actual May 1, 1966 date that the agency was founded. Master of Ceremonies, WBTA's Dan Fischer, welcomed the 200 guests to Genesee ARC’s Community Center Forum.

The first order of business presented and approved was the slate of Board Members and officers. Kevin Fischer, Jane Meier and Candie Pocock were reelected Board members. Newly named officers are: President, Jane Scott; Vice President, Deborah Riggi; Treasurer, Debrah Fischer and Secretary, Candie Pocock. The following individuals were named to the Nominating Committee: Ronald Cummings, Jane Meier, Deborah Riggi, Jane Scott, Scott Neff and Joseph Teresi.

Genesee ARC membership also approved the proposed bylaws of the Arc of Genesee Orleans. This action moved Genesee ARC one step closer to formally unifying with The Arc of Orleans County, a process expected to be finalized by October.

Donna Saskowski, who for the past year has served as executive director of each Chapter said this is a very exciting time.

“The Arc of Genesee Orleans will be based on the historic roots and strengths of our two current Chapters,” she said. Looking to the future, the executive director said, “This is not a loss of one or the other, but the combination of the very best aspects of each, with a legacy based in both counties.”

In reflecting on the past 50 years, Board Member and one of the founding fathers, Henry Valerych, took a look back and shared highlights of the past five decades. Becoming a Chapter and hiring an executive director were early highlights, even though the Chapter only carried a $5,000 bank balance at the time, he mused.

“The opening of a work center and the work center expansion project on Walnut Street provided so many opportunities,” he said.

Valerych also pegged the residential program and the opening of the Day Habilitation program as highlights.

“And here we are joining Orleans, positioning ourselves for the next 50 years,” said Valerych, who concluded by saying what a good feeling it is to know his involvement has helped countless families like his own.

Proclamations were presented by the City of Batavia, Genesee County, New York State Assembly and New York State Senate. Chris Catt, field director for Congressman Chris Collins, presented both a proclamation and flag that has flown over the U.S. Capitol.

A number of individuals served by Genesee ARC were recognized with awards for marking milestone service years.

Twenty year service award recipients are: James Grudzien, Judy Chappell and Bill Cappiello.

Twenty five year honorees include: H. Peter Valerych, Denise Myers, Lisa Dioguardi, Tom Graney, Julie Hall, Patty Cullen, Charmaine Michel, Alisa Tracy, Tim Quinn, Larry Bates, Judy Barlow, Samantha Mangas, Suzann and Eric.

Thirty year award recipients are Robin Baltz, Margaret Molinaro and Mary and Marty was recognized for 35 years.

Finally, being recognized for 40 years of service on Friday were Joe Gear and Sam Fryer. Danny O’Grady is one of Genesee ARC’s longest served individuals, at 43 years and participated in a cake-cutting ceremony helping to mark this historic event.

Genesee ARC helps stock local food pantries, and the food truck for Care-A-Van Ministries

By Billie Owens


(Photos and information submitted by Claudia Nigro for Genesee ARC.)

As part of the MLK (Martin Luther King Jr.) Service Project, which runs Jan. 18 through September, individuals from Genesee ARC participate in a food drive and have been volunteering to give back to their community.

They work very hard coordinating drop-off locations for donations and to distribute goods to local food pantries throughout Genesee County.

In pictures taken Monday, are individuals assisting Paul Ohlson (with mustache), of Care-A-Van Ministries, with loading the food truck, one of many recipients of donations in support of the MKL Service Project.

Genesee Arc is one of 10 grant recipients for this national effort. The “Healthy Future” initiative is sponsored by the Corporation for National and Community Service.  The purpose of this ongoing MLK Project is to focus on food insufficiency and healthy eating for our local community.

Notre Dame, Alexander and Pembroke high school students awarded scholarships at ARC 50th gala

By Billie Owens

(Submitted photo.)

Courtesy of our news partner WBTA:

The Genesee ARC awarded $1,000 scholarships on Saturday to each of three local students planning to pursue a career in the field of developmental disabilities.

Receiving the scholarships were: (seated on stage from left) Michelle Martinucci, Notre Dame High School; Hunter Marzlof, Alexander High School; and Alison Reiner, Pembroke High School.

The scholarships are named in memory of Mary Anne Graney, parent, educator, advocate and friend of the ARC. The scholarships are funded through the annual Mary Anne Graney Friends & Family 5K run.

Presenting the scholarships on Saturday were: Ted Graney, Mary Anne’s son, NYS Assemblyman Steve Hawley and ARC Executive Director Donna Saskowski.

GC Women's Republican Club picks ARC as annual charity to support, appoints new exec committee

By Billie Owens
Press release:

The Genesee County Women’s Republican Club (GCWRC) has selected the Genesee ARC as its charitable organization of the year. The GCWRC, created in the 1930s, will be raising funds and awareness for the tremendous work that the ARC does for the community.

“We are very excited to assist the Genesee ARC during 2016," said Rachael Tabelski, president of the GCWRC. "They are a fantastic organization and they have made it clear that in Genesee County it’s all about being enabled not disabled. Every member of our society deserves respect and the chance to live a fulfilling life. The Genesee County ARC makes this happen every day."

The Genesee ARC, founded in 1966, is celebrating 50 years of excellence with the mission to support people with disabilities in partnership with their families and the community. The ARC embraces individuals to nurture their social, spiritual, physical and emotional growth.

"In our 50th year of providing services to individuals with developmental and other disabilities, to receive the support and recognition of the GCRWC is an honor," said Donna Saskowski, executive director of the Genesee ARC. "Community education and support is vital to providing the most integrated services possible. Thank you.”

The GCWRC will kick off the fundraising efforts at their annual Spring Breakfast that will be held on April 9 at the Dibble Family Center, located at 4110 W. Main Street Road, Batavia. The breakfast also serves as a springboard to the political season and allows members, candidates and interested citizens an opportunity to gather and discuss current events.

The cost of breakfast is $20 per person and checks can be made out to GCWRC, mailed to Treasurer Michele Smith at 20 Canterbury Lane, Bergen, NY 14416.

In other news the GCWRC has seated a new executive committee consisting of the following individuals: President -- Rachael Tabelski; 1st Vice President -- Nicole Begin; 2nd Vice President -- Penny Kennett; Secretary -- Debbie Douglas; Corresponding Secretary -- Jayleen Carney; Treasurer -- Michele Smith; Parliamentarian -- Gertrude Penepent.

To learn more, or join the GCWRC contact Rachael Tabelski at

Genesee ARC gets grant from Kelly for Kids for therapeutic horseback riding program

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo of Genesee ARC Executive Director Donna Saskowski and former Buffalo Bills quarterback Jim Kelly, chairman and founder of the nonprofit Kelly for Kids Foundation.

Press release:

Genesee ARC was one of 34 Western New York charities to receive a grant from the Kelly for Kids Foundation. Executive Director Donna Saskowski attended the Jan. 19th luncheon at Ilio DiPaolo’s Restaurant in Blasdell where she received a check for $1,800 to help fund a therapeutic horseback riding program for children with special needs.

The Kelly for Kids Foundation Community Grants are awarded to charitable not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) organizations whose primary mission is to assist children in need in the Western New York area. In particular, it funds health and social service organizations that serve the disabled and/or economically disadvantaged youth. The Kelly for Kids Foundation was founded in 1987 by former Buffalo Bills quarterback. Genesee ARC was nominated for the grant by Terry Hill’s Golf Course, Restaurant and Banquet Facility, home of Kelly’s Annual Celebrity Golf Classic.

Saskowski said she is thrilled to have been recognized by the Kelly for Kids Foundation.

“The grant will help provide an eight week therapeutic horseback riding program for children,” Saskowski said. “In recent years, the number of children served by our agency has grown dramatically, including those diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder” the director added.

Benefits of therapeutic horseback riding are well documented. Unlike traditional forms of therapy, therapeutic horseback riding provides benefits physically, psychologically and emotionally for a child with a disability.

ARC announces changes with recycling operations

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Genesee ARC is moving ahead with plans to close down one section of its recycling operation and work with individuals employed there to find new positions.

The change affects the sorting line at the recycling center where as many as 14 people work each week. In the restructuring, the individuals with disabilities employed at the transfer station, on the trash and recycling routes, redemption center and Genesee Data Management will maintain their jobs.

“We will still be picking up recyclables from our curbside trash customers and accepting them at our transfer station,” Executive Director Donna Saskowski said.

Cardboard will still be sorted and bundled at the plant but all other recyclable materials will be collected and shipped to larger facilities with automated sorting.

“The cost of operating the line has increased over time and the prices we were able to secure for the baled recyclables have decreased considerably over the past 18 months, resulting in an untenable financial situation,” the director said.

Key employment services staff will be working with the individuals to assist them with job placement through the NYS Office of People with Developmental Disabilities and Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR). A job at ARC’s Sheltered Work Center on Walnut Street is not an option due to State regulations, effective July 2014, prohibiting the acceptance of any new (or returning) work center placements.

Genesee ARC was the sole trash and recycling contractor for residents of the City of Batavia, from 1983 to 2013. The nonprofit began offering private trash collection and recycling services after a decision by city council to opt out of the trash business altogether, leaving residents to find their own local provider. This created its own set of challenges as Genesee ARC for the first time had to develop pricing, options and an entire new system to bill for the services. And, while a few new providers sprang up overnight, Genesee ARC has a majority of City of Batavia residents as its customer base for curbside trash and recycling. A large percentage of city residents also take advantage Genesee ARC’s transfer station services.

“This was a very tough decision for our leadership and Board of Directors,” Saskowski shared.  “We will do everything we can to help secure new job placements – this is a priority.”

Rochester bike shop donates 20 bikes again this year to Genesee Arc for Christmas

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo: Park Avenue Bike Shop owner, Andy August (left), and Inventory manager Alex Oliveri (right), delivered 20 bicycles to the Genesee ARC Community Center.

Press release:

For a second year in a row, the Park Ave Bike Shop of Rochester made a Christmastime visit to Genesee ARC -- last year, with 20 bicycles, this year with 20 more!

Bike Shop owner Andy August said he enjoys playing “Santa’s helper” and that these types of deliveries are the best!

“The kids are going to love these bikes,” August said.

The bicycles are courtesy of two Rochester area donors who have befriended Genesee ARC and support its mission of serving children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

As a friend of the donors, August said, a donation of such magnitude matches their giving spirit.

“They are generous, unassuming individuals with big hearts, that just want to give back to the community,” he said.

“We are thankful the donors believe in Genesee ARC and are helping to make some Christmas wishes come true,” said Genesee ARC Director of Development Shelley Falitico. "Thanks to Andy August and Park Ave for working with us to match bicycles to recipients and for delivering this amazing donation in time for Christmas."

Three of the bicycles have been earmarked for Rainbow Preschool operated by Genesee ARC’s sister Chapter, The Arc of Orleans County. The two chapters share Donna Saskowski as executive director and are undergoing steps to eventually unify. 

”This is such a special gift to our agency and the children and adults we serve,” Falitico said. “Our donors, who prefer to be unnamed, have helped us in so many ways already, supporting agency events and funding equipment and program items from our wish list. It will be a very special Christmas for so many children, thanks to their generosity!”

'It matters to me': Speakers advocate services for developmentally disabled

By Raymond Coniglio

Kari Powers of Le Roy speaks during a legislative forum Tuesday hosted by the Genesee ARC and the Arc of Orleans.

Kari Powers takes great pride in her daughter’s achievements.

Morgan, 8, was diagnosed with autism in 2009. She received early intervention through the Genesee ARC’s Rainbow Preschool, and is now enrolled in a “6:1:1” elementary school program — six students, one teacher and one aide — in Monroe County.

“I can’t speak enough about how much these services help my daughter,” Powers, who lives in Le Roy, said during a legislative forum Tuesday at the Genesee ARC Community Center in Batavia. “She is doing so well.”

Her pride is tempered by worry.

Worry, that state budget cuts threaten educational, housing and other services for children like Morgan, now and as they grow into adulthood.

“There are so many children diagnosed with autism or learning disabilities who are going to need services down the road,” Powers said. “It’s just so important that the funding continue.

“It matters to me,” she added. “It matters to Morgan and it matters to every single person in this room.”

Powers was one of 18 parents, caregivers and self-advocates who spoke for an hour-and-a-half at Tuesday’s forum. It was attended by state Sen. Rob Ortt, Assemblyman Steve Hawley, and Jay Grasso on behalf of state Sen. Michael Ranzenhofer.

More than 100 people attended the forum, which was hosted by the Genesee ARC and the Arc of Orleans, which are in the process of merging.

Powers’ words echoed “It Matters to Me,” the title of a grassroots advocacy campaign organized by the local agencies’ state affiliate, NYSARC, Inc.

The campaign focuses on four issues:

—  Residential housing and other opportunities for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities who are living at home with aging parents or other caregivers;

— The conversion of workshops into integrated businesses, to ensure employment for people with developmental disabilities;

— Funding to boost wages for direct support professionals (DSPs) who serve people with developmental disabilities;

— Increased state funding for preschools that serve special-needs children ages 3 to 5.

Tammy Caldwell has worked for the Arc of Orleans for more than two decades, including the past 15 years at Rainbow Preschool in Albion. She said low wages and poor benefits, make it difficult to recruit and retain qualified employees.

“We have very dedicated staff,” Caldwell said. “They don’t come here for the money; they’re in it because they are truly passionate about their job and the kids they see. But it’s getting harder and harder, because of the lack of funding, to find … good staff who want to come to a rural community like Orleans County and Genesee County.”

Wendy Eden said the starting wage for a DSP — $9.66 an hour — is “shameful.”

“Recruiting has been the biggest struggle,” said Eden, a residential supervisor for the Arc of Orleans. “We deal with staffing shortages on a daily basis.”

Alexis Arthur, a DSP at the Genesee ARC Day Habilitation Center in Elba, said it is “outrageous” that fast-food workers in New York will be paid $15 an hour while many of her peers work second jobs to make ends meet.

“My job is very rewarding, and I have a deep sense of pride and gratitude that I get to work with the people I do,” Arthur said. “My only wish is for myself and my coworkers to be compensated for our hard work.”

Loretta Stratton, of Elba, said her life changed when her son Hank was diagnosed with autism at age 2.

She switched careers, and trained to work with children like her son.

“I thought I would be able to reach him,” she said. “And I couldn’t — I wasn’t able to reach my own child.”

Fortunately, help was available. Hank received in-home care, and attended preschool. By the time he started kindergarten, Stratton was in a position to insist Hank attend “regular” class.

By 10th grade he was taking Regents courses, and is now ranked third in his class. Stratton said he is Elba’s first special-needs student “in full inclusion” from kindergarten through senior year.

“We don’t want our kids to be a burden on society,” Stratton said. “We want to empower our kids to be the best that they can be at whatever ability they have.”

Hank is also an advocate, and spoke in support of job opportunities.

“We need people with special needs in the work force,” he said. “They really want to be a part of it, and they deserve the (same) respect as any other citizen.”

Hawley and Grasso said issues raised Tuesday will be part of negotiations when work on the 2016-17 state budget begins in January. (Ortt had to leave early to attend a public meeting in Barker.)

Hawley hoped advocates would take their case directly to Albany, and “hammer away” at Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders via letters, e-mails and YouTube videos.

Will their voices be heard?

Hawley pointed to the career of former Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg, a Democrat who represented Long Beach until last year. He has an adult son with a mental disability.

In 2013, Weisenberg led a successful bipartisan effort to restore $90 million in funding that had been cut from the state Office for People With Developmental Disabilities.

Hawley was among the Assembly co-sponsors of the legislation. Ranzenhofer cosponsored the Senate version.

“I’m always optimistic,” Hawley said.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley, R-Batavia, speaks during Tuesday’s legislative forum hosted by the Genesee ARC and the Arc of Orleans. Jay Grasso, left, attended on behalf of state Sen. Michael Ranzenhofer.

Genesee ARC opens redemption center

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee ARC Redemption Center is open for business!  “Bring us your cans and bottles,” said Director of Operations, Paul Saskowski.

Along with offering new employment options for individuals with disabilities, Saskowski said, “The expansion of our transfer station allows customers to drop off refuse, recyclables and now get their deposits on beverage containers back so these chores can be done in a ‘one-stop’ concept.” 

The Genesee ARC Redemption Center, 3785 W. Main Street Road, Batavia, is open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Wednesdays until 8 p.m.

“The hundreds of community members that visit monthly for trash and recycling now have an even greater convenience,” Saskowski said.

“The best thing about the ARC-operated redemption center is additional employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities,” the director said.  “This expansion aligns with Genesee ARC’s mission of supporting people with disabilities in partnership with their families and the community."

All NYS beverage bottles and cans are accepted at the site. Customers wishing to donate their refunds to a nonprofit can designate Volunteers for Animals, Boy Scouts of America, Crossroads House or Genesee ARC. Organizations wishing to hold a can drive can contact Paul Saskowski or Redemption Center Manager Carl Jones at 343-4203 to set it up.

Photo: Carl Jones, Redemption Center manager, with Mark and Wesley, employees of the Genesee ARC Redemption Center.

Photos: ARC Halloween truck

By Howard B. Owens

Yesterday afternoon we stopped by the ARC Recycling Center on West Main Street, Batavia, to check out the truck the folks there have decked out for Halloween.

Le Roy's Bessey Tools named Employer of the Year by NYS ARC

By Billie Owens

(Submitted photo of NYS ARC President Laura Kennedy presenting an Employer of the Year Award to Jeremy Smowton, of Bessey Tools in Le Roy.)

Press release:

NYS ARC President Laura Kennedy presented an Employer of the Year Award to Jeremy Smowton of Bessey Tools, last week during NYS ARC’s Fall meeting in Albany.  Bessey Tools was nominated for the award by Genesee ARC to recognize its longtime partnership with the business whose United States headquarters is in Le Roy.

Smowton, vice president of Finance at Bessey Tools, reflected on the company’s association with Genesee ARC.

“We truly appreciate the hard work and effort the team from our local ARC provides for Bessey Tools," Smowton said. "They are a conscientious group that cares about the work they do, which we feel they do very well. At Bessey Tools, we are proud to have the privilege to serve our community through Genesee ARC. We look forward to a long standing future relationship.”

Genesee ARC has had a business relationship with Bessey Tools for the past 15 years and has had an onsite enclave at their factory since January 2013, employing 6 to 10 people daily.

Scott Jones, Genesee ARC director of Employment Services, said individuals work at ten different stations, assembling clamps, operating drill and hydraulic presses, packing and barcoding products.

“When Bessey Tools decided to move an assembly operation from Long Island to Le Roy, they asked Genesee ARC to handle the production because of our quality work and 15-year track record of excellence,” Jones said.

The Award presentation coincided with October’s 70th annual observance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a time to celebrate the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities.

Genesee ARC is one of 54 Chapters of NYS ARC, the largest provider of services to people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities in the nation, offering supports encompassing all aspects of a person’s life from birth through end-of-life care.

The Arc of Orleans and Genesee ARC vote to unify

By Billie Owens

Press release:

With unanimous votes by The Arc of Orleans and Genesee ARC boards of directors, plans are moving ahead to unify the two agencies that are chapters of NYSARC, Inc., the largest disability service provider of its kind in the nation.

Donna Saskowski, longtime executive director of the Genesee Chapter, has also been overseeing the Orleans Chapter since April.

“For months we have been meeting to discuss how we can collaborate and share services,” Saskowski said. “This was the next logical step."

Orleans President John Huber calls this a progressive move noting unification will expand opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in both counties.

”Our new dream is to adapt to the changing horizon while providing expanded services to the people we serve,” Huber said.

Genesee Chapter President Candie Pocock echoed Huber’s comments, “What’s important for families, staff and individuals in both Chapters to understand, is that programs and services will continue in each county, and now have the opportunity to grow.”

Each board recognizes the similarities between their respective counties.

“We are rural, neighboring, agricultural communities, roughly the same size in area and among New York’s smallest in terms of population,” Saskowski said. “Looking ahead, we feel our similar cultures will allow for a smooth transition."

In a joint statement the chapters’ executive boards addressed finances as they had been asked if the unification was being pursued due to current financial needs. According to the statement, “We are choosing to unify in order to effectively address the financial challenges resulting from current NYS Medicaid transformational reform initiatives."

NYSARC, Inc., the nonprofit organization that oversees the Genesee and Orleans chapters, will monitor and guide the voluntary unification process, which should be completed in 2016.

Genesee ARC was founded in 1966 and will be marking its 50th Anniversary next year. The Arc of Orleans was founded in 1970 and is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year. Combined, the agencies serve more than 1,200 individuals with developmental or other intellectual disabilities and their families.

Of the Boards’ decision to unify Saskowski said, “This is a strong statement in support of the people we serve and all of our staff. The Orleans and Genesee chapters have nearly 100 years of experience serving people with disabilities in our two counties; this vast experience will position us well going forward."

Questions? Please feel free to contact Sandy Konfederath, coordinator of Community Relations for Genesee ARC, at (585) 343-4203 or e-mail at or Darlene Golson at

Mark your calendar: Genesee ARC Friends & Family 5K & Fun Walk is Sept. 26 in Elba

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Genesee ARC Friends & Family 5K & Fun Walk will be held on Saturday, Sept. 26, in Elba. The starting location is 4603 Barrville Road.

Registration begins at 8:45 a.m. The 5K Run starts at 10 o'clock and the Fun Walk begins immediately after the runners have left, within, say, five minutes.

Food, fun, music, kids activities, face painting.

Sign up today! Sponsorships available.

Online registration is available for 5K participants, fun walkers and post-party attendees only @

You can also e-mail Race Director Sandy Konfederath, at or call 585-343-4203, ext. 223.

If you wish to support the Genesee ARC Friends & Family 5K as a sponsor, contact the race hotline at (585) 343-4203, ext. 223, or please print and complete the race form and send it with your donation to:

Genesee ARC Friends & Family 5K

64 Walnut St.

Batavia, NY 14020

Genesee ARC hosts 39th tournament outing at Stafford Country Club

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Stafford Country Club hosted Genesee ARC’s 39th annual Lullo Memorial Tournament Monday, the longest-running charity event at the local private club. The tournament features golf, tennis and bocce and raises funds for disability services ARC provides to more than 450 children and adults and their families throughout Genesee County. 

The event chair is Ed Carney; Peggy Lamb and Deb Fischer are the tennis and bocce chairs. 

Coming out on top in the golf was Rod Hamilton who shot a 72, followed by Steve Harrison, 73. Low gross honors for women went to Tina Lambert with an 86.

In the low net category, Paul Barton came in with a 62, and Travis West was a close second with a 63. Maria Woodward had a low net score of 71 for women. Joan DeCarlo is also being recognized with low net honors.  

In the blind bogey competition, Mark Yost matched the blind bogey number drawn of 74.

There were several contests on the course. In the longest drive on 7, John Houseknecht was the winner and winning closest to the line on 15 was Sheila Laird. Rod Hamilton won a Coor’s Lite golf bag, courtesy of C.H. Wright, in closest to the pin on 8 (9’11”). Hamilton also won a Schwinn bicycle, donated by Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle, in the same contest on 14 (4’ 11”). The top winners in the closest to the pin on 12 were Greg Strauss, Chip Braaten, Joe Lestorti and Craig Rinefierd.  

The hole-in-one contest on 8 was sponsored by Castilone Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram. Unfortunately, no one shot an ace to drive away with a 2015 Jeep Renegade.

In bocce, the first place team was Donna Hummel, Bryan Falitico, Joe Teresi and JoAnne McInerney. 

Top score in tennis went to Steve Rumery. First-place team honors went to Steve Rumery and Phil McNulty and second-place team went to Steve Clemm and Len Jasinski.

Gold sponsors of the event were: Turnbull Heating & Air-Conditioning, The Bank of Castile/Tompkins Insurance Agencies, The Bonadio Group, Graham Corporation, and Tom & Lynn and John Houseknecht. Silver sponsors were: The Batavia Daily News, Oakfield Family Medical Care, Alpina Foods, Erie Niagara Insurance Association, Ralph & Agnes Houseknecht, Ed Arnold Scrap Processors, Inc., Castilone Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, Tops Friendly Markets, Bessey Tools, Parkview Health Services, Genesee Valley PennySaver, United Memorial Medical Center and The Insurance Center.

Also supporting the event were 19 golf sponsors, four tennis sponsors, six bocce sponsors and nine Friend of ARC Tournament Sponsors. Door Prizes, silent and Chinese auction items were donated by dozens of area businesses. The 2015 cart sponsor was Manning Napier.

A total of 110 golfers, 14 tennis players and 36 bocce players participated in the annual event that raises money to benefit programs and service for people with disabilities served by Genesee ARC. The winner of the $1,000 cash drawing was Susan Spiotta, of Batavia, with ticket number 19210. Florence Lullo picked the winning ticket.

The tournament is named in memory of Florence’s late husband Danny Lullo. Mr. Lullo was a local businessman who came up with the idea to hold a tournament to benefit Genesee ARC programs and services for people with disabilities in our community.

Genesee County Sheriff's Office and Genesee ARC bring Project Lifesaver to the county

By Traci Turner

(Deputy Kevin McCarthy shows parent Kari Powers how to use the tracking bracelet.)

The Genesee County Sheriff's Office partnered with Genesee ARC to provide tracking bracelets to children with disabilities and reassure parents that their child can be safely located.

Twelve children with disabilities were fitted for tracking bracelets today. Transmitters inside the bracelet emit signals and the Sheriff's Office can pick up the the signals with a receiver. The missing child can be located within 15 minutes. 

Sheriff Gary Maha has been trying to implement Project Lifesaver, an program that provides equipment to police officers to locate children who are at risk of wandering, in the county for several years. However, Maha was not able to get the funding until recently. The Sheriff's Office received the equipment through the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Service. The 13 transmitters and two receivers they were given cost approximately $7,500. Each transmitter is worth $350 plus the cost of batteries, which need to be replaced every month.

"I think it's important because there are children out there with disabilities including autism and Down Syndrome and many of these children have a tendency to wander," Maha said. "We have met with parents and they are overjoyed that we were able to get Project Lifesaver here in the county."

The Sheriff's Office worked with the Genesee ARC to help them implement the project. The ARC reached out to the families and assisted them with the process.

Morgan Powers, an 8-year-old with autism, was one of the children who received a bracelet. Her parents, Brian and Kari Powers, were relieved their daughter was getting a bracelet because she has wandered off several times and safety is their biggest concern.

"We are very excited to be here," Kari Powers said. "It has been a couple of months since we found out about the program and we are very strong advocates for it. Morgan is a risk taker. She does a lot of wandering off especially these past two weeks since she has been out of school."

Maha hopes the Sheriff's Office can get more funding in the future to continue the program every year.

Genesee ARC and Sheriff's Office partner on 'Project Lifesaver'

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

For many families who have children diagnosed with developmental and intellectual disabilities, including autism, Project Lifesaver is viewed as exactly that – a LIFESAVER!

Genesee ARC has partnered with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department in support of their effort to bring the Project Lifesaver program to Genesee County. 

The program is part of Project Lifesaver International, a nonprofit organization that bridges the technological gap for “at risk” populations and public safety agencies. It provides police, fire/rescue and other first responders with a comprehensive program including equipment and training to quickly locate and rescue individuals with cognitive disorders who are at risk due to behaviors of wandering and other safety concerns. 

Project Lifesaver has more than 1,400 participating member agencies throughout 48 states in the United States, six provinces in Canada, and Australia, and has performed 3,016 searches over the last 16 years with no serious injuries or fatalities ever reported.

The Genesee County’s Sheriff’s Office has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services and the Missing and Exploited Children Clearinghouse for the implementation of the Project Lifesaver program, which provides equipment, training, certification and support to law enforcement, public safety organizations and community groups.

Children identified and their families will participate in training and receive their Project Lifesaver bracelets at the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office in July. The program is overseen by Sheriff’s deputies trained in the Project Lifesaver program.

For more information on Project Lifesaver, visit

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