Alexander Cemetery Association grateful for community support in aftermath of tornado

Press release:
We are so appreciative of the coverage of the Alexander Cemetery after the tornado damage. So many people saw it online, but the cemetery is not online, or on social media. We were hoping you could share this thank you note online for all of the support we received.
The Alexander Cemetery Assoc. would like to thank the community for their generous donations after the tornado damage on the night of April 25, 2022.
We would also like to thank everyone who volunteered their time and services to assist with the extensive cleanup efforts.
We continue to clean up storm damage and are making plans to have the rest of the damaged tree taken down.
We are looking into the best ways to save and repair the broken and damaged gravestones.
The support has been overwhelming and we are truly grateful for this outpouring of love and generosity from Alexander and the community.
Photos related to cemetery clean up and repair submitted by Kate Goodman