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139th assembly district

Prices for Hawley's annual Patriot's Trip lower than ever

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is announcing that this year’s annual Patriot Trip, taking place from September 16-19, will be the most affordable ever. Hawley will join veterans and their guests on his annual trip to Washington D.C., visiting various landmarks and historical sites.  

Thanks to the generous contributions of many organizations and individuals, the cost to veterans and their selected guest for this year’s trip will be lower than ever in the trip’s fourteen-year history. The cost to veterans and their guest will be far below the original $475 per person, and includes all food, accommodation and travel expenses required for the trip. Although costs are not yet finalized, Hawley is hoping a cost of $350 or less per person will be attainable.

“Following an outpouring of financial support from the community at large, individuals, businesses and veteran-advocacy groups, I am elated to announce the cost to veterans and their guests for this year’s Patriot Trip will be lower than ever, and I’m hopeful the final cost will be between $300 and $350. With confirmed stops this year at Gettysburg, the Naval Academy at Annapolis, the Veterans Memorials around the National Mall, the National Marine Museum, the Arlington National Cemetery with Wreath Laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and many other landmarks and museums, it’s going to be a trip to remember for all who attend.”

Any interested veterans or their family members are encouraged to reach out to Hawley’s district office at 585-589-5780 or to learn more about the trip and to make reservations.

Hawley to serve on ag, insurance, vets, and Ways & Means committees, reappointed Deputy Minority Leader

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley has received his committee assignments for the upcoming legislative year, and will be serving on the committees for Agriculture, Insurance, Rules, Veterans’ Affairs and Ways and Means. Additionally, Hawley has also been reappointed as Deputy Minority Leader of the Assembly Republican Conference.

“I am honored to have been chosen once again to serve our conference as Deputy Minority Leader, and look forward to continuing to use my role in our conference to give a voice to the people of the 139th Assembly District, as well as working people and families from all walks of life throughout our state,” Hawley said.

Assemblyman Hawley thanks those who voted for him, vows to continue fighting in Assembly

By Press Release

From Assemblyman Steve Hawley: 

I am drafting this letter to thank each and every person that voted for me. This tenure as your State Assemblyman for the 139th District has been a wonderful experience, and I am proud to continue to serve as your Assemblyman.

And while there is certainly celebrating to do and thanks to go around, I want to assure you that as the new session starts up in January, I am just as committed as ever to making the voice of Western New York heard.

I will continue to fight for local and small businesses that need support from the state following the COVID-19 lockdowns, for their economic success means a strong economy for New York. I will continue to hold the majority party accountable when they try to play fast-and-loose with the laws and the God-given rights of citizens. I will push even further my two-state New York bill, which will ensure that the needs of Western New York are not drowned by the urban demands Downstate thrusts upon the rest of us. I will continue to ensure our law enforcement is defended and uplifted in state government. All of this, and more, I will continue to do. 

And I will continue to give my time to you all, to ensure you have the support you need from your state government. Because of you, I am continuing to fight for you. Thank you.

Libertarian candidate for Assembly knocks SCOPE for 'D' rating

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Shooter’s Committee On Political Education (SCOPE) recently published their candidate ratings. They gave  Mark Glogowski, Ph.D., Libertarian Candidate for NYS Assembly District 139, a “D” rating. The copy of Scope’s rating document Glogowski received was partially obliterated, but what could be read stated “Glogowski supports the 2nd Amendment but lacks the … (two words unreadable) … in dealing with NY democrats.”

Glogowski said today that the “D” rating SCOPE gave him clearly doesn’t have anything to do with his position on your right to bear arms, nor the enforcement of the 2nd Amendment’s prohibition on governments passing laws infringing on your right to bear arms.

His position on the 2nd, 9th, and 10th Amendments are clearly explained on his campaign website page: www.glogowskiforassembly/the-second-amendment.

Glogowski said that the reason for the low rating is because is willing to vote for bills that protect your rights, liberties and freedoms no matter who proposes and supports those bills, even of those sponsors are Democrats.

The case in point, at the Oct. 12th meeting of Genesee County SCOPE, Glogowski criticized Assemblyman Steve Hawley’s opposition to the anti-SLAPP bill S.52A/A.5991-A. Glogowski emphatically said he would have voted for the bill, a bill that had overwhelming Democratic support and corresponding Republican opposition.

That bill was designed to protect you from the rich and powerful who have launched many frivolous “Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation” (SLAPP) intended to stop such activity. According to Glogowski, the anti-SLAPP bill is consistent with the intent of the 14th amendment.

He stated he would have voted for that bill, and now believes that statement was the reason for SCOPE members to rate him a “D”; he will not willingly and blindly oppose Democrats and their proposals. Hawley, a solid Republican, voted against the Democrat-sponsored anti-SLAPP bill.

Glogowski was also very outspoken about the NYS legislators, including Hawley, who abdicated their responsibility to legislate earlier this year and who unconstitutionally transferred their legislative powers to Governor Cuomo.

“No incumbent should be reelected this year. Doing so would be an act rewarding them for their abandonment of their responsibilities,” Glogowski said.

Glogowski stated that he will support any bill, regardless of who the sponsors are, that will: reestablish county representation in the Assembly; end the tyranny of grants; furthers the reduction and elimination of state income taxes and real estate taxes; eliminate unconstitutional budget legislation practices; work to stop wasteful spending; work to overhaul the Election Laws; create line item veto powers for the Governor, Senate, and Assembly; create a balanced budget; decrease state mandates; and protect your rights, liberties and freedoms.

Glogowski claims Hawley’s “A” rating is not related to his position or actions concerning the 2nd Amendment. SCOPE has consistently overlooked Hawley’s vote cast to fund the New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013, commonly known as the NY SAFE Act.

The SAFE act is clearly an unconstitutional gun regulation law. SCOPE also overlooked the explanation, provided at a New York Revolution meeting held in Genesee County, where Hawley stated that if he did not vote for the budget bill that included SAFE Act funding, he would have lost $28 million allocated for the Western New York Science and Technology Advanced Manufacturing (WNY STAMP) Project.

With that statement, he traded your 2nd Amendment protection against tyranny for $28 million. The question today is why is he still receiving an “A” rating?

"Our right to own property, the right to own the fruits of our labors, both have already been traded for the thousands of dollars each year the government collects in taxes from you," Glogowski said. "What other rights do we have that will be traded for money this way?”

“We need legislators that will fight tyranny, not participate in the tyranny because it is convenient or that there is money in it for them.”

This year, with your vote, you can help put an end to this slide down the slippery slope to the Democrat’s tyranny of socialism or the alternative being the Republican’s tyranny of fascism. This year, Glogowski pleads, don’t make a choice.

Drive a stake in the ground and make a decision, a decision to Vote Libertarian. Vote for Mark Glogowski, Assembly District 139.

Video: Interview with Steve Hawley about his reelection campaign

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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After the GOP headquarters opening on Saturday, we spoke with Assemblyman Steve Hawley about his effort to win another term representing the 139th Assembly District.

Video: Interview with Mark Glogowski candidate for the 139th Assembly District

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Mark Glogowski, candidate for the 139th Assembly District, was in Le Roy on Saturday and we conducted this short interview with him.

Libertarian Assembly candidate aims to revamp 'massive, expensive, ineffective' school system

By Press Release

Press release from Glogowski For Assembly, on behalf of Libertarian candidate Mark Glogowski, who is running for NY-139 Assembly District:

Thanks to Covid-19, people are being forced to look at the benefits and drawbacks of the public-school systems and compare them to the relative safety of the homeschool options.

The school systems have been waffling over their ability to provide a safe environment. My fear is that parents in New York State will, sooner or later, begin to experience increased limitations on their ability to make educational decisions and soon will be limited to just making choices.

Our governments have created a massive, expensive and ineffective educational system.

Not only are students not receiving the education needed for today’s technological society, many are not even receiving the basic education needed to be functional in normal business.

If the educational system pursued a business quality standard for education, and achieved the business standard of Sigma 6, they would have just one person out of the last 100,000 students to pass through the school system not graduate with a functional high school education.

We are not coming anywhere close to that standard. 

The school systems, and our government, need to proactively promote efficiencies in education. They should be working to aggressively use and adopt the educational technologies and opportunities that private enterprise has developed and now offer.

They need to figure out how to stop consuming resources on old practices that have proven to be ineffective at producing a sigma six quality educational product. Because of the effectiveness and efficiencies involved, homeschooling will be commonplace in the future, much more so than it has been even in the recent past.

When elected to office, I will work:

  • to remove the barriers to homeschooling;
  • to eliminate funding inequalities between home-school and public-school;
  • to create a functional educational environment that addresses our technological needs;
  • to support efficiencies in education, and;
  • toward the goal of ensuring taxes collected for education are used wisely.  

My ultimate objective is to eliminate the real-estate-based school tax.

Read More about my thoughts, research and positions on this and other subjects here.

Mark Glogowski, Ph.D.

Libertarian Candidate for NYS Assembly, 139th Election District

Hamlin, NY

(Photo courtesy of Mark Glogowski.)

Libertarian Assembly candidate calls for line item veto to rein in spending, elimination of property taxes and more to get rid of 'tyranny' and bloat in government

By Billie Owens

From Mark Glogowski, Ph.D., Libertarian candidate for NY State 139thAssembly District:

One of the most important issues I believe we face is the unconstitutional tyranny of our current taxation situation. Having an ally in your Assembly is crucial to correcting this. Being realistic, it will take time to unweave the tangled interrelations between government agencies and departments that have been created since the 16th Amendment was ratified, but it is doable. It will take time to get our obese government trimmed down to be lean and efficient, and with a lower appetite for taxes, but it is achievable.

There are several ways we can begin this process. The first is to get the state to operate within a balanced budget by cutting spending, not increasing taxes. We need a legislature that is aware of and pursues nongovernmental options when issues are being considered. A legislature that is willing to hear and apply Libertarian solutions, thus eliminating the need for the wealth of the people to support the government’s involvement.

Here are just a few places and activities we could proactively begin:

  • Permit our governor and legislature to take control of expenditures by providing both with the equivalent of the "line item" veto ability;
  • End the practice of legislation being placed in budgets (it is unconstitutional);
  • Remove barriers that prevent local governments from spontaneously working cooperatively together again. The discussions recently between Genesee and Orleans counties regarding a shared jail is a good example. Unfortunately, no matter what they agree on, the barrier now in place is that the state government has oversight of county governments (instead of the other way around) and the state has in place barriers that prevent spontaneous intragovernmental cooperation;
  • Allow all local governments (county, city, town, and village) to put more of an emphasis on sales taxes and less on real estate taxes and real estate based service charges;
  • Eliminate real estate taxes all together. They effectively cause you to not actually own the property you paid for. As with any property tax, if you don’t pay your real estate taxes you will be evicted by the Government and will lose your property.
  • Dismantle the Industrial Development Agencies and the Economic Development Zones (famous for setting up competition for existing businesses with taxpayer money and dictating to counties, towns and villages what they can and cannot do);
  • Initially reduce the immense number of grants, and then eliminate grants altogether. Grants are nothing more than acts of tyranny, where government takes money from you and gives it to companies and individuals for projects that are not economically viable (such as putting up 640 ft windmills) and companies with poor business plans (like the local yogurt company that disappeared shortly after state funding ran out), and grants to pay for studies to find out where new grants can be issued (as happens in such projects as the Finger Lakes Forward initiative). Government is going out of its way to find something worthwhile to do with your hard-earned money rather than letting you keep it and invest as you see fit.

Let’s put a stop to government wasting your hard-earned money. If we are successful we will see more activity by private enterprise to help spur the economy and build a better community, such as the grant program set up by Heritage Wind.

All these barriers were placed by generations of Democrat and Republican politicians. You cannot employ the same thinking to change as was used to create this mess.

Support my efforts to become your NYS Assemblyman and I assure you, restructuring our financial (tax) structure, rescinding the 16thAmendment, and restoring financial barriers to taxing will be among my top objectives. As your Assemblyman, I will work to initiate a call to rescind the 16thAmendment and will seek the support of the Assemblies in 35 other States. I will work to give you back control over your wealth and possessions.

Vote Libertarian

Vote for Mark Glogowski for Assembly, District 139

Read more about my positions on other important issues at:

Hawley endorsed by NRA, receives 'A' rating for reelection bid

By Billie Owens

Press release:

In his bid for another term representing Genesee, Orleans and portions of Monroe counties in the 139th District of the state Assembly, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that he has received an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association and the group’s endorsement for the 2018 general election.

Hawley, a consistent proponent of the right to bear arms sponsors several bills to repeal the NY SAFE-Act, has passed legislation authorizing big game hunting in Genesee and Orleans counties and has been an unwavering voice against New York’s left-wing extremist groups seeking to dissolve the Second Amendment and cut back the rights of law-abiding gun owners. 

“I am honored to once again have the endorsement and full confidence of the NRA,” Hawley said. "The fear tactics and subsequent extreme stances of some groups in our state are trying to severely roll back the rights of law-abiding firearm owners and undercut our constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and I will not stand idly by while that happens."

“Hunting and responsible firearm ownership is a tradition here in Western New York. We deserve the right to protect our home and family from danger and deserve to pass down the rewarding and special tradition of hunting that teaches valuable lessons of patience, responsibility and reward to so many. I will always stand for the Second Amendment and, rest assured, that will remain my duty as your representative in Albany.”

Assemblyman Hawley: 'NYC interests kill ethics reform package'

By Billie Owens

A statement just issued from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

“As the retrial of corrupt former Speaker Sheldon Silver hangs over the state, it is shocking that New York City politicians would consciously vote to block the most comprehensive ethics reform package in state history – the Public Officers Accountability Act.

“It is a grave disservice to taxpayers that Assembly leadership continues to vote down and bury legislation that may have prevented corrupt thieves like Sheldon Silver and Dean Skelos from committing crimes.

“What we need is an end to Gov. Cuomo’s bid-rigging culture, term limits for legislative leaders, stronger income disclosure requirements and an end to lawmakers using campaign contributions as a golden parachute. Taxpayers deserve a more honest and faithful government.”

Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee, Orleans and parts of Monroe County.

Hawley offers ways to access state tax forms

By Billie Owens

Press release:

As the deadline to file federal and state taxes approaches on April 17, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is helping residents navigate the often cumbersome state tax filing system by providing ways to access forms and instructions.

“There are many citizens who choose to file federal and state taxes themselves instead of going to a tax preparer or using an online program,” Hawley said. “Unfortunately, the tax rules, regulations and method by which we are required to file are often confusing and complicated.

"The state should be consistently assisting residents with tax preparation and working on ways to clarify this burden. Residents can pick up tax forms at my district office by emailing or calling ahead of time.”

To access IT-201 Tax Forms and Instructions:

1. Use this link to access and print IT-201 instructions online

2. Use this link to access and print IT-201 tax forms online

3. Visit for more information  

4. Call your local library.(Many libraries have access to current tax forms available to residents) 

*Residents are encouraged to pick up tax forms at Hawley’s district office by emailing or calling (585) 589-5780 ahead of time.  

**A refund will usually be issued more quickly if residents fill out forms online and submit electronically.                  

Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee, Orleans and parts of Monroe County. For more information, please visit Assemblyman Hawley’s Official Website.

Hawley gets NRA and Rochester chamber endorsements in re-election bid

By Billie Owens

Press release:

As part of his re-election bid for the 139th Assembly District, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that he has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Rochester Chamber of Commerce. Hawley, a vocal voice for upstate gun owners and small businesses, has also received an "A" rating from the NRA, an endorsement from the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), and a rating of 88 percent from Unshackle Upstate, solidifying him as one of the strongest Second Amendment and small-business proponents in the entire State Legislature.

"Supporting the Second Amendment and the rights of law-abiding gun owners in Western New York has been part of my platform since I originally ran for the Assembly," Hawley said. "When the NY SAFE Act was rammed through the Legislature in 2013, I was adamantly opposed and I still fight its unconstitutionality today. Hunting and target shooting are part of our area's culture, and if I am privileged enough to serve another two years in the Assembly, I will defend those rights with everything I have. I am humbled by the NRA's endorsement and will continue to support their efforts."

"As a member of the small-business community for over four decades, I know the hardships faced by companies right here in Western New York,” Hawley said “While more influence and political gimmicks continue to be funneled downstate, the lifeblood of upstate communities, our family-owned small businesses, continue to suffer and that is absolutely unacceptable. Albany's tens of thousands of pages of rules and regulations suck the life out of small businesses trying to sustain a profit and keep from outsourcing local jobs. I am honored to have the endorsement of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce and will continue to fight for New York's business community upon re-election to the Assembly."

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