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The BEST Center

GCC’s BEST Center awarded $88,175 grant for Clean Energy Training Program by NYSERDA

By Press Release

Press Release:

Genesee Community College is pleased to announce The BEST Center has been awarded a $88,175 award for clean energy training by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). The Clean Energy Training Program funded by NYSERDA will upskill incumbent workers and train new students seeking entry into the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) field.

GCC's Clean Energy Training Program will train individuals in high efficiency HVAC (including heat pumps) and energy auditing. program graduates also will be provided an opportunity to obtain their Home Energy Rater (HER) Certification through the industry standard Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) program. The GCC Clean Energy training program is a 10-week training course, with four cohorts over two years. The first classes will begin in Spring 2025 at the college's Batavia campus.

The NYSERDA Energy Efficiency and Clean Technology Training program awards activities such as technical training and experiential learning that supports New York State's path to inclusive clean energy economy. GCC's training program will contribute to expanding the capacity of skilled talent for Western New York's energy efficiency and clean energy labor market.

Adele Ferranti, director of Workforce Development and Training, NYSERDA, said, "Each day more New Yorkers are turning to sustainable building solutions to make their homes more comfortable and improve overall energy efficiency. To meet the growing demand for clean energy technologies, NYSERDA is pleased to support Genessee Community College's new program at the BEST Center that will ready the workforce with trained professionals to install and service the latest equipment."

"We are immensely grateful for the generosity of NYSERDA," said Jennifer Wakefield, executive director of Workforce Development at Genesee Community College. "This training grant will make a significant impact on the lives of incumbent workers, students entering the field of HVAC and the businesses who support the industry."

Businesses and individuals looking to take advantage of GCC's Clean Energy Training are encouraged to act now and contact The BEST Center at or call 585-345-6868.

The BEST Center at GCC is the recognized regional leader in developing the skilled workforce that powers local economic growth. The Center serves individual employees as well as businesses large and small with seminars, workshops, and trainings designed to improve the performance of people and processes.

For more information contact Vice President, Development, Admissions and External Affairs Justin Johnston at 585-345-6809, or via email:

Lifelong Batavia resident is new director at college's BEST Center

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

John M. McGowan, Ph.D., of Batavia,  took leadership of Genesee Community College's BEST (Business and Employee Skills Training) Center effective Sept. 1.

This is an important transition time as the former director retired and the Center completed a critical analysis of its functionality, allowing McGowan to take the reins with some strategic new direction.

"Having been part of GCC for nearly 15 years and specifically, the last five as part of The BEST Center team, I am excited about the results of our FAR (Functional Area Review) assessment," said the new director of The BEST Center.

"In my new role, I will be able to implement changes to make program registration easier, allocate resources for new program development and so much more."

McGowan intends to use his creative staff to identify continuous improvement opportunities and pull together new and exciting training topics which are the lifeblood of community and workforce development.

The BEST Center offers hundreds of training courses throughout the year to individuals looking to enter a new field. For example, it offers the Dental Assisting Program, which prepares students for entry-level administrative jobs and serves as the ideal launching point into a Dental Hygienist program. You can advance a career through a number of Career Enrichment courses, or even take a class for leisure -- like any of the Drone courses.

In addition, The BEST Center provides Custom Workforce Solutions to support any business or organization looking to bolster employee and organizational performance and improve the bottom line. Businesses can contact the BEST Center for training needs assessments and consultations, work with skilled and experienced trainers to develop customized training plans and even count on the Center's equipped locations and laptops to deliver online and on-site custom training. 

McGowan earned his Doctor of Psychology with specialization in Sport and Performance Psychology from University of the Rockies in Denver in 2018. He earned a Master of Science in Education and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the SUNY College at Brockport in 2003 and 1994 respectively. He has an Associate Degree in Business Administration from GCC (1986). He is also a 2017 graduate of Leadership Genesee.

McGowan is a lifelong resident of Batavia and has four children (John Jr., Joseph, Michael and Jennifer) and seven grandchildren.

Course on 'Introduction to Drones' offered three Saturdays in May

By Billie Owens

This information was provided by The BEST Center:

The world of drones is exploding! In partnership with regional experts, an intensive 18-hour course called "Introduction to Drones" (sUAS -- small Unmanned Aerial Systems) will be offered at the Genesee Community College Forum, Batavia Campus, on three consecutive Saturdays -- May 7, 14 and 21.

Cost is $1,499 and includes your own model quad-copter drone with camera, computer flight simulator and workbook. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a one-hour break.

This course is offered in partnership with regional experts and is designed for any industry, business or service that is using or looking to use drones as well as for hobbyists.

If you are interested in emerging careers or are involved in construction, agriculture, real estate, insurance, public safety, EMS, photography, media, marketing, inspection, land surveying, golf courses, amusement parks, etc., or want to start a business, you'll learn how your industry can be transformed in new, cost-effective ways.

For recreational operators, you'll learn exactly what you need to know to be legal to fly efficiently and get the most out of your drone.

A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to participants (not a license).

To register, call 345-6868 or visit

The course will cover:

  • Indoor hands-on flight practice using a model quad-copter;
  • Computer simulator training;
  • Operations of different tyoes of sUAS, including mot multi-rotor and fixed-wing;
  • Flight systems, inlcuding DJI Phantom, Inspire 1 and 3D Robotics;
  • Flight vehicles, radio controllers, components and characteristics;
  • Autonomous flight
  • Routine maintenance;
  • Uses and Applications: Markets, Photography and Video, Post-processing, Economic Drivers;
  • Safety: Best Practices, Operational Risks, Rules of the Road;
  • Up-to-Date FAA Regulations: Policies, Flying Legally, Liability; Exemptions; Operation and Certification of sUAS;
  • Etiquette and Privacy;
  • Operational Risks and Insurance;
  • Exploring Career Opportunities -- Virtually Unlimited!

Building Leadership Excellence -- certificate program offered at The BEST Center

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The BEST Center's Building Leadership Excellence Certificate Program is now forming a new cohort.

Building Leadership Excellence is an intensive, hands-on program designed to develop proven skills needed to manage, influence, create, inspire and LEAD organizations in today's dynamic economy. You will learn to think and act strategically, enhancing management performance and improving organizational skills in decision making, coaching, innovative problem solving and conflict resolution.
As a participant, you will work in an engaging and dynamic team environment. Upon completion of the course you will be able to:

  • Inspire subordinates to work to their full potential;
  • Communicate at an advanced level to better manage conflict;
  • Learn strategies to establish buy-in and ensure accountability;
  • Enhance your coaching skills;
  • Establish a lasting network of capable leader colleagues.

Each session is filled with real-life examples and practical techniques for getting results. Begin immediately applying leadership excellence at your job and in your life!

In today's fast moving, highly competitive marketplace, organizations require highly functioning, innovative leaders. To make the most of this opportunity -- ENROLL TODAY...the next cohort will kick off Thursday, Aug. 6.

Attendance is required in all of the eight half-day sessions scheduled Thursdays, from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Session dates are: 8/13, 8/20, 9/3, 9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 10/29 and 11/5. Graduation presentations will occur on Thursday, Nov. 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Seating is limited.
For more information call 585-345-6868 or
e-mail Lauren Cummings at

Training for healthcare jobs offered at The BEST Center

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Great job opportunities with substantial salaries exist in the healthcare industry and two programs offered this fall at The BEST Center at Genesee Community College provide the skills needed to secure a dynamic new career in this ever-growing industry.

Become a phlebotomy technician or learn to be a medical billing and coding professional. With seats limited, anyone interested is encouraged to enroll today. Classes begin the week of Sept. 22.

Phlebotomy technicians collect blood specimens from clients for the purpose of laboratory analysis. These positions are in demand as the elderly population grows, and experienced phlebotomists have the potential to earn more than $40,000 a year. The training program involves 90 hours of preparation and begins Monday, Sept. 22 from 6 to 9:30 p.m. Classes are held Mondays, Wednesdays and a few Saturdays through Dec. 15 at the Batavia Campus. The cost of the 11-week program, including textbooks, is $1,599.

In the Medical Billing and Coding program, students learn the claims processes for medical insurance and third-party reimbursements. The course covers completing common insurance forms, manually filing claims (using the CPT-Current Procedural Terminology and ICD-9 –International Classifications of Diseases-9 manual), solving insurance billing problems, tracing delinquent claims, appealing denied claims and the use of generic forms to streamline billing procedures.

Medical coders are in high demand and that is expected to continue. The U.S. Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts 22-percent growth in the medical records field into the year 2022. Average hourly pay is $15-$17 and experienced coders can advance into higher-paying positions in medical office management.

The BEST Center's Medical Billing and Coding Program begins Tuesday, Sept. 23 and is held at the Batavia Campus Tuesdays and Thursdays through Dec. 2 from 6 to 9:30 p.m. as well as two Saturdays, Oct. 4 and Nov. 1. Tuition for the 80-hour program, which includes textbooks, totals $1,799. Those interested are encouraged to enroll now as class size is limited.

To enroll or for more information, contact The BEST Center at Genesee Community College at (585) 345-6868 or You can also apply online at

Don't Miss It! Geocaching 101 at GCC's The BEST Center

By Elizabeth Downie


Join us for Geocaching 101 at The BEST Center at Genesee Community College!  Everyone is welcome!

Today, more than 1.75 million geocaches have been hidden, and found by more than 5 million people worldwide.

Want to learn more about geocaching?

Don’t just hear about it - EXPERIENCE it! 

Register NOW and get your cache on!

Bring the family - Geocaching is a family-oriented hobby/sport!

GPS units will be provided (or bring your own!) and each person will get a free geocaching swag item!

Geocaching 101


Wednesday, May 23 • 6:00PM - 9:00PM • Batavia Campus

Geocaching. Geo-what?? Jee-oh-kash-ing. In this course, you will learn what this high-tech treasure hunt is all about and its history. By the end of this introductory course, you will have created a Geocaching profile, gone out and made your first geocache find, and successfully log it on If you want to learn how to use a GPSr, love the outdoors and enjoy a challenge, Geocaching is for you! GPSr units will be provided, but please feel free to bring your own unit, whether it be hand-held, dash, or an app on your phone! Dress appropriately, as geocaching is an outdoor adventure! So, join us - and let's go Geocaching!

Presented by Elizabeth Downie (Geocaching ID: authorized users)

3 Hours / 1 Session
Fee: $15

Geocaching 101 and Advanced Geocaching Courses at The BEST Center at Genesee Community College

By Elizabeth Downie

Join us for the Geocaching 101 and Advanced Geocaching Courses at The BEST Center at Genesee Community College!  Everyone is welcome!

Today, more than 1.6 million geocaches have been hidden, and found by more than 5 million people worldwide. On this past Leap Day alone, over 79,450 people logged a cache or an event, which is more than double the amount from four years ago!

Want to learn more about geocaching?

Don’t just hear about it - EXPERIENCE it! 

Register NOW and get your cache on!

GPS units will be provided (or bring your own!) and each person will get a free geocaching swag item!

Geocaching 101

Saturday, April 14 • 9:00AM - 12:00PM • Batavia Campus

Wednesday, May 23 • 6:00PM - 9:00PM • Batavia Campus

Geocaching. Geo-what?? Jee-oh-kash-ing. In this course, you will learn what this high-tech treasure hunt is all about and its history. By the end of this introductory course, you will have created a Geocaching profile, gone out and made your first geocache find, and successfully log it on If you want to learn how to use a GPSr, love the outdoors and enjoy a challenge, Geocaching is for you! GPSr units will be provided, but please feel free to bring your own unit, whether it be hand-held, dash, or an app on your phone! Dress appropriately, as geocaching is an outdoor adventure! So, join us - and let's go Geocaching!

Presented by Elizabeth Downie (Geocaching ID: authorized users)

3 Hours / 1 Session
Fee: $15

Advanced Geocaching

Saturday, July 14 • 10:00AM - 3:00PM • Batavia Campus/Genesee County Park

Go beyond the basics of Geocaching! Are you a Premium Member at Have you experienced the fascinating world of Pocket Queries, statistics, and maps! Do you know how to manage your finds with tools like GSAK? Would you like to be introduced to the relatives of geocaching: Waypointing, Benchmarking, Letterboxing, Wherigo, and CITO? In this course, we will explore all of these topics, prepare our equipment and then go out caching with some of the local geocaching greats, like Sabrefan7, BarbershopDru, ElbaPatch, HFJohn, Cski and more! So, bring your GPSr and get your cache on!

Presented by Elizabeth Downie (Geocaching ID: authorized users)

4 Hours / 1 Session
Fee: $18

College president says Cuomo's SUNY priorities are 'good news'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's priorities for the State University of New York are good news for SUNY's 64 campuses and for New York State taxpayers, Genesee Community College President James M. Sunser said today.

Gov. Cuomo, in his 2012 legislative address delivered yesterday at Daemen College in Amherst, called the state university system a "precious New York asset" and a "great equalizer for the middle class." The governor said that his new SUNY2020 plan will spur economic development and job creation. SUNY2020 will provide seed money for innovation and economic development initiatives.

President Sunser noted that the governor's plans will further support SUNY's role in spurring business and job growth across the state.

"Our state university system provides a net positive return to New York State residents," Sunser said. "SUNY graduates provide the backbone of many of our critical and emerging industries, and pay state and local taxes far in excess of the investment that taxpayers make in their education.

"Also, SUNY campuses across the state work directly with business organizations, bringing training and knowledge resources that help business leaders build productivity, profit and jobs."

Sunser noted that last year an independent research firm found that Genesee Community College alone has an economic impact of $126 million on the Genesee-Livingston-Orleans-Wyoming region.

Sunser said that last year, The BEST Center, Genesee's highly acclaimed business training division, helped more than 650 business organizations.

"We at Genesee Community College, and the other 63 SUNY campuses, are a driving force for economic stability and growth," he said. "Gov. Cuomo recognizes the critical role that SUNY plays in our statewide economy."

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