Throughout the 2024 summer concert season at Batavia Downs, members of Elba High School's Class of 2025 and the varsity baseball team helped clean up the venue after each Rockin' the Downs show.
The effort netted $1,031.80 for Elba Central Schools. Batavia Downs matched the redemption price and donated an additional $500 as a thank you for the help with post-concert cleanup behind picking up cans and bottles.
On Friday, the school received a check for $2,563.60.
In the photo, the class of 2025 and members of the baseball team along with: Ryan Hasenauer, VP of business development, Batavia Downs (on left), Byron Brown, president and CEO (center), Heather Dillon, environmental services supervisor (Kneeling in Yellow), Sara Tenney, customer engagement specialist supervisor (In red Buffalo sweatshirt), Ryan Tenney, McNickel's Bottle And Can Redemption (greyish/green hoodie), Morgan Marcello, secondary school principal, Elba (Elba maroon shirt), Danielle Cervone, teacher and Class of 2025 advisor (Kneeling in Under Armour zip).