Batavia's offense sizzled against Marcus Whitman on Wednesday leading to a 63-36 win at home.
Casey Mazur scored 17 points for the Blue Devils, Gavin White, 15, Carter Mullen, 14, Justin Smith, 7, and Ty Gioia, 6.
Mazur hit five three-pointers.
"We're trying to become an inside-first team with Gavin and Justin," said Coach Buddy Brasky. "We normally have an advantage with at least one of them on the inside, so we're trying to play through the post, get them scoring early, and then when the other team makes an adjustment and tries to double down and sag in on them, we go inside out, and that leads to some open threes, and the guys are starting to get it, and it's working for us."
Batavia’s next home game is Friday at 7:15 p.m. vs. Eastridge
A win on Friday would be Batavia head coach Buddy Brasky’s 500th career win.
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