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26th annual Youth Fishing Derby at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge is June 3

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Let’s go fishing! To celebrate National Fishing and Boating Week, Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge in Basom is hosting its 26th Annual Youth Fishing Derby, on Saturday, June 3. The event will be held at Ringneck Overlook, on Oak Orchard Ridge Road.

On-site registration begins at 7:30 a.m. There is no preregistration or reservations required. Fishing is from 8 to 11a.m.

The event is free and open to youths 17 years old and under, with no experience necessary. If this is your first time angling, some fishing gear will be available to borrow.

Certificates will be awarded for the first-, second- and third-place participants in three age categories: 7 years and under, 8-12 and 13-17 years. Derby rules are available on our website: or by calling 585/948-5445. Participants and helpers must comply with New York State license requirements.

This event is one of the many ways the Refuge offers to connect people with nature. Connecting People with Nature: Ensuring the Future of Conservation is a national priority of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with the mission of “working to ensure that all Americans have enjoyable and meaningful experiences in the out-of-doors and develop strong life-long connections with the natural world.”

The Youth Fishing Derby is sponsored by the Friends of Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge Inc., a nonprofit organization whose sole purpose is to support the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge.

Iroquois NWR is located midway between Buffalo and Rochester and is managed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. It is located at 1101 Casey Road, Basom.

Individuals with disabilities and any other person who may need special assistance to participate in this program should contact the Refuge at 585/948-5445 or at the Federal Relay No. 1-800-877-8339.

Week 3 results for adult softball at Kibbe Park

By Howard B. Owens
The New Batavia Softball League's Week 3 Wednesday Night Coed Recap...
Game 1
(Home) Wii Not Fit (2-1) 4,3,0,0,0,0,0
(Away) The Misfits (1-2) 0,1,2,5,0,1,0
B. Whitehead 4-5
M. Pontillo 1-4 1rbi
T. Carabello Williams 2-4 3rbi
T. Ray 3-4 2rbi
Dio 2-4 1rbi
C. Weibel 0-3 1rbi
D. Pirincci 4-4
J. Maskell 1-4
M. Ayers 2-4 1rbi
J. Weinert 1-4
N. Gaudy 2-3 1rbi
G. Hodges 0-3
E. Davis 2-3 4rbi
J. Stymus 0-3
M. Dwyer 1-3
J. Cooper 1-3 1rbi
P. Mutter 3-3 1rbi
C. Chinn 2-3
D. Gioia 0-3
J. Pal 1-3
C. Hall 0-2
D. Coley 1-2
Game Recap-
Wii Not Fit jumps out to a fast 7-1 lead as Eddie Davis drives in 4 runs his first 2 at bats. The running around the bases was put to a halt possibly due to the fact that they may have warned us with their name about being out of shape. Just weren't fit for this match up with The Misfits who found their way to their first victory of the season. Wii Not Fit likes to keep us entertained making sure every game thus far comes down to the last at bat. Very suspenseful. The Misfits pitcher Tony Ray did call out before the game that he was going to strike out Darnell Coley and he delivered on his word. Pirincci and Mutter keep their hot streaks up. Carabello/Williams defeat Cooper. Wii Not Fit (2-1) takes on 97 Rock (2-1) next week Wednesday at 6pm then Wii Not Fit (2-1) will complete their double header at 8pm against The New Batavia Softball League's Slapnut Magoos (0-3). The Misfits (1-2) look to build off their momentum in a tough matchup against Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate (3-0) team at 7pm. Kibbe Park is where it's all at...
Game 2 Wednesday Night Coed Softball League
(Home) TF Brown's Blind Squirrels (1-2) 3,3,2,3,4,1,1
(Away) Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate (3-0) 3,0,1,3,11,3,0
R. Sumeriski 3-4 3rbi
P. Mush 4-5 3rbi
J. Janes 1-4
J. Dykstra 3-4 4rbi
C. Harrington 2-3 1rbi
M. Badami 2-4 2rbi
L. Leto 2-4 1rbi
H. Dempsey 2-4
M. Jamil 2-3 1rbi
J. Petry 0-3 1rbi
J. Lee 2-3 1rbi
D. Leach 2-4 3rbi
V. Redman 3-5 1rbi
J. Huertas 3-4 3rbi
T. Lazik 4-5
T. Maurer 3-4 4rbi
M. Good 3-5 1rbi
D. Callahan 3-4 2rbi
C. Spurling 1-4 1rbi
M. Funke 2-3 2rbi
R. Rowcliff 3-4 1rbi
B. Spurling 3-4 3rbi
Game Recap-
TF Browns Blind Squirrels scored every single inning, problem is that it wasn't enough nor did they remember how to field a softball in many innings. Turned into a chippy game among many friends due to the first real adversity that Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate have faced all season. If you tuned into this game you could see the hedging excuses building up. Unfortunately for the Blind Squirrels Spurling and Maurer show their leadership to get their team back to focused, eliminating whining as they turned an 11-7 hurdle into an 18-11 lead. Remember page 46 of your certified rule book that our U.S.S.S.A fully certified umpires have gone by for decades has stated 2 bases on all overthrows. Defined on page 1 of the extra set of rules, rule number 8 broken down and pretty much defined to a T. They'll face each other week 7 in what may be another football score. Taylor Maurer and Brandon Spurling drive in 7 of the 21 runs scored, handing out insurance that the Blind Squirrels will continue their 2 game losing streak. Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate (3-0) will face The Misfits (1-2) at 7pm while TF Browns Blind Squirrels (1-2) will be up against The Gallaghers (2-2) at 9pm eastern standard time…
Game 3 Wednesday Night Coed
(Home) The Gallaghers (2-2) 0,4,1,2,0,1,0
(Away) 97 Rock (2-1) 1,1,5,1,0,5,0
TJ Sauka 1-5 1rbi
S. Prusnowski 3-4
Tom Sauka 2-3 1rbi
A. Prusnowski 2-4 2rbi
L. Tillery 0-3 1rbi
M. Saxman 2-2
T. Sanchez 1-2
N. Scarborough 3-4 2rbi
J. Vasi 1-2 1rbi
J. Martinez 1-4
L. Phillips 2-5
N. Cummings 3-4 3rbi
S. George 3-4 2rbi
D. Cervone 1-4 1rbi
D. Cummings 2-4
D. Ball 2-3 1rbi
L. Stout 1-2 3rbi
S. Krna 2-3 3rbi
B. Welker 1-4
J. Quinn 1-4
Game Recap-
Things fell apart for The Gallaghers come the 3rd inning and 6th inning as 97 Rock(s) around the bases for their 1st of two 5 run rallies. Nate Cummings finally delivers what may be his first two career extra base hits as Doug smiles like the proud father he is witnessing that. Could possibly be once in a lifetime. 97 Rock chases home plate many times chasing away The Gallaghers from Showtime sending them to Netflix. Pretty even matchup here. Was more entertaining watching this game than watching the Mets recently. The Gallaghers (2-2) will face the TF Browns Blind Squirrels (1-2) at 9pm next week, while 97 Rock (2-1) will be up against Wii Not Fit (2-1) at 6pm to start the night off…
Game 4 Wednesday Night Coed
(Home) The Gallaghers (2-2) 2,6,1,3,0,4 mercy
(Away) The New Batavia Softball League's Slapnut Magoos (0-3) 3,0,2,0,1,0
M. Saxman 3-4 1rbi
TJ Sauka 2-4 1rbi
S. Prusinowski 2-4 1rbi
Tom Sauka 4-4 4rbi
N. Scarborough 4-4 2rbi
L. Tillery 2-4 1rbi
A. Prusinowski 2-4 2rbi
T. Sanchez 1-3 1rbi
J. Martinez 2-4 1rbi
J. Vasi 3-4 2rbi
S. Cofta 1-5
Lindsay 1-4
J. Cone 2-3 1rbi
H. Rascoe 2-3 2rbi
C. Densmore 3-3 1rbi
Emily 0-2
A. Nichols 1-2 2rbi
B. Burg 2-3
K. Rowland 1-3
C. Rolle 2-2
M. Taylor 1-3
Game Recap-
The game started off fairly well for T.N.B.S.L. Slapnut Magoos as they put up a 3 spot with Cone and Rascoe driving in the runs. They would only allow 2 with each Sauka delivering an rbi. But after being down 3-2 after the 1st inning The Gallaghers came alive with every single player bringing in at least 1 run. Tom Sauka brings in 4 while going 4-4 at the plate and Vasi has a career night getting 3 hits and driving in a pair. T.N.B.S.L. Slapnut Magoos are making strides as they lasted 6 innings in this one. T.N.B.S.L. Slapnut Magoos (0-3) face Wii Not Fit (2-1) at 8pm as The Gallaghers go on to face TF Browns Blind Squirrels (1-2) at 9pm next weekWednesday weather permitting. We'll see if mother nature holds off her onslaught...
The New Batavia Softball League’s Thursday Night Men's League Softball Week 3 Rundown…
Game 1
(Home) Fava Brothers Lawn Care (2-1) 13,3,5 mercy
(Away) TF Browns Master Batters (1-2) 2,0,0,0
J. Muoio 3-4 2rbi
M. McMurray 3-4 6rbi
Phil Fava 4-4 2rbi
Pat Fava 2-4
N. Cavalieri 2-2 2rbi
D. Crofts 3-3 2rbi
S. Varnell 2-3 2rbi
J. Rodriguez 1-3 1rbi
J. Diehl 2-2 2rbi
Bill Fava 3-3 2rbi
TJ Sauka 0-2
N. Holley 1-1
S. Curry 0-1
B. Adams 1-2 2rbi
O. Thomas 1-2
D. Pirincci 0-1
B. Whitehead 0-2
N. Cook 0-1
A. Prusinowski 0-1
J. Burdick 1-2
Game Recap-
How does one approach this write up? We'll go with the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly for this one. The Good- everybody aside from Pat Fava delivered an rbi for Fava Brothers Lawn Care. Everybody besides Pat Fava and Rodriguez drove in 2 runs. McMurray and Phil Fava have their career season totals alone on this night. Bill Fava shows he's still got it as well. For the TF Browns Master Batters the good was they showed plate discipline loading the bases on walks to start the game as B. Adams delivers a 2 rbi single to start off on the right foot...
The Bad- TF Browns Master Batters strand 8 men on base. Have to bring those runs home when you have your chances. They could never stop the bleeding or catch their breath after the first gut punch. For Fava Brothers Lawn Care there wasn't much. Just some walk issues and Pat Fava ending the innings not once, but twice with soft outs. Bat please!
The Ugly- poor Steven Curry pushed into playing out of position at 3rd base fields a grounder and uncorks a throw that cracks Joe Muoio in the skull as the ball and Joe's head get better acquainted. Curry feels bad to this minute but Muoio did pass the league's concussion protocol to finish this game out...
Fava Brothers Lawn Care (2-1) take on the surprising U.S.P.S. (2-1) at 7pm in a rivalry game from last season as U.S.P.S. swept them. TF Browns Master Batters (1-2) will face Cummings/Lee (2-0) at 9pm as long as the weather cooperates next week Thursday night…
Thursday Night Men's League Game 2...
(Home) TF Browns Beers N Bombs (1-1) 2,0,2,0,1,0,0
(Away) U.S.P.S. (2-1) 0,4,0,0,1,0,3
Midget 3-3 1rbi
Jake 1-3
Brett 1-3
T. Ray 3-3 3rbi
Tenney 2-3 1rbi
Perl 1-3
Jwash 0-3
Bud 1-3
Swim 0-3
Radka 2-3
Trev 0-3
Red 0-3
A. Ernst 2-3 1rbi
K. Abdusalaam 4-4 1rbi
R. Lehner 2-4
Big Sean 2-4 3rbi
J. Bieber 2-4
B. Kotarski 0-3
C. Dilcher 1-3
J. Cordeiro 1-2
AJ Osterman 1-3 1rbi
R. Neth 3-3
N. Burrow 1-3 2rbi
Game Recap-
This game turned out to be the showcase game of the night. Tied 4-4 most of the game until Khalid drives in Burrow to give the U.S.P.S. a short term lead because in the bottom half of the 5th Radka smacks a leadoff double with Midget driving him in to even the score at 5-5. No action in the 6th inning. Top half of the 7th the old timers get 3 straight singles from the top of thier order while down to their final out. Big Sean delivers via special delivery a bases clearing go ahead double deep to left center field. Bud leads off the bottom of the 7th with a single, but Bieber on the mound would allow no more as the U.S.P.S. stuns us all defeating TF Browns Beers N Bombs 8-5. U.S.P.S. (2-1) takes on Fava Brothers Lawn Care (2-1) next Thursday at 7pm while TF Browns Beers N Bombs (1-1) face TF Browns Commissioner's Crew (2-2) at6pm…
Thursday Night Men's League Game 3
(Home) TF Browns Commissioner's Crew (2-2) 2,3,2,1,0,0 mercied
(Away) Cummings/Lee (2-0) 3,2,0,1,0,8,4 (could have been more)
G. Cassidy 2-3
M. Jamil 1-3 1rbi (Takes too many pitches strikes out napping)
A. Jarvella 2-3 2rbi
C. Densmore 3-3 2rbi
A. Oklevitch 1-3 1rbi
K. Oklevitch 0-3
J. Cooper 0-1
M. Greene 2-3 1rbi
R. Sumeriski 1-3
Dio 1-3
Big Sean 1-3 1rbi
S. Coffta 4-4 3rbi
N. Cummings 2-5 1rbi
Jake 3-4 3rbi
Josh 4-5 3rbi
D. Cummings 4-5 4rbi
J. Lee 2-5 2rbi
D. Ball 2-4 1rbi
B. Burg 0-4
Zach 2-4
S. George 3-3 1rbi
Game Recap-
TF Browns Commissioner's Crew implodes late game. The bat was too heavy to swing for Jamil as he watches a strike 3 nick the inside of the mat deep. Leading 8-6 entering the 6th inning, nothing goes right for TF Browns Commissioner's Crew after the umpire does not do his job properly, pausing the game for minutes whining to a player in the outfield to save him from words that he apparently doesn't even hear. The home team literally gets amnesia when it comes to winning a softball game in this match up. Some how Coffta finds a power stroke and just takes the cover off of the ball with 2 triples! If you missed it in this one, you missed his career game here. Could have been an even bigger blowout had the mercy rule not kicked in. Cummings/Lee (2-0) has a double header next week weather permitting as the start off against Balls Deep (0-3) at 8pm. Following the conclusion of that game facing TF Browns Master Batters (1-2) at 9pm. TF Browns Commissioner's Crew (2-2) square off against TF Browns Beers N Bombs (1-1) at 6pm…
Game 4 Thursday Night Men's Softball League
(Home) Balls Deep (0-3) 5,0,2,0,3,1,2
(Away) TF Browns Commissioner's Crew (2-2) 5,8,4,0,3,0,0
D. Uline 2-5 1rbi
A. Lewter 2-5
K. Dougherty 4-4 1rbi
M. Lewter 3-4 2rbi
Zalar 2-4 1rbi
Czworka 4-4 4rbi
C. Sponholz 3-4 1rbi
J. Santiago 1-4
R. Lundy 4-4 2rbi
J. Marucci 2-4 1rbi
J. Cooper 4-5 3rbi
G. Cassidy 2-4 1rbi
A. Jarvella 4-4 4rbi
Big Sean 2-4 1rbi
C. Densmore 3-4 2rbi
A. Oklevitch 2-4 2rbi
M. Jamil 3-4 3rbi
R. Sumeriski 1-4 1rbi
M. Greene 2-4 1rbi
K. Oklevitch 2-4 1rbi
Dio 2-3 1rbi
Game Recap-
Balls Deep immediately responds to TF Browns Commissioner's Crew's initial charge matching 5s in the first inning. The wheels would soon fall of for the home team though they showed no quit at all. Improving drastically and showing promise for future weeks to eventually sneak into the win column. Dougherty, Czworka, and Canada's own Richard (Ree-shard) Lundy (Loon-day) all can't be put out in this one. Work to do for Commissioner's Crew as the road doesn't get any easier coming up. One more note, the umpire Russ loses his mind yet again so he loses his job. He can go spend money and golf Thursday nights instead of making money. The ejection won't count against Balls Deep for tie breaker purposes. After review it's been rescinded and the umpire is permanently ejected from this league. TF Browns Commissioner's Crew (2-2) will take on TF Browns Beers N Bombs (1-1) at 6pm while Balls Deep (0-3) plays Cummings/Lee (2-0) at 8pm.

Photos: State finals for high school rodeo at Genesee County Fairgrounds

By Howard B. Owens

The New York State High School Rodeo Association held its annual state championship rodeo at the Genesee County Fairgrounds today.

This is the first time Batavia has hosted the rodeo, which in the past has generally gone to Attica or Caledonia. 

The three-day event includes two days of competition, a dance tonight and awards presentation tomorrow.

United Way race series begins Sunday with TVFCU 5K

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The United Way is proud to announce the 2017 United Way Race Series and Genesee County Runner of the Year Award.  This years series will include nine races and is sponsored by LaCivita Enterprises. The series begins this Sunday with the TVFCU 5K. Other races in the series include:

May 21st, TVFCU 5K, 3.1 miles

June 3rd, All Babies Cherished Run Baby Run 5K, 3.1 miles

July 4th, Kiwanis Independence Day 5K, 3.1 miles

July 15th, The OATKA 5K, 3.1 miles

August 19th, Don Carroll Toys for Kids 5K , 3.1 miles

September 4th, Jaycees Labor Day 5K, 3.1 miles

September 16th, ARC Friends and Family 5K, 3.1 miles

October 1st, Run for the ACORNS 5K, 3.1 miles

October 5th, YWCA Stiletto & Sneaker 5K, 3.1 miles

United Way Director Erik Fix says “The United Way believes that one of the keys to a successful community is the health of its people. To this end, the UW has created this series with the goal of increasing the overall health and wellness of our community. In its third year, the UW Race Series and Runner of the Year Award are designed to recognize the top runners in the Genesee County region, while promoting local races, and the sport of road racing in our community."

To be eligible for season-ending awards, participants must finish at least four events with results from a runners top five events scoring points. Overall and age group awards will be given. There is no need to register for the series. Participation in one of the events automatically qualifies you for the series.

Results will be posted on the United Way website Additionally, a booth will be set up at each event with current standings.

Cash prizes will be presented to the top 3 overall finishers in men’s and women’s divisions. Prizes are as follows:

Overall Male, $300

Overall Female, $300

Runner Up Male, $150

Runner Up Female, $150

Third Place Male, $50

Third Place Female, $50

Men and Women Age Groups – First through third places will receive non-cash awards.

If you are intersted in being a sponsor for the race series, please contact UW Regional Director Erik Fix at or call 585-356-2814.

Single-game Muckdog tickets for 2017 season go on sale Monday

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Single-game tickets for all 2017 Muckdogs’ home games go on sale Monday, May 22nd beginning at 9 a.m. at the Dwyer Stadium Box Office, over the phone by calling (585) 343-5454 or online at Normal box office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

The same great, affordable ticket prices are back again in 2017. Tickets range from $8 for box seats to just $7 for adult General Admission tickets and $6 for kids and senior General Admission tickets.

During the season, the ticket office opens on game days at 9 a.m. Monday-Friday and closes at the end of the fifth inning. On Saturday and Sunday, the ticket office will open at 10 a.m. and close after the fifth inning.

Season tickets, coupon books, ticket packages, and group tickets are on sale now. For more information, visit or call (585)343-5454 and press zero, Monday through Fridayfrom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Muckdogs open their 2017 home schedule on Monday, June 19th vs. the Auburn Doubledays at 7:05 p.m. In addition to their Pinckney Division rivals, the Muckdogs will welcome the Boston Red Sox (Lowell) and the Houston Astros (Tri-City) farm teams to Dwyer Stadium in 2017.

Batavia 12U girls softball teams get to play game on GCC field

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia's two girls 12U fast-pitch softball teams got to play for the first time yesterday on the field at Genesee Community College, which Coach Matt Landers said was a real treat for the girls.

Sophia Papponetti got the win on the mound for the Batavia Black squad, with Emma Bigsby taking the loss Batavia Yellow. Landers said it was a close game until the sixth when Batavia Black broke open the game to secure a 19-11 win.

Submitted photos and information.

Hackers for Helicopters -- golf fundraiser for Mercy Flight is June 5

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Hackers for Helicopters, a fundraiser for Mercy Flight Inc., will be held on Monday, June 5 at Batavia Country Club, located at 7909 Batavia-Byron Road in Batavia.

Cost is $100 per golfer and includes:

-- 18 holes of golf with cart

-- Lunch and beverages

-- Dinner and a one-hour open bar

-- Commemorative gifts

-- Door prizes and more

Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. and the shotgun start is 11:45 a.m.

Cocktail hour begins at 5 p.m., followed by dinner and awards.

Mercy Flight Inc. is an independent, nonprofit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization that provides air and ground medical transportation for those in need.

For sponsorship information, please call (716) 626-5808 or visit

Registration underway for Summer Youth Cheerleading Camp

By Billie Owens
Press release:
Batavia Cheerleading will be hosting its annual Summer Youth Cheerleading Camp from 3 to 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 4th, and on Saturday Aug. 5th from 9 a.m. to noon at VanDetta Stadium in Batavia, weather permitting (If it rains we will be in Robert Morris gymnasium.).
The cost is $40 per cheerleader (ages 4-13 welcome!) and we will learn cheers, jumps, stunts and basic tumbling skills as well as a routine that demonstrates all of our skills learned. Parents are invited to attend a performance at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 5th at VanDetta Stadium.
All cheerleaders who participate will receive a T-shirt, snacks on both days and pizza lunch on Saturday prior to our big performance. We are also hosting the youth camp participants during half time at the Blue Devils first home opener game on September 8th.
Register today! Please submit Name, Age, T-shirt size, emergency contact name and phone number and email address. Please send cash or check to Batavia City Schools, Attention: Cheerleading, 260 State St., Batavia, NY 14020.
Email for any additional questions!

Co-Ed softball results, Batavia Softball League, week 2

By Howard B. Owens
The New Batavia Softball League's Week 2 Wednesday Night Coed Recap...
Game 1
(Home) Wii Not Fit (2-0) 0,1,0,4,2,0,1
(Away) TF Browns Blind Squirrels (1-1) 1,0,0,4,0,0,2
G. Hodges 1-4
C. Dowling 2-4 1rbi
E. Davis 1-3 1rbi
Chas 1-3 1rbi
J. Stymus 2-3
M. Dwyer 2-3 1rbi
N. Gaudy 3-3 1rbi
C. Hall 0-3
P. Mutter 1-2 2rbi
J. Palazynski 1-3 1rbi
D. Gioia 1-2
D. Coley 0-2
R. Sumeriski 1-3
J. Dykstra 3-4
J. Janes 0-4
C. Harrington 1-3 1rbi
M. Jamil 1-3 1rbi
A. Ford 1-3
J. Lee 1-3 1rbi
H. Dempsey 1-2 1rbi
M. Greene 1-3 1rbi
J. Petry 1-3
P. Fava 3-3 2rbi
Neither team played to the level of their potential tonight as Wii Not Fit wins again 8-7. Dowling hits a walk off blast to break the 7-7 tie in the bottom of the 7th after D. Coley pulls himself during clutch time after his 0-2 night at the plate in prior at bats. Jamil let his team down at the plate big time tonight, owes his team after this loss in a friendly rivalry game. Very tight game all the way through. Wii Not Fit (2-0) faces The Misfits (0-2) at 6pm next Wednesday night at Kibbe Park in Batavia….
Game 2
(Home) The Misfits (0-2) 2,0,1,1,3
(Away) The Gallaghers (1-1) 1,3,6,6,3 mercy
B. Whitehead 1-3
S. Curry 1-1
J. Maskell 2-3
D. Dioguardi 2-3 1rbi
M. Ayers 1-1 2rbi
T. Williams 0-2 1rbi
J. Potter 1-2 1rbi
D. Pirincci 3-3 1rbi
C. Weibel 1-3
K. McGill 1-2 1rbi
TJ Sauka 4-4 6rbi
S. Prusnowski 4-5 2rbi
Tom Sauka 3-5 2rbi
L. Tillery 1-3 2rbi
A. Prusnowski 3-4 1rbi
M. Saxman 4-4 1rbi
T. Sanchez 1-3
J. Santiago 3-3 3rbi
J. Vasi 0-3
D. Uline 4-4 3rbi
Recap- The Misfits struck early with Steven Curry adding to his league high taking walks total. In the first inning Dio and Ayers each drove in 2 out runs. They unfortunately started to fade away as The Gallaghers started to steam roll. Top through bottom they just kept torturing the ball. TJ Sauka with a career game looked like with his 6rbi. The Gallaghers (1-1) have a double header next Wednesday starting at 8pm against 97 Rock (1-1) and then following at 9pm against The New Batavia Softball League sponsored Slap Nut Magoos (0-2). The Misfits (0-2) hope to rebound against the gritty team called Wii Not Fit (2-0) at 6pm. All games at Kibbe Park….
Game 3
(Home) 97 Rock (1-1) 2,2,9,3
(Away) T.N.B.S.L Slapnut Magoos (0-2) 0,1,0,0 mercy
L. Phillips 2-3 2rbi
N. Cummings 2-3 1rbi
S. George 3-3 3rbi
B. Welker 0-3
D. Marshall 3-3 2rbi
D. Cummings 2-3 1rbi
D. Cervone 1-1 2bi
D. Ball 2-3
S. Krna 3-3 3rbi
J. Quinn 2-2 2rbi
K. Cervone 1-2
S. Cofta 0-1
L. Eley 0-2
A. Nichols 0-2
H. Rascoe 2-2
M. Taylor 0-2
C. Rolle 1-2 1rbi
B. Burg 0-1
C. Densmore 1-1
K. Rowland 0-1
J. Petry 0-1
Recap- Watching this game what comes to mind for the Slapnut Magoos was that they may actually be a team full of Mr. Magoos. I now know why they coined themselves what they did. It was their first game of the season but they had to have been using rusty bats or something in this one. The game was close before the first pitch was thrown at least. 97 Rock did just the exact opposite of that ending it quickly. Individual players from 97 Rock had almost as many hits as the entire Magoo squad combined. 97 Rock (1-1) will play the Gallaghers next Wednesday night at 8pm as T.N.B.S.L Slapnut Magoos (0-2) also play The Gallaghers (1-1) but this one starts at 9pm. Kibbe Park is where the action all takes place….
Game 4
(Home) Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate (2-0) 1,0,5,1,5,4 mercy
(Away) T.N.B.S.L Slapnut Magoos (0-2) 1,4,0,0,1,0
D. Leach 3-4 2rbi
T. Maurer 1-4 2rbi
M. Funke 4-4 1rbi
J. Huertas 4-4 5rbi
A. Paige 1-4 1rbi
V. Thomas 1-4
M. Good 2-4 1rbi
V. Redman 3-4 2rbi
C. Spurling 3-3
B. Spurling 1-3 2rbi
S. Cofta 2-3 2rbi
L. Eley 0-4
A. Nichols 2-4 2rbi
H. Rascoe 2-3 1rbi
M. Taylor 2-3
C. Rolle 2-3
B. Burg 1-3
C. Densmore 1-2 1rbi
K. Rowland 0-2
J. Petry 2-3
T.N.B.S.L Slapnut Magoos at least made it to the 6th inning in this one. Actually had a lead twice against Allstate who as of now is looking like the team to beat. Well balanced attack from everybody on Allstate. Little sister Crystal looks to be trying to teach older brother Brandon how to hit the ball without forcing people already on base out. Three and four hitters Funke and Huertas went a combined 8-8 this week driving in a lot. That's not going to happen next week when Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate (2-0) play against TF Browns Blind Squirrels (1-1) at 7pm. T.N.B.S.L Slapnut Magoos (0-2) will go against The Gallaghers (1-1) at 9pm in hopes of playing to their capabilities.

Results from Batavia Softball League, week 2

By Howard B. Owens
The New Batavia Softball League's Week 2 Thursday Night Coed Recap...
Game 1
(Home) Balls Deep (0-2) 3,1,0,0,0
(Away) TF Browns Beers N Bombs (1-0) 5,8,1,2,0 mercy
D. Uline 3-3 1rbi
A. Lewter 2-3
K. Dougherty 1-2 2rbi
Zalar 1-2 1rbi
C. Sponholz 0-2
Czworka 1-1
R. Lundy 0-2
J. Santiago 0-1
Jonny 0-2
TJ Henderson 0-2
J. Marucci 0-1
Nick 3-3
Jake 1-2 2rbi
B. Scheurlein 3-3 2rbi
T. Ray 3-3 3rbi
Tenney 2-3 2rbi
Perl 2-3 1rbi
Luke 2-3
T. Rarick 1-3 2rbi
M. Francis 0-3
Bud 2-3
Radka 1-2 3rbi
R. Mcdonald 2-3
Swim 2-3 1rbi
Both teams scored a bunch in the first inning which ended 5-3 for the away team. They sustained as the home team fizzled out. Balls Deep were chasing many softballs hit deep in this one. Lots of action by two highly respectful teams. Next Thursday night at 7pm TF Browns Beers N Bombs (1-0) will face the U.S.P.S (1-1) in a rematch of the semi finals last year in the playoffs. High profile game there. Balls Deep (0-2) will try to turn their luck around as they take on TF Browns Commissioner's Crew (1-1) at 9pm. All games are at Kibbe unless informed otherwise due to weather…
Game 2
(Home) U.S.P.S (1-1) 2,0,3,2,1
(Away) TF Browns Commissioner's Crew (1-1) 7,8,0,0,9 mercy
A. Ernst 3-3
Khalid 2-3
R. Lehner 3-3 2rbi
M. Pullyblank 2-3 1rbi
J. Bieber 2-3 2rbi
B. Kotarski 2-3 1rbi
R. Neth 0-3
AJ Osterman 0-2
J. Cordeiro 1-2
N. Bonner 1-2 1rbi
Carl 1-2 1rbi
G. Cassidy 4-5 6rbi
J. Cooper 4-5 3rbi
J. Dykstra 4-5 2rbi
C. Densmore 2-4 3rbi
R. Sumeriski 4-4 1rbi
K. Oklevitch 1-4
A. Oklevitch 2-3 2rbi
D. Dioguardi 2-3 1rbi
M. Greene 3-4 2rbi
M. Jamil 3-4 4rbi
After this game, the members of Commissioner's Crew are not anticipating receiving their mail after delivering 24 runs against the respected U.S.P.S. The away team started the matchup out by stamping a 7 spot after batting around and never looked back. TF Browns Commissioner's Crew (1-1) will take on Balls Deep (0-2) next Thursday at 9pm as the U.S.P.S (1-1) will face TF Browns Beers N Bombs (1-0) at 7pm…
Game 3
(Home) U.S.P.S. (1-1) 13,1,2 mercy
(Away) TF Browns Master Batters (1-1) 0,0,0,0
A. Ernst 3-3 2rbi
Khalid 2-3
R. Lehner 3-3 3rbi
M. Pullyblank 3-3 4bi
J. Bieber 3-3 1rbi
B. Kotarski 2-3 2rbi
Carl 1-3 1rbi
J. Cordeiro 1-2
AJ Osterman 1-2 2rbi
R. Neth 2-2 1rbi
N. Bonner 1-2
B. Whitehead 0-2
TJ Sauka 2-2
Tom Sauka 0-2
E. Kitanik 0-2
B. Adams 0-2
A. Prusnowski 0-1
S. Curry 0-1
N. Cook 0-1
D. Pirincci 1-1
J. Burdick 0-1
The U.S.P.S takes out their earlier frustrations on the Master Batters early and end the game fast. Pirincci does continue his hot streak this week hitting a triple with one out in the third inning but couldn't score to avoid the shutout gem pitched by Bieber. Lehner and Pullyblank deliver 7 of the 16 runs scored in this one. The U.S.P.S (1-1) takes on TF Browns Beers N Bombs (1-0) next Thursday at 7pm while the TF Browns Master Batters (1-1) look to rebound when facing Fava Brothers Lawn Care (1-1) at 6pm…
Game 4 Thursday Night Men’s League
(Home) Cummings/Lee (1-0) 1,3,2,6,6,3,1
(Away) Fava Brothers Lawn Care (1-1) 1,1,3,2,6,1,0
Dave 3-6
N. Cummings 3-4 2rbi
S. George 3-6
J. Olszewski 4-6 2rbi
D. Cummings 5-6 5rbi
D. Marshall 2-5 2rbi
J. Quinn 5-5 4rbi
J. Lee 4-5 1rbi
B. Burg 3-4 5rbi
Z. Ewert 1-4 1rbi
J. Muoio 3-5 3rbi
M. Mcmurray 0-2
S. Varnell 1-3 1rbi
N. Cavalieri 3-4 1rbi
M. Badami 1-2 1rbi
D. Crofts 0-2
Pat Fava 2-3 3rbi
R. Dumohowski 1-2 2rbi
J. Jackson 1-3 1rbi
Phil Fava 3-4 1rbi
J. Diehl 1-3 1rbi
In a high scoring action packed game Fava Brothers Lawn Care fall to Cummings/Lee by a touchdown and two point conversion 22-14. Doug Cummings I would assume needed medical assistance getting out of bedFriday morning after all the swinging and running he had to do. He combined with Quinn and Burg drove in as many runs as Fava Brothers Lawn Care did. Fava Brothers did answer back with 6 runs in the 5th to extend the game with a Pat Fava bases clearing triple in the mix. Unfortunately, Pat would kill the 6th inning rally hitting into an inning ending double play taking the wind out of their sails against Closing Pitcher Jarad Lee. No clutch gene. Cummings/Lee (1-0) will go against TF Browns Commissioner’s Crew (1-1) at 8pm and Fava Brothers Lawn Care (1-1) will face TF Browns Master Batters (1-1) at 6pm next Thursday night at Kibbe Park.

Genesee Region USBC bowling association inducts Bob Foss Jr. into its Hall of Fame

By Mike Pettinella


The Genesee Region USBC bowling association inducted Robert J. "Bob" Foss Jr. posthumously into its Hall of Fame at an awards banquet Saturday night at Batavia Downs Gaming. Representing him are, from left, his brother, Jim, and children Cassidy and Curtis. Foss won many tournaments, including the GRUSBC Masters and Memorial Scratch Eliminator. He died last October at the age of 55. For more, click on the Pin Points tab at the top of this website's home page.

Field dedication will ensure Dan Gilbert is never forgotten at Oakfield-Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

There was no rain today, but there were a few tears. There were also memories and smiles as Coach Dan Gilbert was honored by his former colleagues and players in a ceremony on the field where he won games and molded men for more than a decade.

The ballpark will now be known as the Daniel Gilbert Memorial Field.

Gilbert passed away March 1 at the age of 47.

"It’s with mixed emotion that I say I’m the varsity baseball coach here at Oakfield-Alabama this year," said Nathan Klos, who took over the varsity team this season after Gilbert's passing. "On one hand, it’s a dream come true for me to come home to the program that built me and that has a great tradition in this community. On the other hand, Dan and I were supposed to coach these boys together this year."

The stories Klos told during his remarks were the stories that perhaps encapsulate the impact Gilbert had on the community. Gilbert became his P.E. coach when Klos was in the first grade and taught him sports and fitness until fifth grade. Klos spent his middle school years looking for ways to impress Gilbert, hoping it might serve him well when his turn came to play varsity baseball.

Gilbert put him on the varsity squad just before the end of the regular season in Nate's sophomore year and it was Klos who came to bat in a Section V playoff game with the game on the line, down by one run, runners on first and second, and on a 3-2 pitch, Klos delivered the decisive base hit and won another Section V championship for the Hornets.

Klos said it was the biggest highlight of his baseball life, and one made possible, because he knew, he said, that Gilbert believed in him.

Klos, Brandon Hall, and James Patrick all said Gilbert was the kind of coach who made great players better and elevated the lesser athletes into top contributors. He had a way of making every player believe that he believed in him.

"He got the very best out of every single us one of us," Hall said. "He focused hard and had more determination than any player actually on the field."

Patrick said Gilbert taught him how to be a family man and how to be a coach.

"One thing that is always in our lives that shows today is the support we have for each other because of an amazing man," Patrick said. "He was a loyal, hard-working guy who believes what is right is right and what wrong is wrong and he always treated kids fairly."

Gilbert was a 1987 graduate of O-A and returned to the school after college to be a teacher's aide and Special Ed instructor. After a stint in another job, he returned and became a teacher and coach.  

He loved baseball and his former players described a man who knew the game better than anybody they've met. That passion, they said, came through.

Sue Gilbert said the family will always be grateful for the day in his honor and the field that will carry on his memory.

"Our hope is that all who knew Dan will remember the passion he had for life," Sue Gilbert said. "Whether he was teaching his students, coaching his players or loving and caring for our children, he stayed true to what he believed -- the belief that every child had the potential to be great. Dan had a passion for helping each child become just that, through hard work, determination and drive. His students and athletes overcame obstacles and learned to believe in themselves."

Such a humble man, Superintendent Mark Alexander suggested, might not expect a day like today.

"I’m not sure how Dan would feel about the celebration here today, but he’s earned it and it’s well deserved," Alexander said.

Hall, who played for Gilbert from 1989 through 2003, thought maybe Gilbert was looking down on the day and making sure just this one time, rain didn't ruin something good.

"There’s only two times in all the years I played for him where I seen him upset," Hall said. "That was my freshman year after we lost in a torrential downpour. We had a stellar team and we would have went to states that year. The second time was my senior year, the day we got rained out at states. We were fired up and he was more fired up than anybody. I was watching the weather forecast this week and saw it was going to rain and I thought, ‘you know what, there ain’t no way he’s going to let that happen.' The two times I seen him the saddest was then. He ain't going to let that happen to us today and sure enough," he said as he held his palm skyward, "look."

Mark Alexander, superintendent

Jeff Schlagenhauf, athletic director

Brandon Hall presented Sue Gilbert with a plaque he made to commemorate the day.

James Patrick

Sue Gilbert

Photos: Empire Cup at Batavia Sports Park

By Howard B. Owens

Thousands of people -- high school soccer players, coaches, officials, and parents -- are in Batavia this weekend for the Empire Cup, a soccer showcase that gives high school players from throughout the Northeast a chance to play against other top players and display their skills for college recruiters.  

In the parking lot were license plates from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ontario, Canada, and, of course, New York.

Players were at both the Batavia Sports Park on State Street Road and at Genesee Community College.

The event brings an estimated $500,000 into the local economy. The Empire Cup is supposed to go for two weeks, but the boys' event was rained out last weekend.

Western Regional Off-Track Betting sees highest Derby handle ever, also the Downs' busiest day ever

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Representatives from Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corporation (WROTB) announced Tuesday that wagering at WROTB locations on Saturday’s Kentucky Derby was its highest total ever at $2,031,741, beating 2014’s record handle.

Handle was up over $200,000 over last year’s handle -- a 12-percent increase. Batavia Downs Gaming also posted a record gaming handle of $3.5 million for the day.

“This was an incredible day of wagering," said WROTB President Henry Wojtaszek. “We at WROTB want to thank our patrons for coming out to our branches, EZ bets, Batavia Downs and for using our online service Batavia

"We appreciate their patience on our busiest day. We could not have pulled this off if it wasn’t for our dedicated OTB branch and Batavia Downs staff, who worked tirelessly on Derby Day. We send congratulations to all our winners including the 34 patrons who hit the Trifecta and to the person who hit the $75,000 Superfecta.”

Derby wagers placed just at Batavia Downs Gaming totaled $91,330, an increase of nearly 58 percent over last year. Wagering using, WROTB’s online website, on the Derby was $98,352.50, a record. Batavia signed up 720 new accounts on Friday and Saturday, also a new record.  Buffalo ranked #4 in the country in terms of Derby viewership.

“It’s exciting to see that interest in the Kentucky Derby is alive and well in Western New York, “ said Todd Haight, general manager of Racing at Batavia Downs Gaming. “We had a record number of attendees at our onsite party.

"We’ll have another party for the Preakness with live mutuels sellers, food, free play and a complementary Preakness wager like we had for the Derby.”

The Preakness Stakes, the second leg of the Triple Crown, is scheduled for 6:48 p.m. on Saturday, May 20.

About Batavia Downs/WROTB

Owned and operated by 15 Western New York counties and the cities of Rochester and Buffalo, Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corporation is a public benefit corporation with headquarters in Batavia, NY. WROTB owns and operates 19 branches, as well as Batavia Downs Gaming, a standard bred racetrack and gaming facility. Since its inception, Western Regional OTB has generated over $215 million in operating and surcharge revenues to the taxpayers of those participating municipalities.

Rotary Baseball Tournament scrubbed because of rain, can't be rescheduled this year

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Batavia Rotary Club 19th Annual High School Baseball Tournament scheduled for Saturday, May 6, has been canceled due to unplayable conditions caused by this week’s rain.

Due to scheduling conflicts the tournament, which features Batavia, Notre Dame, Oakfield-Alabama and Attica high schools, could not be rescheduled this season. This is third time in the tournament’s 19-year history that weather has forced cancellation with no games played in 2004 and 2014.

First weekend of big soccer showcase washed out

By Howard B. Owens

The 2017 Empire Cup College Showcase is a two-weekend event a big financial boost to the local tourism industry, but a week of rain, some of it heavy at times, has saturated playing fields and forced the cancellation of this weekend's games.

As for next weekend's games, that depends on the weather.

"We've got to hope for a couple of dry days this week," said Kelly Rapone, director of tourism for the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce.

Over two weekends, more than 3,000 soccer players from all over the Northeast were expected to fill up local hotels and eat at local restaurants, but that $1.1 million of expected economic impact has been cut in half.

Everybody, from the hoteliers to the event's hosts to the participants are hugely disappointed by the rainout, Rapone said.

The event is a chance for top high school players to showcase their talent for college recruiters and give them a chance to play against some of the other top players in the Northeast and Canada.

This weekend, the boys' championship games were scheduled to be played. Next weekend, girls' games are scheduled.

Batavia to host more than 3,000 soccer players over next two weekends

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The 2017 Empire Cup College Showcase has teamed with Elite Tournaments and U.S. Youth Soccer Region 1 to bring the Eastern Regional League to Batavia. Over the next two weekends (May 6-7 and 13-14) Genesee County will host more than 3,000 soccer players, plus coaches, families and fans, as the tournaments are played at the Batavia Sports Park and Genesee Community College fields.

Historically this tournament draws teams from throughout New Jersey, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Canada. With this new partnership, the event has shown significant growth and the influx of visitors and the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce estimates that this event will create an economic impact of more than $1.1 million during the span of the two tournament weekends, from both hotel stays as well as visiting local restaurants and shops. The tournament will generate more than 1,200 room nights at area hotels.

This tournament invites all USYSA and U.S. Club Soccer affiliated boys and girls U13 through U19 teams to participate. Players not only get the opportunity to play with and against the top teams in Region 1; they also get the chance to showcase their abilities and talents to recruits at the collegiate level.

The Genesee County Visitor Center will be open to assist visitors in finding local destinations by providing the new dining guide, maps, visitors guide and area coupons from participating merchants.

O-A Little League opens season honoring two coaching legends and player who passed

By Howard B. Owens

The Oakfield-Alabama Little League kicked off its 2017 season today with a parade down Main Street in the Village of Oakfield.

Opening ceremonies also commemorated the lives of Dan Gilbert, James "Beef" Soggs, and Brayden Salvaterra.

Gilbert, baseball coach at Oakfield-Alabama High School and longtime active supporter of Little League, passed away March 1.

Soggs, dedicated to youth sports in Genesee County and a coach in Batavia, was also remembered as part of the moment of silence before the first game.

Brayden was just two weeks shy of his 6th birthday when he died unexpectedly and of a cause that has never been determined. He loved baseball and he and his dad were the third in line for Little League sign-ups for this season. 

His coach -- he played on the Washington Nationals each of the past two seasons -- Normand Fluet, purchased a bench and the Town of Oakfield installed it overlooking one of the T-ball fields with a commemorative plaque.

"The final product is full of memories and certainly ensure that Brayden’s memory is going to live on forever," said League President Andy Merkel.

"One of the things that is great about the Oakfield and Alabama communities is that Little League is a big part of it," Merkel added. "I grew up playing in the Little League program, most of the coaches grew up in the Little League program, most of the parents grew up in the Little League program, and it’s great to see the people from throughout the community who maybe don’t have a connection any longer, don’t have a child or relative playing, but they still come out to support our program, have a hot dog and watch a baseball game. It means a lot to have that community support."

Adult softball results, T.F. Browns vs. The Misfits

By Howard B. Owens

Submitted info:

Wednesday Night Coed Softball Game 1 results and box score...
TF Browns Blind Squirrels (away)- 3,3,3,1,0,3,1
The Misfits (home)-                          0,0,3,0,0,1, mercy
Final 14-4 (away)
R. Sumeriski 4-4 3rbi
C. Harrington 2-4 2rbi
A. Ford 1-4
J. Dykstra 2-4 1rbi
M. Jamil 4-4 2rbi
L. Leto 2-4 2rbi
J. Janes 2-4 2rbi
J. Lee 2-4 1rbi
H. Dempsey 2-3
J. Petry 0-3 1rbi...
B. Whitehead 2-3
M. Ayers 2-3 1rbi
C. Weibel 0-3
J. Potter 0-3
S. Curry 2-3
K. McGill 0-3
D. Pirincci 3-3 1rbi
M. Greene 1-3 1rbi
J. Maskell 0-2 1rbi...
The New Batavia Softball League's Coed season begins at Kibbe Park and so do the hopes for 7 teams as they chase the championship trophy. Game 1 unfortunately was over before it started as the TF Brown's Blind Squirrels (1-0) reassure The Misfits (0-1) that the team name does fit in a 14-4 final. Proud of every player on both sides. Fun natured trash talk amongst many friends and some new faces have joined which we are always proud to have. TF Brown's Blind Squirrels (1-0) will be visiting against Wii Not Fit (1-0) Wednesday May 3rd in a rivalry game starting at 6pm. Kibbe Park is where all the games will be held.
Wednesday Coed Week 1 game 2 results and box score...
Final 19-11 (away) Kibbe Park
Allstate (away) 0,0,3,6,7,3,0
97 Rock (home)0,1,0,1,6,3,0
D. Leach 2-4 2rbi
T. Maurer 1-5 1rbi
J. Huertas 5-5 4rbi
T. Lazik 3-4 3rbi
R. Funke 2-4 1rbi
A. Page 0-2 1rbi
D. Callahan 3-4 1rbi
C. Spurling 1-3 1rbi
M. Funke 3-4 2rbi
V. Redman 3-4 1rbi
B. Spurling 2-2 2rbi...
L. Phillips 2-3
N. Cummings 3-4 2rbi
S. George 2-4 1rbi
D. Cervone 2-4 2rbi
D. Marshall 3-4 3rbi
D. Cummings 2-4 1rbi
J. Quinn 1-3 2rbi
D. Ball 1-4
K. Cervone 1-4
T. Quinn 1-3

Game 2 of opening night was a pretty high scoring afair that started off slowly as the rust was getting removed from the off-season for these teams. Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate (1-0) spread the wealth with everybody batting in at least one run in their matchup against the respected bunch from 97 Rock (0-1) who made a push later but it was too much to overcome. Andrew Steinbrenner's Allstate (1-0) next week go on to face The New Batavia Softball League's sponsored Slapnut Magoos (0-0) starting at 9pm. 97 Rock (0-1) will be also facing The New Batavia Softball League's sponsored Slapnut Magoos (0-0) as they come off their needed bye week right into a double header to catch up. Start time 8pm at Kibbe Park.

Wednesday Night Coed Week 1 game 3 results and Box Scores...
8-7 final (home) Kibbe Park
The Gallaghers (away)0,1,0,2,2,2,0
Wii Not Fit (home)       0,0,6,0,1,0,1
N. Gaudy 2-4 
C. Dowling 4-4
E. Davis 1-3 1rbi
M. Dwyer 3-3 3rbi
J. Stymus 1-2 1rbi
G. Hodges 2-3 2rbi
J. Palaszynski 1-3
V. Redman(roster sub used) 1-3
P. Mutter 1-3
D. Gioia 1-3
N. Nicometi 1-3 1rbi
D. Coley 1-3...
TJ Sauka 1-4
T. Sanchez 1-4
Tom Sauka 2-4 2rbi
T. Towner 1-4
L. Tillery 2-3
J. Marucci 2-3
A. Prusinowski 1-3 1rbi
M. Saxman 3-3 2rbi
J. Martinez 2-3 2rbi
J. Vasi 0-3... (illegal lineup! no more than 3 males in a row)
Now the final game of our opening night for Coed softball under the lights at Kibbe Park Wednesday's turned out to be the game of the week. Absolute prime time deserving. Wii Not Fit (1-0) jumped out to a five run lead after The Gallagher's (0-1) scored first. The Gallagher's then chip, chip, chipped away to tie the game as Wii Not Fit stranded the bases loaded with only one out in the sixth inning. Tom Sauka hit a triple in the top of the seventh inning to avenge a bad news bears base running blunder earlier in the game, but would not get any further. Wii Not Fit the home team with last ups loaded the bases again with one out and M. Dwyer delivered a walk off high sacrifice fly as The Gallagher's could not get out of the bases loaded jam this time. Wii Not Fit (1-0) will be looking at their first loss of the season as they take on the TF Brown's Blind Squirrels (1-0) next week at 6pm. Very fun and entertaining opening night of sofbtall at Kibbe Park.

Tidbit Beginners' Cross-Ice Jamboree was a smashing success

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

Last month, the Genesee Amateur Hockey Association held its Beginner Timbits Cross-Ice Jamboree at the Falleti Ice Rink.

For the event, Coach Jim Kujawski divided the 60 plus Beginners into six teams featuring the Blue Line Bandits, Orange Blaze, Purple Rhino’s, Yoda Force, Rowdy Red Rascals and The Avengers.

The teams played three “cross-ice” (Benches to Bleachers) against one another. The games were 16-minutes long with 4-minute shifts. A great time was had by all.

At the beginning of the Jamboree each player’s name was announced as they came onto the ice and they lined up for the National Anthem sung live by Shawn Calmes, of Alexander. They were so in the moment and so excited to begin play.

The players range from age 3 to 14 and their hearts are 100 percent into the learning to skate if needed; and then into developing hockey skills. Coach Kujawski and his team of on-ice helper coaches and dads as well as several GAHA student on-ice helpers follow USA Hockey’s American Development Modules (ADM) and you can experience each player’s development week after week.

The bleachers were packed with parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, as well as cousins and friends. At last count there were 375 spectators for this Jamboree. The space along the boards was also filled to capacity. Everyone was into the games.

The GAHA Beginner Program is sponsored by Tim Hortons’ who provided the jerseys and also provided refreshments for the players and family after the event.

GAHA offers this program in two Sessions – Session I begins the first week of October and has 15 on ice sessions; and Session II begins the first week of January and also has 15 on ice sessions. Players are encouraged to attend both sessions.

If interested, you can contact Sharon Valyear-Gray, the Beginner Player coordinator, at

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