Press release:
Arc GLOW’s Meadowcrest Drive home received some help with fall spruce up and clean Wednesday afternoon from a group of hard-working volunteers representing Five Star Bank.
Five Star’s First Vice President Territory Director Jacqueline Lavoie shared a company statement about the bank’s Volunteering is a Work of HEART Day, that explained as part of this company-wide community service event, most branches and offices closed early to allow the team to come together and dedicate time and talent to better the communities they serve. According to the statement, “More than 300 associates signed up to volunteer with over 30 non-profit organizations throughout our footprint to complete projects that make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.”
Stacey Vandetta, branch manager for Batavia and Attica, said her team was excited and honored to spend the afternoon at one of Arc GLOW’s Batavia homes. “We brought our gloves, rakes and we are ready to work!!!” she said.
Meadowcrest Residential Manager Molly Smith was thrilled with the offer to help with a few major projects, including raking the backyard and painting the front porch. “They had the porch painted in no time, and twelve bags of leaves raked,” Molly said. “We’re thrilled – the porch looks great and the backyard has never looked better.”
Five Star volunteers had the opportunity to work with John, one of the residents who lives at the Meadowcrest home. “John quickly became the team leader,” Molly said, making sure everyone was hydrated and had all the supplies they needed. “I can’t thank them enough for what they were able to do in such a short period of time,” the manager stated, with a smile. “Their goal was to make a difference, and they did. We are so grateful!”
Five Star Bank employees participating in the Volunteering is a Work of HEART Day were: Jeff Westerman (LeRoy and Caledonia Manager), Stacy Vandetta (Batavia and Attica Manager), Mary Ann Gallo, Carrie Laney, Christine Adamczak, Sandy Smart, Amy Meisner, Makayla Hilchey-Richthammer, Michelle Vollmer, Cassandra Anderson and Lisa Gautieri. Team member who wanted to volunteer for Arc GLOW but offered to work to keep the LeRoy branch open were Ty Ozkaynak, Cassidy Bratcher and Jen Lambert.
The Meadowcrest home is one of thirty residences operated by the Arc GLOW throughout its four-county service area. Arc GLOW was created in October of 2021 as a result of a merger between Arc of Genesee Orleans and The Arc Livingston-Wyoming. The human service agency employs nearly 1,000 staff across 2,400 square miles and serves 2,000 people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and their families.
Submitted photos.