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Man whose sexual abuse conviction was overturned given time to find new attorney

By Howard B. Owens

The case of Beniluis Ruiz, the former Pavilion resident whose sex abuse conviction was overturned on appeal, was continued until April 27 in Genesee County Court this morning. The continuation will give Ruiz time to decide whether he will hire a private attorney to represent him or ask the Public Defender's Office to handle his case.

Ruiz's 2015 conviction was overturned and a new trial ordered after an appeals court found that some parts of an expert witness's testimony was used in a way that implied guilt rather than simply explained the typical actions and responses of child sex abuse victims and perpetrators. 

Assistant District Attorney Kevin Finnell, who prosecuted Ruiz the first time around, told Judge Charles Zambito that if the case were to go to trial, the people are ready for trial.

When the appeals court overturned Ruiz's conviction, the court also ordered Ruiz be released from prison. He was serving the final few months of a four-year term imposed by then-Judge Robert C. Noonan. 

Prior to sentencing in 2015, Ruiz was out of jail under supervision of Genesee Justice. Today, Zambito returned Ruiz to the supervision of the agency and issued a new order of protection for the alleged victim in the case.

At his 2015 sentencing, Ruiz maintained he did not commit a crime.

CTE students inducted into the National Technical Honor Society

By Billie Owens

Inductees in the 2018 Batavia Career and Technical Center's National Technical Honor Society.

Submitted photo and press release:

This month, the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) Chapters inducted 49 career and technical students from Batavia Career and Technical Education Center.

Evening candlelight ceremonies took place at Elba High School.

These students met the rigorous criteria set forth by this national organization. The minimum grade point average for acceptance is a 3.0. Students are also selected based upon credit hours completed, attendance, volunteer service, and membership in other student organizations.

The Batavia Career and Technical Education Center is a program of the Genesee Valley Educational Partnership. The Partnership operates as a Board of Cooperative Educational Services offering shared programs and services to 22 component school districts located in Genesee, Wyoming, Livingston and Steuben counties in New York State. 

The 2018 Batavia Career and Technical Education Center NTHS Inductees:

Agri-Business Academy

Almadelia Salinas Guzman          Pavilion

Jade Vogel                                   Pavilion

Animal Science

Sarah Murray                               Caledonia-Mumford

Auto Technology

Hannah Tiede                              Batavia

Building Trades

Nicholas Bonamici                      Attica

Christian Bradt                            Oakfield-Alabama

Zachary Heaton                          Attica

Dylan Lang                                 Pembroke

Anthony Leitten                          Le Roy

Eric Lewis                                   Pavilion

Jordon Ludwig                            Pembroke

Breanna Montford                       Attica

Julius Ohlson                              Oakfield-Alabama

Karl Steffenilla                            Pavilion

Lucas Stucchio                           Byron-Bergen


Hayle Conte                                Le Roy

Kayla Heinlein                            Pembroke

Emma Hopfinger                        Attica

Elizabeth Kowalski                     Elba

Shelby Ulm                                 Attica

Criminal Justice

Shawn Busch                              Attica

Cyle Felski                                  Pembroke

Amanda Knauss                         Pembroke


Cole Ackert                                 Attica

Benjamin Bowman                     Byron-Bergen

Dwight Czworka                         Attica

Dominic Donley                          Batavia

Seth George                               Alexander

Thomas Pattridge                       Alexander

Chase Roth                                Alexander

Joshua Schulik                           Caledonia-Mumford

Mary Snyder                               Pavilion

Graphic Arts

Caleb Cottone                            Pembroke

Hannah Stockschlaeder             Attica

Health Careers Academy

Kaitlin Ange                               Batavia

Brionna DeMichel                      Byron-Bergen

Kaitlyn Freeman                        Pembroke

Melissa Jarnot                           Attica

Health Dimensions

Summer Anderson                    Caledonia-Mumford

Taylore Dorman                        Pembroke

Samantha Feldmann                Alexander

Nicole Welka                             Byron-Bergen

Justice Academy

Tyler Wood                               Pembroke

Metal Trades

Matthew Kurowski                    Attica

Anthony McMaster                   Batavia

Andrey Musiyevich                   Caledonia-Mumford

Anthony True                            Pavilion

Programming and Interactive Media

Donovan Kelley                        Caledonia-Mumford

Taylor Tyczka                           Attica​

Sex abuse conviction overturned on appeal for Pavilion resident

By Howard B. Owens

The 2015 conviction of a Pavilion man on sexual abuse charges has been thrown out on an appeal because of what the court deemed the improper use of testimony by an expert witness.

The State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Fourth Judicial Department, ordered that Beniluis Ruiz receive a new trial on counts of first-degree sexual abuse, two counts of criminal sexual act in the third degree, as well as five other counts in his original indictment.

The court ordered Ruiz released from prison last week, about nine months shy of his scheduled release on his four-year prison term. He's scheduled to appear in Genesee County Court on March 30 for further proceedings in his case.

Ruiz was convicted following a jury trial in 2015. At his sentencing before Judge Robert C. Noonan, now retired, Ruiz maintained he was innocent.

In the trial, Assistant District Attorney Kevin Finnell called on an expert witness to testify about the symptoms commonly exhibited by children who have been sexually abused.

That testimony would explain to a jury some of the seemingly contradictory behavior of a child who has been sexually abused. For example, they won't necessarily tell a mother immediately, or they might recant statements later -- what the court referred to as admissible evidence regarding a "pattern of secrecy, helplessness, entrapment [and] accommodation."

This expert, however, also testified about a perpetrator's conduct, which the court found was used to point to the defendant's guilt rather than as just an explanation of conduct.

"The expert explained 'grooming' and other behaviors associated with perpetrators of child sexual abuse," the court stated in its ruling. "Her detailed description of a typical perpetrator’s modus operandi, moreover, closely tracked the victim’s testimony concerning defendant’s conduct, and the prosecutor on summation urged the jury to conclude that defendant’s interactions with the victim fit the description of a typical perpetrator’s conduct as described by the expert.

"In sum, that part of the testimony of the expert describing the conduct of a typical perpetrator was not directed at explaining the victim’s behavior. Rather, it was presented 'for the purpose of proving that the [victim] was sexually abused.' "

Pavilion fire holds annual dinner, presents awards

By Howard B. Owens

Chad Freeman was named Pavilion fire's Firefighter of the Year, but he's on vacation so he couldn't be at the award's ceremony and dinner on Saturday night, so he got a picture of Chief Dewey Murrock and emcee Josh Finler, from Le Roy fire, holding his award.

Doug Logsdon became the fourth current member of the Pavilion Fire Department to reach the milestone of 50 active years of service. The awards were presented by Doug Wright, also a 50-year active member.

Kathleen Wright received the Life Member Award, presented by David Wright.

The department also installed its 2018 officers.

Department officers are: Dewey Murrock, chief; John Weis, 1st assistant chief; DR Roblee, 2nd assistant chief; captains Tyler Schiski, Mike Wright, Chad Freeman, Josh Mess, and Bryen Murrock; lieutenants Kelly Kraft, Nick Saravullo, Jason True, and Nick Taylor; Gerald Feurch, fire police captain; and Bill Kegler and Nick Wright are safety officers.

The social officers are: Donna Davis, president; Paul Dougherty, vice president; Bill Carrigan, treasurer; Kathy Wright, recording secretary; and Kelly Kraft, financial secretary.

Former Pavilion resident accuses priest at St. Mary's of molesting him in 1980

By Howard B. Owens

A former Pavilion resident held a press conference in Buffalo today and said that he was abused by a priest at St. Mary's in Pavilion when he was 16 years old in 1980.

Wayne Bortles said that Father Robert P. Conlin, who was appointed pastor of St. Mary's in 1977, abused him in a basement of the rectory recreation room where youth gatherings were sometimes held, according to WBEN.

"He touched me all over, and he wouldn't stop," Bortles said.

Conlin died in 1997 and is one of at least four Catholic priests with ties to Genesee County who have been accused of sexual misconduct.

This week the Diocese of Buffalo released a list of 42 priests who served in Western New York who have been accused of sexual misconduct.

Included on the list were Father Donald W. Becker, who served two terms at St. Mary's and has denied any wrongdoing, Father Fred Ingalls, who served at St. Joseph's from 1974 to 1982 and from 1990 to 1996, and Father Richard Keppeler, who was appointed to St. Brigid in Bergen in 1973, became pastor there in 1974 and served until his retirement in 2003. He died in 2011.

Ingalls admitted in Federal Court in 2004 to the acquisition of child pornography.

Conlin's name is not on the list released by the Diocese, which only includes names of those who were removed from the ministry as a result of allegations, were retired or left the ministry after being accused of sexual misconduct. It also includes the names of priests who died with two or more allegations against them.

Before today, Bortles had not made a public allegation against Conlin.

Today, Bishop Richard J. Malone issued a videotaped apology for the sexual misconduct of priests in the diocese (embedded below).

Bortles said an apology wasn't enough.

 "I don't know how an apology would impact me," Bortles said. "I mean, the sentiment is nice, but there is more, obviously, that needs to be done." 

Bortles said the parish social hall in Pavilion is named after Conlin and there is a large picture of him in the hall. He thinks the hall should be renamed and the picture removed.

He believes there were other victims of Conlin in Pavilion and that they should come forward.

Here's a PDF of the list released by the Diocese.

Grand Jury: Man indicted for allegedly burglarizing two convenience stores in Pavilion on the same day

By Billie Owens

Phillips S. Muzzy Jr. is indicted for the crime of third-degree burglary, a Class D felony. It is alleged that on Oct. 22 at about 12:45 a.m. that he knowingly unlawfully entered  the Pavilion Farms gas station on South Lake Road in Pavilion with the intent to commit a crime. In count two, he is accused of second-degree criminal mischief, also a Class D felony, for allegedly intentionally damaging property belonging to others. Muzzy allegedly damaged a glass door, computerized cash register system and cash drawer, in an amount exceeding $1,500. In count three, the defendant is accused of petit larceny, a Class A misdemeanor, for allegedly stealing property from Pavilion Farms. In count four, Muzzy is accused of another count of third-degree burglary on the same day. He is accused of knowingly and unlawfully entering another gas station, Crosby's on Telephone Road in Pavilion, with the intent to commit a crime. In count five, he is accused of third-degree criminal mischief, a Class E felony, for allegedly intentionally damaging the property belonging to another. He is accused of damaging a glass door in an amount exceeding $250. In count six, Muzzy is accused of fourth-degree grand larceny, another Class E felony, for allegedly stealing property from Crosby's having a value exceeding $1,000.

Karaya D. Cummings is indicted for the crime of criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree, a Class B felony. It is alleged that on Oct. 8 in the Town of Le Roy that Cummings knowingly and unlawfully possessed a narcotic drug -- heroin -- with the intent to sell it. In count two, she is accused of aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the first degree, a Class E felony, for operating a 2006 Hyundai on Route 490 while her privilege to drive in New York was revoked by authorities. The indictment states the defendant had 10 or more suspensions in effect, imposed on at least 10 different dates, for failure to answer, appear or pay a fine in Monroe County in the City of Rochester from Feb. 4, 2014 through Oct. 23, 2016, and on Christmas Day (Dec. 25) 2013 in the Town of Ogden.

Pavilion girls fall in championship game

By Howard B. Owens

Pavilion lost a Section V D1 championship game Saturday to Wheatland-Chili, 45-20. Pavilion was seeded #6 in the tournament and Wheatland was the #1 seed.

Kim Davis had 10 points and eight rebounds for the Golden Gophers. Lindsay Lowe was named to the all-tournament team. The game was played at Cal-Mum.

Baltz Concrete Construction is Genesee County's Business of the Year

By Howard B. Owens

This is the fifth in a series of five stories about the honorees at this Saturday's annual Chamber of Commerce Awards Ceremony. The ceremony is being held at the Quality Inn & Suites in Batavia.

Pouring concrete is a young man's game, said Tom Baltz, co-owner of Baltz Concrete Construction in Pavilion.

"We have a lot of knowledge and ability to keep (the business) running, but I certainly couldn't go out and do concrete anymore," said the 64-year-old Baltz. "We have a lot of tough guys. You have to be tough to do concrete work."

Baltz employs between 40 and 50 people regularly, usually more in the summer. They have to work in all kinds of conditions. This isn't school where you can count on a few snow days during the winter. A Baltz construction worker works in the hot and the cold, the wind and the rain, the snow and the bright light of an August afternoon.

"They're working outdoors in all possible conditions," Baltz said. "We only took one weather day off this winter. They're out there in the mud and the water and they still have to think clearly and get a job done, and get a job done in a manner that it's going to stand up. It really is an amazing thing what these guys are capable of doing and what they're willing to do to get the job done."

It's been 45 years since Tom's dad, Robert Baltz, started the company, which his three sons eventually took over. Since then it's continued to grow and increasingly become a bedrock business of the community.

That's why Baltz Construction was selected by the Chamber of Commerce at the business of the year.

"I was only 19 when I started," Baltz said. "I came home from college and got out in the sun and got working, I just put my head down and did it. To be honest with you, I just never looked back. I just loved the physical work of it."

Baltz Construction specializes cast-in-place concrete. In other words, Baltz workers go to a construction site and fill casts with concrete, rather than bring in pre-poured castings. 

Clients include schools and factories.

"If it's concrete, we do it," Baltz said. "We don't do a lot of residential work because that's kind of a different gear than what we're set up to do. We have bigger equipment with more overhead, so we don't do a lot of residential unless it's a large job."

Robert Batlz was working for the B.R. DeWitt Corp. driving a cement truck when it struck him that maybe that was the kind of work he could do for himself.

"He saw a lot of concrete being poured and thought it looked like an opportunity so he decided to give it a try."

He started out with small jobs on the side but by 1973, Baltz Concrete became his full-time job.

That's when Tom went to work for him.

In a couple of years, Robert Baltz bought the Howard Brown Precast Company and Tom's brothers went to work for him there and Tom ran Baltz Concrete.

When the precast company was sold to Kistner, Baltz Concrete became the business of Tom and his two brothers.  

When one of the brothers wanted out, Tom and his brother Nicholas decided to make James Logdson a partner.

"James was looking for a summer job when he came to work for Baltz Concrete," Baltz said. "He worked one summer, he graduated, but he impressed us a lot. I talked my brothers into chasing him down and making him an offer to come to work for us. That was in the 1980s. He's been with us ever since."

Baltz said the company has always valued its employees and they try to treat them right.

"We take jobs that are anywhere within an hour-and-a-half of Pavilion," Baltz said. "We don't go much further than that because we need our people to be home every night. We hire family men. It's important that we get them home every night to be with their families."

They also support some of their after-work hobbies. They might sponsor stockcar or go-kart or some other activity.

"You get involved with the people you work with in a ton of different ways," Baltz said. 

There's a lot of charity support flowing out of Baltz Concrete. They sponsor youth baseball, soccer, softball, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, the Pavilion Community Chest and the Arc of Genesee Orleans.

"Being part of the town and being in a position to do something, you feel like you have the opportunity to help and helping always makes you feel better," Bartz said.

Both Tom and Nicholas are married. Tom and his wife don't have children. Nicholas is a stepfather to the children of his wife, but he and his wife are also parents to three foster children they plan to adopt. 

"So he has many children," Baltz said. "He lives and breathes for them, that's for sure."

What makes the company successful, Baltz acknowledged, is its people.

"We're not like a factory," Baltz said. "There's not a lot of equity in equipment. Most of the equipment we use has little or no market value. When all is said and done, with this place, if we shut it down, there's more worth in the building and the driveway then there is in the equipment.

"With our company, it is the people who are the only real value."

That's why some of the best employees in the company, such as Logsdon, have become partners.

The two new junior partners are Jaret Geitner and Jeremy Trzieceski.

The best workers, Baltz said, are the ones who have a dedication to their job and take pride in what they do. Those are the people who get promoted.

"When you have pride, you do something right for its own sake," Baltz said. "You don't do it for your boss or for your company. You do it for your own pride. You can teach a guy to do a job right but you can't teach a guy to care about his job."

The guys who care are easy to spot, Baltz said. They're the ones who see the boss working with estimating software, so they go home and play with it just to see if they can figure it out. 

"You know who the ones are that wake up in the middle of the night and think, 'Wow, did I get that measurement right?'"

That's why those employees get a shot at being a partner.

"There is a self-motivation in certain people that you have to recognize because if you don't recognize those people, they will go someplace else quick enough."

Two dozen county fire personnel completed hazmat incident command training on Feb. 22

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Twenty-four Genesee County fire personnel completed the Hazardous Material Incident Command program on Feb. 22.

This 24-hour program, held at the Genesee County Fire Training Center, was presented by Fire Protection Specialist Lawrence E. Babcock. It provides the hazardous materials incident commander with the skills necessary to successfully and safely manage the incident.

The course focused on the need for an organized approach to managing hazardous materials incidents, the required elements for an employer’s emergency response plan and site-specific pre-incident emergency planning.

Incident analysis, development of site safety plans, strategic goals for hazardous materials incidents and development of a plan of action and its application and tactical objectives to accomplish the strategic goals were also addressed.

Participants included: 


Aron Kehlenbeck


Nathan L. Fix

Tom Green

Sean M. McPhee

Lance Scharlau

City of Batavia

Stefano Napolitano


Kyle L. Rombaut


Mitchell  Bates

Kristen M. Gaik

Gregory S. Lang

Lori Ann Santini

Brian D. Schollard

Daniel P. Smith

Benjamin P. Trepani


Michael J. Schad Jr.

George M. Underhill

Caitlin E. Zipfel


Kelly Kraft

Bryen Murrock

John P. Weis

Nick J. Wright


Rodney B. Bobo

Stephanie E. Call

Timothy E. Eckdahl

Leadership, Accountabiity, Courage & Knowledge class attended by 37 local volunteer firefighters

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The second Leadership, Accountabiity, Courage & Knowledge (L.A.C.K.) class of 2018 was attended by 37 Genesee County volunteer firefighters.

The L.A.C.K. program held at the Genesee County Fire Training Center on Feb. 15 was a four-hour program providing  an opportunity for fire officers, training officers and chief offers to improve their personal and organizational skill set.

Ongoing eduction and training of our first responders is essention for awareness, prevention and safe and effective response.

Visit the Genesee County Office of Emergency Management FACEBOOK or department Web page for future training opportunities.

February L.A.C.K. participants in Genesee County included: 


Richard Brunea                 

Sidney N. Eick

Aron J. Kehlenbeck                 

Ryan Thompson                 

Todd M. Thompson                 


Scott T. Maloy                 


Scott R. Mayne                 


Jeff R. Fluker

Christopher M. Page

Jeff Pietrzykowski


Justin T. Baxter                 

Robert A. Mruczek


Gregory S. Lang                    

Matthew R. Lenhard

Rob G. McNally

Daniel P. Smith


Joe T. Marino                 

David W. McGreevy                 

Timothy E. McGreevy                 


Lloyd J. Casselbury                    

Destin G. Danser                 

James R. Gayton                    

Paul J. Kirsch                 

Donald E. Newton Jr.                    

Jocyelyn Perry                    

Julie Waldron                    

David A. Winters            


Kevin W. Dart                    

Nicholas J. Esten                    

Leonard  Peterson                    

Caitlin E. Zipfel                  


Edwin F. Mileham Jr.                  


Timothy L. Hogle                          


Dewey A. Murrock

Donald A. Roblee                          


Dean L. Bates                  

Scott A. Blossom

Pavilion Republicans seeking person to run for Town Supervisor

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Pavilion Republican Committee is seeking civic-minded individuals interested in serving as the Town Supervisor for the Town of Pavilion. The term would start in 2019. 

If you are interested in running, please send a cover letter and resume to:

Town of Pavilion Republican Committee, c/o Kevin Clary, Box 28, Pavilion, NY 14525 or email

Republicans seek council person for the Town of Pavilion

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Pavilion Republican Committee is seeking civic-minded individuals interested in serving as a Council Person for the Town of Pavilion. The term would start in 2019.

If you have questions or if you are interested in running, please send a letter of intent and resume to:

Town of Pavilion Republican Committee, c/o Kevin Clary, Box 28, Pavilion, NY 14525 or email

A dozen local students named to SUNY Geneseo's fall 2017 dean's list

By Billie Owens

The State University of New York at Geneseo has announced its Dean's List for the fall semester 2017. To be on the list, a student must have achieved at least a 3.5 grade-point average while taking a minimum of 12 credit hours.

SUNY Geneseo is a premiere public liberal arts college dedicated to developing socially responsible citizens with skills and values for a productive life.

Dean's List -- Fall Semester 2017 at SUNY Geneseo:

Madison Rodgers from Pavilion, NY (14525)

Daniel Hayes from Le Roy, NY (14482)

Mika Swanson from Le Roy, NY (14482)

Analiese Vasciannie from Le Roy, NY (14482)

Ashley Montgomery from Bergen, NY (14416)

Emily McCracken from Oakfield, NY (14125)

Alison Reiner from Corfu, NY (14036)

Thomas Grammatico from Batavia, NY (14020)

Madison McCulley from Batavia, NY (14020)

Mica Pitcher from Batavia, NY (14020)

Adam Weaver from Batavia, NY (14020)

Emmeline Vacanti from Alexander, NY (14005)

Barn on Route 63, Pavilion, demolished

By Howard B. Owens

I've gotten a lot of positive feedback on this photo since 2013 when I made it.

Today, when I drove out to Pavilion, I discovered the barns have been demolished. A local business owner told me they came down last week.

Hawley to host open community forum in Pavilion Thursday night

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) announced today that he will be hosting a free community forum open to the public at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 15 at the Hollwedel Memorial Library, located at 5 Woodrow Drive in Pavilion.

Hawley will provide an update on the happenings of Albany and will answer questions from the audience. The event is sponsored by the women’s group “RAP.”

“I enjoy these open community forums as a channel of communication between the residents I represent and the inner-workings of state government,” Hawley said. “We have a responsibility as public representatives to be open and accountable, and that is what forums like these are all about. I encourage everyone who is able to attend and I look forward to seeing you there.”

Hawley is Assistant Minority Leader of the Assembly Republican Conference and currently serves on the Agriculture, Ways & Means, Rules, Insurance and Racing & Wagering committees.

Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee, Orleans and parts of Monroe County. For more information, please visit Assemblyman Hawley’s Official Website.

Grand Jury: Man indicted for allegedly selling cocaine in the city

By Billie Owens

Jaomi Delgado is indicted for the crime of criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree, a Class B felony. It is alleged that on Dec. 20 in the City of Batavia that the defendant knowingly and unlawfully possessed a narcotic drug, cocaine, with intent to sell it. In count two, he is accused of same crime for allegedly knowingly and unlawfully possessing one or more preparations, compounds or mixtures or substances containing a narcotic drug, cocaine, and these were of an aggregate weight of one-half ounce or more. In count three, Delgado is accused of the crime of criminal sale of a controlled substance in the third degree, also a Class B felony, for allegedly selling cocaine in the City of Batavia on Dec. 20.

Samuel R. Baudanza is accused of the crime of criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree, a Class B felony. It is alleged that on Aug. 22 in the Town of Pavilion that he knowingly and unlawfully possessed a narcotic drug -- cocaine -- with intent to sell it.

Isaac C. King is indicted for the crime of assault in the second degree, a Class D violent felony. It is alleged that on July 31, having been charged or convicted of a crime and while confined in a correctional facility -- the Genesee County Jail at 14 W. Main St., Batavia -- that he intentionally caused physical injury to another person. In count two, the District Attorney accused King of fourth-degree grand larceny and alleged that on that date he stole property from a person at the jail.

PE teachers countywide invited to Pavilion Central School on Monday for free tennis and technology workshops

By Billie Owens
A message from Marianne Witkowski, PE teacher and PE Department Chair at Pavilion Central School:
The Physical Education Department at Pavilion Central School is sponsoring a PE Teacher Network Meeting for area schools on Monday, Feb. 12.
It will feature a workshop on tennis provided by the U.S. Tennis Association from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.; then after lunch, from 12:30 to 3 p.m. there will be a Care to Share session with a focus on integrating technology in PE.
The morning of the P.E. Network Meeting will have consultants from the USTA sharing the resources available to districts in an Activity Based Session.
Attendees will need to bring a device with them for the training. Also download and sign up for information in the email notification from your Teacher Center Policy Board Member. When you sign up for this USTA program, your district will receive curriculum information, lesson plans and equipment.
  • With Net Generation, the USTA is committed to helping teachers introduce and maintain tennis in PE classes and after-school programs. The free, three-hour workshop will introduce teachers to the new SHAPE-collaborated curricula designed to encourage and challenge kids to advance at their own pace guided by the national grade-level outcomes. With the resources and tools of Net Generation, Tennis in Schools has never been easier to teach or more accessible! Learn more by clicking here.
The afternoon will be spent exploring the Pavilion PE Department resources and engaging in a Caring and Sharing Session. All participants are asked to bring an activity to share and if appropriate copies for other participants. An emphasis will be on new technology you are utilizing in your districts.
The meeting is free to attend. The school is located at 7014 Big Tree Road in Pavilion.

Law and Order: Batavia man accused of ignoring Grand Jury summons

By Howard B. Owens

Triton A. Drock, 23, of Buell Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Drock is accused of failing to be a witness in a Grand Jury hearing after being legally summoned. Drock was jailed on $2,500 bail.

A 17-year-old resident of Batavia was arrested on a warrant. The reason for the warrant was not released. The 17-year-old was jailed on $5,000 bail.

Shannon L. Klinkbeil-Heyday, 41, of Liberty Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny and falsifying business records. Klinkbeil-Heyday is accused of making fraudulent returns and keeping the refund money.

Christopher S. Bump, 23, of Briarwood Drive, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant. The reason for the warrant was not released. Bump was ordered held in the Genesee County Jail.

Torrence C. Greene, 27, of Wearing Road, Rochester, is charged with two counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd. Greene was arrested at 1:09 p.m. Friday following a police response by officers James Prusak and Frank Klimjack to a report of a disturbance on Walnut Street. Greene is accused of possession of a narcotic with the intent to sell. He was jailed without bail.

Joseph Thomas Misiak Jr., 62, of Pratt Road, Batavia, is charged with aggravated harassment, 2nd. Misiak is accused of threatening a member of the Genesee County Sheriff's Office in a voicemail.

Jacob John Bukowski, 30, of East Park Street, Albion, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Bukowski was allegedly found in possession of marijuana in the Town of Alabama at 3:30 p.m. Saturday by Deputy Kevin Forsyth.

Stephen Michael Milroy, 23, of Creek Road, Pavilion, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, aggravated unlicensed operation, failure to keep right, and failure to notify DMV of change of address. Milroy was stopped at 12:48 a.m. Saturday on Route 20, Alexander, by Deputy Erik Andre.

Michelle Amber Condidorio, 36, of South Street, Le Roy, is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, and moving from lane unsafely. Condidorio was stopped at 2:01 a.m. Saturday on Telephone Road, Alexander, by Deputy Andrew Mullen.

Richard JM Button, 27, of Heritage Estates Street, Albion, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Button was allegedly found in possession of marijuana and paraphernalia during a traffic stop at 4:48 p.m. Thursday on Judge Road, Alabama, by Deputy Austin Heberlein.

Jennifer Sue Davis, 38, of Webber Avenue, Oakfield, is charged with DWI, speed not reasonable and prudent, and uninspected motor vehicle. Davis was charged following an investigation into an accident reported at 8:52 p.m. Thursday on Downey Road, Batavia, by Deputy Austin Heberlein.

Gabriel A. Tapia, 19, of Woodhaven, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Tapia was charged by State Police after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana at College Village at 11:16 a.m. Saturday.

Jacqueline M. Kobee, 28, of Buffalo, is charged with possession of controlled substance not in original container, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, unlawful possession of marijuana, and aggravated unlicensed operation. Kobee was stopped at 1:54 p.m. Saturday on Route 77 in Pembroke by State Police.

An 18-year-old resident of Batavia is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. The youth was allegedly found in possession of marijuana at 9:58 p.m., Saturday, at College Village, by State Police.

Michael T. Morasco, of Batavia, is charged with driving while impaired by drugs and moving from lane unsafely. Morasco was stopped at 11:52 a.m. Friday on Route 63 in Pavilion by State Police.

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