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Village of Oakfield in a stew over future water delivery plans

By Howard B. Owens

One of these days, Oakfield's 96-year-old water tower could just simply burst open. 

Everybody agrees, it needs to be replaced, and soon.

Village officials have been working toward that goal, but recent events have created a quagmire that had about 40 residents packing the village hall Monday night to sound off about how the situation is being handled.

At its March 14 meeting, the village board approved a purchase offer on a 10-acre parcel off Coe Avenue as a location for a new water tower.

That purchase has sparked accusations of secret meetings, overpayment for the property, poor legal advice and concern that the village board is heading in a direction that will cost village rate payers and taxpayers a lot more money in years to come.

"This would not have happened on my watch," said former Oakfield mayor and current county Legislator Ray Cianfrini, looking directly at Oakfield Mayor Rick Pastecki. "You did not do your due diligence. You owe it to the community to do your due diligence when you take on a project of this magnitude."

Pastecki opened the meeting with a written statement explaining the events of the past five weeks.

Problems started, he said, when the village learned that the Town of Oakfield said it would not take title to a piece of property next to Oakfield-Alabama Central School, owned by Lamb Farms, for a new water tower.

The village would have to take title. And if it did, village attorney David DiMatteo informed the board, the Town of Oakfield could levy taxes against the property, and so could the county and the school district. 

Those taxes, on a water tower worth more than $1 million, could exceed $37,000 annually.

Near the end of the meeting, Pastecki pointed to the City of Batavia's Country Mall as an example of bad decisions that leave people in the future shaking their heads, wondering, "What were they thinking?"

"What we have done, we have done in good faith, trying to avoid any tax liability that we have no control over," Pastecki said. "We didn't want to add that burden in addition to the burden of water rates going up."

Several times, Pastecki emphasized that he's really concerned about what the school district might do in regard to taxes, because schools are increasingly desperate for revenue.

With the fear of high taxes -- and the prospect of losing a $600,000 state grant if a tower location was not quickly identified -- the board voted, following a closed session, to purchase the Coe Avenue property for $139,000.

The real estate deal has set people off. It feeds a perception in the community that the purchase was made in secret. Also, some residents question the parcel's suitability for erecting a new water tower: because of potential environmental problems there; the specter of it being an eyesore; and its distance from any foreseeable growth in Oakfield's population.

Several residents, including real estate investor Jeremy Yasses, said the village overpaid for the property.

The assessed value is $79,000 and some village residents spoke about a local nonprofit group that once had a purchase offer in place for the property for less than that amount, but the deal fell through.

"We know what that purchase price was," Yasses said, "and it wasn't $139,000."

He estimated the village overpaid by about $100,000 and questioned whether the village would ever be able to get its money back if the tower isn't built there.

The village attorney was not at the meeting. According to Pastecki, DiMatteo made only one offer for the property, $139,000, and it was accepted.

The purchase agreement includes no contingencies that would allow the village to get out of the purchase if the tower cannot be built at that location.

Pastecki said nobody considered it necessary to include contingencies.

"That's where we're going to put the water tower," Pastecki said.

The land, however, has an old residence on it that may contain asbestos. The site is landlocked and there are questions about accessibility. There used to be a greenhouse on it, whose proprietors may have left behind a buried fuel tank.

And while Pastecki said U.S. Gypsum's old underground mine shafts don't extend that far west, Cianfrini said he isn't so sure (after U.S. Gypsum shut down in Oakfield, the village acquired mine maps, Cianfrini said after the meeting, but it isn't clear if the maps are 100-percent accurate).

"I think you bought a pig in a poke," Cianfrini said. "You really don't know what you've got here."

Yasses and others said the the village board got bad advice from its attorney on the purchase.

"He should either resign or be fired," Yasses said.

At a previous meeting, Town of Batavia Engineer Steve Mountain spoke to the board about the possibility of extending a 12-inch public water line up Route 63 into the village.

Such a line would meet the current water needs of the village and handle growth for up to 1,000 more people.

Even so, Mountain said, apparently, the village would still need to build a water tower at some point.

Pastecki said that statement is what convinced the board to move forward with purchase of the Coe Avenue property. And with the cost of steel going up, it didn't make sense to wait to build a water tower.

But board members also admitted that they weren't really clear on what Mountain meant by the statement that a 12-inch line would meet current village needs, be less expensive and handle modest population growth.

There has long been discussion about the Town of Alabama buying water from the village, but Alabama has backed away from helping to pay for a water tower.

A Coe Avenue site wouldn't have enough capacity to meet the needs of both communities, nor would a 12-inch public water line extension.

So if neither is wholly suitable, why not just go with the less expensive water line? This question was first raised by Town of Oakfield Board Member Mike Cianfrini. But it wasn't really dealt with until near the end of the meeting when it was revisited by Kevin Skelton.

"We need to take care of the immediate problem," Skelton said. "If we think there will be considerable growth around here, then we should think about a plan for the future. For now, we should find the quickest way to solve the problem."

Pastecki said the board will consider everything people at the meeting had to say about the issue and review its options again.

Police Beat: Rochester resident accused of stealing cartons of cigarettes from smoke shops

By Howard B. Owens


Frank James Davis, 31, of East Rochester, is charged with petit larceny. Davis is accused of entering the Totem Pole Smoke Shop at 10:50 a.m., March 3, loading 15 cartons of cigarettes into a basket, then walking past cashiers and then running out of the store without paying for the cigarettes. The cigarettes are valued at $502 and the basket is valued at $10.

Davis is also accused of stealing $204 worth of Winston Lights on the same date from Arrow Hawk Smoke Shop. Davis was charged with petit larceny for that alleged crime.

Jennifer L. Coombs, 27, of 103 West Main St., Le Roy, is charged with criminal mischief, 4th. Coombs is accused of slashing three tires on a car in November.

Andrew Paul Dentinger, 20, of Broadway Road, Alexander, is charged with unlawful dealing with a child. Dentinger is accused of hosting an underage drinking party. Deputies responded to an address on Broadway Road, Alexander, at 12:58 a.m., Saturday to investigate the party.

David A. Burr, 23, of Elba, is charged with criminal mischief, 3rd. Burr is accused of intentionally damaging the front door of T.F. Brown's restaurant at 1:40 a.m., Sunday. Burr was jailed without bail.

Janie B. Burgess, 57, of 7 Maureen Drive, Rochester, is charged with DWI, unsafe turn. Burgess was stopped at 10:13 p.m., Saturday, on Oak Street by Officer Chris Camp. Burgess was jailed on $500 bail.

Daniel G. Crane, 34, of 9395 Upton Road, Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and inadequate lights. Crane was stopped at 12:52 a.m., Sunday, on Main Street by Officer Dan Coffey.

Mark D. Hoerbelt , 42, of 152 State St., Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and inadequate headlights. Hoerbelt was stopped at 12:43 a.m., Friday, on West Main Street by Officer Matthew Fleming.

A 16-year-old resident of Wood Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. The youth is accused of stealing an iPod in January while at Batavia High School. The youth was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Jennifer L. Stack, 25, of 12 Oak St., is accused of failing to pay a fine. Stack was convicted in May on an unnecessary noise charge. She was released on $100 bail but allegedly failed to appear at her next court appointment.

Scott C. Brown, 22, and Ashley M. Yunke, 31, of 11 1/2 Wood St., are charged with criminal nuisance. Brown and Yunke are accused of hosting a party where people under 21 were allowed to drink. They were arrested at 12:20 a.m., Sunday. They were jailed on $500 each bail.

Amanda A. Barclay, 23, of Oakfield, is charged with false report of an incident, 3rd. The alleged incident occurred at 4:27 a.m., March 18, in the City of Batavia. Barclay was arrested by State Police on Thursday. No further details were released.

Jared C. Reese, 31, of Stafford, is charged with controlled substance not in original container and criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th. Reese was stopped by State Police at 6:09 p.m., Thursday, on Route 33, Stafford. No further details were released.

Grand Jury Report: Four people charged with DWI

By Howard B. Owens

Joanna M. Morgan is indicted on charges of DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, endangering the welfare of a child and a felony count of DWI (DWI with a child in the car, or "Leandra's Law"). Morgan is accused of driving drunk with a child under 15 in the car on Dec. 12 in the Town of Le Roy.

Ricky D. Newbould is indicted on charges of felony DWI and felony driving with a BAC of .18 or greater. Newbould is accused of driving drunk on Dec. 18 while in the Town of Elba.

Tamara L. Butler is indicted on charges of  DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater and aggravated unlicensed operation, 1st. Butler is accused of driving drunk on Aug. 7 in the Town of Oakfield.

Charles W. Wilder is indicted on charges of felony DWI and felony driving with a BAC of .18 or greater. Wilder is accused of driving drunk on Oct. 24 in the Town of Oakfield.

Photos: Three for Thursday

By Howard B. Owens

Along Maltby Road, Elba.

Bliss Road, Oakfield.

Gorton Road, Alabama.

Chimney fire reported on Maltby Road, Oakfield

By Howard B. Owens

A chimney fire has been reported at 3591 Maltby Road, Oakfield.

Oakfield Fire along with Alabama, Elba and East Pembroke were initially dispatched, but Oakfield's chief asked that all units but Oakfield be held in their halls.

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Zonta Club honors Oakfield-Alabama student

By Billie Owens

Zonta Club of Batavia-Genesee County has named an Oakfield-Alabama High School student as a winner of the Young Women in Public Affairs Award.

Kasey Edgerton won and will be presented with a check for $500 to
encourage her to achieve her educational and career goals. Her application
will be entered in the Zonta International District #4 award competition.

The Zonta International Young Women in Public Affairs Award competition,
established in 1990, is open to young women who are seniors in high school.
The program is designed to encourage women to pursue decision-making
positions in their communities in order to impact the policies that affect the lives of women in the community and throughout the world.

Applicants are asked to reflect on their lives, their commitment to the communities in which they live, and the issues that the nations of the world must address to
improve the lives of their people.

The Zonta International Young Women in Public Affairs program looks to the young women of today who will be the leaders of tomorrow.

Edgerton was selected for this honor because of her commitment to her school and her community. Throughout high school she has been a participant in Drama Club, Scholastic Bowl, Future Business Leaders of America, Batavia Player Youth Theater and volunteering as a Junior Counselor for HOBY.

In addition, she has been a member in Student Council, Elementary and Community School Organization (E.C.S.O.) and the Reach Out program.

She plans to continue to serve her community and aspires to study English and Japanese Studies at SUNY Albany to establish a career as an ESL teacher.

Zonta International, with headquarters in Chicago, is a worldwide service organization of executives in business and the professions working together to advance the status of women.

Police Beat: Man accused of tampering with witnesses

By Howard B. Owens

Robert Thigpen, 35, of Patriots Landing, Rochester, is charged with two counts of tampering with a witness, 3rd, and criminal contempt, 1st. Thigpen was picked up by Batavia Police on a bench warrant and turned over to the Sheriff's Office. Thigpen was jailed pending a court appearance today. (For previous coverage of Thigpen, click here.)

Taylor Robert Benjamin, 18, of 139 Christina Drive, North Chili, is charged with criminal possession of marijuana, 5th, a misdemeanor. Benjamin was arrested by Le Roy police following a complaint of youths gathering under the pedestrian footbridge between Church and Mill streets. As an officer approached, he reportedly observed Benjamin lighting a glass pipe and inhaling the smoke from it.

Ryan T. Daley, 28, of 57 Elizabeth Ave., Hamburg, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, refusal to take breath test and inadequate lights.  Daley was stopped at 8:05 p.m. Thursday on East Main Street by Officer Thad Mart.

A 17-year-old resident of Mechanic Street, Elba, is charged with petit larceny. The youth is accused of stealing $42.81 in merchandise from Kmart on Saturday.

Justin Zane Baker, 22, of Webber Avenue, Oakfield, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Baker allegedly pushed a woman several times during a domestic dispute at 6:25 a.m., Sunday.

A 16-year-old resident of Angling Road, East Pembroke, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and possession of alcohol while under 21 with intention to consume. The youth was arrested following a traffic stop at 7:48 p.m. Saturday on Angling Road by Deputy Patrick Reeves.

Eric Thomas Wolford, 18, is charged with DWI, aggravated DWI, possession of alcohol in a motor vehicle, endangering the welfare of a child and failure to yield right of way. Wolford was stopped 7:46 p.m., Saturday, on Angling Road, by Deputy Patrick Reeves.

Craig Edward Blake, 59, of Sliker Road, Corfu, is charged with DWI, failure to keep right, unauthorized display of amber lights, refusal to take breath test. Blake was stopped at 12:23 a.m. Sunday on Park Road by Deputy Patrick Reeves.

Douglas Westley Green, 54, of Woodlands Way, Brockport, is charged with petit larceny. An investigation by Deputy Joseph Graff into thefts over a period of time at Stan's Harley Davidson led to the identification of Green as a suspect.

Melissa M. Lesage, 31, of 31 Buffalo St., Bergen, is charged with failure to appear in court as directed. Lesage was taken into custody by Rochester Police and turned over to Batavia Police on a warrant from 2007 for failure to appear as directed on an alleged traffic violation. Bail was set at $300.

Lamar Randall, 25, of 266 E. Park St., Albion, is charged with failure to appear in court. Randall was arrested on a bench warrant. Bail was set at $350.

Justin E. Cratsley, 22, of 115 State St., Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd, and criminal contempt, 2nd. Cratsley is accused of harassing a person he is barred from contacting at the YMCA on Saturday.

Sabrina Zinni, 36, of 219 North Spruce St., Batavia, is accused of showing up for a court ordered work detail under the influence of alcohol. She was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Andrew Z. Perdock, 24, unknown address, is charged with petit larceny. Perdock is charged with petit larceny. Perdock was arrested by State Police at 12:53 p.m. Saturday and held on cash bail. No further details released.

Yolanda M. Skeet, 32, of 24 Allegheny Road, Corfu, is charged with felony DWI under Leandra's Law. Skeet was stopped for allegedly speeding on the Thruway by State Police. She allegedly had a 9-year-old child in her car and a BAC of .08 or greater. Skeet was jailed in Ontario County on $2,500 bail or $5,000 bond.

Photos: First catch of spring

By Howard B. Owens

Nothing says spring more than baseball.

Today, in Oakfield, I came across Ryan Byrnes and Joe Colon, both originally from Elba, having a first catch of the season.

They said nothing felt better after a long winter than tossing a ball around.

Possible barn fire reported at Lamb Farms in Oakfield

By Howard B. Owens

A possible barn fire has been reported at Lamb Farms, 6880 Albion Road, Oakfield.

The caller was a passerby who said she could see smoke and flames from one of the back barns.

All Oakfield units dispatched, Alabama and Elba dispatched mutual aid. East Pembroke to standby in Oakfield's hall.

UPDATE 10:26 p.m.: Oakfield chief reports there is no fire. All units back in service.

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Police Beat: Multiple identify theft and forgery charges filed against Erie County inmate

By Howard B. Owens

Raymond Gandolfo, 38, of Massachusetts Street, Buffalo, is charged with three counts of identity theft, three counts of forgery, criminal possession of stolen property, 4th, and grand larceny, 4th. Gandolfo is accused of using a stolen credit card between 10:13 a.m. and 10:35 a.m., Sept. 25, to purchase merchandise at three separate stores on Veterans Memorial Drive, Batavia. The total value exceeded $1,000.Gandolfo was arraigned in Town of Batavia Court and returned to the Erie County Holding Center without bail.

Francis N. Shiltz, 69, of Alleghany Road, Strykerville, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and unsafe backing. Shiltz was allegedly involved in a two-car property damage accident at 6:49 p.m., Thursday, at the Rez Smokeshop.

Arturo Vasquez-Armas, 41, of 2336 Judge Road, Oakfield, is charged with offering a false instrument for filing,1st, and criminal possession of a forged instrument, 3rd. Vasquez-Armas allegedly possessed a forged Social Security card while attempting to obtain a NYS non-driver ID at the Genesee County DMV office. Vasquez-Armas was jailed without bail.

Timothy Alan Duboy, 19, of Wethersfield Road, Warsaw, is charged with forcible touching. Duboy is accused of forcibly touching the intimate parts of another person. The alleged incident occurred at College Village on Jan. 25.

Police Beat: Woman accused of keeping a dog that didn't belong to her

By Howard B. Owens

Stephanie Lynn Corke, 29, of Root Road, Albion, is charged with petit larceny. Corke is accused of taking possession of a dog owned by another person and making no effort to find the owner or return the dog.

Nicholas Aaron Doxey, 25, of Niagara Street, Lockport, is charged with petit larceny and endangering the welfare of a child. Doxey is accused of shoplifting from Target while in the presence of his child and family members under 17 years of age.

Joseph Thomas Bortel, 39, of Knowlesville Road, Oakfield, is charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, unlawful possession of marijuana and failure to keep right. Bortel was stopped at 4:49 p.m., Tuesday, in the area of 130 Bank St., Batavia, by Deputy Timothy Wescott.

Coal stove fire reported, but may be out; fire units responding

By Howard B. Owens

A coal stove reportedly caught on fire and the fire may have gotten into the mantle, but the callers report they think they got the fire out.

Oakfield Fire along with Alabama and Batavia fire departments responding to 3319 Batavia-Oakfield Townline Road, Oakfield.

First on scene reports driveway is snow covered. He's requesting a thermal camera and requests a line be laid as a precaution.

The location is between Downey Road and Lewiston Road.

UPDATE 2:07 p.m.: There is smoke coming from the residence.

UPDATE 2:29 p.m.: "The fire is extinguished."

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Smell of smoke in Indian Falls residence

By Billie Owens

The smell of smoke is reported inside a residence at 8409 Indian Falls Road in Indian Falls. The basement of the home is flooded, too.

Oakfield, East Pembroke and Pembroke fire units are called.

UPDATE 8:03 p.m.: Assignment back in service.

Rescuers search for missing man in Darien

By Billie Owens

Firefighters are responding to an area near the juncture of routes 20 and 238 for a missing 73-year-old man. He has gone unaccounted for for five hours.

All Darien fire crews and medical personnel are called to the scene. Alexander fire is standing by in its quarters. Alexander, East Pembroke and Alden are also participating in the operations, along with Mercy EMS.

The area is near a creek and the East Pembroke Water Rescue Team is deployed. Fire police are rerouting traffic. A helicopter is also deployed. The man's cell phone was called but it's not on, or not working, and therefore not trackable. They are going to contact the phone company to determine the last known location of phone service.

UPDATE 7:33 p.m.: A responder on scene says "They are sending a generator and lights to the area of the ATV." Also, several ATV riders are searching the area, too.

UPDATE 8:15 p.m.: Bethany requested to fill in at Alexander's hall.

Two local students earn degrees online from Kaplan University

By Billie Owens

Kaplan University celebrated the graduation of its winter 2011 class during a live graduation ceremony on Feb. 5 in Miami. Bill Richardson, former two-term governor of New Mexico, ambassador to the United Nations, Energy secretary and multiple Nobel Peace Prize nominee, served as the commencement speaker.

Two Genesee County students earned degrees:

Janette Pickard, of Alexander, NY was awarded a bachelor's degree in Legal Studies.

Laura Pitcher, of Oakfield, was awarded an associate degree for Applied Science in Business Administration.

The Kaplan University winter 2011 class, which included more than 5,600 graduates, earned associate's, bachelor's and master's degrees – as well as professional certificates – completely online.

The university strives to help adult students unlock their talent by providing a practical, student-centered education that prepares them for careers in some of the fastest-growing industries. For more information about Kaplan University, visit


Power line down and arcing on Lewiston Road, Oakfield

By Billie Owens

A power line is down and arcing in the roadway on Lewiston Road in the area of Bliss Road in Oakfield. It is partially blocking traffic, too.

Oakfield Fire Department is responding.

UPDATE 6:04 p.m.: National Grid is on scene. Oakfield fire is back in service.

Photos: Sun, wind and snow

By Howard B. Owens

My route back from the Snowbox Derby included Bliss Road, above, and Pekin Road, below.

Photos: Genesee County's inaugural 'Snowbox Derby'

By Howard B. Owens

Nearly 100 people showed up at Veazey Hill on Lockport Road in Oakfield today for Genesee County's inaugural "Snowbox Derby."

The rules are pretty simply -- you build a cardboard sled (you can use only cardboard, glue and duct tape -- and then ride it down the snow-covered hill.

Prizes were given out for fastest and most creative. 

There were dozens of entrants.

Some cardboard sleds were fast and quickly made it to the bottom of the 150-yard-long hill. Others barely made it past the starting line.

The event was organized by Sarah and Kevin Veazey.

To purchase pictures from today, click here.

More pictures after the jump:

Police Beat: Youth charged with sexual criminal act against child

By Howard B. Owens

Dylan Allen Barclay, 17, of Lewiston Road, Basom, is charged with criminal sexual act, 1st. Barclay is accused of a criminal sexual act with a child less than 11 years old. 

Robert Jackson, 62, of Robinson Road, Lockport, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 and failure to keep right. Jackson was stopped at 7:21 a.m. Wednesday on Lewiston Road, Alabama, by Deputy Brad Mazur.

Robert Paul Leiser, 42, of Lockport Road, Oakfield, is charged with petit larceny and failure to pay a fine. Leiser was picked up on a bench warrant for the petit larceny. He is accused of not paying a fine out of Batavia City Court. Leiser was jailed on $500 bail.

Robert J. Macklem, 21, of 1 Prospect Ave., Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 1st. Macklem is accused of violating a "stay away" protection order. A probation officer allegedly found the protected person at Macklem's residence during a routine visit. Macklem was jailed without bail.

Brian D. Leavy, 32, of 10 Cedar St., Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater and speeding. Leavy was stopped at 12:16 a.m. on West Main Street, Batavia, by Sgt. Steve Mullen, Batavia PD.

Police Beat: Woman accused of giving false identity following accident

By Howard B. Owens

Burnette McWilliams, 56, of Bartlett Street, Rochester, is charged with criminal impersonation, 2nd, aggravated unlicensed operation, leaving the scene of a property damage accident, unlicensed operation and following too closely. McWilliams is accused of causing a motor-vehicle accident in December in Oakfield. McWilliams allegedly told Deputy Brian Thompson  that her name was Barbara Brown. Upon further investigation, it was determined that McWilliams allegedly provided a false identity and was driving on a suspended license. McWilliams turned herself in to the Sheriff's Office on Monday.

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