Video: Rolling Hills (The Tour)
Here it is folks: Rolling Hills Paranormal Research Center—the tour! A three minute walk through the dank dark corridors and rooms of the old Genesee County Home. All of the sound is natural sound: audio picked up from the walk, which is why you will hear the photographer, Sonia, asking after the ghosts from time to time. As I said, we didn't run into any.
Sonia, however, picked up a few "orbs" on camera. What's an "orb," you ask. Well, orbs are supposed to be floating spirits that get picked up on camera when you take pictures. Not every floating ball of light is an orb, however. Sometimes it's just dust, says Lori Carlson, owner of Rolling Hills.
We'll leave it up to your discretion if you want to believe these blips of fuzzy light to the right here are spiritual orbs or just some dust motes that got too close to the lens.
You'll hear in the beginning of the video when Sonia says that she caught an orb on the window. That photograph is below, as well as another photograph taken a few seconds before with the orb in a different spot.
Anyhow, all orbs aside, Rolling Hills was a fascinating space, and I had no need of talking ghosts or ghost shapes to find the place eerie and disquieting and interesting, especially as an historic artifact. If you haven't already heard Lori talk about the history of the place, make sure and do that. This building has a lot of stories to tell, and you don't necessarily need ghosts to tell those stories. Some of the rooms speak well enough on their own.
Enough of my babble. Let's get to the show...
Here are those other orb pictures: