All of the following calls were reported by the City of Batavia Police Department. Listed offenses do not imply that charges were filed. Calls may result in no official action.
- 12:27am, Ellicott Street, larceny
- 7:24am, Ellicott Street, larceny
- 11:23am, 60 Buell St., larceny
- 12:34pm, 220 E. Main St., accident
- 12:41pm, Ellicott Street, accident
- 3:05pm, 412 E. Main St., accident
- 4:54pm, 8 Hutchins St., larceny
- 6:07pm, W. Main Street, accident
- 9:58pm, 45 Central Ave., assault
Note: We don't include noise complaints, domestic disputes and routine police business.