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Yes, we did give away that iPad Mini we promised

By Howard B. Owens

I'm long overdue for taking care of this -- we promised to give away an iPad Mini to one lucky poster during the first month of our newest Web site, Batavia's List.

The winner is Mike McDonald. Mike increased his odds during the month-long contest by posting three home rental ads.

Since he already owns a tablet, he's donating his prize to John Kennedy School so it might go to a student who can't afford such a device.

We have a new contest: Post something to the marketplace on Batavia's List between now and Nov. 10 and win a $100 gift certificate to Larry's Steakhouse.  No purchase necessary. To post for free e-mail for a coupon code for a free post.

We're also now running our community calendar through Batavia's List. Post your events on our calendar and they appear on both sites. You must register for Batavia's List to post calendar items. Once you do, and you're logged in, you will see a button for posting events on the Calendar Page.

If you're on Facebook, you can get updates of postings to Batavia's List by liking Batavia's List on Facebook

Finally, please be sure to sign up for our new daily e-mail newsletter

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