Public Notice
Local State of Emergency Proclamation
A State of Emergency was declared in the City of Batavia for a period of time beginning at 4:30 p.m. on April 21, 2020 and continuing in effect for a period not to exceed 30 days.
This State of Emergency has been declared due to emergency conditions produced by: the continuing Nationally declared state of emergency, the New York State declared state of emergency, the County of Genesee declared state of emergency, and the anticipated arrival of the COVID-19 new coronavirus in the City of Batavia, New York. Such conditions threaten or imperil the public health or safety of the citizens of this municipality.
As Chief Executive of this municipality, I have exercised the authority given to me under New York State Executive Law, Article 2-B, to preserve the public safety and hereby render all required and available assistance vital to the security, well-being and health of the citizens of the City.
I hereby direct all City Departments to take those steps necessary to protect life and property, public health and infrastructure and other such emergency assistance as deemed necessary. In addition, I direct the following specific actions.
- All City offices are closed to the public. The City will conduct business with the public remotely through the use of phones, computers, mail, or other means. These offices are otherwise closed to the public, unless a situation requires interaction with a member of the public as determined by the respective City Department on a case by case basis. The drop box for the payment of bills is still available at the front of City Hall.
- City Council meetings will be closed to the public until further notice. Provision will be made for the public to observe or listen to City Council meetings.
- All other regularly scheduled Board, Committee, Task Force, or other official City of Batavia meetings are closed to the public, and shall be either conducted by electronic means (phone, video conferencing, etc.) or cancelled.
- City Parks remain open to public use provided that the State of New York declared restrictions on congregating are followed. However, all rental or reservation uses of city owned facilities are suspended until further notice. This includes parks, sports complexes, buildings, roadways, or public walkways. If any actions outline in this Declaration contradict any order issued by the State of New York then the State order shall control.
Martin Moore
City Manager
City of Batavia