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North Spruce resident accused of selling marijuana

By Howard B. Owens
Matthew Olcott

A 36-year-old City of Batavia resident has been arrested by the Local Drug Task Force after allegedly being found in possession of marijuana and oxycodone as well as previously selling marijuana to agents of the task force.

Matthew C. Olcott, of North Spruce Street, faces seven misdemeanor charges following his arrest and was jailed on $5,000 bail.

He is charged with four counts of criminal sale of marijuana, 4th, criminal sale of marijuana, 5th, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, unlawful possession of marijuana, and aggravated unlicensed operation, 2nd.

Olcott allegedly sold marijuana to agents on five separate occasions between November 2014 and February 2015. A warrant was issued for his arrest based on the evidence presented to Judge Robert Balbick in City Court.

He was stopped by task force members May 6 for allegedly driving on a suspended license. During that traffic stop, he was allegedly found in possession of marijuana and oxycodone pills. He was issued an appearance ticket, but allegedly failed to appear in City Court on his appointed date. Balbick issued an arrest warrant.

Task force members located Olcott at his residence Wednesday and arrested him on the two warrants. 

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