Hey, kids get ready for a cross-cultural summer experience sponsored by The Salvation Army. "Thailand Trek" will provide the food, games and activities unique to exotic Thailand every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 7 through Aug. 20 for students in kindergarten through sixth grade.
This FREE summer program features a morning snack and lunch each day. Transportation is provided to and from The Salvation Army headquarters on East Main Street in the City of Batavia.
Participants will enjoy games, crafts, singing, storytime and FUN!
Those who attend four out of five sessions get a free boat ride along the historic Erie Canal in Lockport.
For more information and to sign up, contact The Salvation Army: at (585) 343-6284; visit the office at 529 E. Main St.; or e-mail "Captain Patty" at: