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Batavia Assembly of God Church Men’s Ministry Sportsman’s Dinner!

By Lisa Ace
Event Date and Time
2015-03-21T17:00:00 - 2015-03-21T22:00:00
Batavia Assembly of God Church Men’s Ministry presents our annual: Sportsman’s Dinner!
‐ Great Food ‐ Displays
‐ Door prizes ‐ And PIE! 
Saturday, March 21st, 2015 @ 5pm, 24 North Spruce Street, Batavia.
All Welcome! Men, Women, Children Tickets: $10.00 (Age 12 – Adult) 
$5.00 (Age 11 and younger) Please call for reservations (585)343‐8521 
This year Chappy’s Outdoors will be providing our speaker. Chappy’s Outdoor’s provides adventures for injured servicemen and women“...Healing Heroes through God’s creation...” So join us and bring the family...celebrate God’s gift of the great outdoors, good food and great company March 21st, 2015! 

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