A car accident is reported at 3299 W. Main Street Road, just west of Wortendyke Road. The vehicle is on its side. East Pembroke Fire Department and Mercy medics are responding.
UPDATE 11:04 a.m.: (from Howard at the scene) There is no vehicle on its side. A black sedan was eastbound on Route 5 and a FedEx truck was westbound. The truck attempted a left turn into a car dealership and allegedly did so in front of the sedan, causing the initial collision. Then the sedan veered into the car lot, hit a barrier pole and the front end of a car. The female driver was extricated and is being taken to ECMC by Mercy ambulance. She suffered a possible head injury, possible pelvic injury, and a face laceration. The FedEx driver was a sign-off. The truck has a damaged right rear panel and a flat left rear tire.