So far, the YWCA has at least 108 Malibu lights to replace the 36 that were destroyed by a vandal over the weekend.
The lights were part of a display called the Walkway of Hope, and were meant as a symbol against domestic violence. The lights were placed during a ceremony honoring Nicole Sheehan, who was murdered, allegedly by a domestic partner.
Sheehan's mother, Suzanne Ball, was at the YWCA on North Street on Wednesday evening to help reinstall some of the lights, along with Steven Foster of Adams Welding and Fabrication.
Stevens said Adams wanted to donate lights because giving hope to the victims of domestic violence is important.
"If one person walks up the walkway and saves a life and gets help, it's not in vain," Foster said.
Lights have also been donated by Mike and Norine Adams and John Peck, and at least one other man has called, according to Executive Director Jeanne Walton, to say he was bringing lights.
"It's been overwhelming," Walton said. "We've been shocked by the support we've gotten from so many people like Adams Welding and Fabrication, as well as a few others, that have just come forth and brought us lights to replace the ones that were destroyed."
All of the lights will be placed outside the Y, Walton said. That will send a powerful message, she said, to whomever destroyed the first set of lights.
Ball agreed.
"We're letting them know nobody is putting our lights out," Ball said.
Mike Adams called The Batavian after the story appeared and said he wasn't looking for any publicity of the plan (at that time) of his wife and he to make the donation, but he didn't mind being quoted calling the vandal a "coward."
"My only statement would be I guess is getting the point across, who's the coward out there who would do something like that, destroying a memorial for that young girl?" Adams said. "We're pretty upset about it."
So are a lot of other people.
What a wonderful show of
What a wonderful show of support from the Adams.
Around that same time period across the street were acts of vandalism along with trespassing. Unfortunately I didn't personally witness but did get vague descriptions of the boys who were walking through closed backyard gates & peering into windows. They of course may not be the juvenile graffiti artists or even the fools who broke the solar lights.
I should thank them as I was procrastinating installing a few more security cameras aimed at the backyard.