If you're a Android smartphone owner, download The Batavian's new breaking news app from Google Play.
In the first two days since we released it, there have been 30 downloads, which I think is pretty darn good.
We've submitted the app to Apple for inclusion in the iTunes store. It could take two or three weeks for the app to be approved (knock on wood that it will be).
It's a very simple app. Right now, it's just a feed of what appears on our home page and the ability for us to send you push notifications.
And that's really the point of the app: Push notifications, or alerts. If you download the app, we will use push notifications to alert you to breaking news, important news, features and important sports stories. We won't do it for every minor scanner call and routine press releases. Some stories will be a judgment call, but the idea will be to alert you to things posted that we want to draw your attention to and hope you'll want to be sure and know about right away.