Now, I think I've heard it all! A clean roof is a healthy roof, according to local businessman Eric von Kramer.
Those ugly black stains and discoloration are more than just an eyesore ruining the curb appeal of your home. They're actually a form of airborne algae called gloeocapsa magma, and it's ruining your roof. This algae actually feeds off the limestone in your shingles, von Kramer said, and it will eat away the stone causing premature failure of your roof.
Eric is in his third year of using a low-pressure chemical application to kill and remove the mold, mildew and algae, a process recommended by the Shingle Manufacturers Association.
The algae usually grows on a north-facing roof that does not get enough direct sunlight. The growth is usually mistaken for tree droppings or road dirt, but it is alive and feeding off your roof. Low-pressure roof cleaning is relatively new to the Northeast. It is very common, however, in other parts of the country where humidity and shade encourage its spread.
The process can usually be done in a morning with no disruption of your day, von Kramer assures. The cleaning mix is applied with a low-pressure 12-volt pump, so as not to damage the roof. This can usually be done from a ladder or bucket truck; very seldom is it necessary to step on a roof. The results are immediate, stunning and your satisfaction is fully guaranteed.
FYI -- von Kramer and his wife, Donna, have been in business in the area for 30 years.
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