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Today's Poll: How should police handle the no-smoking policy in public parks?

By Howard B. Owens
Sam Tambe Jr.

Let me start by saying I am NOT a smoker. That being said, What a waste of time and money this new law is! It's bad enough that cigerettes are already taxed up to 400% in this state. I can see no smoking in restaurants or public "indoor" places but this law is ridiculous. This is just another instance where freedoms are slowing being taken away from people in America!

Jul 14, 2011, 9:07am Permalink
Jason Crater

I assume the police are exempt from this law too? I can't wait until someone gets arrested for smoking by an officer with a cigarette in his mouth.


Jul 14, 2011, 9:51am Permalink
Jason Murray

hey william lets ban automobiles too. Exhaust is unhealthy. unless that is u drive a vehicle, but then it must be ok for you. Shit lets just ban everything that is unhealthy for anybody. the police have much better things to occupy there time then to worry about smoking. i am curious though if cops are going to stop smoking when they're sittin in the park looking for speeders

Jul 14, 2011, 11:52am Permalink
Ed Gentner

The only exceptional circumstance for the local constabulary to arrest anyone for smoking in a public place would be the post-coital smoke and then only if it involves adultery on the part of one or both of the offending smokers if the preceding coitus took place on a picnic table, under a shelter, on a swing set, or the back seat of an open convertable parked in the handi-cap only space.

Jul 14, 2011, 2:02pm Permalink

The police shouldn't have to handle it. It's a public health problem. Let the Health Department enforce the law. Or like I've said before, let some of the goody two shoes from Smoke Free Genesee spend their days, weekends and holidays enforcing what they preach.

Besides, if the police get tied up with all of these smokers...who's going to watch the Corona broad?

Jul 15, 2011, 12:17am Permalink

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