An accident with injuries, possibly involving up to five vehicles, is reported at Batavia Elba Townline Road and Route 98. Town of Batavia Fire Department is responding, along with Mercy medics #4 and #1.
UPDATE 2:18 p.m.: A first responder on scene confirms five vehicles involved and they are heavily damaged.
UPDATE 2:38 p.m.: This was two separate accidents in close proximity. The first accident, at the top of this post, involved a pickup truck which allegedly failed to yield the right-of-way and was struck by a Jeep. They are still trying to determine how a third vehicle got mixed up in this. One person with minor injuries is likely to be transported to UMMC; two others are sign-offs. North of the first accident another accident occurred involving two vehicles -- on Route 98 near Edgerton Road, Elba. No injuries reported.