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Le Roy

Brockovich issues statement on removal of drums from train derailment site in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Los Angeles – Erin Brockovich today released the following statement regarding the EPA’s failure to ensure 235 drums of toxic waste were removed from the massive TCE spill in Le Roy, New York. The spill became the largest Superfund Site in the United States and the EPA did not know until alerted by Brockovich and her team in January of this year that the drums of hazardous waste had never been removed from the site of the 1971 train derailment that resulted in the massive TCE spill.

“The EPA clearly dropped the ball on the largest TCE Superfund Site in the country and their press release today is a feeble attempt to gloss over their abject failure in Le Roy. The Lehigh Valley Railroad derailment in 1971 was not a small event – it was a massive spill and the EPA had a responsibility to ensure that the polluter clean up the site, and remove the drums of toxic waste within 30 days of being filled. That never happened.

Instead, 235 barrels of hazardous toxic waste were allowed to sit unattended, unprotected and exposed to the elements to rust, decay and leach their toxic contents back into the environment. I’m curious to know if the EPA even reads their own press releases. On one hand, the EPA suggests they found no contamination in the barrels, but they go on to detail the contamination they did find, including TCE and cyanide.

While the EPA will try to convince the public that the levels of toxic contaminants in the barrels are low and not a concern, the sad truth is that they found any at all. And of course the levels are going to be low now after years of neglect that allowed those toxic chemicals to be reintroduced to the environment. What were those contaminant levels five years ago?

To make matters worse, the EPA didn’t even realize the barrels of hazardous material had never been disposed of properly. We actually alerted the EPA that the rotting barrels were still there in Le Roy. They had no idea.

The EPA is failing — it is not protecting people, it is not protecting the environment and we see this type of situation play out it communities across the country. Sadly, it takes citizens like me, and the people of the impacted communities, to speak up and fix problems that should have been dealt with years ago.”

New Jersey doctor says Le Roy patients have 'PANDAS-like' illness, but psychogenic illness also possible

By Howard B. Owens

A New Jersey-based doctor who has seen nine of the girls in Le Roy with movement disorders issued a new statement this morning affirming his diagnosis of a "PANDAS-like" illness.

Dr. Rosario Trifiletti said lab work from his examinations is now complete and he has found three different infections in the nine girls. The findings, he said, support his diagnosis of a "PANDAS-like" illness.

"Given the clinical and laboratory data, I find a PANDAS-like illness a very likely medical diagnosis in these children," Trifiletti said.

As for Trifilletti's definition of "PANDAS-like" illness, attempts to call his office today have resulted in busy signals.

Dr. Laszlo Mastler, medical director of the Neuro-oncology Department at the Dent Neurological Institute, said he knows of no definition in medical literature of "PANDAS-like" illness.

He said it would be up to Trifilletti to share his diagnosis with the medical community if he's discovered a new illness.

"He should publish his findings in a medical journal, which would mean a formal review to be accepted, with strict academic and scientific proof," Mechtler said.

Trifilletti said of the nine patients, five showed infection by streptococcus pyogenes and eight showed infection by mycoplasma pneumonia. Two patients also showed the presence of Lyme disease.

The press release doesn't explain how it's possible for different people with different infections to all exhibit the same symptoms.

In the same statement, Trifiletti said he remains open to the possibility of "mass psychogenic illness."

Neurologists at Dent have diagnosed 15 patients from Le Roy with conversion disorder, and concluded the situation in Le Roy is a rare case of conversion disorder spreading as mass psychogenic illness.

MPI, according to Trifilletti, is a diagnosis that "can never be supported or refuted by objective findings."

Mechtler disagrees with the assertion.

"Conversion disorder can be diagnosed based on an examination," Mechtler said. "This is something I've tried to explain to the media early on. It is not a diagnosis of exclusion. Any neurologist can pick it up on an examination."

Hysterical blindness, Mechtler said, is an example of a conversion disorder that a doctor can detect on a first office visit.

As for the infections, Trifilletti doesn't explain what number of the nine patients have two or three infections, but clearly some of the nine patients he believes may have a "PANDAS-like" disease have only one infection.

In a forum posting in 2010, Trifilletti said he believes "the key to PANDAS in many cases is co-infection," meaning patients have two or three of mycoplasma, strep or Lyme.

Of the general population, 5 percent of people carry all three infections, according to Trifilletti, but not all develop PANDAS.

According to a paper Trifilletti links to in his post, research shows that up to 60 percent of 15- to 19-year-olds have a mycoplasma infection, and Trifilletti says that 20 percent of children have a strep infection.

According to Trifilletti's own writing, the presence of these infections does not mean PANDAS, and that it would take at least two infections, if not all three, to produce a "PANDAS-like" illness.

"These are just my ideas, not reality," Trifilletti writes. "But you gotta have hypotheses or there are no answers -- that's just how science works."

Mechtler said Trifilletti obviously has the confidence of the parents and, given Dent's diagnosis of conversion disorder, a treatment the patients believe in will help them get better.

"If they're getting better, that's what counts, and I'm very happy," Mechtler said. 

Two local students make the Deans' List at SUNY Cortland

By Billie Owens

Two local residents were named to the Deans' List at SUNY Cortland for the Fall 2011 semester. They are:

  • Amanda Mignano, of Stafford, a senior Art major


  • Meghan Olsowski, of Le Roy, a senior Sociology major

Honorees must earn a grade-point average of 3.3 or higher on a 4.0 scale, while completing 12 or more credit hours of classes during the semester.

More than 7,300 students are pursuing degrees within the college's 61 undergraduate and 33 graduate academic majors. SUNY Cortland is home to the largest undergraduate teacher education program in the Northeast.

Photos: Drum removal at EPA Superfund Site in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

With news today that crews were starting to remove the drums of rock and soil from the Lehigh Valley Train Derailment site, I drove out for pictures of the activity.

Prior to leaving Batavia, I made repeated requests to move closer to the work than just the gate at the front driveway of the site. EPA spokesperson Mary Mears said no each time, telling me I could get adequate pictures from Gulf Road and the television stations were satisfied with that location. When I arrived on site, I called Mears and repeated my request, telling her the distance and vehicles in the entryway obscured much of the activity. She said she would call the site manager and pass along my request. 

My request was pretty clear and simple: Walk up the driveway, where no heavy equipment was operating and take pictures from outside the fenced area, where, again, no heavy equipment -- no equipment at all -- was operating. 

The supervisor reportedly told Mears that it would be unsafe for me to walk in for closer photographs.

I walked to three different locations along the perimeter and using a long lens, took these photos -- the best I could get under the circumstances.

EPA announces removal of drums from Lehigh Valley derailment site

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced that the removal of 235 drums from the Lehigh Railroad Derailment Superfund site in Le Roy, N.Y. will begin today. The EPA reviewed the sampling results for the contents of all the drums and in all cases considers them to be non-hazardous. The drums, which contain soil and rocks generated when wells were drilled at the site, were sampled during the past month.

A December 1970 train derailment resulted in the release of liquid trichloroethene (TCE) and cyanide crystals. The material in the drums was tested for these and other contaminants. No tested contaminants were detected in materials from 203 of the drums. In 32 of the drums, some detectable concentrations of contaminants were found.

Specifically, eight drums had detectable levels of TCE only, eight others had detectable levels of cyanide only and eight drums had detectable levels of both. One drum had detectable levels of TCE and cis-1,2-dichloroethene, which is a breakdown product of TCE. The remaining seven drums primarily had detections of either common lab contaminants or contaminants typically associated with petroleum products. These contaminants include: acetone, carbon disulfide, ethylbenzene, toluene, total xylenes, methylcyclohexane, and 2-butanone (MEK). In all cases the levels of these contaminants were low and are below health-based levels.

While the EPA considers the drums non-hazardous and eligible for disposal as non-hazardous waste, the Lehigh Valley Railroad has arranged for material to be disposed of at a landfill that is permitted to accept hazardous waste. The facility set to accept the waste is EQ-Wayne Disposal, Inc., Landfill in Belleville, Mich. Drum removal from the site will begin this morning and is expected to be completed by the end of the week. The Lehigh Valley Railraod will pay the cost of disposing of the drums, not taxpayers.

Back to Western New York

By Don Vickers

My wife Becky and I will be traveling back to Genesee County in early May for our annual vacation visiting my family.  As many of you know I am an avid Metal Detectorist and am always looking for old homes to metal detect around.  I am currently living in the Kansas City area and my opportunities to detect older homes is limited due to the small population of the area up until the 1850's.

If you have a home that is older than 100 years old (the older the better) and would like to see what I can find in your yard let me know.  A lot of people tell me "You won't find anything in my yard" but I prove them wrong almost every time.

For more information about my hobby and who I am you can visit my website at

While at home in Genesee County I will be driving around and knocking on doors in an attempt to get permission, who knows maybe I will knock on your door.



Brockovich says she's not done with Le Roy yet

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Los Angeles – Erin Brockovich today released a statement regarding the growing health concerns potentially caused by contamination in Le Roy, NY.

“Contrary to an erroneous news report, I want to make clear that my investigation into possible sources of environmental contamination in LeRoy, New York that may or may not be linked to the serious illnesses suffered by various members of the community is not complete. In fact, it appears the number of people in the area displaying alarming health issues that can be caused by TCE is growing.

It took the EPA 40 years to investigate the contamination from the train derailment and it will take us more than 40 days to get to the root of the problem in Le Roy. I want to further stress that we have not ruled out the TCE plume from the train derailment as a source of contamination at Le Roy High School. All existing tests are preliminary and we will announce our full and definitive test results in the weeks to come. We will not release them piecemeal.

In the meantime, we have several areas of high concern in Le Roy that we are investigating including, but not limited to, the train derailment site, the local quarry, the six fracking wells at the high school, and the MtBE contamination in local wells.

We have a lot more testing to do before we can rule anything in or out as a cause of toxic contamination in Le Roy and what may or may not be causing the very serious health problems of people and families in Le Roy. While we certainly do not want to cause a panic in the community, we do want to be thorough and get to the bottom of what is going on in Le Roy.”

Le Roy student named to Deans' List at St. Lawrence University

By Billie Owens

Emilie M. Wetzel, of Le Roy, has been selected for inclusion on the Deans' List for academic achievement during the Fall 2011 semester at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York.

To be eligible for the Deans' List at St. Lawrence University, a student must have completed at least four semester units and have an academic average of 3.6 (based on a perfect 4.0 scale) for the semester.

Wetzel, a member of the class of 2013, graduated from Le Roy Central School.

St. Lawrence, the oldest continuously degree-granting coeducational college in New York State, is a residential, liberal arts institution of about 2,300 students.

Le Roy looking for tips regarding burglary on Myrtle Street

By Howard B. Owens

A residence on Myrtle Street in Le Roy was broken into over the weekend and Le Roy Police are looking for assistance in identifying the perpetrator.

The home was burglarized between 1 and 5:30 p.m., Sunday.

The resident returned to find his front door and inside door had been forced open and items were missing from inside the apartment.

Anybody with information that might help, including seeing a person or persons lingering on Myrtle Street or in the area are asked to call the Le Roy PD at 768-2527.  

Humane traps and transportation needed for feral cats in Le Roy

By Billie Owens

UPDATE 1:57 p.m., Feb. 21: Spay Our Strays -- S.O.S. -- the organization which is undertaking this effort, contacted The Batavian to say it has enough humane traps and transportation volunteers for next week's journey. S.O.S. is most thankful for the help!

Press release:

There is a very large feral colony in Le Roy that Volunteers for Animals S.O.S. -- Spay Our Strays -- is trapping and taking to Habitat for Cats in Henrietta for spay and neuter on Wednesday, Feb. 29. Appointments have been made for 30 cats and help is needed with trapping and transporting.

At least 40 humane traps will need to be set to catch 30 cats. If you have a trap you can lend, please contact S.O.S.  ASAP.

Trapping: Monday Feb. 27 or Tuesday Feb. 28 in Le Roy

Transporting: Wednesday Feb. 29 from Le Roy to Henrietta and then back to Le Roy.

If you are able to help by lending a trap or with transportation, contact Kathy Schwenk at 716-472-8968 or email

Please DO NOT call the Genesee County Animal Shelter with questions or for help.

Big rig on fire on the westbound Thruway

By Billie Owens

A semi-truck is reportedly on fire at mile marker 377, east of the toll booths, on the westbound Thruway. The truck's cargo is unknown. The call came from the Thruway Authority. Le Roy Fire Department and Ambulance Service are responding.

UPDATE 9:37 a.m.: The Thruway Authority reports "the truck has moved on its way." The Le Roy assignment is back in service.

As media coverage subsides, so do new movement cases at Dent

By Howard B. Owens

Over the past week, there have been no new patients at Dent Neurological Institute from Le Roy with any kind of movement disorder, according to Dr. Laszlo Mechtler.

During the same time period, the national media spotlight on Le Roy over what some outlets have mischaracterized as a "mysterious illness" has nearly faded away.

A search of Google News indicates there's been no national news coverage since Feb. 8.

Mechtler said the lack of new patients and decrease in coverage is no coincidence.

"Mainstream and social media have exacerbated the movement disorder,"  Mechtler said.

In the two weeks prior to Feb. 8, when much of the national media was in a frenzy over the situation in Le Roy, the number of patients tracked by Dent jumped from 12 to 20.

Dent doctors diagnosed their patients with conversion disorder, a psychogenic illness that is brought on and exacerbated by stress.

Mechtler has stated previously that of the original 11 girls seen by Dent, all had significant stress factors in their lives.

Meanwhile, the patients who have continued with Dent, according to Mechter, have shown continued improvement.

"Some have no symptoms at all," Mechtler said.

Six local students earn President's List honors at SUNY Brockport

By Billie Owens

The College at Brockport, State University of New York, recently honored students who excelled academically by naming them to the President's List for the Fall 2011 semester. To achieve the honor of being on the President's List, a student must earn a grade-point average of 4.0.

Brittany Bills, of Oakfield

Patricia Johnston, of Byron

Kara Miller, of Le Roy

Joel Pitts, of Le Roy

Maureen Weinman, of Le Roy

Jeffery White, of Le Roy

The College at Brockport is a comprehensive four-year public college, located in Brockport. It offers 50 undergraduate majors, more than 40 graduate programs as well as 24 teacher certification programs. The college is rated among the "Best in the Northeast" by The Princeton Review, a "Best Regional University" by U.S. News & World Report, and a "Best Value" by Kiplinger's Personal Finance.

Fifty local students named to SUNY Brockport Deans' List

By Billie Owens

The College at Brockport, State University of New York, recently honored students who excelled academically by naming them to the Deans' List for the Fall 2011 semester.

Students who earn a GPA of 3.70–3.99 are named to the Deans' List with Honors, while students who achieve a GPA of 3.40–3.69 are named to the Deans' List.

The honorees are:

Deans' List with Honors

Jeff Appis, of Byron
Brian Burgay, of Bergen
Shane Chatham, of Bergen
Kayla Chiocco, of Elba
Carly Crnkovich, of Elba
Samantha Denton, of Oakfield
Samantha Elliott, of Bergen
Zackary Kibler, of Oakfield
Jennifer Lazarony, of Corfu
Christina Mancuso, of Le Roy
Joanna Menzie, of Bergen
James Mignano, of Stafford
Erika Parmenter, of Pavilion
Theresa Raponi, of Pavilion
Rebecca Smith, of Bergen
Lori Stellrecht, of Basom
Patricia Van Buren, of Bergen
Danielle Wojtaszczyk, of Le Roy

Deans' List

Sarah Amico, of Le Roy
Dylan Ashley, of Le Roy
Zachary Bannister, of Elba
Gregory Barron, of Le Roy
Justin Becker, of Le Roy
Nicholas Bonin, of Bergen
AnDrea Carrigan, of Pavilion
Kristen Casper, of Oakfield
Chelsea Dillon, of Le Roy
Emily Drzewiecki, of Bergen
Donald Fonda, of Byron
Danielle Ford, of Le Roy
Molly Geissler, of Elba
Abigail Graham, of Le Roy
Natalie Haas, of Le Roy
Casey Herman, of Corfu
Brittany Kessler, of Byron
Gena Korn, of Le Roy
Emily Kovatch, of Le Roy
Chelsey Macomber, of Le Roy
Antonio Madau, of Le Roy
Jason McElroy, of Le Roy
Danielle Merica, of Le Roy
Melanie Monroe, of Bergen
Joseph Patton, of Le Roy
Ethan Reynolds, of Corfu
Lyman Rhodes, of Le Roy
Krystal Rivers, of Basom
Katherine Rogers, of Le Roy
Peter Subsara, of Darien Center
Christian Townes, of Le Roy
Kelsey Wright, of Pavilion

The College at Brockport is a comprehensive four-year public college. It offers 50 undergraduate majors, more than 40 graduate programs as well as 24 teacher certification programs. The college is rated among the "Best in the Northeast" by The Princeton Review, a "Best Regional University" by U.S. News & World Report, and a "Best Value" by Kiplinger's Personal Finance.

Assemblyman Hawley holds Town Hall Day in Le Roy

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) is hosting his regular monthly outreach meeting for Genesee County residents at Le Roy Town Hall this coming Wednesday. All members of the public are invited and encouraged to attend.

“The meeting will offer the people of Western New York a chance to share their views, concerns and suggestions to improve the quality of life in our area,” Hawley said. “I strongly encourage all local citizens to attend this event.”

The meeting is from 6 to 7 p.m., Feb. 22. Le Roy Town Hall is located at 48 Main St., Le Roy.

Event Date and Time

Le Roy substitute's services 'no longer needed' after alleged remark

By Howard B. Owens

The services of an unnamed substitute teacher will no longer be needed in the Le Roy Central School District, according to Superintendent Kim Cox

The teacher reportedly made an "insensitive comment related to the current health situation."

Cox said, "Given the poor judgment shown with respect to the comment, the individual was informed that his services were no longer needed by the district."

A reader who contacted The Batavian said the teacher made a remark about being glad he didn't live in Le Roy or "otherwise he would be ticking."

The incident comes on the heels of the reported dismissal of a basketball coach with York who allegedly tried to lead his team in a chant of "1, 2, 3, Tourette's" before a game in Le Roy. The players reportedly did not join in with the chant.

Grand Jury Report: Predatory sexual act indictment filed

By Howard B. Owens

Stephen I. Stone is indicted on a charge of predatory sexual assault against a child, a Class A-II felony. Stone is accused of committing a sexual act against a child of less than 13 during the summer of 2011.

Brett A. Simcick is indicted on a count of felony DWI. Simcick is accused of driving drunk Sept. 4 on Munson Street, Le Roy.

Matthew C. Higgins is indicted on a count of felony DWI. Higgins is accused of driving drunk Oct. 21 in the Town of Le Roy.

Matthew R. Klump is indicted on counts of felony DWI and driving with a BAC of .18 or greater. Klump is accused of driving drunk Oct. 8 on Clay Street and Myrtle Street, Le Roy.

Four local students make Deans' List at SUNY Oswego

By Billie Owens

Four area residents were named to the Deans' List for the Fall semester at SUNY Oswego.

Showing academic achievement, with their major in parentheses, are:

Lindsey C. Glazier, of Caswell Road in Byron, a senior (elementary education).

Shannon E. Christiansen, of Phelps Road in Corfu, a junior (communication).

Nikki M. Parlato, of Seven Day Road in Darien Center, a senior (public justice).

Courtney M. Brooks, of Washington Avenue in Le Roy, a sophomore (public justice).

The President's and Deans' lists represent the academic top 24.4 percent of the Oswego student body. To be included on the Deans' List, students must have a semester grade average of 3.30 to 3.79.

Admission to SUNY Oswego is competitive. U.S. News & World Report named it among the "Top Public Regional Universities in the North" for 2012, the Princeton Review and USA Today named SUNY Oswego to their 2012 list of 150 "best value" colleges and universities in the nation.

A 151-year-old comprehensive college in the State University of New York system, Oswego enrolls more than 8,000 students in its College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; School of Business; School of Communication, Media and the Arts; and School of Education.

Barn quilt project in Le Roy proving popular with residents

By Howard B. Owens

When Lynn Belluscio first proposed starting a barn quilt project in Le Roy, she was hoping to get 30 or so quilts installed on barns in Le Roy by June.

Well, 30 or so won't be a problem, it turns out. The idea caught on fast. Now she's thinking maybe 50.

The project was conceived to help promote the Le Roy Bicentennial, which the town, village and historical society will celebrate this summer.

Belluscio first heard about barn quilts -- large sections of plywood painted with the patterns of quilts -- on a phone call of town historians. Then she saw how the idea had taken hold in the Town of Neversink, so she thought it would be a great project for Le Roy.

After Belluscio got the support of the historical society and announced the plan in the Le Roy Pennysaver, she started getting handfuls of requests for barn quilts.

"People say to me, 'Did you ever expect it to be this popular?' and I would say, 'I was hoping it would be,' " Belluscio said.

The quilt patterns might come from a family heirloom, a quilt in the historical society collection or a pattern from a book, but all are intended to help weave a story together of the history and culture of Le Roy.

Quilt sizes include 4x4, 6x6 and 8x8. They might be hung on a barn, an outbuilding or a garage.

The historical society is maintaining a library of paints and other supplies for residents who want to paint their own quilts.

One of the quilts being painted by Belluscio is 8' x 8' and based on a quilt that was given by members of the Methodist church to a departing pastor in 1898 (top photo). It is signed by 200 members of the congregation.

The completed barn quilt will be auctioned off March 10 at the historical society's annual dinner, with a minimum bid of $150, with that amount going to the bicentennial project.

Even though the historical society has yet to publish a map of all the installed quilts -- and they're not all installed yet -- people are already discovering the project and driving around looking for the quilts, Belluscio said.

"People are discovering their own back yard, or back roads," Belluscio said. "They're going out to find them and we're happy to see that happening. It's something really neat that is happening."

Any other Le Roy residents interested in a barn quilt, Belluscio can be contacted at 768-7433. The society has also set up a website for the project.

Here's a list of installed quilt locations:

  • 46 E. Main St.
  • 8148 North Road
  • 8042 Lake Road
  • 8041 R. Main
  • 8457 North St. Road
  • 63 Lake St. (Rt. 19)
  • 9573 Asbury Road
  • 9743 Asbury Road (4) & across road
  • 6195 Sweetland Road
  • 8506 Lake Road
  • 23 E. Main St.
  • 9423 Summit St. Road
  • 6849 W. Main Road
  • 8283 Harris Road
  • 9396 South St. Road
  • 8587 North Road
  • 8090 Black St. Road (corner of Linwood Road)
  • 9290 York Road
  • 1719 Craig Road, Linwood
  • 9696 Asbury Road
  • Conlon Road (south of North Road)
  • 8343 Gully Road
  • 36 Lathrop Ave.
  • 13 Summit St.
  • 8171 W. Bergen Road

Route 5, Town of Le Roy

Asbury Road

Asbury Road

Stein Farms

Route 19

Photo: Winter Woods on Black Street Road

By Howard B. Owens

Out and about in Le Roy this afternoon taking photos for a story I hope to write tomorrow, I came across this scene on Black Street Road.

Authentically Local