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Police Beat: Painter accused of taking money, not doing work in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

James D. Qutermous, 52, of 9484 Putnam Road, Batavia, is charged with grand larceny, 4th. Qutermous is accused of accepting a $1,500 down payment to paint a house in Le Roy, and cashing the check, but never returning to start the work or return the money.

Troy Anthony Hokenson, 42, of Wood Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Hokenson is accused of stealing $49.11 worth of merchandise from Kmart.

Police Beat: Darien woman accused of using fake ID to get Time Warner service

By Howard B. Owens

Rachellyn G. Burek, 29, of 4131 Broadway Road, Apt. #4, Darien, is charged with identity theft in the third degree. Burek is accused of using the identity of another person from December 2006 to August 2007 to obtain service from Time Warner Cable. Burek allegedly received more than $900 in services. The case was investigated by Det. Pat Corona, Batavia PD.

Kelly J. McMurty, 34, of Benedict Street, Perry, and Linda L. McMurty, 55, of Embury Avenue, Silver Lake, are each charged with petit larceny. The women are accused of stuffing clothing items in their purses and then walking past the last point of purchase without paying for the items. 

Edward S. Wiosinski, 60, of 1364 Rush Henrietta Townline Road, Rush, is charged with aggravated harassment, 2nd. Wioskinski was arrested by Le Roy Police for allegedly harassing another person.

"Jack and the Beanstalk" at Woodward Memorial Library

By Trisha Riggi

Wednesday, May 11,  3:15-4:15 p.m. for grades 1-3. Read and watch, Jack and the Beanstalk, then decorate a planter cup and plant a seed. Take it home and watch it grow. Will it become a giant beanstalk? Registration is required. Call 585-768-8300 to sign up.

Event Date and Time

Mother who used ATM to steal money from nursery school in Le Roy sentenced

By Howard B. Owens

A Le Roy mother accused of stealing $6,200 from a nursery school where she served as treasurer will spend five years on probation, Judge Robert C. Noonan ruled this morning.

Jennifer M. Riggi, 29, of 47 Lake St., Le Roy, will also serve on community work details each weekend for the next two months.

Riggi, speaking hoarsely and softly, said in halting sentences, "I admit it was wrong. I feel awful that it happened. It's a mistake I made."

On Feb. 27, Riggi plead guilty to grand larceny, 4th. As part of her plea deal, she was required to make restitution prior to sentencing, which she did.

Meg Roberts, president of the board of directors for the school, said Riggi's actions were harmful to the school.

"We trusted you to help run the school for our children and your children as well," Roberts said. "You completely misled us that you had the best interest of the children at heart.

"You had direct knowledge about how misappropriating funds would hurt the school and our ability to pay our teachers. I never would have expected another mother to steal from our school."

Noonan said he really didn't understand Riggi's motivation.

"When I read the presentence investigation on somebody who violated the trust of an institution or organization that vested them with (financial responsibility), I'm really trying to look for a reason why," Noonan said.

"Some would do it often times because of drug or other substance abuse issues. Sometimes it's a gambling problem. Sometimes it's a drastic change in financial circumstances. Often times people say, as you did, that they intended at the time to return what they took and just got in over their heads.

"But with a spouse who has adequate income so that you're not forced into the position where you must steal to feed your children, it does suggest a real character flaw. That is something you are going to have to deal with, not just for the period of probation term, but for the rest of your life.

"What could make you feel that you could go and take money just because it was available to you, I don't understand," Noonan concluded. "It's not my job to understand it. It's just a curiosity to me."

PHOTOS: Mothers Day Celebration at Batavia Gardens

By Robin Walters

Care-A-Van was at Batavia Gardens for their weekly grocery distribution.  A group of women had gotten together to celebrate one of their friend's  birthday. Instead of bringing gifts for her, they all brought items that could be used to bless other mothers on Mother's Day. They  then created and donated the blessing boxes to Care-A-Van to distribute to moms and  and to children to have a gift to give to their mom on Mother's Day.

Here below is Bridget Ohlson, Co-Founder of Care-A-Van blessing one of the women that came to the truck today.


Double-fatal DWI accident re-enacted for Le Roy HS students

By Howard B. Owens

About 200 Le Roy High School students witnessed one of their classmates being carried away in a body bag by four volunteer firefighters on Friday.

The student wasn't dead, just an actor in a multi-agency demonstration for the youths about what happens when people drink and drive and get into serious auto accidents.

The event was put together by Tim Hogel and Christina Marinaccio of the Le Roy Fire Department. Also participating were the Stafford Fire Department, Le Roy Ambulance (who's members also assisted to planning and setting up the drill), Mercy Flight, Le Roy Police, the Genesee County Sheriff's Office, Genesee County Emergency Services and Coroner Bob Yungfleisch.

"We wanted them to know, to have a firsthand experience," said Le Roy Chief Mike Sheflin. "We can read statistics to them all day long, but we wanted them to really see what happens, to have a friend being put under an orange blanket and in a body bag."

The scene set up in the parking lot of the high school involved two cars, four student actors and two mannequins. The demonstration, lasting more than an hour, showed students what happens when first responders arrive on scene -- from providing immediate medical treatment to extricating people trapped in cars.

The re-enactment portrayed a double fatality accident with one person being trapped in a car and the other being thrown from a vehicle. Yungfleisch pronounced both victims dead at the scene and went through all the steps he normally would in documenting the deaths.

Two other students were "transported" by ground ambulance and a third student was transported in a Mercy Flight helicopter. (He described the ride as "bumpy.")

At least three students --Lindsay Snyder, Ashley Russo, Shelby Joshlin -- said the demonstration had a real impact on them.

"It’s traumatizing for everyone," Lindsay said. "Even if you don’t know them, it still impacts you. Even in just acting, it kind of makes you stop and think, what if that happened to me?"

Ashley said the demonstration really showed her that driving while intoxicated is really bad and Shelby added that she would do everything she could to keep people from drinking and driving.

"If somebody needs a ride, even if I’m not friends with them, they can give me a call and I’ll come and give them a ride," Shelby said. "I don’t want to see this happen to anybody I know."

Hogel said he's known five young people over the past five years involved in fatal DWI accidents, which was part of the reason he wanted to put this demonstration together.

"If we can influence just one person not to drink and drive then I’m happy with it," Hogel said.

Of course, just about every volunteer firefighter, police officer and EMS responder has dealt with a fatal accident. Often people they know are involved, so how these accidents effect their own families is never far from their minds.

The 17-year-old daughter of Scott Kibler, 1st Assistent for Stafford Fire, was in the audience, and Kibler said he's warned his daughter many times about drinking and driving.

"Of course, she's only 17 and shouldn't be drinking at all, but I can't be with her twenty-four-seven," Kibler said.

“I’ve told her I’ve seen what happens firsthand at fatal accidents involving alcohol," Kibler said. "As a parent, the last thing I want to do is get woken up in the middle of the night to go to a fatal where she’s involved, whether she’s involved injured or uninjured."

UPDATE: Here's the names of the students who participated. Ben Eadie road in the bird, Chelsie Hixenbaugh had the broken leg, Emily Hogle had an arm injury, Gino Forte was the drunken driver, Chris Merica played the role of DOA.

More pictures after the jump:


Police Beat: Tire slashing suspect from February arrested

By Howard B. Owens

Glenn R. Price, 57, of 128 W. Main St., Batavia, is charged with criminal mischief, 4th. Price is accused of slashing tires in the parking lot of Walmart, 4133 Veterans Memorial Drive, Batavia, at 12:04 a.m., Feb. 21. The case was investigated by Deputy Chris Parker and Investigator Kristopher Kautz.

Mark Laney, 31, of Clinton Street Road, Bergen, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Laney is accused of violating an order of protection out of Family Court. He was jailed on $1,500 bail.

Christopher Patrick Ball, 28, of Ellicott Street Road, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 1st. Ball is accused of harassing his ex-girlfriend during a phone conversation, in violation of an order of protection. Ball was jailed on $2,500 bail.

A 16-year-old resident of West Bergen Road, Le Roy, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. The youth is accused of violating an order of protection out of Family Court. The youth was jailed on $750 bail.


By Robin Walters

Millions of Americans wil unite in prayer at thousands of events from coast to coast to observe the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 5th. The theme for this year is "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" and is based on the verse from Psalm 91:2 which states " I will say to the Lord my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.

In 1 Timothy 2:1-6 the Apostle Paul says, "I urge then,first of all, that petitions prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people.

According to these verses, we are urged to pray for all those in authority. We are to pray so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This pleases God, and when you obey his word, it brings peace into your heart and life. The world in which we live may be in turmoil, but for those in Christ, there is peace, hope, and joy for the future. His word says that we should pray so that all people would come to a saving knowledge of the truth. The truth is that Jesus Christ gave his life as a ransom for all who call on him. He died on the cross for all so that we may be made holy and righteous in his sight.

In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God says, "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray , and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from  Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Because of these verses in scripture and many more like them, I urge you to join us as we seek God in prayer.

The Batavia Assembly God Church will open its doors from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM.  There will be a variety of prayer stations set up where you can join us in focusing on specific areas of prayer. You may also stop by the altar or take up a seat in a pew and pray for your own individual needs. If you need prayer, there will be people available to pray with you.

There will be a bible study with a prayer emphasis on Wednesday night,  May 4th starting at 7:00 PM. We invite you to come and help us pray earnestly for our families , our communities , and our churches. Let us pray for our president and all our leaders who govern, that they will humble themselves and seek God's guidance. Everyone is welcome, and we look forward to seeing you there.

God is our mighty fortress in whom we can trust. May we trust him that through our prayers he will move upon our nation to bring healing, peace and his blessing. Let us pray that through our prayers people will come to know him and turn to him.


Vehicle leaking gas after hitting deer on I-490

By Howard B. Owens

A car has reportedly hit a deer on the east I-490 somewhere in the Le Roy or Bergen area and the car is reportedly leaking gas.

Both Bergen and Le Roy fire departments dispatched since the exact location has not been determined.

It is approximately in the area of mile marker 2.7 or could be east of the Bergen exit.

There are no injuries reported.

UPDATE 9:23 p.m.: The vehicle has been located in the eastbound lane just west of the Bergen exit.

UPDATE 9:25 p.m.: Fluid leak is antifreeze. Le Roy back in service.

Trio of reputed Hells Angels accused of racketeering have ties to Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Three people indicted in Federal Court today on racketeering charges have Genesee County ties.

All three are said to be associated with the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club in Rochester.

James Henry McAuley Jr. (aka "Mitch"), 62, is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon in aid of racketeering activity.

Indicted as co-conspirators after the fact were Richard E. Riedman (aka "Eric"), 37, and Timothy M. Stone, 31, who were previously arrested in Corfu in June 2009 for allegedly stealing scrap metal.

McAuley, described by Federal authorities as vice president of the Rochester Hells Angels, is married to Donna L. Boon (aka Donna L. McAuley). Boon, 45, was arrested at her Batavia-Oakfield Townline Road residence on July 9, 2010, in connection with an alleged methamphetamine ring headed by Donald G. Vanelli, 48, of 8394 Lake St., Le Roy.

Vanelli, who was said to be president of the Road Agents Motorcycle Club at the time, entered a guilty plea in Federal Court in January to a charge of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute, and to distribute, 500 grams or more of methamphetamine.

Boon faces federal charges related to conspiracy with intent to distribute narcotics. Her case is still pending.

The case against Riedman and Stone is still pending.

McAuley, Riedman and Stone were indicated along with Robert W. Moran Jr. (aka "Bugsy"), 59, and Gina Tata, 47.

According to the indictment, McAuley, Moran and Tata beat up a patron of an unidentified restaurant on May 31, 2006. Tata allegedly told Moran that the patron threatened the motorcycle club. Moran allegedly struck the head and body of the patron repeatedly with a baseball bat. 

Tata, Riedman and Stone allegedly conspired to help Moran and McAuley avoid apprehension.

A press release from the office of William H. Hochul, U.S. Attorney for Western New York, describes the Hells Angels as a criminal organization whose members function as a continuing unit for the common purpose of facilitating criminal activity, including acts involving narcotics trafficking and murder."

It also says, "Members of the Rochester Hells Angels claim to control certain territory up to Syracuse, and allegedly use violence for a number of illicit purposes, including those who did not show proper respect to the organization."

The indictment alleges that all defendants acted with the specific purpose of maintaining and increasing their positions in the Hells Angels. 

"The country’s federal racketeering statutes were specifically designed to help combat acts of violence committed by members of a criminal organization," Hochul said in a statement. "This office stands ready to utilize these statutes – and aid our local law enforcement partners - whenever circumstances warrant."   

McAuley is currently locked up in the Elkton Federal Corrections Facility in Elkton, Ohio.

He was sentenced in April 2008 to eight years for participating in a conspiracy to commit murder in aid of racketeering. 

McAuley conspired to murder members of the Kingsmen Motorcycle Club in Fulton, N.Y., because the Kingsmen, who were affiliated with the Outlaws Motorcycle Club, were establishing a chapter in the Hells Angels territory.

According to public records, McAuley has lived in Rochester, Spencerport, Brockport and Fairport. There is no record of his having lived in Genesee County.

Le Roy Police investigating report of shotgun being fired in village

By Howard B. Owens

On Tuesday morning, somebody apparently fired a shotgun in the Village of Le Roy.

No injuries were reported in the 11 a.m. incident, but a bullet was lodged in the wall of a residence.

Police do not know who fired the12-gauge shotgun slug, which imbedded in the outer wall of 57 W. Main St.

It's also unclear where the person was standing when he fired the gun. It appears to be somewhere east of Craigie Street.

Police are asking any possible witnesses to call the department at 768-2527.

Five young women to graduate from SUNY Oswego

By Billie Owens

Several local residents are scheduled to complete their baccalaureate studies in May at SUNY Oswego.

The following local residents (with their academic major in parentheses) are eligible to participate in the graduation ceremonies:

Rebecca M. Lang, of Bartz Drive in Alexander, (public relations)

Lindsay A. Norton, of Gilhooly Road in Alexander, (zoology)

Amber M. Allenbrandt, of Wescott Road in Stafford, (elementary education -- cum laude)

Sarah E. Olear, of North Street in Le Roy, (zoology -- cum laude)

Kate E. Wilcox, of Craig Road in Pavilion, (marketing --- cum laude)

Students who graduate with honors are indicated by the traditional Latin phrases summa cum laude, with highest honor (grade averages of 3.8 to 4.0); magna cum laude, with great honor (grade averages of 3.6 to 3.79); and cum laude, with honor (grade averages of 3.30 to 3.59).

SUNY Oswego is a 150-year-old comprehensive college in the State University of New York system. It enrolls over 8,000 students in its College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; School of Business; School of Communication, Media and the Arts; and School of Education.

Car strikes parked car at residence on Randall Road

By Howard B. Owens

A car has reportedly gone off the road at 6842 Randall Road, Le Roy, traveling through the yard and striking a parked car.

Unknown injuries.

Le Roy Fire and Le Roy Ambulance dispatched.

UPDATE 4:50 p.m.: Units responding can come in non-emergency. No injuries.

View Larger Map

Two local students makes Ithaca College's Dean's List

By Billie Owens

The following local residents were named to the Dean's List at Ithaca College for the fall 2010 semester.

James Earl, son of Carolyn Stegman, of Batavia, attends the college's Roy H. Park School of Communications.

Allyce Barron, daughter of Bruce and Marie Barron, of Le Roy, attends the college's School of Music.

Coeducational and nonsectarian, Ithaca College is a nationally recognized independent college of some 6,400 undergraduates and 400 graduate students. Located in Ithaca, it offers more than 100 degree programs.

Shayne Herold of Le Roy earns spot on Ashland University's baseball team

By Billie Owens

Shayne Herold, of  Le Roy, NY, is a member of the men's baseball team at Ashland University. He is majoring in Sports Management.

He is the son of Tom and Kelly Herold of LeRoy.

The Ashland Eagles are coming off a strong 2010 season in which they finished with a 35-22 record and made it into the Midwest Regionals of the NCAA Division II playoffs.

The baseball Eagles are members of the Great Lakes Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (GLIAC).

For more information, including individual and team statistics, the game schedule and roster, go to:

The team is coached by John Schaly.

Ashland University ( is a mid-sized, private institution that values the individual student and offers a unique educational experience that combines the challenge of strong, applied academic programs with a faculty and staff who build nurturing relationships with their students.

Suspected drug dealer allegedly scuffles with task force members during arrest

By Howard B. Owens

A suspected drug dealer allegedly struggled with members of the Local Drug Enforcement Task Force, causing minor injuries to two officers, when they attempted to arrest him Thursday evening on Liberty Street, Batavia.

Taken into custody, following an investigation into the sale, transportation and possession of cocaine in and around Le Roy and Batavia, was 21-year-old Craig A. Tiberio-Shepherd, of Lathrop Avenue, Le Roy.

Once Tiberio-Shepherd was taken into custody, members of the task force along with uniformed deputies and officers from Batavia PD and Le Roy PD, executed search warrants on Tiberio-Shepherd himself and his residence.

Investigators allegedly found a quantity of cocaine, a quantity of Suboxone (a controlled substance), numerous pieces of drug paraphernalia, drug packaging, digital scales and $310.

Following arraignment in Batavia City Court, Tiberio-Shepherd was jailed without bail.

Tiberio-Shepherd was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 4th, assault, 2nd, and obstructing governmental administration, 2nd. In Le Roy Court, Tiberio-Shepherd was charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, and criminal using drug paraphernalia, 2nd.

The injured members of the task force suffered twisted fingers and minor cuts and bruises.

Le Roy man reenlists for NY Army National Guard

By Billie Owens

Citizen soldier Robert Davis, of Le Roy, has reenlisted in the New York Army National Guard, continuing his commitment to serve his community, state and nation.

Major General Patrick A. Murphy, the Adjutant General, announced made the announcement.

Sergeant 1st Class Davis will continue his service with the Troop A 2-101 Cavalry (Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition).

"Over the past three years, the New York Army National Guard has come from far below authorized strength to 100-percent strength," Murphy said in remarks to the force. "Our priority is to provide ready forces for both state and federal missions and readiness starts with maintaining our strength.

"We have more than 16,000 men and women in the Army and Air National Guard with each individual member having an important role."

For more information about the New York Army National Guard, visit or

Police Beat: Batavia resident accused of choking another person

By Howard B. Owens

Tyrone L. Richardson, 35, of 17 Walnut St., Batavia, is charged with criminal obstruction of breathing / blood circulation and harassment, 2nd. Richardson is accused of grabbing another person by the throat and also placing that person in a headlock and applying pressure. Richardson reportedly left the scene of the alleged incident at 8:20 a.m., Sunday, and turned himself in on Monday.

Jayson Michael Connolly, 37, of Weathersfield Road, Silver Springs, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Connolly is accused of placing a phone call to a woman he is barred by court order from contacting. Connolly was jailed on $2,500 bail. (from Sheriff's Office press release)

Jayson M. Connolly, 37, of 5405 Weathersfield Road, Silver Springs, is charged with criminal contempt ,2nd. Connolly was allegedly found in a car with a person he was barred from contacting by court order. Connolly was jailed on $1,000 bail (City Police press release)

Travis J. Weatherall, 23, of 7216 Griswold Road, Bergen, is charged with petit larceny. Weatherall was arrested by Le Roy Police. He is accused of shoplifting a package of jerky from Tops Market.

GCC today announced Dean's List students for Fall 2010

By Billie Owens

Today, Genesee Community College announced the Genesee County students who are among 612 on the Dean's List for the Fall 2010 semester. These students earned a quality point index (grade-point average) of 3.50-3.74.

The honorees, their hometowns and attendance status, are:


Jake Nadolinski, full time


Daniel Dudek, part time

Sabrina Herman, full time

Clayton Miller, part time

Teresa Morris, full time

John Ognibene, full time

Laurie Schwab, part time

Cindy Schwartz, part time

Stacy Wirth, full time

Lacey Wolfley, full time


Kassondra Conrad, full time

Andrew Greene, full time

Danielle Hirtzel, full time

Ely Winnie, part time


Jenise Albert, part time

Valeria Antonetty, part time

Jessica Barone, full time

Christopher Blachowicz, full time

Ann Brade, part time

Alex Brasky, part time

Katherine Clemm, full time

Neil DeLillo, part time

Richard DelPlato, part time

Nicole DiSalvo, full time

Erin Dobbertin, full time

Melissa Dorman, full time

Ian Dries, full time

Delores Dyer, full time

Ashley Falcone, full time

Charles Ferraro, full time

Kaelie Grazioplene, full time

Rachel Guppenberger, full time

Kimberly Gutzmer, full time

Brett Hake, part time

Shauna Hutchinson, part time

Kimberly Ianita, full time

Jessica Jaszko, full time

Katie Kosciolek, part time

Gregory Kryman, full time

Jenna Lynn Leach, full time

Shelly Lopez, full time

Elizabeth Martin, full time

Emily Mott, full time

John Mullen, part time

Colleen O'Donnell, full time

Daniel Oquendo, full time

Joseph Pedro, full time

Theresa Pellegrino, part time

Joshua Que, full time

Meagan Roese, full time

Amy Roggow, part time

Erin Ruzzi, full time

Erin Schafer, part time

Joseph Schlossel, part time

James Schnellinger, part time

Amber Shea, full time

Trisha Smith, part time

Brian Sprague, full time

Kathryn Svensen, part time

Mark Temperato, part time

Wendy Walker, part time

Todd Warren, full time

Katelyn Wickson, part time

Caitlin Wilkinson, full time

Mercedes Wollek, full time

Cameron Wright, full time


Karen Beaney, part time

Ryan Chatham, full time

Carrie Cooper, part time

Samantha Elliott, full time

Amanda Heale, full time

Gary Heale, part time

Kelsey Hill, part time

Cynthia Mack, part time

Rebecca Mosher, full time

Tavy Shippers, part time

Ashley Spangenburg, part time

Miranda Tardy, full time


Kevin Jackson, full time

Mark McLaughlin, full time

Timothy Nicholas, full time


Eric Allen, full time

Shannon Bartlett, part time

John Bernardini, part time

Patrick Betz, full time

Stacy Brockway, part time

Joseph D'Amato, full time

Lisa Falkowski, part time

Melissa Gardner, full time

Jessica Gerould, full time

Ashley Ingram, full time

Jamie Johnson, full time

Tracy Kearney, full time

Victoria Rebmann, full time

Kara Rykert, full time

Ashlin Thuman, part time

Dana Wolbert, full time


Larissa DeMuth, part time

Abigail Engel, full time

Nadine McClurg, part time

Alexander Muench, full time

Rebecca Piechowiak, full time

Michelle Waldo, full time


Sarah Baird, part time

Karen DeFelice, full time

Ian Lawson, part time


Lucinda Barber, part time


Michael Anauo, full time

Keenan Hughes, part time

Christopher Johnson, part time

Jeana Pfalzer, full time

Danyelle Scarborough, part time


Jennifer Beherns, part time

Joeylyn Berl, part time

Jacob Bortle, part time

Ashley Carney, part time

Jason Coniber, part time

Chad Cummings, part time

Margery Fitzsimmons, part time

Jamie Givens, part time

Bridget Grayson, part time

Anthony Macaluso, full time

Sharlene Majors, full time

Melissa Meadows, full time

Brenda Melton, full time

Caleb Nicodemus, full time

Joel Pitts, part time

Bethany Roth, full time

Katherine Stearns, part time

Jeremy Tiede, part time

Duane Weber, part time

Bradley Wight, part time

Sharon Wynn, full time


Kari Adams, full time

Amanda Bachorski, full time

Ariel Bentkowski, full time

Kristen Casper, full time

Julie Mendez, full time

Kendra Moak, full time

Sara Mooney, full time

Nathan Oaksford, part time

Veronica Rebert, full time

Maria Sanders, full time

Olivia Waldron, full time


Matthew Berkemeier, part time

Daniel Case, part time

Marie Hart, part time

Jeannie Kirch, part time

Brian Leach, full time

Emily Mess, full time

Julia Sallade, full time

Deborah Schroeder, full time

Peter Sherman, part time

James Smart, full time


Amber Carmichael, part time

Jacob Cone, part time

Mark Williams, part time

Genesee Community College offers more than 60 academic programs and certificates, including the brand-new Veterinary Technology A.A.S. degree and Polysomnographic Technology A.A.S. degree, (the study of sleep disorders).

Genesee is accessible through seven campus locations throughout Western New York, as well as through online classes in the Distance Learning Program.

College housing is available at College Village, just a three-minute walk from the Batavia Campus. With small class sizes and state-of-the-art technology both inside and out of the classroom, Genesee Community College is known for being "high-tech" and "high-touch." Find out more at < >.

Police Beat: Le Roy resident accused of burglary, growing marijuana

By Howard B. Owens

Name Redacted Upon Request, 19, of Lake Street, Le Roy, is charged with burglary, 2nd, criminal possession of stolen of stolen property, 5th, petit larceny, growing cannabis without a license and unlawful possession of marijuana. xxxx was arrested following the execution of a search warrant on his residence, which was the result of an investigation that began April 15 after a village resident complained a home had been entered and various items stolen. The investigation pointed to xxxx as the suspect and a search warrant was obtained. During execution of the search warrant, numerous allegedly stolen items were found as well as marijuana plants and marijuana paraphernalia. xxxxx was jailed on $15,000 bail.

Michael B. Pfaff, of Keeney Road, Le Roy, is charged with felony DWI, aggravated DWI and failing to stop at a stop sign. Pfaff was stopped Sunday by a Le Roy police officer. He was jailed on $1,500 bail.

Jonathan Cornell Robinson, 24, of Buffalo (no street address released), is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, operating on a suspended license and driver's view obstructed. Robinson was stopped at 12:39 a.m., Saturday, on Main Street, Batavia, by Deputy Patrick Reeves.

Keith Patrick Snyder, 30, of Lewiston Road, Alabama, is charged with unlawfully fleeing a police officer in a motor vehicle, DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, speeding and consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle. Snyder was stopped at 2:58 a.m, Saturday, on MvVean Road, Darien, by Deputy Jason Saile. Snyder was also charged with refusal to take breath test, failure to signal and failure to yield right-of-way to an emergency vehicle.

Charles Linwood Muntz, 22, of Crosby Road, Basom, is charged with a felony count of DWI, leaving the scene of a property damage accident and parking on a public highway. Muntz was allegedly found asleep at the wheel of his vehicle while it was stopped at an intersection on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation at 3:11 a.m., Saturday, by Deputy Eric Seppala.

Jeremy John Patterson, 20, of Medina (no street address released), is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, tinted windows and plate obstructed. Patterson was stopped at 1:53 a.m., Sunday, on Alleghany Road, Basom, by Deputy Patrick Reeves.

Earl Elsworth Sands, 53, of Batavia (no street address released), is charged with harassment, 2nd. Sands was arrested following a disturbance at his residence at 10:30 p.m., Saturday. Sands is accused of striking a visitor to his residence.

Jennifer Rae Champlin, 31, of Bloomfield (no street address released), is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Champlin was stopped for an alleged traffic violation at 5:06 p.m., Sunday, on Ellicott Street, Batavia, by Deputy Patrick Reeves.

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