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Le Roy

Convicted once of violating a court order, local man faces 16 new criminal charges

By Howard B. Owens

Raymond L. Leach Jr., who in August entered a guilty plea to criminal contempt is facing a new 16-account indictment for his alleged treatment of a local woman and his alleged sexual assault on an inmate at the Genesee County Jail.

Leach, 55, who was the subject of arrest reports in 2012 that listed his home address as both 29 Montclaire Ave., Batavia, and Munson Street in Le Roy, is accused of committing crimes in August (just five days after his conviction in county court) and November, 2012.

The Grand Jury of Genesee County indicted him on five counts of criminal contempt, 1st, a Class E felony, four counts of aggravated criminal contempt, a Class D felony, two counts of harassment, 2nd, a violation, and two counts of aggravated sexual abuse, 1st, a Class B felony.

On Aug. 14, Leach allegedly called a woman and told her, "I will kill you if I find out otherwise." An order of protection had reportedly been issued prior to the call.

The alleged incident accounts for the first four charges in the indictment.

On Aug. 15, Leach allegedly had contact with the same woman, in violation of the order of protection.

On that same day, Leach allegedly either struck, shoved and kicked the woman, or threatened to physically attack her.

The alleged incidents of Aug. 15 account for seven counts of the indictment.

On Nov. 21, Leach allegedly forced a toothbrush up the anus of another inmate, causing physical injury to the person. The inmate was allegedly asleep at the time.

The alleged incident in the jail accounts for five charges on the indictment.

Our first arrest report on Leach was in 2008, when Leach was accused of making a threatening phone call.

Two local students will attend RIT this fall

By Billie Owens

The following local residents have been enrolled for Fall 2013 admission at Rochester Institute of Technology:

Steven Cacner Jr., son of Heather Cacner, of Stafford, and Steven Cacner, of Oakfield, is in the Computer Engineering - BS program in RIT's Kate Gleason College of Engineering and is a 2013 graduate of Le Roy Jr./Sr. High School. Steven has been awarded the RIT Innovation & Creativity Award.

Erica Hickey, daughter of Rhonda and Brian Hickey, of Byron, is in the Journalism - BS program in RIT's College of Liberal Arts and is a 2013 graduate of Byron-Bergen High School.

Rochester Institute of Technology is internationally recognized for academic leadership in computing, engineering, imaging science, sustainability, and fine and applied arts, in addition to unparalleled support services for deaf and hard-of-hearing students.

RIT's cooperative education program is one of the oldest and largest in the nation.

Keeney resident accused of illegally discharging a weapon near residence

By Howard B. Owens

Police have completed an investigation into a report of a shot being fired near a home on Keeney Road, Le Roy, on Jan. 11 and charged a resident of the street with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon.

Howard Clarence Schultz, 54, was also charged with two counts of illegal discharge of a weapon within 500 feet of a residence.

Deputies and state troopers responded the night of Jan. 11 after a Keeney Road resident reported a shot fired near his home and even thought a person with a gun had been on his porch.

Keeney Road was closed by officers and there were some tense moments as they observed a person in a house who they believed had a gun.

After several minutes the man came out and the situation was resolved without further incident.

Initially, Schultz was arrested on a warrant out of the Town of Greece.

Schultz reportedly has a prior felony conviction and is prohibited from possessing a firearm.

The two counts stem from the alleged Jan. 11 incident and from an allegation that Schultz possessed a firearm while hunting Dec. 5.

Schultz was issued an appearance ticket and is ordered to appear in Town of Le Roy Court on Feb. 19 for arraignment.

The incident and investigation were handled by Deputy Frank Bordonaro, Deputy Howard Butler, Deputy Joseph Graff, Deputy Eric Seppala, Sgt. Ron Meides, Trooper Holly Hanssel and Trooper Mark Catanzaro, Trooper Ryan Dulkiewicz and Environmental Conservation Officer Rick Rauscher.

Wiss Update

By Jennifer Keys

There has been much discussion about the Wiss Hotel on the corner of Routes 19 & 5 in the Village of Le Roy for a few years, but lately the level of discussion has increased. As I did with the pool 2 years ago I would like to try to outline where we are at right now.

About 15-months ago the Village acquired the building known as the Wiss, including the two store fronts on Route 5 that lead up to the tattoo shop, Blood Money, Inc. We advertised it as make an offer and hoped to have the situation resolved (sell the building or demolish it) by one year after acquisition, November 2012. A few potential buyers have gone through it, but no offers were made.

As demolition appeared imminent in August 2012 a concerned group of local citizens put their money together to hire Rick Hauser, of In.Site :Architecture, an expert in the field of rehabilitation and revitalization, to go through the building to evaluate it and produce a feasibility study. He went through the building along with his associate, Mayor Rogers, Bob Fussell, representatives from the DPW, and me (Trustee Keys). Rick and his associate went through the entire building from the basement to and including on the roof. The first hand knowledge they acquired from going through the structure combined with some research conducted about surrounding properties allowed them to put together a feasibility study that first determined the building was worth saving, and second, that with about $1,000,000 in investment (in kind services, cash, and loans) it was likely to break even relatively quickly and turn a profit in a few years. Rick also made drawings of a restored Wiss, showing commercial establishments, and several gorgeous apartments, most 2 stories, taking up the second and third floors of the building. Because the report was favorable and people surfaced who said they would be willing to invest in the project – including Bryan Colton, a local owner of a company that restores buildings that suffer severe damage from fire and water and who will bring it back up to code - the group submitted an offer to purchase the Wiss on November 2, 2012. By this point the Village Board had been told that it would cost between $178,000 and $250,000 dollars to demolish the building, so the purchase offer was worth discussing and delayed decision.

The original offer included a $1 purchase price and request for a loan from the Village in the amount that would have been expended for demolition. There was a great deal of discussion around this and it was decided that tax payer money would not be loaned to anyone to do this. The group then came back with another offer 0n December 7 that excluded the loan from the Village and increased the amount to be raised by investors.

After the second offer was received Mayor Rogers put together a counter offer that was believed to be palatable to both the Village Board members and the group of people who wanted to purchase the building. At our January 9th Board meeting this offer died. By January 9th the Village Board had been presented with a written engineering report that was requested from Clark Patterson Lee after their engineer went through the building that in addition to outlining every detail that needs to be taken care of in order to stabilize the building, also stated that the building is “not in imminent danger of collapse” and stabilization with rehab is a legitimate option. Different interpretations of the report raised concerns over safety and by a vote of 3-2 it was decided that the Board should seek bids to demolish the building. In addition to the safety concerns, several board members wanted to see more action taken to make the LLC an officially recognized entity, and wanted $10,000 upon closing (rather than 1 year of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy).

As a result, before the January 23rd board meeting the group filed with the state and became a legally recognized LLC, Le Roy NY LLC, and submitted a new offer that set closing at on or before four months after acceptance of the offer, $10,000 upon closing, and no contingencies for anyone going on the roof prior to closing (which was part of previous discussions). The offer was submitted on January 23rd and discussed at the meeting, though no decisions were made as not everyone was present and we had not had time to review it in its entirety.  At the same meeting a local businessman verbally offered $125,000 cash for the empty lot after the Village demolishes the building. This has subsequently been put into writing.

What we have before us now is an offer from a group of people who have leapt over every hurdle placed in their way and who have been negotiating transparently in the open with us for several months and gives the Village extra money to potentially use for safety concerns in other areas of the business district versus an offer that was recently made that requires the Village to first expend money to remove the building and does not break even versus tear it down without a plan. By the way the demolition bills keep racking up-we must first pay for an asbestos survey before we can put it out to bid for demolition. When combined with the verbal estimates prior to the survey we are now looking at about $182,000-$254,000 to demolish and we do not have an answer yet about the need for asbestos abatement.

There has been a great deal of discussion since the original offer was made by the group of people in November. The arguments against selling and for demolition have included; it is an “eye sore”, it is ugly, the corner needs to be fixed, why this building, why now, it is a hazard, it has no historical value, we have too many apartments, there is not enough parking, young people do not like old buildings, there are other buildings worth saving, what will happen when the LLC does not succeed. The arguments for selling have included; every building is worth saving as long as it is sturdy (especially on Main Street), it is a better economic deal for the Village tax payers (to sell), there is a group of people who have stepped up and already used their own money to get this far, it is time to stop demolishing Main Street.

I think it is important that people know that the Village is not able to fix the corner for truck traffic. It is owned by the State and that the DOT has been taking money away from our area of the state, so there is no guarantee that it will be addressed if the building is gone. In addition, there may be another way to address the problem that has not yet been discussed. The rest of the arguments against are really all a matter of personal opinion. For example, many people who look at the building see its beauty and what they can do to tie it into Main Street, such as painting the wood and adding cornices to match Bill Kettle’s building on the other end of the block.

At this point the bottom line may not even be the need to save old buildings, but to do what makes the most business sense for our community. One scenario makes us, in effect, $192,000-$264,000 when you combine the $10,000 purchase fee along with keeping the demolition and asbestos survey fees, the other two cost us money without a clear plan as to what to do next. 

You are now up to date. I tried to stay brief. If you do not feel comfortable commenting/discussing in this open forum please feel free to email me privately at Thank you for taking the time to read this and discuss it. Your opinions are appreciated. As always, Howard Owens, thank you for hosting this blog.


'Vile' letter to ex-girlfriend a factor in 15-year sentence for admitted serial burglar

By Howard B. Owens

Russell P. Cessna, 25, of 18 Pleasant St., Le Roy, will spend somewhere near the next 15 years in state prison.

Cessna was sentenced in county court this morning for burglarizing more than a dozen homes in Genesee County.

As District Attorney Lawrence Friedman told Judge Robert C. Noonan, if Cessna received the maximum sentence under his plea agreement, he would spend less than a year in jail for each of his crimes.

Three of Cessna's victims told Noonan how Cessna's burglaries had changed their lives forever.

"I don't like that I don't trust people anymore," said one victim. "I don't like that I don't like seeing cars parked in front of my house because I don't know if somebody is looking at my house because they want to take something from me."

The victim suggested that when Cessna gets out of prison, he be required to do 2,080 hours of community service to reimburse the government for all the resources used to investigate, prosecute and incarcerate him.

Another victim said Cessna stole her wedding ring (custom designed by her husband, which she wasn't wearing during her pregnancy) and her graduation ring.

"He took away the two things that meant the most me and something that can't be replaced," she said.

Another victim also said he has become more distrustful and worried about people coming onto his property.

"You're going to have a lot of time in the next 1,800 to 5,400 days of your life," the victim said. "You'll be able to think about why you did what you did and why you didn't just get a job."

Noonan also received letters from friends and family who support Cessna, but there was also a letter Cessna wrote to a former girlfriend and obtained by the District Attorney's Office that Noonan characterized as "vile."

The letter was discussed extensively by Friedman and defense attorney Jerry Ader.

The letter was written shortly after Cessna's arrest at a time, Ader said, when Cessna was coming down from a severe heroin addiction. Cessna was unhappy with his former girlfriend for something she did that was unrelated to his criminal case.

Ader argued that the letter shouldn't be used as evidence of Cessna's character, yet he couldn't deny that it's a part of who his client is. But he's also a person with friends and family who support him, the attorney said.

"The letters do not paint my client in some rainbow," Ader said. "He is somebody who is troubled, who, while he may not admit it, has mental health issues, issues that run in his family and a drug problem that runs in his family. I'm not saying that excuses him. It explains him."

Local law enforcement caught up with Cessna July 31 as part of an undercover operation that located Cessna in the act of burglarizing a home on Summit Street, Batavia. He accepted a guilty plea to two counts of burglary, 2nd, on Jan. 16.

According to Friedman, Cessna cooperated with investigators from four different law enforcement agencies, admitting to a string of burglaries. Friedman said that cooperation did more to help Cessna himself than it helped law enforcement, because by admitting to the crimes, Cessna avoids possible separate prosecution later on new charges.

Cessna read a handwritten statement to Noonan.

"I wish I could take it all back, but it's too late now," Cessna said, adding later that he knows his actions were selfish. "I'm sorry. I hope they (his victims) can forgive me."

Noonan said Cessna's statement was "a reasonable response for somebody who has committed terrible acts against strangers."

But then there is that letter to Cessna's former girlfriend.

"The letter submitted that was written to a former girlfriend is one of the most vile things I've ever read as part ofa pre-sentence package," Noonan said. "Whether it represents who Mr. Cessna is or, as his attorney said, a part of Cessna, that this man would write such a very, very disturbing letter tells me a lot about the person I am about to sentence."

Cessna was also ordered to pay $32,107.15 in restitution.

Following jury verdict on criminal contempt charge, Le Roy man restrained by deputies

By Howard B. Owens

A man tried this week on a criminal contempt charge had to be restrained by deputies yesterday afternoon after a jury found him guilty.

Security measures were in place from the start of the trial of Jon Nelson Roblee, 37, of Linwood Road, Le Roy. He wore a weighted boot to inhibit his ability to flee and the defense table was angled toward the jury in such a way, with a skirt around it, that jurors would not be able to see any restraints that might have been placed on him (none where during the trial).

After he was pronounced guilty, Roblee became fixated on the two people who were the victims of his refusal to obey a court order, according to Deputy John Baiocco.

"He stood up and pointed and started yelling that it was a conspiracy to commit murder and took a step towards them," Baiocco said. "He had to be physically restrained."

Baiocco and Deputy Daniel Van Valkenburg grabbed Roblee, and with the assistance of Sgt. Bill Scott, Van Valkenburg cuffed Roblee. He was immediately returned to the Genesee County Jail.

Roblee was indicted on the criminal contempt, 1st, charge in June for calling a person protected by a court order and telling the victim, "I am going to get you and him, too, if it takes the rest of my life."

In October 2011, Roblee was arrested and charged with menacing, 2nd, and harassment, 2nd. He was accused of throwing a coffee pot at a victim, cutting a victim's hand, and displaying two knives at a pair of victims and threatening to kill them.

Sentencing on yesterday's jury conviction is set for 1:30 p.m., March 19.

Law and Order: Le Roy man accused of using stolen debit card

By Howard B. Owens

Thomas Ianello Jr., 27, of 8 St. Marks St., Le Roy, is charged with criminal possession of stolen property, 4th, and petit larceny. Ianello is accused of wrongfully possessing a debit card belonging to another person and then using that debit card to make withdrawals. Ianello was released under supervision of Genesee Justice.

Cara Leigh Skye, 24, of South Loop, Steamburg, is charged with a felony count of bail jumping. Skye allegedly failed to appear for a court case in Alabama Town Court. Bail was set at $6,000.

Service honoring heroic Four Chaplains is Feb. 3 at United Methodist Church, Le Roy

By Billie Owens

Press release:

A service to honor four Army chaplains who gave their lives to save fellow soldiers 70 years ago, will be held at the Le Roy United Methodist Church at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 3, and the public is invited.

The service will feature music, an Honor Guard, the National Anthem, hymns, the story of the Four Chaplains read by Jim Neider, Adjutant of the Genesee County American Legion and Scripture readings by various clergy. At the conclusion of the indoor ceremony there will be wreath laying and taps at the Four Chaplains Monument in Trigon Park, only one of three in New York State.

A reception will follow at the Le Roy Servicemen’s Club, 53 W. Main St.

On Feb. 3, 1943 the U.S.A.T Dorchester was sunk by a German torpedo only 150 miles off the coast of Greenland. Of the 902 young men on board, only 230 survived. Many of those survivors owe their lives to the courage and leadership exhibited by the heroic Four Chaplains who, in sacrificing their lives, created a unique legacy of brotherhood.

Since 1951, the Chapel of the Four Chaplains has spread the message of interfaith cooperation and selfless service, touching the lives of people across this great country. Thousands of Four Chaplains Memorial services are held across the nation on or near Feb. 3rd each year to pay tribute to their act of courage.

The Four Chaplains -- rabbi Alexander D. Goode, Methodist minister George L. Fox, Dutch Reformed pastor Clark V. Poling and Catholic priest John P. Washington -- met in November 1942, while attending chaplain’s school at Harvard University. They became good friends and were aboard the Dorchester when it was torpedoed.

It was just after midnight on Feb. 3, 1943. An enemy submarine fired a torpedo toward the U.S.A.T. DORCHESTER’s aging flank. The missile exploded in the boiler room, destroying the electric supply and releasing suffocating clouds of steam and ammonia gas. Many on board died instantly; some were trapped below deck. Others jolted from their bunks, groped and stumbled their way to the decks of the stricken vessel. Taking on water rapidly, the ship began listing to starboard.

Overcrowded lifeboats capsized; rafts drifted away before anyone could reach them. Men clung to the rails, frozen with fear, unable to let go and plunge into the dark, churning water far below.

The testimony of survivors tells us that the sole order and the only fragment of hope in this chaos came from the Four Chaplains, who calmly guided men to their boat stations. They opened a storage locker and distributed life jackets. Then they coaxed the terrified men over the side.

Soon the supply of life jackets was exhausted. Several survivors report watching in awe as the Four Chaplains either gave away or forced upon other young men their own life jackets. These four men of God had given away their only means of saving themselves in order to save others. The chaplains gathered together, and led the men around them in a prayer and a hymn. They linked their arms together as the slant of the deck became severe. And just that way, with their arms linked in brotherhood and their heads bowed in prayer, they sank beneath the waves.

“It is the timeless message of selflessness and sacrifice for one’s fellow man that needs to be repeated and remembered even today,” Neider stated.

Le Roy student on the dean's list at St. Lawrence University

By Billie Owens

Emilie M. Wetzel, of Le Roy, has been selected for inclusion on the dean's list for academic achievement during the Fall 2012 semester at St. Lawrence University in Canton.

To be eligible for the dean's list at St. Lawrence University, a student must have completed at least four semester units and have an academic average of 3.6 (based on a perfect 4.0 scale) for the semester.

Wetzel, a member of the Class of 2013, graduated from Le Roy Central School.

St. Lawrence University is a private, independent liberal arts institution of about 2,300 students.

Le Roy PD looking for tips to help to solve burglary on Mill Street

By Howard B. Owens

Le Roy PD is looking for public assistance in solving a burglary at a business on Mill Street early Sunday morning.

The break-in occurred about 3:50 a.m. and no suspects have been identified.

The front door lock was broken and the thieves or thief forced entry into the business and stole items.

Anyone having information about this burglary is asked to contact the Le Roy Police Department at 345-6350.

Law and Order: Pa. man accused of carrying loaded, unregistered handgun

By Howard B. Owens

Richard David Farley, 64, of New Bethehem, Pa., is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, 4th, unlawful possession of marijuana and possession alcohol in a motor vehicle. Farley was a passenger in a vehicle stopped on Route 77 in the Village of Corfu at 11:58 p.m. on Friday. During the traffic stop, Farley was allegedly found in possession of an open container of alcohol, a marijuana cigarette and a loaded, unregistered semi-automatic .22-caliber pistol. Farley was jailed on $2,000 bail.

Brandon P. Stagg, 20, and Oscar J. Familia, 21, of 25 Trumbull Parkway, Batavia, are charged with possession of alcohol under age 21 and unnecessary noise. Stagg and Familia were arrested following a complaint of an underage drinking party at their home. Stagg was charged with possession of alcohol and Familia was charged with unnecessary noise.

Caroline B. Robinson, 31, of 38 Gilbert St., Le Roy, is charged with trespass. Robinson is accused of remaining at a hotel on Oak Street after being told to leave by hotel staff and a Batavia PD officer.

William G. Raschi, 62, of 5630 W. Lake Road, Conesus, is charged with felony DWI, unlicensed operation, unsafe lane change, failure to stop for traffic signal and consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle. Raschi was stopped on East Main Street, Batavia, at 5:57 p.m. Saturday, by Officer Matt Lutey. The charge is a felony because of an alleged prior DWI conviction in the previous 10 years. Raschi was jailed without bail pending a court appearance today.

Steven J. Raimondi, 19, of 679 E. Main St., is charged with possession of alcohol under age 21. Raimondi allegedly hosted a large underage drinking party at his residence, which was reported at 1:12 a.m., Sunday. A 16-year-old female was also charged.

Paul B. Heale, 58, of 234 Ellicott St., lower, Batavia, is charged with DWAI. Heale was stopped following a complaint of a possibly intoxicated driver at 2:30 p.m. Thursday on Pearl Street by Officer Eric Hill.

Robert D. Griffin Sr., 34, of 319 E. Main St., Batavia, is charged with two counts of criminal mischief, 4th. Griffin is accused of breaking a window by throwing a boot at it during an argument and then preventing a female from calling police by taking her mobile phone.

Frank J. Falcone, 27, of 10599 Main St., upper, Alexander, is charged with criminal mischief, 4th, and harassment, 2nd. Falcone was charged following a lengthy investigation by Batavia PD into an incident in the parking lot of Billy Goats on Oct. 20. Falcone is accused of kicking a vehicle, causing damage, and of punching and slapping the owner of the vehicle.

Tharon Joseph Kunkle, 52, of Read Road, Pembroke, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, operating an ATV on a public highway and unregistered ATV. Kunkle was charged after allegedly being observed driving his ATV on Route 5, Batavia at 2:32 a.m. Sunday by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Samantha Nicole Frear, 25, of Hempstead Avenue, Buffalo, was arrested on a bench warrant out of Town of Darien Court by Buffalo PD following a traffic stop.  The warrant stems from a harassment, 2nd, charge in November, 2009. 

John J. Maroni, 50, of Clay, is charged with possession of unstamped cigarettes, DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater, failure to use/improper use of four-way flashers, and consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle. Maroni was arrested following a report of a vehicle parked along the roadway on Oakfield-Elba Townline Road, Oakfield at 7:13 p.m., Friday.

Vincent Donald Henning, 35, of Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with BAC of .18 or greater, improper right turn and unlicensed operator. Henning was stopped on Seven Springs Road, Batavia, at 10:47 p.m. Friday by Deputy James Diehl.

Andrew Garry Anderson, 28, of Basom, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and speeding in zone (65 in a 40 mph zone). Anderson was stopped on Route 77, Basom, at 12:25 a.m. Friday by Deputy Patrick Reeves.

Danielle R. Dixon, 29, of Batavia, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Dixon was stopped at 2:30 a.m. Sunday on Hutton Road, Oakfield, by State Police.

Photos: Le Roy fire annual installation and awards dinner

By Howard B. Owens

Bill Wood, a former chief of the Le Roy Volunteer Fire Department has been a firefighter for the past year and his dedication to the department, his willingness to teach younger members and respond to numerous calls earned him the Firefighter of the Year award at the department's annual installation and awards dinner on Saturday evening.

His brother, Tom Wood, is chief for 2013. Dale Ehrhart is 1st assistant chief and Tim Hogle is 2nd assistant chief. Josh Pfendler is business president and Laurie Bater is president of the auxiliary. Bill Seeley is chairman of the fire commissioners.

For this dinner, we tried something a little different for photos. Often when I attend these dinners, getting good pictures of the chiefs and the winners proves difficult because of poor lighting or poor backgrounds (for pictures), so last week I purchased a backdrop stand and a nice cotton U.S. flag. It seems to have worked out pretty well tonight and I intend to bring this set up to any future similar events I'm asked to attend.

For those who attended and wish to purchase pictures, there is a link in the upper right of the slide show below, or click here.

'Overloaded fireplace leaking fire' on Roanoke Road, Stafford

By Howard B. Owens

An overloaded fireplace is reportedly "leaking fire" at 9767 Roanoke Road, Stafford.

Stafford fire is responding. York fire is responding, and also filling in for Le Roy at Le Roy's fire hall, as well as any other available Le Roy personnel (Le Roy held its annual awards and installation dinner tonight).

UPDATE 10:54 p.m.: Chief on scene reports fire contained to the fire box.

UPDATE 11:05 p.m.: Fire is out. Ventilating.

UPDATE 11:36 p.m.: Stafford and York back in service. York returning to Le Roy's hall for standby duty.

Old Architecture

By Jennifer Keys

As I did with the Pool controversy two years ago I plan to put up an informational blog about the Wiss Hotel controversy. As I was typing it, though, I was reminded that I have always been an old building person and that most of you do not know me on a personal level, so I thought I would give you some background to lay the foundation.


I grew up in Canandaigua. My family lived in ½ of a house across from the Army Depot until I was nine. It was a great house with a lot of turns and character. There was even a cast iron claw-foot tub! The full size attic was truly amazing. The only access was through the raised panel door in my parents’ bedroom. I loved playing up there. My best friend down the street had an attic I loved even more. I am pretty sure our attic was bigger, but her attic was accessed through their bathroom. That was so cool! I remember as a small child comparing house features. Our stair case had about three steps up to a landing where you turned to go straight up to the second floor. Their staircase went straight up to a slight curve near the top. They even had a laundry-shoot that went from the second floor to the basement. Our friend around the corner lived in a “mansion”. It was an Italianate with a cupola, TWO interior staircases, a side porch and a barn in the City. The first time I visited there I decided I would live in a house with two interior stair cases. The ceilings were so high and the bedrooms were huge.


When I was nine my parents bought their house. I spent my childhood imagining how I could build a second stair case and turn the one stair case around because it does not make sense the way it is. There is an attic room at the top of the stairs on the second floor. Throughout my life I have imagined it as a bathroom, bedroom, home office, play room, you name it.


My dad grew up in a house where his family was only the second family to ever live there. I loved to go to my grandparents’ house to play. They had TWO front doors off of the front porch. There was a name plate on one of the doors that covered the key hole. It had the names of the people who built the house engraved on it. The best part, though, was their basement. My grandpa had finished it into an amazing work shop and food pantry. You could get to the basement from either the kitchen or the exterior “loading” doors as I called them.


As an adult my husband and I have lived in apartment complexes (I hated them, they were so cookie cutter and there were too many rules), an apartment in an old house, and have owned two Victorians. I loved it when we moved to the apartment in the old house. There was plate rail in the dining room. I have spent the last 18 years scouring the countryside for plate rail for both of my subsequent dining rooms. The butler’s pantry was probably my favorite part of that apartment, though. The land lord allowed us to work on the apartment in exchange for rent reduction. That place was gorgeous when we left.


My husband and I purchased our first house when I was 26. It was an 1880 Queen Anne in Rochester. We renovated every single room-4 rooms down stairs, 2 bathrooms, and 4 bedrooms upstairs. We took it down to the studs in every room except four that were already done by the previous owner. We tore out all of the carpets and redid every floor in the house, sanding some, installing new ones as well. We also painted the outside. When we were finished there were eight different colors on the outside bringing out every single exterior detail that was left on it.


Our current house in Le Roy is an 1884 East Lake where we have removed the remaining carpets, renovated two bathrooms, restored the plumbing to two that were not working properly, renovated the kitchen, the laundry/mudroom, and two bedrooms including the floors in the bedrooms (the others were already done). This past weekend we restored a window door and opened up a door-way that had been covered over by a previous owner decades ago and started in on the gigantic living room (with a lot of help from my brother).


I distinctly remember as a child falling in love with old architecture. Second Empire with its Mansard roofs is my absolute favorite and always has been. Brick or clapboard (no vinyl), it does not matter; I adore Second Empire. I also adore Gothic architecture with all of its angles and points. Both are a visual feast. Queen Anne is amazing, as well, with all of its curves and stained glass and turnings. Gingerbread details are a feast to behold. I do like classic Italianate structures as well with their cornices and cupolas. In truth East Lake is not my favorite, but I do not dislike it. It is a little too square for my personal preference, but I have come to adore this house. In fact as I sit here and type I wonder if the chimney next to me is encased in drywall. When we get to this room I am totally going to expose the brick!


Victorian architecture, as you can tell, is my favorite, but I also adore earlier architecture. My husband’s college roommate grew up in houses built in the 16 and 1700’s. They were equally as beautiful with their gigantic cooking fire places and low ceilings to keep the heat in. My love of old buildings goes as far as being able to identify who were the wealthy builders based on the windows.


Old houses and old buildings have such stories to tell. You can see the renovations, the additions, the changes, even the people who have been there. This amazing house we currently live in has two interior staircases. There is a small second story addition that houses the second one which was the “servants’ staircase, along with their bedroom and their kitchen/bathroom. There is something in the basement below the original farmhouse sink that makes me think it was originally a cistern. Last weekend I found what I believe to be the original screen doors for the front of the house. I cannot wait to get them up so everyone can see our gorgeous East Lake front doors. The best part of all of this is that our children (7 and 10) love it when we start working on the house. They want to tear down the other two walls that clearly are not original. I have never pictured myself living in a new or modern house. I was always meant to live in an old house.


I remember as a kid driving through Le Roy on the way to see my cousins in Pembroke. I always loved Le Roy’s main street. It reminded me of home, but smaller, with all of its old houses and old business district. In truth, I never really understood Batavia’s main street. I am sorry to say that as it sounds so harsh, but it is the truth. As a kid my parents drove us around the entire east coast. I remember liking places like Geneva, Le Roy, Naples, villages in Massachusetts and New Hampshire and Virginia.


I think this is a good place to end for now. I hope you have enjoyed the foundation of our story. Within the next few days I will post the next installment.

Large structure fire on West Bergen Road

By Billie Owens

A large structure fire is reported at 8251 W. Bergen Road. It's next to a garage. Le Roy fire and ambulance are responding along with mutual aid from Bergen. Pavilion and Stafford fire departments are requested to send an engine to stand by in Le Roy's fire hall. The location is on the curve between Randall and Selden roads.

UPDATE 1:52 p.m.: Fire police are requested to shut down that portion of West Bergen Road.

UPDATE 1:57 p.m.: Pavilion is now requested to stand by in its own quarters.

UPDATE 2:05 p.m.: Pavilion is called to the scene in emergency mode. A thermal imaging camera will be used to check for heat in the garage.

UPDATE 2:12 p.m.: EMTs are asked to check the well-being of a volunteer firefighter.

UPDATE 2:16 p.m.: A deputy is requested to the scene, possibly to deal with bystanders. Earlier, command asked that they told to back away from the scene. When Bergen is through with its task, the crew can go back in service.

UPDATE 2:30 p.m.: The fire is out and they are breaking down their equipment and preparing to go back in service.

Dog whimpering outside in the frigid air near Wolcott Street, Le Roy

By Billie Owens

A dog whimpering outside is of concern to a Le Roy resident who called the Emergency Dispatch Center to ask that police officers respond to check on its welfare. The location is somewhere by the north end of Wolcott Street, but no exact address was provided. The caller was out walking her dog and heard the animal's distress. Police are trying to locate the dog now.

UPDATE 8:56 p.m.: Heard nothing more on this call. FYI ...The National Weather Service in Buffalo says the temperature here is 9 degrees, with a possible low of 4 and a windchill factor of 0. (Mammals ought best be sheltered.)

New offer from LLC to purchase Wiss Hotel meets renewed opposition to preservation

By Howard B. Owens

Preservationists in Le Roy are making a last-ditch effort to save the Wiss Hotel building at the corner of Lake Street and Main Street, the gateway into the village.

Trustees gave Wiss Hotel supporters very little reason to believe during the course of Wednesday night's village hall meeting that they will accept this new offer.

"I'll reserve judgment until I read the proposal, but I have a mind right now that it needs to come down," Trustee Robert Taylor said.

Only Trustee Jennifer Keys is clearly a supporter of preservation and Trustee Jim Bonacquisti, who two weeks ago almost wavered on his opposition to saving the Wiss, came out strongly in favor of getting rid of the building.

Trustee Mike Tucci, who was adamant two weeks ago that the building come down, was absent.

Mayor Greg Rogers said this week, as he did two weeks ago, that accepting the offer is a sound business decision, but once again expressed a level of disagreement with the idea that the building should be saved.

Rogers said the board will discuss the offer in closed session at a time when all five members are present and vote on it publicly afterward.

Attorney Bob Fussell, who has been leading the citizen effort, told village trustees last night that the new offer addresses some of the apparent objections raised two weeks ago, when trustees failed to adopt a proposed counteroffer to the group.

The key points:

  • There is now officially a Le Roy LLC;
  • The group would pay $10,000 to the village at the close of escrow;
  • The time line for taking over the building and ensuring its safety is accelerated.

Even with these changes, a number of residents who attended last evening's meeting raised objections to the trustees selling the property to the LLC.

"We’re sitting here waiting for somebody to really get hurt, and the liability you’re going to incur is going to be a hell of a lot more then the cost of tearing it down," Jim Nielsen told the board.

Later in the meeting, Fussell countered Nielsen, noting that it won't be possible for the village to get the building demolished any faster than the LLC could take it over.

Resident Tom Spadaro offered $125,000 on the spot for the Wiss lot once the building is down and the hole is filled in. He said the lot is worth at least $250,000.

New estimates for tearing the building down range from $146,000 to more than $200,000, but it's unclear if that includes any liability for asbestos abatement or any possible contamination remediation.

Rogers said if the building is torn down, the village will actively seek a buyer for the lot at a market rate, even if takes a couple of years to find such a buyer.

"If we go through with taking it down, we're going to sell it and try to come out ahead," Rogers said.

Residents in opposition called the Wiss an eyesore, dangerous and a fire trap.

Eve Hens, who owns the adjoining building and has residential tenants, said she's constantly in fear of a fire at the Wiss.

"It scares the heck out of me that if there’s a fire in that building it could travel not only into our building, but all the way down Main Street," Heus said.

She called destruction of the Wiss an "urgent issue."

(CLARIFICATION: Possibly because of my misunderstanding, but Hens e-mailed to say that she isn't opposed to saving the Wiss, just that something must be done immediately because of the fire danger, whether it's demolition or restoration; it's an urgent issue.)

Fire Chief Tom Wood agreed it's an urgent issue, and stressed that something be done. But whether that means tearing it down or restoring it, isn't an issue the fire department takes a position on.

“There’s no possible way I can justify putting guys into this building during a fire situation," Wood said. "Absolutely not. Somebody would get hurt. I hate to say this, I would be lucky to save two building (if there was a fire). This building needs to be torn down or something needs to be done with it right away. We’re dragging our feet. Something has to be done either way you go."

Bonacquisti said he's done some research since the last meeting, and in reaction to those who called construction of the Walgreens in the village a mistake, he noted that the former buildings at that location generated only $4,3100 in sales tax revenue in their final year, whereas last fiscal year, Walgreens generated $9,400 in sales tax.

The store employs 23 people, including 16 Le Roy residents, he said.

People don't move to Le Roy, he said, just because of a beautiful village. They also like the fact that Le Roy is affordable, it is safe and it has good schools, and he considers Walgreens one of the village's businesses as well.

"I do a lot of my business here and I'll tell you, you won't find better customer service than Walgreens," Bonacquisti said. "I know profits go up the corporate chimney, that was a statement that was made, but that’s not a concern of mine. We’re making money here and people are working there."

For preservationists, destruction of the Wiss is more symbolic than a matter of saving a historic or elegant building, which nobody claims as descriptions of the Wiss.

"When demolition becomes the easy way out, we may be looking into a future that does not include a business district at all," wrote Lorie Longhany, who could not attend the meeting, in an e-mail to Fussell.  "A building here, another one over there and the historic nature of this community is gone forever."

Doug Hill said tearing down the Wiss could just unleash a domino effect that would eviscerate the business district.

“When you take that building down, then you’re talking about the building next to it and the building next to that," Hill said. "That’s where you are going to change this whole community. Not with tearing down the Wiss, but the fact that the Wiss property is not big enough probably to develop and you’re going to be going to the next building and the next building and tearing down.

"Pretty soon this is not going to look like a community that is attractive to live here. It’s not going to be historic any more. It’s going to look like off Mount Read Boulevard in Greece."

Candace Bower said her family goes back in Le Roy for 200 years and she for one thinks it's time for Le Roy to stop destroying its heritage.

“We need to stop wringing our hands and putting up more what ifs in the way," She said. "Just dream. This board can be the group that finally decided to look to the future of this village and see what it can be if we dare to dream.”

It's also just practical to save the Wiss, some preservationists argued.

Lisa Compton cited studies that show density equals greater economic benefit to a community.

Terry Keys, husband of Trustee Jennifer Keys, said that once the Wiss is gone, it can't be brought back and the LLC is the only group that has come forward with any kind of plan to do something productive with the building.

"The issue is are we willing to write a check and wait to see what happens or are we willing to take a check and watch what happens?" Terry Keys said.

Dennis Melander said he was initially opposed to saving the Wiss, but after reading Rick Hauser's report, he realized saving the Wiss isn't just a pipe dream, but a practical response to a real problem.

"I would object to any taxpayer money being used on demolition when you have a viable offer right here to take it off your hands and save the cost of the demolition," Melander said.

Fussell said that Hauser has estimated saving the Wiss will cost the LLC $400,000 and he already has verbal commitments for $200,000.

“There are people who are interested," Fussell said. "We may not be able to get it for a week, we may not be able to get it in a month, I don’t know. We may not be able to get it at all. But we’re already half way there.”

Le Roy resident implicated in overdose death of woman from Chili

By Howard B. Owens

A Le Roy resident has been arrested in connection with the overdose death last August of a woman from Chili and charged with drug-related crimes.

Heather M. Price, 37, of 18 Genesee St., Le Roy, is being charged with criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, a Class B felony. She was jailed on $50,000 bail.

The arrest comes following a five-month investigation into the death of the woman who was found by the Monroe County Medical Examiner to have died from a combined mixture of narcotics, including fentanyl and methadone.

Price reportedly found the woman dead in her apartment in August and called police.

Investigators say that evidence indicates that Price and the woman exchanged prescription medications.

"This is the third fentanyl-related death handled by the Le Roy Police Department in the past few years," officials from Le Roy PD said in a statement. "Le Roy Police are asking all citizens to be aware of what medications are prescribed to you, to use them only as directed and not to share your medications."

Le Roy man involved in theft of $51,000 from Pavilion home sentenced to prison

By Howard B. Owens

One of the four men arrested together in connection with a pair of burglaries over the summer in Pavilion appeared in Genesee County Court today and received the stiffest sentence of all.

John H. O'Shea, 20, of Wolcott Street, Le Roy, was given consecutive 3 1/2 to 7 year prison terms. He must also pay his part of more than $53,000 in restitution to his victims.

On Nov. 28, O'Shea plead guilty to burglary, 3rd, and grand larceny, 4th.

He had been charged with two counts of burglary, 2nd, and grand larceny, 4th, in connection with the May 21 Pavilion robbery. He had also been charged with burglary and grand larceny for a break-in in Le Roy.

O'Shea was first arrested in July and faced a charge for falsely reporting an incident for reporting a burglary in which he said jewelry and marijuana were stolen.

His Nov. 28th plea satisfied all pending charges.

The Pavilion homeowners spoke in court today about how the nighttime robbery devastated them.

O'Shea and partners Dylan J. Hawkins, 20, of Morrow Road, Pavilion, and Anthony J. Gonzales, 20, of Myrtle Street, Le Roy, reportedly got away with more than $51,000 in cash and more than $21,000 in securities.

"This crime greatly altered our financial future," one of the victims from Pavilion told Judge Robert C. Noonan. "We would like Mr. O'Shea to know that it took a lot of hard work by my husband over many, many years to earn that money and save that money. Why did Mr. O'Shea think he could just come in and take it?"

The victim pleaded with O'Shea to reveal where the money is hidden.

While O'Shea has reportedly admitted to spending $6,000 of the money on cocaine; he doesn't know what happened to the rest, according to his attorney, Thomas Burns.

Hawkins and Gonzales have both pled guilty to attempted burglary. Hawkins was sentenced to five years in prison and three years probation. Gonzales received six months in jail and five years probation.

Joshua M. Bratcher, 22, of Lake Street, Le Roy, who was initially charged with burglary, 2nd, and grand larceny, 4th, for his part in a May 18 break-in of the Pavilion residence, entered a guilty plea in Pavilion Town Court to petit larceny. He has not yet been sentenced.

Assistant District Attorney Kevin Finnell argued for the maximum sentence under the plea deal. He said O'Shea received a substantial break in getting his plea reduced from a violent felony -- second-degree burglary -- to a nonviolent third-degree burglary.

O'Shea has a prior violent felony conviction in South Carolina for robbery with a deadly weapon.

"I don't know that I've ever seen in a PSI (pre-sentence report by the Probation Department) before what I saw in this PSI," Finnell said. "It says, quite correctly, I think, that he is a menace to society."

Noonan told O'Shea that he has a criminal record that shows he's a violent felon and while he got a break with the plea bargain, Noonan intended to put him away for as long as possible.

Noting that if his victims had awakened in the middle of the night during his Pavilion robbery, the scene could have turned violent, if not deadly (there were guns in the house), and that was a very scary situation for the victims, Noonan said he was just glad the victims didn't wake up.

"I'm going to make sure nobody sees you in their house in the middle of the night for a good long time," Noonan said.

Le Roy's Robert Boyce elected president of GCC Foundation Board of Directors

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Robert L. Boyce, of Le Roy, has been elected president of the Genesee Community College Foundation, continuing his longstanding commitment and dedication to the institution.

Boyce has served as a member of the GCC Foundation Board of Directors since 2005, most recently as first vice president. He has also volunteered his time and energy in a number of different capacities including serving on the Finance Committee and the Fund Development Committee as chairman, the Risk Management Committee, several Annual Campaign committees, as well as the search committees for GCC's annual fund director.

Boyce, now an independent licensed insurance broker for Tompkins Insurance Agencies, was the president and CEO of Ernest Townsend and Son, Inc., from 1972 through 2000, when he sold his interest in the firm to the Tompkins Holding Company.

His other civic leadership commitments include nine years on the United Memorial Medical Center Group Board including a term as president; 10 years serving as president with the Le Roy Emergency Ambulance Service; and 27 years as a member and past president of the Le Roy International Rotary Club where he is also a Paul Harris Fellow.

Boyce served in the Army and graduated with a Business degree from the University of Buffalo.

In his spare time, Boyce enjoys time with his wife, Elizabeth (Beth), their three adult children and six grandchildren. He is also a 40-year veteran season ticket holder for both the Buffalo Bills and Buffalo Sabres.

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