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Le Roy

Suspect who allegedly led police on chase through Village of Le Roy faces multiple charges

By Howard B. Owens

Following a slow-speed chase through the Village of Le Roy, a Rochester resident was arrested and charged with multiple crimes, including felony DWI and fleeing a police officer.

Nicholas M. Klusek, 31, of Electric Avenue, Rochester, was jailed on $25,000.

The chase started about 10 p.m., Friday, when a Le Roy PD officer observed Klusek's vehicle allegedly fail to stop for a stop sign and make a turn without a turn signal. The officer attempted to initiate a traffic stop, but Klusek allegedly just kept driving.

The chase wound its way down several village streets and was joined by a Sheriff's deputy, who observed the driver stop at Village Square and run into the woods.

The deputy apprehended Klusek.

At one point, Klusek reportedly stopped his vehicle and as a Le Roy officer exited a patrol car, Klusek allegedly put his car in reverse and hit the passenger door of the patrol car.

The officer was not injured.

Besides felony DWI and fleeing, Klusek was charged with aggravated unlicensed operation, 1st, attempted aggravated assault on a police officer, unlawful possession of marijuana, 12 counts of failing to signal, five counts of failing to stop, two counts of speeding in zone, one count of failing to yield to an emergency vehicle, one count of leaving the scene of a property damage accident and one count of unsafe start.

The alleged assault on a police officer is a Class C felony.

All of the bounty of fall available at Pully's in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

My intention was to stop for sweet corn. What I found when I pulled into Pully's Farm Market on Route 19 in Le Roy was a fall festival.

Owner Dave Pullyblank opened the market in the spring of 2008 on the farm that has been in his family since 1804. His goal then as now is to turn the farm into a family-friendly, agri-tourism attraction.

For fall, Pully has transformed his farm into a wonderland of play areas colored by the vibrant oranges, yellows and greens of the harvest season.

There is a corn maze, pumpkin cannon, corn (instead of sand) box and duck race, but Pully said the number-one attraction is the pumpkins.

The variety, he believes is the largest available in any single location in New York State.

"What I say is all these weird colored pumpkins, that’s fall," Pullyblank said. "You won’t find more variety of a decorative product in any other place. Anybody can grow an orange pumpkin. You won’t find anybody else growing that product in there (the green house)."

Pully's goal is to be a year-round destination. In the spring he sells bedding flowers, hanging baskets and vegetable seedlings. During the summer, he sells produce, including sweet corn, which he believes is the sweetest you'll find, plus tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and squash.

"The biggest thing I tell the folks, at the end of the day, the stuff that hasn’t sold goes to my cows, so when you come the next day, the stuff was picked that morning," Pullyblank said.

He wants kids to learn where their food comes from, Pully said. Eventually, he plans to include farm animals as part of his attractions for families.

For winter, Pully would like to sell u-cut and pre-cut Christmas trees, but two dry summers have slowed the growth of the trees.

What Pully doesn't sell, he brings in from other area farms.

"I can’t do it all, but I want to get it from the other farmers as close as I can," Pullyblank said.

All of the attractions and products at Pully's now will be available through the end of October.

The property has been in Pully's family for at least six generations and Pully got his start driving a tractor for his grandfather when he was 7. Pully said his farm is the last of the original four Le Roy farms still being run as a family operation by the original family.

The spring of 2008 turned out not to be a great time to start a new business, Pully admitted. It hasn't always been easy to grow a business during down economic times, but each year he keeps adding new products and new attractions.

"You have to keep going forward," Pullyblank said. "No matter what, you’ve got to keep going forward. If you don’t, you’re going to go stagnate and then there’s no reason for people to come out and see what you’re doing."

Pully's Farm Market is located 8160 Lake Road, Le Roy.

Le Roy PD involved in chase through village

By Howard B. Owens

Le Roy PD is chasing an individual, now on foot, though the chase initially involved a vehicle and was largely contained to streets in the village.

The subject is now on foot heading toward the Royal Apartments.

A deputy has spotted an individual in the woods off Gilbert.

We didn't hear how or why the chase started.

UPDATE 10:08 p.m.: A deputy has the subject in custody and his walking him toward Gilbert.

UPDATE 10:10 p.m.: A Le Roy officer involved in the vehicle chase has requested a tow truck to Le Roy Village Square.

UPDATE 10:17 p.m.: It sounds like the subject is in custody. Possible charges include unlicensed operation and unlawful possession of marijuana.

UPDATE 10:38 p.m.: The chase began with an attempted routine traffic stop on Route 19 at about 10 p.m. The green 1997 Chevy pickup truck made a left on Summit heading south at 39 mph. The vehicle is registered to a village resident. The driver was described as a white male. From Summit, the vehicle turned on Union, back toward Route 19. From Route 19 to Munson. The truck then went north on Gilbert, from Gilbert to Myrtle Street, then left on Craigie heading toward Route 5. On 5, the vehicle head westbound. An officer stated, "he's just playing games. He's back in Village Square" behind the American Legion Hall. It was shortly after going to Village Square that the suspect exited the vehicle and started running.

American Heritage Girls Troop NY0146 Registration Night

By Kelly Hansen

There is a new option for girls K-12 who are interested in scouting programs. American Heritage Girls is pleased to introduce a brand new troop in our area chartered by Our Lady of Mercy Parish in LeRoy. American Heritage Girls is an interdenominational Christian program dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. The organization offers badge programs, service projects, girl leadership opportunities and outdoor experiences to its members.

Event Date and Time

Police seek assistance in identifying forgery suspect

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Le Roy Police Department is asking for assistance in identifying the white female in these surveillance photographs as a forgery suspect who has allegedly passed numerous forged checks in numerous locations n Genesee, Monroe and Ontario counties.

If you can identify this female, please contact Detective John Condidorio of the Le Roy Police Department at 585-768-2527, ext. 2219, or Investigator John Falbo of the Ontario County Sheriff’s Department at 585-396-4628.

Consultant says there are options for saving Wiss Hotel building in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

Le Roy's Wiss Hotel, often referred to as a lost cause, may yet be saved.

A group of citizens pooled their resources and hired Perry-based revitalization expert Rick Hauser to conduct a feasibility study on whether the Wiss could once again be a viable business.

Hauser's short answer: Yes.

Though an expensive proposition, the old hotel building is structurally sound enough to be restored and the resulting mix of retail space and apartments would provide a return on investment.

Hauser's report suggests creating a limited liability corporation that would take the lead on the project.

Funds would come from investors -- both cash and in-kind (such as a plumber doing work in exchange for shares in the company -- tax abatement and a no-interest loan from the village.

Rather than spending upwards of $400,000 to destroy the Wiss and remediate any existing environmental problems, the money would help seed the restoration and rebirth of the building at the corner of Route 19 and Route 5, the west-end entry into the village.

The village would also need to apply for and receive National Register Historic District designation that includes the building.

The financial analysis also assumes a 10-year PILOT grant from the Genesee County Economic Development Center.

Hauser's feasibility study proposes four retail spaces on the first floor and five large, high-ceiling, light-filled, market-rate apartments -- ranging in size from 800 to nearly 1,400 square feet -- on the second and third floors.

Under such a plan, at 100-percent occupancy, the building would eventually turn over $34,000 in annual net profit.

There was little discussion of the report -- which wasn't an item on the agenda -- at the village board meeting Wednesday night.

Supporters of the project said they just wanted to get the report in the hands of trustees quickly, before the village committed to destruction of the building.

Robbins Nest a tangled mess as final approval hangs in the balance

By Howard B. Owens

It's been two years since local businessman Pete McQuillen decided to build a senior housing project on property he owns in the Village of Le Roy. The approval process has taken about a year longer than he expected.

And it's still not approved.

The final approval must come from the village board of trustees, but with two members of the five-person board declining to participate in the decision, the trustees are barred by local law from taking a vote.

In response, Village Attorney Laurence W. Boylan (photo: top inset) has drafted a proposed change to the law that would give trustees the authority to move forward.

A public hearing was held Wednesday night on the proposal and village residents expressed both a willingness to support the change, mainly for McQuillen's sake, and opposition.

McQuillen's plan is to build 26 homes on 13.1 acres east of Robbins Road and south of Filmore Street, with prices ranging from $130,000 to $160,000, and sold as part of a planned community to seniors.

Opposition to the project has come primarily from residents of Robbins Road (where McQuillen also lives), led primarily by Town Supervisor Stephen Barbeau (photo: bottom inset) and resident David Boyce. Barbeau and Boyce brought a lawsuit against the village that effectively overturns the board's previous approval of the project.

In order for the project to go forward, the village board must approve a zoning change to what's known as a planned unit development (PUD).

Because more than 20 percent of the residents in the immediate area signed a petition opposing the change, under current village law, it takes approval from four of the five trustees (known as a "super majority") to make the change.

Two trustees -- Bob Taylor and Mike Tucci -- have said they have a conflict of interest and recused themselves from making a decision, and voting, on the project.

With two members not participating, the remaining three trustees can't even vote on the issue, let alone achieve the super majority necessary for approval.

The proposed change in the zoning code would allow for a simple majority vote (only three yes votes required).

However, the change in the law would effect all requests for zoning changes in the future, and some at Wedensday's meeting -- even those who support McQuillen -- said that could open a potential Pandora's Box of unintended consequences.

Residents would lose some power to block unwanted zoning changes.

"We're supposed to be governed by law and not by men," Hank Barbeau said. "What you're trying to do here, it seems to me, is adjust the law to make it fit the man. It's that simple to me. Am I that ignorant that I can't see it? That's a very shrewd way, some might say, to get your way."

McQuillen noted that his proposal has been reviewed and removed by various agencies and boards nearly a dozen times and has received very little opposition from officials. If at any time he had been told no, the project would have ended, but officials have never found a reason to object to the project.

Now the project is in limbo because of the village board's inability to act and he's losing money. He needs to do some things to keep the project moving forward, but is hesitant to spend more money given the present circumstance.

"To come back and be told the board doesn't have a quorum would just be flushing money," McQuillen said.

Several residents implored Taylor (photo: middle inset) and Tucci to drop their recusals and participate in a vote.

Attorney Boylan has said that while a board member is free to recuse himself on a vote he feels he has a conflict with, the actual state law requiring recusal is very narrow and specific and he doesn't see it applying to Taylor and Tucci.

After repeated requests from residents for reconsideration by Taylor and Tucci, Tucci spoke up and said he feels he has a clear conflict of interest.

David Boyce is his boss and controls his compensation. He also has an employment contract with Tompkins Financial Corp. that requires him not to participate in any decision on the board in which he has a financial interest. He offered his code and conduct and employment contract up for any other attorney to review to see if it says something other than what he believes it says.

"I would love to hear another opinion on the matter," Tucci said. "It's pretty simple to me. It's inappropriate for me to vote on this knowing these facts."

The first time Robbins Nest came to the village board for approval, Taylor did vote on it. He voted no, and though he feels he cast his vote in good conscience, some residents accused him of voting no only because Steve Barbeau his is nephew.

That pressure convinced him that if his vote couldn't be viewed as impartial, he should not participate in the decision.

"People who know me know I wouldn't vote for him just because he's a relative," Taylor said. "You ask my nephew. I haven't always voted for him all these times. He's not always right."

As the discussion continued, Taylor expressed some willingness to reconsider his recusal, but Boylan said that may not be possible. He said he will need to research whether it's legal for an elected official who has recused himself from an issue to reenter the discussion.

Barbeau expressed frustration with people he believes pressured Taylor over his previous vote and now complain about him recusing himself.

"You know who you are," Barbeau said.

The proposed change in the law will now go to the county planning board for review. It will then come back to the village board for a possible vote. No date has been set yet for the vote.

Woman accused stealing purse and hiring taxi to Le Roy where she made purchases

By Howard B. Owens

A 26-year-old woman who recently relocated from Florida to Le Roy was arrested today, accused of stealing a purse from a local business and then using debit and credit cards to make purchases at local stores.

Maria A. Matos was taken into custody after an employee of a retail store in Le Roy became suspicious of a woman who was carrying multiple credit and debit cards and so contacted authorities.

The employee said the woman left in a local taxi and Le Roy PD began a search for the cab.

When located on Route 5 in Stafford, the taxi had no passenger and the driver said he had dropped off a woman at a business on Lake Street because she admitted she didn't have cash for the fare.

That led police to the residence of Matos, who was staying in a boarding house on Lake Street.

According to Le Roy PD, Matos was allegedly found in possession of two stolen credit cards and the identification of a Medina resident.

Numerous items purchased with the allegedly stolen cards were also found in the room.

About this time, Batavia PD received a report of a purse being stolen from an office in Batavia.

Police accuse Matos of allegedly stealing the purse and then securing a taxi ride to Le Roy, where she used the stolen credit cards.

Matos was arraigned on two counts of criminal possession of stolen property, two counts of identity theft, two counts of unlawful possession of personal identification, two counts of petit larceny and one count of theft of services (for allegedly not paying for taxi fare).

Following arraignment, Matos was jailed on $2,500 bail.

Further charges are pending in Batavia.

Hearing tonight in Le Roy Village Hall to change voting requirement for PUD zoning

By Billie Owens

A proposed local law to change how voting is done regarding zoning amendments is the subject of a public hearing tonight at the meeting of the Village of Le Roy Board of Trustees.

No vote will be made this evening on the proposed legal change, but public input is sought and encouraged. The meeting is at 7 in the Village Hall at 3 W. Main St.

Called "Proposed Local Law #4 of 2012," it would amend Chapter 215 of the Village Zoning Code, sections 215-18, by adding a new subsection -- "F."

This addition would make it possible for a simple majority of the board of trustees, rather than a super majority (4/5), to approve a planned unit development (PUD) and the land use regulations, restrictions, zoning, boundaries, etc., pertaining to it.

Also, a simple majority vote in favor would "adopt and enact" the zoning changes regardless of whether the proposal has been the subject of a protest petition signed by 20 percent of the affected nearby property owners.

Of course, this proposal is directly related to the controversial Robbins Nest project -- contractor and lifelong Le Royan Pete McQuillen's plan to build 26 "patio homes" for people 55 and older on 13.1 acres east of Robbins Road and south of Filmore Street. His plans are not popular with many residents near the Robbins Nest site, who have signed a petition against PUD zoning. Others welcome the idea because, if built, it would help boost the tax base for sorely needed public services.

But to accommodate it, PUD zoning -- which is not currently in the village code -- would need to be approved, in order to establish a homeowners' association, walking trails and to permit the developer to retain ownership of the land but not the houses, among other particulars.

The proposed subsection was prompted by the voluntary abstentions of two of the board's five village trustees -- Robert Taylor and Michael Tucci. Both cite personal conflicts of interest. The village lawyer says it's entirely their prerogative to do so. Thus, there is no way under current configurations to vote on McQuillen's plans.

In the written legal proposal, the "legislative findings" of the village board, noted before the language of Subsection F, say that:

From time to time the board receives applications to amend, modify or take action on Chapter 215 of the zoning code. And "being a small village...members may often find themselves in situations where their business, social and/or family relationships present conflicts" that make it necessary or advisable to recuse themselves from voting on certain proposals.

And that the state Constitution and Municipal Home Rule Law provide separate legislative authority to adopt zoning laws, rules and regulations and the village board "finds it advisable to provide an alternate means of dealing with zoning law changes."

Subsection F itself reads as follows:

Pursuant to the New York State Constitution Article IX (2)(b)(3) and the New York State Municipal Home Rule Law (10)(1)(ii)(e)(3), that any land use regulation, restriction or zoning district classification or boundary, or any application for the designation or siting of a planned unit development, whether applied for or proposed pursuant to this Local Law or Chapter 215 of the Village Code of the Village of Le Roy, may be adopted, amended, sited, changed, modified or repealed by the said Village Board by adoption of a local law, and such local law shall be deemed to have been approved and adopted by a favorable vote of a simple majority of the entire Village Board, and shall then take full force and effect as provided in the State Law, regardless of whether or not the same has been the subject of a protest petition signed by the owners of twenty per centum or more, either of the area of the land included in or affected by such action, or of that directly opposite thereto extending one hundred feet therefrom, or of that directly opposite thereto extending one hundred feet from the street frontage of such opposite land, or any similar protest or petition.

Two pedestrians run out and strike a car, then run away in Le Roy

By Billie Owens

After striking a vehicle, two white male pedestrians ran from the scene, according to person in the parking lot of Walgreen's in Le Roy who called dispatch. The two males reportedly ran into traffic and struck the vehicle, words were exchanged between them and the driver, and they ran. This was in the area of Mill and Bacon streets and they were last seen running down Bacon Street.

The only other description is that one of them is wearing a long-sleeved black shirt and blue jeans. Le Roy police are on scene.

UPDATE 3:03 p.m.: Prior to this incident the suspects were seen inside the Sugar Creek convenience store and officers are checking there for possible IDs.

UPDATE 3:11 p.m.: Police are back in service. There was no report made.

Small shed fire on Telephone Road, near Texaco Town

By Billie Owens

A shed fire is reported at 6335 Telephone Road. It is near a structure. Pavilion and Le Roy fire departments are responding. The location is between Ellicott Street Road and Transit Road. A power line is running nearby and National Grid is notified. The roadway will be closed.

UPDATE 2:04 p.m.: "There's a lot of heavy black smoke," says a responder. A second alarm crew is called to stand by in quarters but the fire has almost burned itself out.

UPDATE 2:07 p.m.: A utility pole and power line are "involved."

UPDATE 2:09 p.m.: The city's Fast Team was called but is put back in service. Transit Road will be closed at Telephone Road.

UPDATE 2:11 p.m.: The second-alarm crew is told to stand down.

UPDATE 2:14 p.m.: "We're gonna have it knocked down in a minute," says the commander. They are going to apply foam soon.

UPDATE 2:19 p.m.: "The fire is under control."

UPDATE 3:10 p.m.: The eastbound lane is reopened.

UPDATE 3:17 p.m. The road's open, assignment back in service.

Law and Order: Traffic stop yield baggies of alleged marijuana, alleged illegal immigrant

By Howard B. Owens

Laurie J. Lerkins, 35, of 8 Erie St., Le Roy, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Lerkins was reportedly driving a vehicle stopped on Wolcott Street by Le Roy PD early Saturday morning for alleged broken tail lamp. Upon investigation, officers found Lerkins allegedly possessed multiple small bags of marijuana. During the stop, police identified Jose Del Carmen Hernandez-Zarate, 26, and with the assistance of the Border Patrol determined Hernandez-Zarate, who was reportedly working on a farm in East Bethany, was in the country illegally. Hernandez-Zarate was turned over to the Border Patrol for immigration proceedings.

Laszlo Szabo, 59, of 8687 Keeney Road Le Roy, is charged with felony DWI, aggravated driving with a BAC of .18 or greater and improper right turn. Szabo was observed Sunday night making an allegedly wide right turn of Mill Street onto Lake Street, crossing fully in to the oncoming traffic lane. Szabo was stopped by Le Roy PD and subsequently arrested.

Booker T. Ricks III, 41, of 7 Chestnut St., Apt. #1, Batavia, is  charged with criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation. Ricks was allegedly involved in a domestic incident and is accused of choking a victim.

John W. Williams III, 20, of 8170 Batavia Stafford Townline Road, Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, improper right turn, uninspected vehicle and unlicensed operator. Williams was stopped at 2:09 a.m., Sunday, on West Main Street, Batavia, by Sgt. Dan Coffey.

Joseph Alan Home, 21, of West 5th Street, Erie, Pa., is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Home was stopped for allegedly speeding at 8:35 p.m., Sunday, on Ellicott Street Road, Batavia, by Sgt. Greg Walker. Home was allegedly found in possession of marijuana.

Raymond Kyle Jonathan, 23, of Bloomingdale Road, Alabama, was arrested on bench warrants related to charges of DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and aggravated unlicensed operation. Jonathan was arrested at his place of employment in Clarence and jailed on $250 cash bail or $1,000 bond.

Miguel Angel Valencia, 37, of Halfianen Street, Grand Junction, Colo., was arrested as a fugitive from justice. Valencia was an inmate at the Buffalo Federal Detention Center in Batavia. Valencia is wanted in California on a child molestation charge. Valencia was arraigned and jailed without bail awaiting extradition.

Jerrell Jordan Travis Jones, 24, of North Spruce Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to pay fine. Jones was arrested upon his release from the Genesee County Jail, where he was held on an unrelated matter. Jones was arraigned on the charge and released.

Robert L. Murray, 36, of Darien, is charged with felony DWI. Murray was stopped by troopers Sunday on Route 5 in Batavia. Murray's BAC was allegedly .15, according to State Police.

Dylan T. Rotella, 19, of Rochester, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. A trooper reportedly came upon an unoccupied vehicle with its doors open outside a Batavia business and upon locating and interviewing Rotella, it was determined he allegedly possessed marijuana.

Robert L. Knight, 44, of Rochester, is charged with petit larceny, criminal impersonation and consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle. Troopers responded Saturday to a report of a subject trying to steal scrap metal from Bergen Auto Recycling. Employees of the business detained Knight briefly until troopers arrived. Upon arrival, troopers determined Knight allegedly hid scrap metal in the trunk of his vehicle. When interviewed, Knight allegedly provided troopers with a false name. He was jailed on $1,000 bail. Robert L. Knight Jr., 18, of Rochester, was determined to be the alleged driver of the vehicle and he was charged with unregistered motor vehicle, uninsured motor vehicle, switched plates, and operating without a driver’s license.

Man accidently shot in knee with nail gun in Le Roy

By Billie Owens

A man was accidently shot in the knee with a nail gun on the roof of a home at 9000 Asbury Road in Le Roy. The fire department is responding to bring the man down from the roof so the medics from Le Roy Ambulance Service can tend to him.

UPDATE 8:03 p.m.: The patient was brought down from the roof by the firefighters using a ladder-and-bucket device and is being prepared from transport to the hospital in an ambulance. Le Roy fire is back in service.

UPDATE 8:24 p.m.: The patient is being taken to UMMC. He is 36 years old and in pain. The nail remains lodged in his left knee. It's estimated to be one- to one-and-a-half inches long.

Le Roy man who allegedly reported gang fight in July accused of filing false reports

By Howard B. Owens

A 42-year-old man who allegedly reported a gang-style assault during a graduation party in July has been arrested by Le Roy PD on a variety of charges, including making a false report.

Mark E. Cheeseman, of Le Roy, reportedly filed a report with police alleging a fight on Elm Street that he said left him severely injured.

He is said to have signed two sworn depositions alleging the fight and attack.

It turns out, according to investigators, that Cheeseman was the alleged instigator of any confrontation that night.

Cheeseman allegedly grabbed the buttocks of a woman, which led to a fight with other guests at the party.

The altercation reportedly spilled out of the residence and down Elm Street.

Cheeseman allegedly trespassed on another property and would not leave after being told to do so. He allegedly pushed another woman at that location.

Det. John Condidorio drove to Buffalo Criminal Court today and picked up Cheeseman on a warrant.

The charges against Cheeseman include forcible touching, two counts of filing a false written instrument, second-degree harassmen, and trespass.

He was arraigned and jailed on $1,500 bail.

No other arrests are expected in the case.

GCC Spring 2012 Dean's List honorees

By Billie Owens

Genesee Community College named 633 students to Spring 2012 Dean's List. Students earned a quality point index of 3.50-3.74.

This year's honorees, with their hometowns, are listed below:


Staci Casper
Andrew Greene


Ashley Spangenburg
Jason Birch
Luke Stacy
Amanda-Kay Sands
Jeanette Menzie
Garrett MacDonald


Reed Olmstead
Morgan Midwick
McKenna Downey
Charlotte Donahue


Laura Holovics

Darien Center

Michelle Waldo
James Odell


Lauren Hughes

Le Roy

Corrie Doeller
Debra McKnight
Rachael Panepento


Alyssa Esola
Cady Glor
Zaneb Silmi
Katie Engle


Jamie Haentges
Taylor Lafferty
Sydney Case
Sarah Nugent

Genesee Community College offers more than 60 academic programs and certificates, including the brand new Veterinary Technology A.A.S. degree and Polysomnographic Technology A.A.S. degree, (the study of sleep disorders).

Genesee is accessible through seven campus locations throughout Western New York in Albion, Arcade, Batavia, Dansville, Lima, Medina, and Warsaw, as well as through online classes in the Distance Learning program.

College housing is available at College Village, just a three minute walk from the Batavia Campus. With small class sizes and state-of-the-art technology both inside and outside of the classroom, Genesee Community College is known for being 'high-tech' and 'high-touch'. Find out more at

Law and Order: Duo accused of trying to cash stolen, forged check

By Howard B. Owens

Clarence E. McLeod, 55, of 19 Porter Ave., Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a forged instrument 3rd, and Joshua A. Harris, 23, of 110 Walnut St., Batavia, is charged with petit larceny and forgery, 3rd. Harris is accused of stealing a checkbook and then forging the victim's name on a check and issuing the check to McLeod. McLeod allegedly passed the check knowing that it was stolen and attempted to cash the check at the Tonawanda Valley Federal Credit Union. The investigation was conducted by Officer Eric Hill and Deputy Brian Thompson.

Christopher P. Sullivan, 32, of 29 Tracy Ave., lower, Batavia, is charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs, leaving the scene of a property damage accident, unlicensed operation and unsafe lange change. Sullivan is accused of being in an accident in the parking lot of Northside Deli and then fleeing the scene. Witnesses reportedly followed Sullivan's vehicle and contacted police. Sullivan was arrested following an investigation.

Scott M. Forian, 44, of 8317 Slusser Road, Batavia, is charged with felony DWI and improper right turn. Forian was stopped at 11:34 p.m., Saturday, on Harvester Avenue, Batavia, by Officer Chris Camp. Forian was jailed without bail.

Dennis A. Edson, 48, of 17 Porter Ave., Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct. Edson allegedly yelled obscenities repeatedly at officers who were investigating another complaint in the area.

Rae C. Cook, 23, of 121 Liberty St., Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 1st. Cook is accused of violating an order of protection with a prior conviction for criminal contempt, making this a felony charge.

Rosemary R. Waters, 26, of 2 Florence Ave., Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. Waters was arrested on a warrant for alleged criminal contempt after visiting an inmate in jail. Waters was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Rachell Onie Soggs, 24, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Soggs is accused of shoplifting $29.12 in merchandise from Kmart.

Jeremy John Haynes, 36, of Church Street, Le Roy, is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, operating without an ignition interlock. Haynes allegedly drove to the Genesee County Jail at 7:16 a.m., Sunday, with a BAC of more than twice the legal limit.

Nicholas Adam Antonucci, 25, of Broadway Road, Alexander, is charged with two counts of attempted grand larceny, 3rd. On Jan. 6, 2010, Antonucci allegedly tried to steal two snowmobiles from the parking lot of the Beachhead Veterans Club in Alexander. One snowmobile was valued at $5,000 and the other at $4,000. Antonucci allegedly damaged the ignitions during the attempted theft. Antonucci is being held on the Wyoming County Jail on other charges.

Jason A. Klinkbeil, 24, of an unknown address in Le Roy, is charged with petit larceny. Klinkbeil was observed at Save A Lot allegedly shoving frozen food items and cans of beer into his backpack and then attempting to leave the store without paying for the items. Klinkbeil, who had been released from the Genesee County Jail the day before on unrelated charges, was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Batavia suffers first loss, GR has three undefeated teams, Le Roy gets third win

By Howard B. Owens

The Blue Devils dropped off the list of the undefeated in Genesee County on Friday with a 30-12 loss to Livonia.

Le Roy kept its perfect record in tack with a 35-28 over Avon, while in the Genesee Region Conference, three teams sit atop the standings at 3-0 -- Elba/Byron-Bergen, Notre Dame and Attica.

Elba/BB beat Holley 27-7 with Zack DuBois rushing for 156 yards on 22 carries, scoring once. QB Zack Gillard was 7-14 for 167 yards and two TDs. He also carried the ball five times for 29 yards and a touchdown. Austin Yockel had four receptions for 141, including a 44-yard TD reception. Ryan Morse had a 10-yard TD reception. Andy Underhill made 23 tackles. Brandon Naylor had 14 tackles.

Notre Dame moved to 3-0 with a win over Alexander 36-6. Tim McCulley completed 11 passes on 20 attempts for 187 yards, including TD tosses of 14 and 35 yards to Charlie Hebert and Jared Thornton. Nick Taylor had TD runs of 26 and 89 yards. Andrew Mullen carried the ball 11 times for 65 yards. For Alexander, Dylan Scharlau had 18 carries for 117 yards and QB Nelson Burke was 8 of 17 for 128 yards, including a TD pass to 36-yard TD to Sam Browne. Burke was intercepted twice.

Pembroke dropped to 0-3 with a loss to undefeated Attica 47-0. Four turnovers by the Dragons led to four Attica TDs. Pete Thomas had 12 tackles for Pembroke and Caleb Patterson and Jared Kolmetz each recovered two fumbles.

For Batavia, in the Blue Devils 30-12 loss to Livonia, Nick Canzoneri rushed for 40 yards on eight carries, scoring once. James Soggs had 11 carries for 85 yards.

Le Roy's third win was highlighted by Peter Privitera's 181 yards on 39 carries and two touchdowns. Both Marcus Mistersaro and Dylan Johnson scored on the ground. T.J. Crye was 13-of-27 for 173 yards.

Oakfield-Alabama improved to 1-2 with a win over Finney (1-2), 20-16. Ryan Emery scored twice and carried the ball for 99 yards. Chris Nanni rushed for 90 yards and two touchdowns on 10 carries. Danny Monachino and Tommy Geiss each recorded 12 tackles.

Law and Order: Grand larceny suspect charged with promoting prison contraband

By Howard B. Owens

Antonio Lester James, 21, of Avenue A, Rochester, is charged with grand larceny. James is accused of placing more than $2,400 worth of printer ink and electronic merchandise in a plastic tote while in Walmart and then running from the store. James was subsequently charged with promoting prison contraband, 2nd. While being processed into the Genesee County Jail, James was allegedly found in possession of a small amount of marijuana.

Matthew Thomas Allen Banks-Jubert, 18, no residence, was arrested on a warrant for alleged violation of probation. Banks-Jubert was interviewed by the Buffalo PD on an unrelated matter and arrested on a warrant out of Town of Batavia Court for alleged violation of probation. Banks-Jubert was jailed on $1,000 cash bail or $2,000 bond.

Samantha L. Johnson, 25, of Ellicott Street, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Johnson is accused of stealing more than $100 in merchandise from Kmart.

Todd Michael Sirianni, 43, of North Fraley Street, Kane, Pa., was arrested as a fugitive from justice from McKean County, Pa. Sirianni was being held in the Genesee County Jail and with his local case completed, he was arraigned on an alleged violation of probation charge out of McKean County in Town of Batavia Court and held pending extradition.

Joanne Jefferson, 53, of Gilbert Street, Le Roy, was arrested on a bench warrant for alleged violation of probation. Jefferson was arrested in the Village of Le Roy, arraigned in county court and released.

Brush fire off Warsaw Road, Le Roy

By Billie Owens

A brush fire is reported in the woods by 9450 Warsaw Road. Le Roy Fire Department is responding. The location is between Perry and Cole roads.

UPDATE 3:18 p.m.: A responder on scene says it's a hedgerow on fire in the middle of a field.

UPDATE 3:27 p.m.: A fire truck from Pavilion is asked to respond to the scene in non-emergency mode.

UPDATE 3:56 p.m.: The fire is out. Crews are doing overhaul. A rep from the Department of Environmental Conservation is on scene.

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