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Le Roy

Photo: The Wiss's sagging third floor

By Howard B. Owens

On my way out of Le Roy, I stopped by the Wiss again and got there just before Tim Hens did.

I know from previous conversations, Tim was pretty interested in how a third floor was added to a wood-frame building.

It looks like the third floor was just built right on top of the roof of the original structure. What we're seeing is the back of the original structure and a portion of the added on third floor, which was built across the original structure and a later extension to the back of the building.

The other key thing -- and this picture doesn't really capture it as obviously as it is visible in person -- is how much the third floor and second floor ceiling is sagging.

Hens and Bob Lathan talked about the condition of the building a bit. As you know from our previous tour of the building, there was a sheet of ice on a large portion of the third floor.

Lathan said since then we've have a few thaws and refreezes.

Hens said ice weighs as much as concrete.

Lathan said the string he had stretched through the second floor to measure settling of the building had dropped 3/4 of an inch in the last month.

Though Hens said it's just his opinion and not scientific, based on what he observed today, he doesn't think the building would have lasted through another winter.

Hens said it probably still would have taken a developer gutting the building to accurately access the soundness of the structure.

Photo: Wiss demolition,

By Howard B. Owens

Just a photo to show the progress of the Wiss Hotel demolition.

Insurance company refusing to pay for damage to former Pontillo's in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

The best estimate John Pontillo has received so far for repair of the former Pontillo's Pizza location in Le Roy is $33,000.

The building was damaged Aug. 6 when it was struck by a car owned by Marie Costa.

Costa's insurance company is apparently denying a claim for damage to the building under something known as the "emergency doctrine."

In New York and other states, a person is not liable for injury or damage in an accident if a person is "faced with a sudden and unexpected circumstance, not of their own making, that leaves them with little or no time for reflection."

What exactly happened that caused Costa's vehicle to careen over a curb and ram into the Pontillo's building seems to still be a matter of medical dispute, but from John Pontillo's interpretation of what he's been told by Costa's insurance company, she died prior to the accident so the company isn't responsible for any claims.

Costa was insuranced by Adirondack Insurance.

The way Pontillo sees it, Costa was driving the vehicle before any sort of medical condition arose -- if one did -- and therefore Adirondack should pay up.

"Like others have said, she is the one who put the car in motion and there was damage done before the car finally came to a rest," Pontillo said.

When Costa's car hit the building, it dislodged a large limestone brick from the archway by the front door. The repair will require extensive safety measures to keep other stones from cracking or falling.

Meanwhile, Pontillo has foreclosed on the property, claiming substantial debts to himself from the Elizabeth Pontillo estate. The property will go up for auction, but Pontillo fears with the damage it won't even sell.

The more the building sells for, the more of the estate's debts (which Pontillo said are substantial to himself and others) can be paid.

If the building doesn't sell, John Pontillo is stuck with a heavily damaged building that he can't use without repairs.

He's thought in the past of opening another pizzeria at the location, but with the damaged building, that isn't possible.

The condition of the building is also a major concern to the village, according to Mayor Greg Rogers.

Pontillo said Adirondack has refused to pay Le Roy for damage to a planter and signs. Rogers said he isn't even thinking about that claim.

"I would much rather worry about getting that building back in shape," Rogers said.

The village is working with its insurance company, Tompkins, to try and resolve the dispute.

One option for Pontillo would be to sue the estate of Costa. He doesn't really want to do that to her family, but such a suit might force Costa's family to sue Adirondack. He's hoping the family will put pressure on Adirondack to settle with Pontillo. He suspects -- though can't prove -- that Adirondack paid the family for a claim on Costa's car.

We requested a statement from Adirondack on the case but have yet to hear back from the company.

The story of a stolen thermometer and the police officer who made a gift of it

By Howard B. Owens

Michael J. Penvose set out to Dollar General in Le Roy on Saturday with a simple mission: buy a thermometer that might give him an accurate reading of his infant daughter's temperature.

She had received a vaccination shot and the doctor told Penvose her temperature might creep up. It might even hit 100, but if it hit 100.1 he should call for help or bring her into the hospital.

"We were taking her temp with a thermometer we got from the hospital," Penvose said. "It was saying 99.6, 99.8. I've got it all written down in the house. Then I put it in my mouth and checked my temperature and it said 97.9 and my girlfriend's was different. I panicked. I'd been up all night with her and we're short on money. I went down to Dollar General and I was a few dollars short. I kind of panicked."

What Penvose, 33, did next landed him in The Batavian's "Law and Order" column for Monday. He was charged with petit larceny. It also led to a phone call to The Batavian from Penvose's landlord with "the rest of the story."

Yes, Penvose stole a thermometer, but he also received a bit of charity from an unexpected source: A Le Roy police officer.

Officer Emily Clark purchased that thermometer and gave it to Penvose as he was released from custody and told him to go home and take care of his daughter.

"I told him when I gave it to him that it wasn't that I condoned the fact that he stole it, certainly," Clark said. "And it wasn't condoning that he wasn't very cooperative with Officer Robb, it's just that I can appreciate having a sick child at home and just the situation he's in. How do you not have sympathy for somebody who can't afford something for a child that's a necessity?"

Penvose is originally from Angola and he and his fiance have lived in Le Roy for two months. He said he's had his "fair share" of brushes with the law over the years, but he feels like in the past six months things have been turning around for him, even as he struggles to find a job locally.

There's a sign on the couple's door instructing visitors to remove their shoes before entering and their infant daughter was cute as a bug and dressed a snug jumpsuit when a reporter dropped by unexpectedly.

The big issue with finding a job, said Penvose (he said he can "do anything" -- construction, including roofing and siding, and even build cars) is that he doesn't have a car. Every contractor he's applied with for a job -- 33 in all, he said -- has demanded he have a car. 

That issue may be settled by now. The couple was planning on trying to buy a car today using a a tax refund check his finance received.

The thermometer Penvose tried to purchase was more than $7 and Penvose only had $4.50 in cash on him at the time.

"I panicked," he said. "She was burning up and I just felt something was wrong and I didn't want to take a chance."

After he left the store, Officer Daryl Robb found Penvose walking east of the Yellow Goose.

Penvose admits he wasn't entirely honest with Robb when they first spoke.

"I gave them a little line of a story because I was panicking," he said. "I just wanted to get home. I'd been taking her temperature every three hours."

Robb took Penvose back to the station and at that point Penvose opened up and told the full story.

"I just thought I should tell him exactly what the situation was," Penvose said. "Everybody in the room, it looked like, they all had tears in their eyes."

Clark left, went to the store, and paid for the thermometer, and Robb finished processing Penvose on the petit larceny charge.

"I guess if I was that situation I would want somebody to do that for me," Clark said. "We're not just cops. We're people, too. It's not part of the job, but I guess I like being able to do that as part of the job."

Making a bit of charity part of her job is something Clark has done a few times before said Chief Chris Hayward. For example, when homeless people have passed through the village, she's bought them food.

"That's the type of officer you want," Hayward said.

Clark was surprised when a reporter showed up at headquarters today asking about the incident. It's not something she expected anybody to find out about. When we first asked Hayward about it, he didn't even know Clark had helped Penvose.

Penvose is worried what the misdemeanor charge might mean for him, but he's still in disbelief that a police officer, or anybody, would help him in that situation.

"Not a lot of people out there do stuff for me and I do a lot for a lot of people," Penvose said. "I'm always a helping hand. My past has not been very good, but I'm always helping somebody. It doesn't matter what it is. If somebody needs their yard raked or (has a) flat tire, it don't matter what it is, a rainstorm, I'll pull over. When she did that for me, it was shocking. I was like wow, there are people out there who ... well, I guess it was the situation. It wasn't for me anyways. It was for my daughter."

Le Roy PD hosts class for officers seeking certification with breathalyzer

By Howard B. Owens

How long does it take a police officer to learn how to get people to blow into a plastic tube?

This isn't the set up to a joke. The fact is, the NYS Department of Health requires police officers to take a three-day course and pass a certification test before he or she can administer a breathalyzer test to a suspected drunken driver.

Seventeen law enforcement officers from as far away as Stuben County have been in Le Roy for three days earning their breath-test certification.

The class is being taught by Sgt. Michael Hare of Le Roy PD and Sgt. Brian Frieday.

Accurate results from a certified tester are needed in case the test is challeged in court.

The final days of the Wiss begins today

By Howard B. Owens

Crews have spent the morning getting the demolition site ready for removing the former Wiss Hotel building from the corner of Main and Lake streets in Le Roy.

The first backhoe whack at a wall will take place sometime after lunch hour.

A supervisor for Empire Dismantlement Corp. said demolition starts at the back of the building and works toward the front. First order of business is to make room for dump trucks to park on the building site.

By Saturday, crews should be ready to take down the front facade. When they get to that point, Main Street will need to be closed for a time.

The building is being taken down "hot," meaning that any existing asbestos in the building has not been removed prior to demolition.

We've also learned that the iron awning that was on the west side of the building has been removed. The owners of the Smokin' Eagle (formerly the Eagle Hotel, and soon to be the last standing old hotel in the Village) plan to use it on their back entrance. Demolition crews will recover the chains that held it to the Wiss when demolition gets to that point.

UPDATE 4:36 p.m.: Had to leave Le Roy a little earlier than anticipated because of the situation at the middle school, but did snap a couple shots following the start of actual demolition.

Wiss demo scheduled to start tomorrow

By Howard B. Owens

Contractors will arrive in the Village of Le Roy tomorrow to start demolition of the former Wiss Hotel building, Mayor Greg Rogers confirmed.

Tomorrow, work crews will begin prep work.The entire demolition process is expected to take about a week.

Young female rescued from Oatka Creek

By Billie Owens

A young female in Le Roy who fell into Oatka Creek about 10 or 15 minutes ago, was rescued and medics are at her home on Myrtle Street to get parental permission for treatment. Le Roy fire and rescue were initially called to Trigon Park.

UPDATE 4:51 p.m.: Responders are back in service.

Law and Order: Driver accused of giving false name to deputy

By Howard B. Owens

Joshua Tyler Gilbert, 20, of Lewiston Road, Batavia, is charged with disorderly conduct.  Gilbert was stopped at 8:20 p.m. Saturday on Route 77, Darien, by Deputy Joseph Corona for allegedly speeding. During the traffic stop, a warrant for Gilbert's arrest was discovered and he was taken into custody. Bail was set at $100.

Joseph Carl Jeffords, 22, of West Main Street, Le Roy, is charged with criminal impersonation, 2nd. Jeffords was reportedly the driver of a vehicle stopped at 11:24 p.m. Saturday on West Main Street Road, Batavia. Jeffords allegedly gave Deputy Patrick Reeves a false name during the traffic stop. Jeffords allegedly was driving without a valid NYS drivers license and has three suspensions. Jeffords was jailed on $1,000 bail.

Patrick Daniel Moore, 35, of Stouts Road, Elba, is charged with promoting prison contraband, 2nd. Moore allegedly possessed tobacco while confined at the Genesee County Jail.

Alexander Phillip Browne, 28, of Lake to Lake Road, Stanley, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, speeding and refused pre-screen device. Browne was stopped at 12:46 a.m. Sunday on Route 5, Batavia, by Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello.

Richard Thomas Cooke, 44, of Hedley Street, Medina, is charged with petit larceny. Cooke is accused of stealing scrap from a location on West Main Street Road, Batavia. The property owner reportedly confronted Cooke. The suspect allegedly fled the scene in his pickup truck. Cooke was located later at his residence in Medina and taken into custody.

Two 17-year-old Batavia residents are charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. The two teens were located in a vehicle behind a shopping plaza on West Main Street, Batavia, by members of the Local Drug Task Force. A quantity of marijuana was allegedly spotted in the lap of one of the teens. Upon further investigation more marijuana was allegedly located in the vehicle.

Lisa Marie Harlach, 44, of Kelsey Road, lower, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Harlach was arrested on a warrant for allegedly making verbal threats to kill or harm another person by use of a firearm.

Michael J. Penvose, 33, of 27 E. Main St., Le Roy, is charged with petit larceny. Penvose is accused of shoplifting from a business on West Avenue, Le Roy.

Woman accused of threatening deputy with knife plans to proceed in case with new attorney

By Howard B. Owens

A former Le Roy resident who is accused of holding a kitchen knife to the chest of a Sheriff's Deputy last summer is getting a new attorney to handle her criminal case.

Her case may also be consolidated with the case against her husband stemming from the same incident.

Elaina Mead is charged with attempted aggravated assault on a police officer, a Class C felony, menacing a police officer, a Class D felony, and obstructing governmental administration.

Her husband, Donald Mead is charged with assault, 2nd, a Class D felony, criminal possession of a weapon and obstructing governmental administration.

The charges stem from events June 17 at 21 Maple Ave., Le Roy, when Deputy Matthew Butler went to the Mead residence, along with Le Roy PD Officer Emily Clark, to question Michael Mead about an alleged violation of a court order. When Butler reportedly tried to place Michael Mead under arrest, his parents allegedly became involved in a scuffle with Butler and Clark.

Mead allegedly came out of the kitchen with a knife and according to the officers, held it against Butler's chest. Clark reportedly knocked it away and sustained a very minor cut on her hand in the process.

In January, the 43-year-old Elaina entered a guilty plea on an Alford basis, to attempted menacing of a police officer. She would not admit to the factual allegations, but an Alford plea affords a defendant a chance to avoid a jury trial when the evidence seems strong and possibly more time in prison if convicted.

Last month, Elaina Mead withdrew her guilty plea.

Both Elaina and Donald Mead return to court in 10 days for Elaina's new attorney to take over the case and for a possible consolidation of the two cases.

Letter from Bob Fussell regarding the Wiss Hotel building

By Howard B. Owens

Submitted by Bob Fussell:

It’s a mystery.

On 3-13-13 three trustees voted “no” to sell the Wiss Hotel to the Le Roy LLC for $10,000, and “yes” to pay a Grand Island demolition company $132,000 to destroy the building. The Board also paid almost $4,000 for an asbestos removal study, and will pay between $5,000 and $10,000 more to another company to monitor the air quality during the demolition, making a hit to the taxpayers of at least $151,000, and that’s only what they’ve committed to spend so far.

But it seems that only those three know why they cast those votes. (One of the “no” voters is a member of the Conservative Party, and another is a Republican - parties that say they strongly oppose spending taxpayer dollars.)

One of the three said, about his community, “we’ve gotten better” after other Village buildings were demolished. But, he didn’t tell us if Village taxpayer paid for those demolitions, or present any proof that Le Roy actually got “better” because of the demolitions.

Many Le Royans disagree with that trustee. They believe the demolition of those older buildings is, instead, directly related to our economic decline that’s been spiraling downward at an ever-increasing rate over the last 50 years. This decline, many believe, began decades ago when a mansion was demolished and replaced with what is now Save A Lot.

All three of the “no” voters said they gave the issue “a lot of thought” -- one claiming he “lost sleep over it.” Others claimed they spoke to a lot of “people” about the issue.

But what “people” did they talk to? And, what expertise and knowledge did these people have that convinced the three to vote to demolish?

Taxpayers don’t know the answers to those important questions because the three won’t answer them. (I specifically asked them and they refused to disclose the names of the people they spoke to, as if they were members of a secret club, instead of elected officials in a free and open democracy. I asked them to tell me who they spoke to, because all three admitted they aren’t experts in demolition or rehabilitation, so they had to get their knowledge and information from others.)

All three admit they “respect” the “hard work” done by the LLC. But, of course, that’s because the LLC earned their respect by doing much hard work, such as:

Hiring an outstanding architect to do a study to answer important questions, such as  - (1) Is the structure of the Wiss too far gone to save? And (2) Can the restored building be profitable for investors?

That architect, Rick Hauser, could be the best person in Western New York to answer those questions. He not only obtained a master's degree in architecture from one of the top three architectural schools in America, the University of Virginia, after graduating from Cornell, and teaching architecture at Hobart University, but also, most importantly, has rehabbed buildings that were in much worse condition than the Wiss, and did it in a way that revitalized communities.

Former Le Roy mayor Jim DeLoose said in a comment on The Batavian that, “Le Roy has a very low-median income …. What a developer is willing to spend in Le Roy is much different than what they’re willing to spend in Fairport where the median income is approximately 3 times that of Le Roy’s.” This is an admission that Le Roy has reached such a sorry state of financial decline, that we can’t stand up to Walgreens and get it to construct an architecturally appealing building in our community –the kind of pharmacy stronger communities would require it to build. Our squat WALGREENS building, with its huge, bright neon signs, tells potential newcomers that Le Roy is too weak and poor to have an attractive pharmacy and encourages people, who might otherwise want to live, and pay taxes in Le Roy, to move elsewhere. (I doubt that Fairport’s median income was 3 times that of Le Roy’s in the past. If so, why has Le Roy declined while Fairport prospered? Is it possible that Fairport is better managed than Le Roy?)

And despite what some Le Royans claim, Mr. Hauser doesn’t need the Wiss, or Le Roy, to make a fine living. He’s got plenty of work elsewhere. Unfortunately for Le Roy, we need Rick Hauser, much more that Rick Hauser needs Le Roy.

After conducting his study, Mr. Hauser answered "no" to the first question the LLC asked him and "yes" to the second, so the LLC moved forward in its attempt to save, not just the Wiss, but Le Roy itself.

The LLC then consulted four highly respected local contractors, to investigate the issue -- Joe Condidorio, of Whitney East, Jerry McCoullough, of Ryan, Bryan Colton, of Master Care, and Jim Sickles, of Sickles Corporation. All investigated and agreed the project was doable, and showed interest in the restoration project.

The LLC also prompted research into the question of the owner of the land where the Wiss is located and learned that the State owns part of it, and that once the Wiss is demolished the size of the portion of land left for the construction of a new building will be smaller.

When the LLC asked the architect and contractors what it would cost to rebuild the Wiss after it was demolished, they said it would cost much more because, even though the building is a filthy, moldy mess, the building’s “shell” is still intact, meaning the new (smaller) building would have to be rebuilt from scratch. One contractor said that about 25% of the rehab work is already completed, because the foundation, and the rest of its shell are sound and straight.

One of the three “no” voters said he hopes the community can “respect” their decisions.

But respect is earned, and it takes more than just “thinking” and “talking” to unnamed “people” to earn the respect of the taxpayers – those who will ultimately pay the upcoming huge bills.

Maybe if the three would give us details of the “work” they performed before deciding to cast their “no” votes, they might earn respect.

Maybe if they told us, for example –

  • What studies they relied upon when making their decision? (The Village engineers did a study, but that study doesn’t help them, because it concluded the building can be restored.)
  • The names of the “people” they talked to?
  • The backgrounds these “people” have in building restoration and/or community revitalization?
  • The studies these “people” conducted on the Wiss building, or on the economic condition of Le Roy?
  • The biases or prejudices these “people” might have about the restoration plan?
  • Any agendas any of these “people” might have that led them to hope to make sweet profits for themselves after taxpayers pick up the demolition tab for them?
  • Any facts showing these “people” had no confidence in Le Royans to restore the Wiss. “People” who believe Le Royans aren’t smart, driven or community-minded enough to take care of themselves or their community. ”People” who instead, hope a “Big Brother” corporate power from far away will save us. (“Corporations, who, of course, care only about enriching themselves while impoverishing us -- that is by whisking money out of local pockets and slipping it into their faraway pockets.)

Just think –What if the three “no” voters worked for an independent businessman (instead of the taxpayers of our community) whose building was in serious need of repair and had the choice of accepting an offer to sell it for $10,000 or spending a bare minimum of $151,000, to demolish it. And this boss trusted the three to study the question, and to make the right decision. And what if the three came back to him several months later reporting only that they had, “thought about it to the point of losing sleep” and had talked to a lot of “people” and that based on this thinking and talking they rejected the offer to sell, and signed a contract to pay $141,000 of the boss’s money to destroy the building. And when the boss asked the three to tell him the names and qualifications of the people they spoke to before making their decision, the three refused, claiming the names were confidential. How, do you think that boss would react?

In this case, we taxpayers are the bosses of those three. What should we do with them?

It’s great that Le Royans are very concerned about their History.
But, don’t you think it's time we get as involved in our future as we are in our past?

LCCP's first dodge ball tournament draws eight teams

By Howard B. Owens

Le Roy Christian Community Project hosted its first ever dodge ball tournament today at the former Holy Family School in Le Roy.

The event drew eight teams and raised more than $1,000 to benefit LCCP.

The winning team was Squad Grey, manned by Bobby Humphrey, Greg Humphrey, Ian Humphrey, Mike Humphrey, Quentin Humphrey, Brian Humphrey and Jim Burns.

To purchase prints of these photos, click here.

Le Roy Legion hosting event to honor WWII vets

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The American Legion Botts Fiorito Post is hosting a World War II remembrance on April 21st. The reception, open to all World War II Veterans and their families, will be held on Sunday April 21st beginning at 1 p.m. at the Post Home, 53 W. Main St. Le Roy.

Local dignitaries are expected to join with current Legionnaires in recognizing those veterans of World War II who will be in attendance.

The intent of the program is to provide an opportunity for these veterans to join together and renew old acquaintances, share experiences and memories from World War II Era. Transportation will be provided if needed. Contact Post Adjutant Don Vescovi 768-7017.

Pictured: John Graney -- 2nd Vice Commander; Tim Sheflin -- Past Commander; Don Schafer -- Commander; Don Vescovi -- Adjutant; Jerry Diskin -- Vice Commander; and Dave Moore -- of Sons of The Legion.

Possible fire in Lake Street apartment in Le Roy

By Billie Owens

Le Roy Fire Department is responding to a report of smoke filling an apartment on Lake Street. A firefighter on scene reports nothing showing outside, but confirms smoke is inside. Bergen is also called to provide mutual aid. A woman said she returned home to find her son's bedroom filled with smoke. The building is being evacuated. Pavilion is also called. The address is 33 Lake St., apt. A.

School and Bacon are the crossroads. Le Roy medics are also called to the scene.

UPDATE 2:54 p.m.: Fire in the room is confirmed. They are shutting down the Route 5 and 19 intersection. Fire police are called.

UPDATE 2:57 p.m.: Fire command reports it's not clear where the fire is coming from. An engine from Stafford is called in. Mill Street is shut down.

UPDATE 3:02 p.m.: Caledonia is asked to stand by in their fire hall. A check of an upstairs apartment found no fire. They are checking the basement.

UPDATE 3:06 p.m.: National Grid is contacted.

UPDATE 3:13 p.m.: The source of the fire has been found and they are extinguishing it.

UPDATE 3:21 p.m.: The fire is out. They are overhauling the scene. Caledonia is released. Stafford will stand by in Le Roy's fire hall.

UPDATE 4:04 p.m.: The Le Roy assignment is back in service.

Le Roy Little League field hit by bleacher thief

By Howard B. Owens

A thief has stolen aluminum bleacher plants from the stands at the Le Roy Little League Field behind the Jell-O Museum on East Main Street, Le Roy.

Le Roy PD is looking for information that might help officers apprehend the suspect or suspects.

The perpetrator also loosened bolts on other planks, perhaps to aid in a future theft.

If you have information that may assist the investigation, call Le Roy PD at 345-6350.

Feed bunk fire on Hudson Road, Pavilion

By Billie Owens

A fire is reported at 6471 Hudson Road in the Town of Pavilion. No structures are involved -- it's a livestock feed bunk. Pavilion, Le Roy and Stafford fire departments are responding. "We've got heavy, heavy black smoke in the air."

UPDATE 2:23 p.m.: Tankers from York and Bethany are also called to the scene. A wind advisory for parts of Western New York, including Genesee County, is in effect until 6 p.m. Winds are expected to average 25 to 35 mph, with gusts of up to 50 mph. which, of course, makes fires more difficult to fight.

UPDATE 2:29 p.m.: Fire police will be deployed at Route 19 to stop westbound traffic onto Hudson Road so tankers can draw water from a pond near that juncture. Perry Center's tankers, if available, are summoned.

UPDATE 2:33 p.m.: Mutual aid from Alexander, Town of Batavia and Bergen are called in.

UPDATE 2:36 p.m.: Caledonia is called to the scene and also to stand by in Pavilion's quarters.

UPDATE 2:37 p.m.: Brockport and Mumford are enlisted.

UPDATE 2:38 p.m.: Pavilion Fire command says "The fire's contained, but we've got to get up here and put these hay bales out. I'm not sure the ladder's going to reach that far." Wyoming #2 is called, Perry Center is cancelled.

UPDATE 2:42 p.m.: They want to get a backhoe in there to bust up the hay bales. "They're going pretty good." There's a big heap of corn cobs to deal with, too.

UPDATE 2:51 p.m.: Mercy medics are responding in case they are needed.

UPDATE 2:57 p.m.: The Pavilion Auxiliary and/or Salvation Army is going to bring refreshments. Attica Rescue is called to fill air bottles.

UPDATE 3:25 p.m.: The fire is pretty much knocked down. No hands lines are in use at this point. Alexander is released from the scene and others will be soon.

Grand jury indicts man on four felony counts for allegedly selling cocaine

By Billie Owens

Adam M. Brodie is indicted by the Genesee County Grand Jury for the criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, which is a Class B felony. He is accused of knowingly and unlawfully selling cocaine on Oct. 18 at 67 Main St. in Le Roy.

In count two of the indictment, Brodie is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd, for allegedly possessing cocaine with the intent to sell it.

In count three of the indictment, he is accused of criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, for allegedly selling cocaine on Oct. 23 at 67 Main St. in Le Roy.

In count four of the indictment, he is accused of criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd, for allegedly possessing cocaine with the intent to sell it on Oct. 23.

UPDATE: Since this post, the Sheriff's Office has put out a press release on Brodie's arrest. Brodie, 29, of West Bergen Road, Le Roy, was arrested as the result of an investigation by the Local Drug Enforcement Task Force. Following arraignment in County Court, he was jailed on $7,500 bail.

Woman previously arrested in meth case accused of drug dealing

By Howard B. Owens

A Bergen woman who was swept up in late 2009 in a series of meth-lab-related busts has been arrested again on drug-dealing charges.

Kari L. Riggi, 24, of Buffalo Road, Bergen, is accused of selling illicit pills to an undercover agent.

She was arrested Wednesday on a sealed indictment for alleged criminal sale of a controlled substance, 3rd, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 3rd, and criminal sale of a controlled substance, 5th.

Following arraignment in Genesee County Court, Riggi was jailed without bail.

The investigation was conducted by the Local Drug Enforcement Task Force with assistance from the District Attorney's Office.

Riggi was one of five people arrested in December, 2009, in connection with an alleged meth lab in Le Roy. She was subsequently turned over to federal authorities for prosecution. We don't have information yet on the eventual disposition of that case.

UPDATE: From the indictment. Riggi is accused of selling adderall to an agent on Oct. 16 while at 82 Gilbert St., Le Roy.  She is also accused of selling vicodin on Oct. 17 to an agent while at a location on Linwood Road and Route 5, Le Roy.

UPDATE: The U.S. Attorney's office tells us that Riggi entered a guilty plea to "possession of a listed chemical knowing to have reasonable cause to believe that the listed chemical would be used to manufacture a controlled substance." She was sentenced May 20 to three years probation.

Law and Order: Man accused of bringing marijuana into the jail

By Howard B. Owens

Edward Thomas Zaremski, 62, of Lockport Road, Oakfield, is charged with promoting prison contraband, 2nd, and unlawful possession of marijuana. Zaremski allegedly possessed a small amount of marijuana upon entering the jail at 12:35 a.m., Sunday.

Kayo Takeshita, 23, of Batavia Stafford Townline Road, Batavia, is charged with menacing, 2nd, and harassment, 2nd. Takeshita is accused of displaying a knife in a threatening manner during a fight at College Village. A stay away order of protection was issued in the matter.

James William Caccamise, 81, of Asbury Road, Le Roy, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and leaving the scene of a property damage accident. Caccamise allegedly backed into a building at GCC at 11:16 p.m., Tuesday, and later drove into the yard of a residence in Le Roy. The investigation was handled by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Lauren Elizabeth Charache, 33, of Myrtle Street, Le Roy, is charged with forgery, 2nd. Charache allegedly signed the name of a deceased woman on a contract.

CTE students inducted into National Tech Honor Society

By Billie Owens

Press release:

In March, the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) Chapters inducted 119 Career and Technical students from the Charles G. May Center and Batavia Campus. Evening candlelight ceremonies took place at the May Center and Elba High School.

These students met a rigorous criteria set forth by this national organization. The minimum grade-point average for acceptance is a 3.0. Students are also selected based upon credit hours completed, attendance, volunteer service, and membership in other student organizations.

Honorary memberships were presented to Michael Glover, Ph.D., district superintendent of the Genesee Valley Educational Partnership, and David O’Geen, Precision Machining instructor at the Batavia Career and Technical Education Center.

Batavia Career and Technical Education Center


William Burke                         Metal Trades

Miriah Gaudy                          Metal Trades

Christina Haniszewski            Health Careers Academy

Donald Ohlson                       Electronics & Comp Tech

Fleur Remington                    Legal Careers Academy

Matthew Szymanski               Metal Trades

Brittany Taylor                        Legal Careers Academy



Ashley Brotherton                  Health Careers Academy

Aleiah Brunner                       Animal Science

Nathan Burry                         Building Trades

Mitchell Cayea                       Metal Trades

Amber Holley                         Criminal Justice

Kellee Kibler                          Health Careers Academy

Angela LePrell                       Health Careers Academy

Nicole Strauchen                   Health Careers Academy


Tyler Kuhn                             Conservation

Rebecca Meloon                   Cosmetology

Miranda Reed                       Animal Science

Louis Scafetta                       Building Trades

Ashley Stachowski                Animal Science

McKenzie Stevens                Legal Careers Academy

Byron Bergen

Nicole Fore                            Health Careers Academy

Kara Hall                                Health Careers Academy

Andrew McKenrick                 Conservation

Blake Snyder                         Conservation

Alexandra Walker                   Health Careers Academy

Caledonia Mumford

Devan Ayers                          Metal Trades

Andrew Carpino                     Auto Technology NATEF

Nichole Essig                         Health Careers Academy

Brittany Kerr                           Animal Science

Cody McGinnis                       Metal Trades

Ryan Sickles                          Metal Trades


Viviana Gaytan                      Human Services

Le Roy

Alexandra Beswick                Computer Information Academy

Christopher DeFelice             Legal Careers Academy

Emily Morrill                           Health Dimensions

Verneda Peete                       Legal Careers Academy

Brittany Shultz                       Culinary Arts

Oakfield Alabama

Brian Borkholder                    Electronics & Comp Tech

Paige Chatt                            Legal Careers Academy

Chelsea Cleveland                 Health Careers Academy

Brittany Denton                      Health Careers Academy

Jenifer Igoe                            Health Careers Academy

Casey McVay                         Computer Information Academy

Brennan Neidrauer                 Metal Trades

Sadie Schultz                         Legal Careers Academy

Haley Woodrich                      Human Services


Nicole Forti                             Health Careers Academy

Heather Yuhnke                     Cosmetology


Mitchell Allen                          Auto Technology NATEF

Kari Ammon                           Health Careers Academy

Nick Blackwell                        Graphic Arts

Austin Blaszak                       Graphic Arts

Brooke Keller                         Cosmetology

Tyler Lang                              Conservation

Authentically Local