The lates edition of inductees for the Batavua Blue Devil Hall of Fame are; front row, from left to right, Maria Spiotta Dentino, '99, Jamie Callahan Hulbig '98, and Dr. Allyson Shirtz Howe '90. Back row L to R, George Cline accepting the award for his nephew Jack Kelley of the class of 1954, Pat Fricano '80, Tom Hoitink '65 and John Buckley '72.

A great crowd was on hand as friends, relatives and previous inductees turned out to celebrate this years selections. Above are former BHS baseball and grid coach and 2004 HoF inductee Phil "Pep" Johnson and wife, Pat.

Mike and Mary Callahan with daughter, Jamie.

Tom Hoitink with wife, Kathy, left and sister, Gail

Tim Buckley with Rob Hale. Rob quarterbacked the Blue Devils to the state title in the fall of '91. Rob and the entire '91 football team were inducted into the Blue Devil HoF in 2005.

Pauline Fricano flanked by sons Pat and Mike.

Master of Ceremonies Paul Spiotta HoF committe member John McGowan.

The ever-smiling Joe Marchese.

Ben Bakos and Jim Saraceni on hand to celebrate with their life-long friend Pat Fricano.

Long time friends and teammates, Sam Pilato and Tom Hoitink, co-captains of the Blue Devil basketball team during the '64-'65 campain.

Mary Hale with son Rob.

Sharon and John Buckley with John's former football coach, Ray Jamalkowski, HoF inductee from the class of 2005. Blue Devil fans remember John as a passionate football player, who would, as they say, "bring it" on every down. His message last night, like his play on the gridiron, was equally moving, providing plenty of impact.
It was a great night to see old friends, renew old acquaintances and celebrate the Blue Devil Hall of Fame's latest edition. Congratulations to all!!
Jim, great photos from the
Jim, great photos from the induction ceremony. Thank you for the super photo of Aunt Pauline and cousins Pat and Mike. Thanks again.
Your welcome,
Your welcome, Bea............I went to school with Mike at St. Anthony's and we played football together at BHS in the late sixties. I was an assistant coach with the Jaycee Redskins in '74 and '75 and Pat was our quarterback - it was called the Tyro League at the time. It was great to see them again!