A car has reportedly become stuck under a truck at West Main Street and Clay Street, Village of Le Roy.
Minor injuries are reported.
Le Roy fire and ambulance dispatched.
UPDATE 9:41 a.m.: The patient was a sign-off.
UPDATE 9:55 a.m.: The Le Roy assignment is back in service.
Photos submitted by Jeff Scott.

Yeppers, I know that feeling
Yeppers, I know that feeling well. Same thing happend to me in NYC in 2002. The driver thought he could beat me through the light, only he never saw my turning signals.
Caution This Vehicle Makes
Caution This Vehicle Makes Wide Right Turns
Not sure why Alvin received 3
Not sure why Alvin received 3 neg votes to his comment; however, these trucks DO make wide right turns( as I am a former tractor trailer driver and know), as they can't make a right turn like other vehicles because of the offtrack of the trailer.
People need to be more attentive to combination vehicles making right turns, and realize that.
OK. Everyone queue up your
OK. Everyone queue up your negative-vote finger. Ready?
Is there a smaller radius for left-hand turns than right-hand ones?
Never understood those cautionary decals.
I'm done. You can start plinking NEG now.
Never drove a truck....but I
Never drove a truck....but I would say,the distance for left hand turns would be larger (more lanes to cross) than right hand turns (shorter distance). And a left hand turn, no other vehicle is going to turn under you. More likely to happen during a right hand turn.
I could be wrong, buy I don't think they put those decals on the trailers for decoration.
Mr. Hartgrove - in answer to
Mr. Hartgrove - in answer to your question... no. The turning radius is identical in either direction. The biggest reason for the right turn warnings is because the driver can't look out the door window to see what's going on back there like they can during left turns. There are other reasons right turns are more dangerous and difficult than left turns but I won't bore everybody with "tractor-trailer 101".
I drove tractor trailers for over 20 years, was an owner/operator for 5 of those years, and also a certified CDL-A driving instructor for a while. I know from my own experiences that there were many inner city deliveries where it was much safer (and easier) to go down the road and turn around someplace to make a left turn onto a street instead of a right. I always tried to enforce that idea into the students' heads when I was an instructor and on more than one occasion a graduate stopped by and told me that was a valuable piece of advice.
OK, Thanks, Ed.
OK, Thanks, Ed.
I wonder how long it took the
I wonder how long it took the LeRoy fire and ambulance to reach the scene... did they drive or just walk?