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Photos: BHS 2024 Hall of Fame Inductees

By Howard B. Owens
Batavia High School's 2024 Hall of Fame inductees: Top row left to right: George Galliford, Ryan Darch, Robert Darch, Anthony Kasmarek 
Bottom row, left to right: Melissa Thurston, Nancy Arras (wife of late Peter Arras), Tricia Lewandowski, and Jennifer Adams Schuster.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Batavia High School inducted its Hall of Fame members for 2024 at Batavia Down on Saturday evening.

Previously: Batavia Blue Devils induct 9 into Athletic Hall of Fame on October 19

The 2003 hockey team: Top row, Jesse Catino, Paul Barton, Brennan Briggs, Kevin Zola, Charlie O’Geen, Nick Priolo, Kevin Wigton, Justin Kocent, Dave Martinez; Bottom row, John Kirkwood, Nate Korzelius, Tim Lutey, Matt Lutey.
Photo by Howard Owens

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