Batavia PD tracked down a suspected shoplifter from Tops a short time ago behind Falleti Ice Arena. The suspect, whose name has not yet been released, was found riding his bicycle with the alleged stolen merchandise -- a 30-pack of Budweiser -- strapped to the back.
Kinda hard to hide a 30 pack
Kinda hard to hide a 30 pack strapped to his back.
You are right, Lorie. This
You are right, Lorie.
This guy should've left this caper to the "smarter" gender -
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDOtZge8Occ
Because U Deserve What Every
Because U Deserve What Every Individual Should Enjoy Regularly!!
Wonder if he was wearing a
Wonder if he was wearing a wife beater and cryin like a baby when the cops took away his bud.