Of course, my eye was immediately drawn to the 'man in the moon'. Then, I thought, "Too bad the traffic light wasn't on 'caution' at the exact moment you clicked the photo". And, finally, I loved the effect that the unlit streetlamp, to the left, provided. Had it been lit, I think it would've taken away from the overall effect.
An award worthy photo if I
An award worthy photo if I ever saw one, Howard.
Excellent choice of location,
Excellent choice of location, the super moon underscored by some of the remaining historical Main St. buildings
Of course, my eye was
Of course, my eye was immediately drawn to the 'man in the moon'. Then, I thought, "Too bad the traffic light wasn't on 'caution' at the exact moment you clicked the photo". And, finally, I loved the effect that the unlit streetlamp, to the left, provided. Had it been lit, I think it would've taken away from the overall effect.
Nice job,
Nice job,