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Candidates for 139th Assembly District answer three questions

By Howard B. Owens

Steve Hawley, a Batavia resident, and Jennifer Keys, a Le Roy resident, are running for the 139th Assembly District.  We emailed three questions to each candidate and are publishing their answers verbatim. 

What is the number one issue facing New York, and how will you address it in the Assembly?

HAWLEY: The number one issue in NYS continues to be the majority party and Governor’s out-of-control spending penchant.  This year’s state budget is a whopping $220.5 BILLION foisted on our taxpayers during one of the worst inflationary times ever. Property taxes, income taxes, gasoline, grocery & heating expenses for our homes and apartments are literally bankrupting my constituents. Just like any business or family, the government needs to “live within its means.”  Additionally, we need to reestablish a criminal justice system that makes our neighborhoods & streets safe again.

KEYS: I believe that the ability to access needed services that are put into place to help lift people up is the number one issue. The barriers are often insurmountable and increased by too many costly layers of government. I will work to identify and implement ways to streamline services for everyone who needs them and also to eliminate unnecessary layers of government. As someone who has worked as a community mental health worker for two or more decades, I have experienced the barriers to accessing behavioral health services, development services, social services, and medical help. The pandemic exposed that folks were not getting paid enough to do the work they were doing and has since increased the shortage of providers across the board. We have a significant shortage of providers in this state for some of our most needy citizens from birth to death, Early Intervention to Office of the Aging. There are waitlists to have basic needs met, such as housing, primary care and dental care. All of this needs to be addressed, including the barriers to hiring more staff. When people cannot get their basic needs met, their stress level increases and they can get stuck in fight, flight, or freeze mode, which can prevent them from getting a job, which then continues the cycle of unstable housing, which then continues everything else. When people live at a lower-than-subsistence level the stress of everyday life becomes their primary focus and that is not healthy for them, their families, or for our society. All of this needs to be addressed in order to increase the functioning of our society.  

What could you do as a member of the Assembly to bring more new businesses, start-ups, homegrown businesses to Genesee County, to foster entrepreneurship in Genesee County?

HAWLEY: Our Free Enterprise system has taken serious hits over the last several years.  Working long hours, taking risks and believing in one’s self needs to be re-established as a laudable attribute.  We need to foster, as elected officials, a philosophy that encourages individuals, existing businesses already located in NYS and others who may be looking to locate here a welcoming and encouraging atmosphere by changing the reality that NYS is the 49th worst state to do business in and the highest taxed state in the nation.  How do we do this… being responsible…..lowering taxes and fees, fewer adverse mandates and reducing the amount of red tape our state foists on individuals and businesses.  We need to encourage, not discourage, success!

KEYS: I do not have a business background, as is well known, but I do recognize that business, particularly small business, is the backbone of our communities. I want to hear from experts in the field, the entrepreneurs themselves, about what it is that they need in order to keep their doors open and to hire more folks. I want to know the barriers and then to partner with other members of the assembly and state senate to create the change that is identified in order to promote increased entrepreneurial ship. My husband and I are raising our family here and, like everyone else, would like our children to have the opportunity to stay here and have their daily needs met.

What is one policy initiative that the political party of your opponent espouses that you think makes sense, is good policy?

HAWLEY: I fully support increasing the availability and accessibility of mental health services.

KEYS: I am not here to play party politics. I am here to represent everyone in the 139th Assembly District in an effort to make a positive impact on the daily lives of everyone who lives here and everyone who chooses to come here in the future. 

Three questions for the NY-24 candidates

By Howard B. Owens

The race for the redistricted NY-24 is between Claudia Tenney and Steve Holden.  We emailed both campaigns three questions with the intent of publishing their verbatim answers. (NOTE: For the first hour or so this post was up, we said Mr. Holden did not respond; however, he had responded but the response did not come up in a search of my inbox. The campaign resent the answers and we were able to locate the original, timely response, using that sender's name in search. We've added his answers.)

What can you do as a member of Congress to make Congress less partisan and more productive? Would you renounce party membership if it would help Congress serve the American people better? 

HOLDEN: Now more than ever, our country needs political leaders who understand service and sacrifice, who are skilled and practiced in servant leadership, and who are trained to work with diverse teams to overcome obstacles and accomplish their missions. As a veteran with 20 years of military experience, both at home and abroad, I have those skills. I believe that members on both sides of the aisle will realize quickly that I am mission-oriented and eager to work with anyone and everyone, regardless of their party affiliation, to address the many challenges we face. I do not see members of the other party as the enemy, and I will always consider all opinions and ideas on their merit.

All that one person can do is be true to the oath that we swear as Congressional representatives “...I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter...” I will take that oath seriously. I don’t believe that renouncing party membership will help to better serve the American people. I am a proud Democrat, but I am also my own man.

If given the honor of serving in Congress, I will represent everyone in the 24th district, whether they voted for me or not. I am proud to have garnered the support of Republicans like Geneseo resident Dick Platt, a veteran of the Korean War, and many others whom I have met on this journey. I will never let my party affiliation prevent me from supporting legislation that I believe is good for America and good for the people in my district, regardless of who proposes it. That is how I will fulfill my oath.

TENNEY: As I took my oath of office last February, I was honored to reaffirm the bipartisan commitment to civility I first took as a member of Congress in 2017. If voters in New York’s 24th Congressional District return me to Washington as their representative, I will continue working with my colleagues - Republicans and Democrats alike - to promote constructive discourse, model positive leadership, and advance productive policies. Our country faces many challenges today. From rising crime to soaring inflation, families and small businesses are hurting. Our nation needs principled leadership now more than ever, and I have a strong record in Congress of working together to find solutions that deliver real results for seniors, families, and small businesses. After hearing heartbreaking stories from countless individuals across New York State who were locked out of nursing homes and cut off from their loved ones during the pandemic, I introduced the bipartisan Essential Caregivers Act. This bill ensures residents of long-term care facilities never again suffer alone in isolation without the support of their families, as thousands were forced to do in New York. This bill is a bipartisan win, with nearly 80 cosponsors from both parties. It is a compassionate policy solution that will meaningfully enhance the quality of life for seniors and their families. I am a lifelong registered Republican. I would not, nor is it necessary, to renounce my party affiliation. I would not advise anyone to do that, as robust debate in our free marketplace of ideas is the cornerstone of our Constitutional Republic. 

What could you do as a member of Congress to bring more new businesses, start-up, homegrown businesses to Genesee County, to foster entrepreneurship in Genesee County? 

HOLDEN: As a small business owner, myself, I know how difficult New York State makes it for entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs to start and grow a business. Our state is routinely ranked as the worst place to do business in New York State. One initiative that would act as a strong incentive for entrepreneurship is a measure that I sponsor called the “First Employee Tax Credit.” This proposal is a payroll tax credit to assist small businesses with the disproportionate rise in costs that result from hiring one employee.

Another key factor in creating a climate where entrepreneurship can thrive is ensuring our rural areas have access to broadband. For far too long, broadband access in our rural communities has been nonexistent or inadequate. That is why I led the fight to get the fiber optic tax levied by the state DOT repealed. This particular tax was killing the potential for broadband projects in rural areas, with costs that increased in direct proportion to the length of cable to be installed. In rural areas where miles of cable are often required just to reach a single house, this tax was simply ridiculous. After three years of advocacy and building bipartisan support, I am pleased to report the tax was finally repealed in the latest state budget. This is important progress we will be looking to build on in the coming session.    

TENNEY: In both Albany and Washington, I have always fought to put the taxpayers first by upholding free-market principles that encourage innovation and entrepreneurship. I grew my family's newspaper and manufacturing business in New York, so I know what small business owners face when trying to grow and thrive in this business-unfriendly state. To help our small business community, in 2017, I stood up to entrenched special interests in New York to support and pass the historic Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), which ensured working Americans could keep more of their hard-earned money. Today, while my opponent would eliminate the Trump tax cuts, I am an original cosponsor of the TCJA Permanency Act to make this vital relief permanent for small businesses and families. In addition to easing the tax burden, I am also focused on reducing the regulatory burden small businesses and entrepreneurs increasingly face. President Donald Trump’s administration required two regulations be cut before any one new regulation could be put into place. This was a policy innovation that effectively empowered job creators and small businesses and encouraged greater growth and innovation. The Biden administration has sadly returned to business as usual by once again embracing big government regulatory overreach. This makes it harder than ever for our small businesses and family farms to compete and grow, which is why I am fighting in Washington to restore sanity and discipline to the regulatory process. 

What do you think is the best Federal program, and would you fight to keep it if under attack, and what is one Federal program you would cut if you could? 

HOLDEN: One area of policy where I am in agreement with my colleagues on the other side of the aisle is the need to provide more funding and support for those who care for our most vulnerable residents. The Cuomo administration neglected this segment of our human services community for years, resulting in wages for direct care providers that were often less than the starting pay at fast food restaurants. Not surprisingly, this has created a crisis-level workforce shortage among the non-profit providers that care for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Providers cannot find or retain staff, programs are closing and individuals are not having their needs met. We made some headway in addressing this crisis in this year’s budget, with a 5.4 percent statutory cost-of-living adjustment as well as some recruitment and retention initiatives, but more still needs to be done. There is strong bi-partisan support on this issue, so you can be sure I will be working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to make more progress.

TENNEY: There are a range of programs at the federal level that responsibly deliver targeted resources to those in need with strong oversight and accountability. One of these programs is the Community Services Block Grant, which provides financial assistance that is specific to local needs to advance core priorities like reducing poverty and increasing self-sufficiency. This program is about providing those in need with a hand-up, not a handout. I also have been honored to support the Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program, which provides much-needed assistance to firefighters and first responders, helping fund vitally important training operations and equipment upgrades. But unfortunately, Washington never misses an opportunity to misuse and abuse taxpayer dollars. For instance, following passage of the partisan American Rescue Plan Act, nearly $800 million was spent on stimulus checks for convicted criminals. Then in the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, as much as $80 billion was set aside for an army of new IRS agents that would be responsible for launching new audits of low- and middle-income taxpayers. And if all that wasn’t bad enough, President Joe Biden’s recent unilateral and unconstitutional decision to cancel federal student loan debt for high earners was especially egregious. This proposal, which will cost at least $300 billion, bypassed Congress and is blatantly unfair to those who paid off their college debt or who simply chose not to attend. These hardworking Americans are now stuck footing the bill for the 10% of Americans who still have debt outstanding, which includes doctors, lawyers, and other individuals with extremely high earnings potential. These examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Washington’s reckless spending. One of my top priorities in Congress to tackle inflation and restore prosperity to our region is to ensure greater fiscal responsibility. We should support those programs that work and eliminate those that do not while enhancing accountability and transparency across the board. 

Woman falls off motorcycle on Route 20 in Bethany

By Howard B. Owens

Bethany Fire has been dispatched to Route 20 and Transit Road for a woman who fell off a motorcycle.

A chief on scene reports back pain and possible extremity injuries. The chief says he doesn't see anything too traumatic.

The woman was a passenger on the bike it it appears to have been a slow fall.

Mercy Flight out of Olean is on a ground standby until Mercy medics arrive on scene and can evaluate the patient.

UPDATE 12:24 p.m.: Mercy Flight is not required.

UPDATE 12:35 p.m.: Patient being transported to Strong. Bethany back in service.

Byron-Bergen girls advancing to state tournament in soccer

By Howard B. Owens

Byron-Bergen remains invincible in girls soccer, winning the Far West Regional Championship over Frewsburg today 6-2.

The win sends the Bees to the state semifinals next week.


  • Mackenzie Hagen, asisted by Emma Starowitz
  • Emma Starowitz, assisted by Mackenzie Hagen
  • Mackenzie Hagen, assisted by Kendall Phillips
  • Mackenzie Hagen, assisted by Ava Gray
  • Emma Starowitz, assisted by Mackenzie Hagen
  • Mia Gray, assisted by Grace Diquattro.

The Bees are now 22-0 on the season.  The state semifinal is Saturday at Cortland High School at 12:30 p.m.  The Class C state final is the following day in Cortland (location TBD) at 10 a.m.

Le Roy's football season cut short by tough defeat in semifinal

By Howard B. Owens

East Rochester/Gananda upset #1 seed Le Roy in the Section V Class C semifinal on Friday, 22-21.

Scoring Summary:

  • East Rochester/Gananda, Cadearrell Sneed 8 yd run (run failed)
  • Le Roy, Tony Piazza 26 yd run (Andrew Pocock kick)
  • East Rochester/Gananda, Caddearrell Sneed 2 yd run (Sneed run)
  • Le Roy, Drew Strollo 1 yd run (Andrew Pocock kick)
  • Le Roy, Jackson Fix 3 yd run (Andrew Pocock kick)
  • East Rochester/Gananda, Brayden Bohse 1 yd run (Sneed run)

Jackson Fix ran for 96 yards and a TD on 20 carries. Tony Piazza.  10 rushes for 67 yards and a Td. Drew Strollo, 40 yards on the ground on nine attempts, and he scored a TD. 

On defense, Ryan Higgins eight tackles and a sack. Jack Tonzi had six tackles and Emmanuel Fisher five and a sack.

Photos by Ed Henry.

Top photo: Le Roy’s Xavien Walker latches on to the ER-G quarterback.

Le Roy defense swarms the ER-G back.

 Tony Piazza rushing hard for good yardage.

 Jackson Fix on the move.

Jack Tonzi ends an ER-G rush.

Ayden Riggi prepares for the battles in the trenches.

Ryan Murphy storming in to sack the ER-G quarterback.

Drew Strollo hanging on to slow the ER-G back. 

Pembroke wins 8-man semifinal, 49-18

By Howard B. Owens

The Pembroke Dragons will play for a Section V title in eight-man football next week after beating Bolivar-Richburg on Friday, 49-18.

A win next week would give Pembroke its first football Section V title in school history.


On Friday, Tyson Totten rushed for 270 yards and five touchdowns to become the all-time single-season rushing leader at Pembroke with 2,134 yards on the season.

Two interceptions and nine tackles by Cayden Pfalzer along with nine tackles by  Totten and Jeremey Gabbey lead the defense.

Next up: Canisteo-Greenwood, the only team that has beaten the 9-1 Dragons this year. Game time is noon on Saturday at Pittsford-Sutherland.

Submitted photos.

OAE wins 40-6 in Class D semifinal over York/Pavilion

By Howard B. Owens

The Oakfield-Alabama/Elba Aggies beat York/Pavilion in a Class D Section V semifinal on Friday, 40-6.


Bodie Hyde gained 174 yards on 14 carries. He scored three touchdowns. Noah Currier had 153 yards rushing on 15 attempts and scored three times.  

On defense, Brayden Smith, 10 tackles. Angelo Penna, five tackles and a sack. Hyde had five tackles. Currier and Scott each had an interception.

The win sets up a Genesee County shown between two unbeaten powerhouses, the Aggies and the Alexander Trojans, for the Class D championship.

Avery Waterson completed his 65th successful point-after-attempt of the season, a new Section V record.

Head Coach Tyler Winter said, "I'm excited for our team and these communities now that we are returning to sectional finals.  We will enjoy this win tonight, but I know I am speaking for many in our corner when I say the preparations for next week's game will be immediate.  We're just excited for the opportunity to compete for championships."

Photos by Kristin Smith.  For more photos, click here.

Avon gets in one good drive before Alexander takes over game for 43-13 win

By Howard B. Owens

Avon got off to a good start in their Class D Section V semifinal against Alexander on the Trojan's home field, marching 70 yards over nine minutes for a score to open the game.

But then the Trojans took over.

Alexander moved down the field on their first possession and scored on a 9-yard run by Kaden Lyons.

The defense held Avon on the next possession and then offense engineered another long drive capped by a 1-yard dive into the end zone by Ricky Townley.

Only 24 seconds later, the Trojan defense struck as Benny Merrill stripped an Avon receiver of the ball and returned the fumble 35 yards for a touchdown.

Tyler Marino had a pick-six 35 seconds later for a 50-yard return.

In the third quarter, the Braves intercepted a Trenton Woods pass and returned it 42 yards for a score.

In the fourth quarter, Tyler Marino scored on a 5-yard run

Then Townley intercepted an Avon pass. That led to a scoring drive that ended with Townley again scoring from a yard out. 

In the end, it was Alexander 43, Avon 13.

The Trojans had two 100-yard rushers against Avon.  Townley finished with 110 yards on 13 carries and Lyons ended up with 101 yards on 12 carries.  Woods was 3-6 passing for 58 yards.  Mason Bump, Benny Merrill, and Kaden Lyons all had receptions.

On defense, Dylan Pohl had two sacks. Jaden Snyder and Connor Thompson each recorded a sack, as well.  Mason Bump led the defense with eight tackles. Townley, Bump and Lyons and Cole Dean each had seven tackles.

The Trojans are 9-0 on the season.

Photos by Philip Casper. Top photo: RB Kaden Lyons - 24 

DB Ricky Townley - 5, DB Benny Merrill - 6, and LB Kaden Lyons -24, taking down the Avon Braves runner

WR Benny Merrill - 12

RB Mason Bump - 3

QB Trent Woods - 2

WR Christian Kissell - 1

The 9-0 Alexander Trojans

RB Kaden Lyons - 24

Livonia can't stop Batavia's offense in Class B semifinal

By Howard B. Owens

The Blue Devils put on an offensive show for the home crowd on Friday in a Section V Class B semifinal game, beating rival Livonia 56-14.

Ja'vin McFollins was 8-10 passing for 242 yards and three touchdowns.  Carter McFollins had three of those receptions for 108 yards and a TD, Cole Grazioplene snagged three more for 105 yards and a TD and Cooper Fix had a 21-yard TD reception.

Zay Griffin gained 141 yards on the ground and scored twice on eight carries. Aiden Anderson rushed 15 times for 114 yards and a TD.  Ja'vin McFollins scored once on the ground and Cam McClinic scored once on four carries for 75 yards.

Aavion Bethel led the defense with 14 tackles. Garret Schmidt had 11 tackles and Carter McFollins had eight tackles and an interception.

Photos by Howard Owens

Top photo: Ja'vin McCollins passing to Cole Grazioplene for a 78-yard TD reception in the second quarter.​

Carter McFollins with a 53-yard TD reception in the second quarter.

Aiden Anderson on a 46-yard TD run in the first quarter.

Cam McClinic on a 56-yard TD run in the first quarter.

Aiden Anderson, tackled by Livonia's defense.

Julia Petry on a first-quarter kickoff.

Julia Petry was eight for eight on point after attempts on Friday.

Vivify celebrates one year in business this month

By Howard B. Owens

Vivify Hydration Lounge & Medispa is celebrating its first year in business this month and besides the balloon display, created by Balloons by Sherri, Vivify is holding an open house on Nov. 17 from 6 to 8 p.m. with raffles, demos, and promotions.

Vivify is located at 413 E Main St, Batavia.  

Call (585) 449-9258 by Nov. 12 to RSVP for the open house.


Video Sponsor
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Photos: Bennie and the Rest at Batavia Downs

By Howard B. Owens

It sure seemed like Sir. Elton John visited Batavia Downs on Friday night but in reality, it was actor and musician Jason Ostrowski, who headlined a tribute show to the British hitmaker as Bennie and the Rest.

Photos by Howard Owens.

Photos: Fall basket raffle to benefit the Crossroads House

By Howard B. Owens

The annual Fall Basket Raffle to benefit the Crossroads house opened today at the Batavia First Presbyterian Church.

Sales of raffle tickets continue tomorrow from noon to 4 p.m. with drawings starting at 3 p.m.

There are 148 baskets to try your hand at winning.  The fundraising goal for Crossroads is $9,000.

Photos: First grader at Jackson wins coloring contest, gets ride in Engine 11

By Howard B. Owens

Joseph Schafer won City Fire's fire prevention coloring contest in the K-1 group and his grand prize was a ride in Engine 11 to Jackson School this morning.

His smile says it all but his mother said the ride this morning was a surprise. He had been sick so his parent held off telling him he won until he was well and could return to school. He was thrilled this morning, she said. "It's his favorite truck and his favorite people," she said.

Video: Classical guitarist Tom Torrisi performing at the Richmond Memorial Library

By Howard B. Owens

Video Sponsor
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Guitarist Tom Torrisi performed at the Richmond Memorial Library on Wednesday evening, entertaining the audience with pieces by Leo Brouwer, José Luis Merlin, and Francisco Tárrega, as well as his own compositions.

Originally from Clifton Park and now residing in Buffalo, Torrisi developed his love of classical guitar while in college and eventually studied at the Eastman School of Music.  

The video is of Torrisi performing "Ballad of a Woman In Love" by Brouwer.

Vehicle reportedly on its roof on Route 5 in Stafford

By Howard B. Owens

A vehicle rollover accident with two people trapped is reported in the area of 6120 Main Road, Stafford.

The vehicle is reportedly on its roof.

Stafford Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

Dispatchers are checking on the availability of Mercy Flight.  Mercy Flight #8 out of Olean is the only one available.

Fire police are requested to shutdown Route 237 and at Clipnock Road.

UPDATE 4:11 p.m.: No need for Mercy Flight. Two patients, minor injuries, according to a medic on scene.

Motorcycle accident reported at Oak Street Roundabout

By Howard B. Owens

A motorcycle accident is reported at the Oak Street roundabout.

The initial report was that the cyclist was down but now dispatchers are reporting that he is up and getting out of the roadway.

City Fire and Mercy EMS responding.

Man accused of attempted murder in stabbing on Jackson Street

By Howard B. Owens
Tyshon Taylor

A 25-year-old man is facing an attempted murder charge following a Batavia police investigation into a stabbing reported on Jackson Street, Batavia, at 9:30 p.m. on Oct. 18.

Tyshon L. Taylor is charged with attempted murder in the second degree, assault in the first degree, and criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree.

He is accused of stabbing a person who was walking on Jackson. The stab wound was in the victim's abdomen. The victim was transported to Erie County Medical Center and treated. The victim survived the attack.

Taylor was arraigned in City Court and ordered held without bail.  He is scheduled to appear in City Court at 1:30 p.m., Nov. 10.

Batavia PD did not release the location of Taylor's residence.

Batavia's 'Mr. Baseball,' Gerald Maley passes at age 92

By Howard B. Owens

Gerald Maley, age 92, a local baseball icon and visible supporter of baseball in Batavia for decades, passed away on Wednesday.

Known as "Mr. Baseball" locally, Maley was a standout ball player with Batavia High School and signed with the Cleveland Indians in 1949 and spent two seasons in the PONY League (the predecessor to the now-defunct New York-Penn League.  

During that brief minor league career, Maley collected 109 hits and smacked six home runs.

He went on to coach Little League and Babe Ruth League in Batavia and was a director with Genesee County Baseball Club, the community organization that owned the Batavia Clippers/Batavia Muckdogs. 

Maley was born May 23, 1930 in Batavia. He served in the United States Army during the Korean War. When he returned to civilian life, he worked as a lineman and switchman for Niagara Mohawk for 37 years. He was active in the American Legion, Batavia Lion’s Club, Niagara Mohawk Pensioners Club, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and was a long-time usher at St. Mary’s Church.

To read his full obituary, click here.


Photo: Semi-truck catches tree branch on Route 63

By Howard B. Owens

A southbound semi-truck collected and took for a ride a large tree branch on Route 63 near Mayne Road, Stafford, around 4:30 p.m. today.

Stafford Fire responded to the call.

Reader-submitted photo.

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