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Graham Corp. stock takes hit amid national financial turmoil

By Howard B. Owens

Batavia-based Graham Corp. hasn't been immune to the recent tumble in stock prices.

The company, which traded at a 52-week high of $109.82 in mid-August, closed Friday at $40.18, only 18 cents above it's 52-week low of $40, achieved in early January.

The stock lost 32 percent of its value in the past week, falling $18.68 per share.

On August 31, the Democrat and Chronicle ran a story noting that Graham was the region's best performing stock for the previous 12 months.

You can read company press releases and see it remains a strong financial performer.

In July, GHM announced a dividend increase and a 2-for-1 stock split to take effect tomorrow.

Two people arrested Saturday evening by deputies

By Howard B. Owens

Paul M. Rossiter, 19, of Woodstock Gardens, Batavia, was arrested Saturday evening on Route 237 in Byron for alleging possessing marijuana. Rossiter was reportedly the passenger in a vehicle that was pulled over in a traffic stop by a sheriff's deputy.

William Stephans, Jr., 41, of Lake Street in LeRoy, was arrested for allegedly driving while under the influence. He was stopped by a deputy on Route 5 in Stafford.

Both of these incidents were reported in press releases from the Genesee County Sheriff's Department.

Palin growls at Obama for ties to former radical

By Howard B. Owens

How desperate is the McCain campaign getting? They're getting silly with attacks on Obama because of tenuous ties to a former 1960s radical once accused of being involved in anti-Vietnam bomb attacks.

Palin made the chargers today.

(CNN) -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on Saturday slammed Sen. Barack Obama's political relationship with a former anti-war radical, accusing him of associating "with terrorists who targeted their own country."

Palin's attack delivered on the McCain campaign's announcement that it would step up attacks on the Democratic presidential candidate with just a month left before the November general election.

"This is not a man who sees America as you and I do: as the greatest force for good in the world," Palin said at a fundraising event in Colorado, according to a statement released by the McCain-Palin campaign. "This is someone who sees American as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own country."

The Washington Post fact checked these chargers when Hillary Clinton raised them during the primary (so not only is McCain/Palin sliming, they're sliming with old news).

The only hard facts that have come out so far are the $200 contribution by Ayers to the Obama re-election fund, and their joint membership of the eight-person Woods Fund Board. Ayers did not respond to e-mails and telephone calls requesting clarification of the relationship. Obama spokesman Bill Burton noted in a statement that Ayers was a professor of education at the University of Illinois and a former aide to Mayor Richard M. Daley, and continued:

Senator Obama strongly condemns the violent actions of the Weathermen group, as he does all acts of violence. But he was an eight-year-old child when Ayers and the Weathermen were active, and any attempt to connect Obama with events of almost forty years ago is ridiculous.


But the Obama-Ayers link is a tenuous one. As Newsday pointed out,

Obama's ties to Ayers are no more meaningful than McCain's ties to Ho Chi Minh. They are the kind of ties that two people who share some overlap in political belief and live in the same neighborhood, caring about the same local issues, are likely to form. The only thing you can fault Obama for is planting the early stages of is political career in Chicago.

The politics of attack and destruction are bad for America. Clearly, Palin was hired to be the attack dog. That decision does not reflect well on McCain.

Silver Lake CC newsletter for October

By Howard B. Owens

Tom Donahue sends along the Silver Lake Country Club newsletter:

Hello Golfers, 

Become a member of the best country club “you can afford” in Western New York.  We are now accepting applications for the 2009 campaign.  PLAY FREE GOLF FOR THE REST OF 2008!!  HOW?  If you are interested in joining Silver Lake C.C. in 2009, you can join now. Anyone that joins now (for 2009) can play free for the remainder of the 2008 golf season.

This past Monday I had the pleasure of “teeing it up” with Dick Bausch, Kevin Ward and Rich Nobles in the Rochester District Golf Association’s 2008 Annual Fall Roundup at Penfield Country Club.  I am proud to announce that we won the event by 10 shots.  It was a great team effort and I really enjoyed the day. 

SAVE THE DATE!!  Our “Final Celebration” for all members which will be Friday, October 10th beginning at 5:00pm – Free Dinner, Cash Bar and Final Celebration.  What a way to end it!!  The party goes until we all tire out (or the bar runs out of drinks, ha).  Please rsvp through email or reply to this or you can call us in the Golf Shop at 585-237-4131.  It will help us to schedule enough staff on that date. 

If you know someone that does not get these emails, please inform them of our celebration.  Right now we have 40 members signed up for the evening and we’d like to see that number get to over a 100.  If you know a member that doesn’t have access to email, please let them know about our party.   Don’t miss a great time!!

We recently mailed out a nice letter from Ernie & I along with a 2009 Membership Application.  If you did not receive the mail-out, it is quite possible we do not have a correct address for you.  You can stop by the Golf Shop to attain a copy or call us with your correct mailing address and we will forward one to you.  You should be able to download the application for our website by Monday.

Still open to the public and the best place “you can play”.  We have new lower fall rates.  Call the Golf Shop at 585-237-4131 for more details.

Tuesday Night should be a nice evening and the weather forecast is great.  The Fall Mixed League will begin at 4:45pm.  Just show up if you are interested. 

Many of you are asking “how long is the course going to remain open?”  The answer is simple:  as long as golfers are coming out, we will remain open.  As long as carts are not doing damage to the course, we will allow carts out.  Call your friends. 

All golf bags must be removed from storage by October 30th.

All golf shop credit must be used up by October 30th.   All accounts will be cleared on November 1st.

We are beginning the process of creating a new golf scorecard for the club.  If you (or anyone you know) is interested in advertising on our new cards, please let me know.  Details of costs, size, colors, position, etc. are forthcoming. 

Silver Lake Country Club is a great place to hold your next golf tournament, fundraiser, wedding reception, corporate outing, private party, luncheon or dinner.  We are already booking 2009 events so don’t wait!!  Call 585-237-6308 for more details.

The new handicaps are posted on both boards.  Your next handicap revision will be on October 8th. 

If you know a fellow member that does not have access to a computer but would like a hard copy of this weekly email, please let them know they can pick one up in the Golf Shop.  If they have a computer but no email, I will be happy to set them up with an email address and also show them how to use it. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful week.  See you on the links.

Thank you.


Thomas R. Donahue, PGA
Head Golf Professional
Silver Lake Country Club
3820 Club Rd.
Perry, NY 14530

Chris Lee unhappy with pork added to bailout bill

By Howard B. Owens

Republican congressional candidate Chris Lee told me this afternoon that Congress should have passed the "stabilization package" (he doesn't like the word "bailout") on Monday.

He said what Congress passed Friday, with it's millions of dollars in pork spending, demonstrated that some members are "more concerned with saving their seats than with doing the right thing for the country."

When I asked him about how Democrats blame deregulation, and Republicans say there are still too many regulations -- such as Sarbanes-Oxley, which did nothing to help matters -- Lee said, "We have all of these new exotic financial instruments, so we need updated regulations to ensure we have control."

"There have mistakes made, and I don't like to point fingers," said Lee, adding again that both Republicans and Democrats share the blame. "I don't care about any of that. I care about getting to a solution and protecting taxpayers."

In the middle of our talk, Lee changed subjects to the Democrats attacking him for sending jobs to China.

"We run a business today that employs people from more than 300 families in Western New York," he said. "The comment that we export jobs to China is as far from the truth as possible."

He added that his company exports parts to China, made in Western New York, and those pieces are then assembled in China to build products that are sold to Chinese.

The reason to do that, he said, is so the competition does not create those products in China for export to the United States to compete with his company. "It's very smart," he said.

So, here I am, in our Batavia office on a Saturday afternoon. My wife isn't too happy with me because I should be home cutting the lawn and now rain clouds are gathering. But this morning when I heard that Lee was in Batavia today, I wanted to talk with him about the bailout issue.  It's been hard for anybody to get much of an answer out of him on the topic.

I brought my video camera and wanted to get his answer on video. This is an important issue, and I thought it would be a fairer bit of journalism to let Lee answer it in as an unfiltered way as possible. To me, it's for Lee's own good to speak right to the voters  and say what he wants to say.

Lee's campaign manager Nick Longworthy did not want me video taping the interview. I pushed the issue a little bit with Lee, but he wanted to go along with his campaign manager's advice, and I'm not here to be a jerk and insist on having my way.  I'm not Mike Wallace playing "gotcha journalism." Also, I get Nick's concern. It would be very easy for the opposition to take a quote out of context and use it in a negative ad.

The 26th District is close, but a reasonably safe GOP district. I'm sure Lee's advisers are continually counseling him to be cautious and not do or say anything that could turn the district against him.  I get that. But I also believe that it is during an open-seat election that voters have their best chance to get inside the head of the man or women who might represent them for many years.  Once the winner is safely in office, they often retreat behind press releases and sound bites.  Now is the time to get as much unvarnished information from them as possible.

I did use my little Flip camera to get a bit of quick video from the GOP open house, just to capture the scene a bit.  I'll post that shortly.

BTW: If Chris Lee, Nick Longworthy or anybody else from the Lee campaign wishes to clarify or amplify on anything I wrote, you're welcome to post in the comments, or in a new blog post.  Nick is also welcome to post the audio tape that he captured of the interview.

Here's the quick video.  NOTE: Flip batteries went dead just as Lee started to speak (after Tom Reynolds).  I did hear what Lee said, because I immediately ran to my car to get my other video camera, but Lee's statement had to be pretty short. My car wasn't far away at all. (Disappointing, too, because it wasn't that long ago that I put new batteries in the flip).

UPDATE: Here's a short Buffalo News story on the GOP HQ grand opening.

Chris Lee makes statement on bailout

By Howard B. Owens

GOP candidate for the 26th Congressional District has been surprisingly silent on the Wall Street financial crisis and the bailout plan.

I just came across this comment on WROC, which remains the only statement I've seen from him so far.

... "we need to stop the finger pointing and work together to restore taxpayer trust and confidence in the economy. We need a bipartisan solution that will bring liquidity and stability to our financial markets now."

I now see the D&C quotes a shorter version of the same statement. Evan Dawson at WHAM has more.

Does that offer enough specifics for you? Does it tell you anything about the sort of fisical policies he will pursue?

Meanwhile, I just spotted this comment from Brian Hartz on a previous post. It sort of puts a human face on how the financial crisis is effecting Western New Yorkers.

I am one of those that can't get financial aid because my grades were not real great. Last year I got an alternative loan to pay for school, but this year the bank I went through stopped offering the loans. I had to borrow money from my grandparents to pay for tuition.

I don't mean overly harsh on Mr. Lee; after all, my politics are probably closer to his than Alice Kryzan's. I just don't get why he's avoiding talking about, in detail, the most significant domestic policy issue of my and his lifetime.

UPDATE: In case you missed it: Of course, after I posted this, I went to an event that I knew Chris Lee would be at and asked him to clarify his position.  That post is here.

Batavia School Board meets Monday

By Howard B. Owens


The Batavia City School District Board of Education will be meeting on Monday night at 7PM at Robert Morris School. The public is welcome to attend. Prior to the general session, the Audit Committee will be meeting at 5PM at the Administration Building on Washington Avenue.

Meet Chris Lee at GOP HQ opening today

By Howard B. Owens

Submission from Jay Grasso:

All are welcome to attend the grand opening of the Genesee County Republican Headquarters.  The new headquarters will open today at noon and is located at the corner of Rt.5 and Lewiston Road (former Georgie Porgies).

Meet Congressional candidate Chris Lee, State Senate candidate Mike Ranzenhofer, Assemblyman Steve Hawley, Assemblyman Dan Burling, and State Supreme Court Candidate Jeff Voelkl.

Genesee County Legislature Agenda for Wednesday

By Howard B. Owens

The Genesee County Legislature will meet in Regular Session on Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 7PM in the Old Courthouse, 7 Main Street, Batavia, New York.  Prayer will be offered by Legislator Upson, followed by the Pledge to the Flag.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES- September 23, 2008




1.    Purchase and Removal of Co-Gen Equipment-Nursing Home-Approval Of
2.    Contract-Grants Writing Consultant Services-Approval Of
3.    Contract-Mercy Flight, Inc.-Approval Of
4.    2008 Budget Amendment-Public Defender/Renovations-Approval Of
5.    Capital Project Amendment-EMS Fire Training Center/Parking Lot Improvement-Approval Of
6.    Award of Contract-OFA/Central Registry System-Approval Of
7.    Contract-OFA/Nutrition Program Meal Site-Approval Of
8.    Relevy of Unpaid School and Village Taxes-Treasurer-Authorization For
9.    Contract-Treasurer/Independent Auditing Services-Approval Of
10.    Contract Renewal-Health Department/Children with Special Health Care Needs Program-Approval Of
11.    Budget Transfer-Health Department/3-5 Preschool Program-Approval Of
12.    Contract-Health/ National Recovery Agency-Approval Of
13.    County Owned Property-GCC/Right of Way to National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation-Approval Of
14.    Audit

Batavia Charter Review Commission meets Monday

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from the city:

Please be advised that the Charter Review Commission for the City of Batavia will hold a meeting on Monday, October 6, 2008.  The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room on the second floor of the Batavia City Centre.  

The public can speak at the meeting by signing in with the Chairman prior to the start of the meeting. 

Field of Dreams, Alexander, NY

By Howard B. Owens

When I told Hilly today that I was going to drive around Alexander, he told me I had to checkout Field of Dreams. 

What a great public sports complex.  I'm sure you all know about, but I couldn't resist doing a quick video. 

So, what are your memories of past glories at Field of Dreams?

Today's Daily News: Roll of Honor in Pavilion

By Howard B. Owens

More than 120 young men from Pavilion went off to war in the 1940s, and a proud town honored those soldiers with a plaque that hung in the high school for decades -- until it fell in such a state of disrepair that it was put in storage.

School board member Sarah Moag didn't forget about the Roll of Honor plaque, however, and one day she called on Stewart Whitney, a local woodworking hobbyist, to see if he could restore it.

He said he would give it a try.

Please be sure to pick up a copy of today's Daily News and see a picture of the stunningly restored Roll of Honor.

Writer Roger Muelig unravels the gripping narrative of the restoration project.

Also on the front page, Joanne Beck captures the magic of the moment -- when the sun came out just long enough yesterday -- for the dedication of a new nature trail at Genesee Community College. It's really a restoration of a trail that "seemed forgotten" after the 1970s/80s. There are 21 markers identifying plants along the trail.

We already linked in Regional Headlines to another front page story -- that Buffalo stations Channel 4 and 9 have been pulled from the cable lineup by Time Warner due to a contract dispute.

The County has named a new IT director -- Steve Zimmer, who has 30 years experience in the IT field, both in the private and public sector, and will earn $72,000 per year.

On the inside of the paper, one of the more interesting pieces that caught my eye was an op-ed column by Dan Radmacher, an editorial page editor in Roanoke, Va.  Radmacher writes, "Newspapers are vital to the functioning of democracy."

This is the typical arrogance of many newspaper people.

A free press -- broadcast, print and, now, online -- is essential to democracy. Ink on paper is just a delivery format. It does not magically imbue the words and pictures with any weightier meaning. In fact, the limited format does more to constrict information dissemination than help it.

Radmacher correctly points out that online newspaper sites have helped newspapers reach readers they might otherwise miss, but it's also true that newspaper web sites have contributed some to circulation declines over the past four years. Giving away all your newspaper content online is not a long-term winning strategy. Meanwhile, even the most successful newspaper web sites have not been able to generate enough revenue to support their current news operations. Many experts fear that the gulf between the newspaper model and the online model may be too wide for the typical print publication to survive the transition. If you're interested in this topic, read this post about Steve Smith, the former editor of the newspaper in Spokane, Wash. -- one of the real thought leaders of the industry -- and why he quit his newspaper this week. If you're a newspaper person, it's not a hopeful note.

However, because independent, thoughtful journalism is important to our nation, it is vital that we find a sustainable business model in online news. And that is why The Batavian exists. We see a bright future for online journalism and are thrilled to be a part of helping define what tomorrow's journalism will look like.

Of course, there's still a lot of life in print, and print does indeed remain an important part of sustaining a community, which is why we continue to encourage you to subscribe to the Batavia Daily News.

VA hosts nursing open house

By Howard B. Owens

Submitted by Evangeline Conley, Public Affairs Officer:

Nurses looking for a rewarding career serving America ’s heroes, are invited to attend a Nursing Open House, Thursday, October 16, 2008 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Freedom Hall, room 301 at VA Western New York Healthcare System, 3495 Bailey Avenue , Buffalo .

Did you know that the Department of Veterans Affairs is a leader in health care technology and patient safety?   If you are an RN, LPN or Nurse Practitioner, please join us and learn how you can make a difference in the lives of our veterans.  The VA offers a competitive salary and excellent benefits along with education assistance programs and RN Recruitment bonuses . 

Come see us to learn more about starting the career of a lifetime. We look forward to meeting you.  For more information call (716) 862-8872 or check out job opportunities on the web at              




Muckdogs, pretty good name

By Howard B. Owens

For all you Batavians who are still sore your team is called the Muckdogs, remember, it could be worse. Your team could be the TinCaps.

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