Local law enforcement leaders discourage police use of mobile phones while driving
So we here on The Batavian, had some debate over the past day or two about the need/wisdom for hands-free driving rules, whether New York should have outlawed cellphone use while driving.
And that prompted me to note that I've seen a few cops in Monroe County, at least, but none so far in Genesee County, gabbing on mobile phones will driving patrol cars.
That's always bugged me. I've never gotten a ticket for such an offense, but friends have, and if cops are going to enforce a law, they should obey it.
So I contacted Sheriff Gary Maha and Batavia Chief Randy Baker to see what the local policies are -- not the most earth shaking issue to raise with local law enforcement, but still good information to know.
Sheriff Maha responded via e-mail:
We do have a written policy (copy attached). Keep in mind police officers, a peace officer, a member of a fire department, or an operator of an authorized emergency vehicle are exempt from this law when acting in the performance of their duties.
Download the PDF of the policy here.
I caught up with Chief Baker after the City Council meeting. He said Batavia PD has no written policy, but he's verbally and strongly encouraged Batavia PD officers to avoid using mobile phones while driving for personal use.